导图社区 人教八年级英语下册Unit 3单词速记
想要轻松掌握八年级英语单词吗?这份Unit 3单词速记讲解将帮助你快速记忆并理解核心词汇!从“rubbish”到“fair”,涵盖了“take care of”、“independent”等重要短语和单词。通过详细的讲解和练习答案,你不仅能巩固基础,还能提升实际应用能力。无论是“develop”还是“depend on”,每个词都有清晰的解释和实用例句。快来加入学习,让你的英语水平更上一层楼!
编辑于2025-03-04 15:53:43速记人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词,轻松掌握39个核心词汇!从“allow”到“perhaps”,每个单词都配有实用例句和记忆技巧。通过“compare…with…”和“communicate”等短语,提升英语表达能力。练习答案帮你巩固学习效果,快速提升成绩。无论是“typical”场景还是“crazy”想法,都能用英语自信表达。立即加入,开启高效学习之旅!
想要轻松掌握八年级英语单词吗?这份Unit 3单词速记讲解将帮助你快速记忆并理解核心词汇!从“rubbish”到“fair”,涵盖了“take care of”、“independent”等重要短语和单词。通过详细的讲解和练习答案,你不仅能巩固基础,还能提升实际应用能力。无论是“develop”还是“depend on”,每个词都有清晰的解释和实用例句。快来加入学习,让你的英语水平更上一层楼!
这是一篇关于人教八年级英语下册Unit 2单词速解的思维导图,主要内容包括:单词,词性,音标,例句,记忆方法,练习,快速学习单元单词!
速记人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词,轻松掌握39个核心词汇!从“allow”到“perhaps”,每个单词都配有实用例句和记忆技巧。通过“compare…with…”和“communicate”等短语,提升英语表达能力。练习答案帮你巩固学习效果,快速提升成绩。无论是“typical”场景还是“crazy”想法,都能用英语自信表达。立即加入,开启高效学习之旅!
想要轻松掌握八年级英语单词吗?这份Unit 3单词速记讲解将帮助你快速记忆并理解核心词汇!从“rubbish”到“fair”,涵盖了“take care of”、“independent”等重要短语和单词。通过详细的讲解和练习答案,你不仅能巩固基础,还能提升实际应用能力。无论是“develop”还是“depend on”,每个词都有清晰的解释和实用例句。快来加入学习,让你的英语水平更上一层楼!
这是一篇关于人教八年级英语下册Unit 2单词速解的思维导图,主要内容包括:单词,词性,音标,例句,记忆方法,练习,快速学习单元单词!
人教新目标 八年级下Unit 3 单词速记讲解
1. rubbish
词性: noun
音标: /ˈrʌbɪʃ/
中文: 垃圾;废弃物
英语解释: Waste material to be disposed of.
记忆方法: 拆分 "rub"(摩擦) + "bish"(谐音“必湿”)→ 垃圾摩擦地面可能湿黏。
例句: Please throw the rubbish into the bin.
练习: The park is full of ______ (垃圾) after the festival.
2. take out the rubbish
词性: phrase
音标: /teɪk aʊt ðə ˈrʌbɪʃ/
中文: 倒垃圾
英语解释: To remove trash from a place.
记忆方法: 联想每天“带走”(take out)垃圾的日常任务。
例句: It’s your turn to take out the rubbish today.
练习: Don’t forget to ______ (倒垃圾) before leaving.
3. fold
词性: verb
音标: /fəʊld/
中文: 折叠;对折
英语解释: To bend something over itself.
记忆方法: "Fold" 发音类似“佛的”→ 佛的袈裟是折叠的。
例句: She folded the letter neatly.
练习: Please ______ (折叠) the paper into a plane.
4. sweep
词性: verb
音标: /swiːp/
中文: 扫;打扫
英语解释: To clean with a broom.
记忆方法: "Sweep" 谐音“四围扑”→ 四周围扑着扫地。
例句: He swept the floor after dinner.
练习: I need to ______ (打扫) the kitchen every morning.
5. floor
词性: noun
音标: /flɔːr/
中文: 地板
英语解释: The flat surface of a room.
