导图社区 Earth first
这是一篇关于Earth first的思维导图,主要围绕“地球之友”这一主题,阐述了环境问题、绿色原则和如何保护地球的方法和意识。列举了几个环境问题,如空气污染、水污染、土壤沙漠化(通过砍伐树木引发)、气候变化导致的全球变暖、碳足迹过大、食物浪费、野生动物濒危等,以及这些问题的成因,如人们排放废气、倾倒垃圾和化学物质、砍伐树木、使用不可再生资源、猎捕野生动物等。
这是一篇关于on the road的思维导图,主要探讨了旅行的各个方面,包括时间、地点、人物、旅行的目的和好处以及如何计划一次旅行。详细说明了如何计划一次旅行。旅行者需要确定旅游目的地、安排交通和住宿、了解当地的生活方式和旅游景点,并准备好必需品和身份证件。在规划行程时,旅行者还需要考虑天气状况、开放时间以及获取信息的途径。通过合理规划和准备,旅行者可以更好地享受旅行的乐趣。
这是一篇关于stage and screen的思维导图,详细描述了剧院、舞台和屏幕上的安排,以及表演者的表演和观众的运输要求。还探讨了电影如何讲述一个故事,并强调了电影的主题和情感的基调。这张思维导图为理解电影提供了全面的视角,涵盖了从电影的制作背景、演员阵容、到与书籍的比较,再到剧场和屏幕的表现,以及最终的电影评价等多个方面。
Earth first
environmental issues/problems
water pollution
air pollution
global warming
endangered animals
how to protect our earth/environment
reduce waste by choosing reusable products
have a correct understanding of the animals
set up more nature reserves
adopt sustainable ways of employing natural resources
reduce your carboon footprint by taking public means of transportation
use renewable energy
plant trees
set rules and policies to limit the use of chemicals in factories
raise our awareness of environmental protection
improve our ability to distinguish the true green practice
writing a persuasive letter
writing purpose
I am writing this letter to raise your awareness of...
description of the problem
when it come to..., its pollution/situation is becoming more and more severe.
causes of the problem
people throw rubbish and emit chemicals into rivers
people cut down as many trees as they can to get wood and land
people emit waste gas to the sky
people hunt many animals to profit; people has a wrong understnading of animals
importance of the natural resource
as we all know, ...play a vital role in our world. not only does it...but also it....
solutions to the problem
thus, it's imperative to urge all the people to protect...
therefore, urgent measures are supposed to be taken.
all in all, it's high time that we called on all of us to devote to protecting...
it's high time that we made joint efforts to save and protect...
green thruths
paper shopping bags are not better than plastic ones.
take a reusable bag when going shopping
when you turn off a device, it won't stop using power.
remove the plug from the power supply
eating local food is not good for the environment.
pay attention to the carbob footprint in the process of production
it's not better to take a shower than a bath.
keep your show time as short as possible