导图社区 词根思维导图
编辑于2024-08-16 11:36:37这是一篇关于第十二讲 词组动词附录的思维导图,主要内容包括:1.v prep.,2.V adj.,3.V adv prep,4.V prep n.。
这是一篇关于第十二讲 词组动词附录的思维导图,主要内容包括:1.v prep.,2.V adj.,3.V adv prep,4.V prep n.。
1.act,ag行动 action,activate,interact,agency
2.bat 打 combat,debate
3.cap=to take 取 capable,capture
4.ceive,cept,cip,cipate=to take 取 deceive,reception,participate,anticipate
5.count 计算 accountant,discount
6.crit 判断
critic ,criterion
7.don,dow 给予 donate,endow
8.duct 引导 conduct,deduct, semiconductor
9.err 犯错 error, erroneous
10.fact,fect 做 manufacture,defect, infect
11.fend =to strike 打击 offend, defendent
12.frag,fract=to break 打破 fragile,fragment, fraction, fracture
13.fuse=to pour 倾,倒 confuse,diffuse,infuse, fusion
14.gard,ward=to guard 守卫,保护 disregard,regardless,reward
15.ger,gest =to carry 运载 exaggerate, congestion
16.grad,gress=step 步 degrade,upgrade, aggressive
17.gram,graph =to write 书写 diagram,biography
18.scribe,script 写 ascribe, prescribe, subscribe, script
19.hab,hibit,=to have 持有 inhabit,exhabit, inhibit
20.ject = to throw 投、掷 object,reject,inject,eject
21.late=to bring 带来 relate, relationship, correlate
22.lax,lease,lyse=to loosen放松 relax,release, analyse
23.leg,lect,lig=to choose elegant,elect,select,eligible
24.lev =to raise 升,举 alleviate,elevate, lever
25.lig,ly=to bind绑 obligation,religion,rely,ally
26.mand,mend=to order 命令 command,recommend
27.memor 记忆 memorize, commemorate
28.merge,mers=to sink,to dip 沉 merge,emerge, submerge,immerse
29.mit,miss =to send 送 emit,missle, mission, dismiss
30.mov,mob,mot=to move removal, automobile, motivate, emotion
31.neg= to deny negative,neglect, negligible
32.opt =to choose option, adopt
33.pel,plus=to drive 推动 compel, expel, propel, compulsory
34.plaud,plode= to strike 打,击 applaud explode
35.port=to carry 运送 export,import,transport,deport
36.pos =to put 置,放 expose,compose
37.press 压 impress compress
38.rupt= to break 打破 bankrupt, interrupt,corrupt,rrupt
39.sequ,secut,su= to follow sequence,subsequernt,consecutive, ensue
40.serv conserve deserve reserve
41.sist,stidtut =to stand assit,persist,resist,substitude
42.scend = to climb ascend descend transcend
43.solv, solut = to loosen dissolve, resolve, absolute, resolution
44.spir= to breathe inspire, aspiration
45.spond, spons=to promise respond, sponsor, responsible
46.strict,strain,stresss restrict, constrain, restrain,
47.tact,tamin= to touch contact, intact, contaminate
48.tend,tens,tent= to stretch tendency, extend,tension, extent
49.tract= to draw attractive,subtract,distract,extract
50.tribut= to give atrribute, contribute,
51.uti,us utilize, abuse
52.ven,vent =to come intervene, revenue,convene,inventory
1.cord=heart 心 accord cordinal
2.cognis,gno(s)=to know recognise ,ignore, diagnose,
3.sci=to know conscious, conscience,conscientious
4.cur(e)=to care accurate, secure
5.cred = to believe credible, incredible
6.fid= to trust confident,confidential,diffident
7.grat,gratti=to please congratulate, gratitude
8.psycho=soul paychological, psychotherapy
9.pute= to think compute, dispute
10.quire,quest,quisit=to seek require, inquiry,request,exquisite
11.sur=sure assure,ensure,insure,reassure
12.sper=hope desperate,prosperous
13.tim=to fear timid, intimidate
1.audi 听 audience,audio
2.dict =to say 说 predict,contradict
3.claim=to cry claim,exclaim,proclaim,reclaim
4.cite=to call excitement,recite
5.fess=to speak confess,profess
6.log,loqu=to speak apology,eloquent
7.phon=sound 声音;phe=to speak microphone,symphony,prophet先知;预言家
8.spec(t)=to see, to look inspect,prospect,spectator,speculate
9.vid,vis= to see evident,visible,envisage,supervise
10.voc,voke=to call advocate,vocal,evoke,provoke
11.pati,pass,path=to suffer承受;feelings 感觉 patient,compatible,passive,sympathy
12.sens,sent=to feel sensible,sensitive,sentiment,resent
1.cre,cresc=to make制造;to grow creation,creature,decrease,crescent 逐渐增加的
2.gen,gener=to produce gene, genius,generate,degenerate
3.nour,nutri=to nourish nourish, nutrition
4.viv=to live生活,vit=life 生命 revive,survive,vital,vitamin
5.mort=death mortal,mortgage抵押