记忆方法: "Floor" 发音类似“弗劳”→ 弗劳先生擦地板。
例句: The cat is sleeping on the floor.
练习: The ______ (地板) is made of wood.
6. mess
词性: noun
音标: /mes/
中文: 杂乱;不整洁
英语解释: A dirty or untidy state.
记忆方法: "Mess" 谐音“麦斯”→ 麦斯的房间总是乱糟糟。
例句: Your room is a mess! Clean it up.
练习: The kids made a ______ (杂乱) in the living room.
7. throw
词性: verb
音标: /θrəʊ/
中文: 扔;掷
英语解释: To propel something through the air.
记忆方法: "Throw" 发音类似“丝柔”→ 丝柔纸被扔进垃圾桶。
例句: Throw the ball to me!
练习: Don’t ______ (扔) paper out of the window.
8. all the time
词性: phrase
音标: /ɔːl ðə taɪm/
中文: 频繁;反复
英语解释: Continuously or repeatedly.
记忆方法: 字面直译:“所有时间”→ 一直发生。
例句: He complains all the time.
练习: She checks her phone ______ (频繁).
9. neither
词性: adverb
音标: /ˈnaɪðər/
中文: 也不
英语解释: Used to show agreement with a negative statement.
记忆方法: "Neither" → "nei"(内) + "ther"(的)→ 内部的人也不赞同。
例句: I don’t like coffee, and neither does she.
练习: He can’t swim, and ______ (也不) can I.
10. shirt
词性: noun
音标: /ʃɜːt/
中文: 衬衫
英语解释: A garment for the upper body.
记忆方法: "Shirt" 发音类似“社特”→ 社交场合穿的特制衬衫。
例句: He wore a blue shirt to the party.
练习: This ______ (衬衫) is too tight for me.
11. pass
词性: verb
音标: /pɑːs/
中文: 给;递;通过
英语解释: To move something to someone.
记忆方法: "Pass" 谐音“怕死”→ 怕死的人赶紧递东西。
例句: Pass me the salt, please.
练习: Can you ______ (递) the book to her?
12. borrow
词性: verb
音标: /ˈbɒrəʊ/
中文: 借;借用
英语解释: To take something temporarily.
记忆方法: "Borrow" → "bor"(伯) + "row"(排)→ 伯伯排着队借东西。
例句: Can I borrow your pen?
练习: May I ______ (借) your calculator?
13. lend
词性: verb
音标: /lend/
中文: 借给;借出
英语解释: To give something temporarily.
记忆方法: "Lend" 对比 "borrow" → 借出(lend)与借入(borrow)相反。
例句: She lent me her umbrella.
练习: Will you ______ (借给) me some money?
14. finger
词性: noun
音标: /ˈfɪŋɡər/
中文: 手指
英语解释: One of the five parts at the end of the hand.
记忆方法: "Finger" → "fin"(鱼鳍) + "ger"(哥)→ 鱼鳍哥的手指。
例句: He cut his finger while cooking.
练习: She wore a ring on her ______ (手指).
15. hate
词性: verb
音标: /heɪt/
中文: 厌恶;讨厌
英语解释: To dislike intensely.
记忆方法: "Hate" 谐音“黑特”→ 特别黑的人被讨厌。
例句: I hate getting up early.
练习: Many people ______ (讨厌) rainy days.
16. while
词性: conjunction
音标: /waɪl/
中文: 在……期间;当……的时候
英语解释: During the time that.
记忆方法: "While" 发音类似“外哦”→ 在外面的时间。
例句: She listened to music while studying.
练习: ______ (当……的时候) I was cooking, the phone rang.
17. snack
词性: noun
音标: /snæk/
中文: 点心;小吃
英语解释: A small amount of food eaten between meals.
记忆方法: "Snack" 谐音“思耐克”→ 思考时耐克提供小吃。
例句: Let’s have a snack before the movie.
练习: I bought some ______ (小吃) for the trip.
18. chore
词性: noun
音标: /tʃɔːr/
中文: 杂务;乏味的工作
英语解释: A routine task, especially a household one.
记忆方法: "Chore" 谐音“吵”→ 做家务时可能吵架。
例句: Washing dishes is my least favorite chore.
