导图社区 外汇储备经由货币供给对物价的解释研究


外汇储备研究探讨了储备货币的供给与国际经济关系之间的影响,特别是对汇率和物价波动的宏观经济影响进行了研究。 By analyzing foreign exchange reserves, monetary supply, and their impact on international economic relations, this research examines the macroeconomic effects of reserve currencies, particularly in terms of exchange rate and price fluctuations. This study sheds light on the relationship between foreign exchange reserves, monetary supply, and their influence on the macroeconomy, including currency policy and price volatility.

编辑于2022-11-29 10:25:51
  • 外汇储备经由货币供给对物价的解释研究
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