练习: Doing laundry is a daily ______ (杂务).
19. stress
词性: noun
音标: /stres/
中文: 精神压力;心理负担
英语解释: Mental or emotional strain.
记忆方法: "Stress" → "s"(死) + "tress"(压力)→ 压力大到死。
例句: Exam stress affects many students.
练习: Too much ______ (压力) can make you sick.
20. waste
词性: noun
音标: /weɪst/
中文: 浪费;滥用
英语解释: Unnecessary use of resources.
记忆方法: "Waste" 谐音“未斯特”→ 未斯特先生总是浪费。
例句: Don’t let food go to waste.
练习: Leaving lights on is a ______ (浪费) of energy.
21. in order to
词性: phrase
音标: /ɪn ˈɔːdər tə/
中文: 目的是;为了
英语解释: With the purpose of doing something.
记忆方法: 字面直译:“为了顺序”→ 为了达到某个顺序(目的)。
例句: She studies hard in order to pass the exam.
练习: He saved money ______ (为了) buy a new bike.
22. provide
词性: verb
音标: /prəˈvaɪd/
中文: 提供;供应
英语解释: To give something needed.
记忆方法: "Provide" → "pro"(专业) + "vide"(看)→ 专业地提供视野。
例句: The hotel provides free breakfast.
练习: Schools ______ (提供) books for students.
23. anyway
词性: adverb
音标: /ˈeniweɪ/
中文: 而且;加之
英语解释: Used to add a comment or change the subject.
记忆方法: "Any"(任何) + "way"(方式)→ 无论如何都要说。
例句: It’s too late, but I’ll go anyway.
练习: I don’t like the movie, but I’ll watch it ______ (而且).
24. depend
词性: verb
音标: /dɪˈpend/
中文: 依靠;信赖
英语解释: To rely on someone or something.
记忆方法: "Depend" → "de"(的) + "pend"(悬挂)→ 悬挂在某人身上→依靠。
例句: Children depend on their parents.
练习: Success ______ (依靠) on hard work.
25. depend on
词性: phrase
音标: /dɪˈpend ɒn/
中文: 依靠;信赖
英语解释: To trust or rely on someone/something.
记忆方法: "On" 表示“在……上”→ 依靠在某人身上。
例句: You can depend on me to keep the secret.
练习: We ______ (依靠) the weather forecast for planning.
26. develop
词性: verb
音标: /dɪˈveləp/
中文: 发展;壮大
英语解释: To grow or cause to grow.
记忆方法: "Develop" → "de"(向下) + "velop"(包裹)→ 展开包裹→发展。
例句: The city developed rapidly in the 1990s.
练习: Reading helps ______ (发展) your vocabulary.
27. fairness
词性: noun
音标: /ˈfeənəs/
中文: 公平性;公平合理
英语解释: The quality of treating people equally.
记忆方法: "Fair"(公平) + "-ness"(名词后缀)。
例句: Teachers should treat students with fairness.
练习: The judge is known for his ______ (公平性).
28. since
词性: conjunction
音标: /sɪns/
中文: 从……以后;自……以来
英语解释: From a past time until now.
记忆方法: "Since" 发音类似“深思”→ 自那以后一直在深思。
例句: I’ve known her since 2010.
练习: ______ (自从) he left, the office has been quiet.
29. neighbor (neighbour)
词性: noun
音标: /ˈneɪbər/
中文: 邻居
英语解释: A person living near you.
记忆方法: "Neighbor" → "nei"(内) + "ghbor"(哥伯)→ 内部的哥伯是邻居。
例句: My neighbor helped me fix the fence.
练习: Our new ______ (邻居) is very friendly.
30. result
词性: noun
音标: /rɪˈzʌlt/
中文: 后果;结果
英语解释: The outcome of an action or event.
记忆方法: "Result" → "re"(反复) + "sult"(跳跃)→ 反复跳跃后的结果。
例句: The result of the experiment was surprising.
练习: What was the ______ (结果) of the game?
31. ill
词性: adjective
音标: /ɪl/
中文: 有病;不舒服
英语解释: Not healthy; sick.
记忆方法: "Ill" 发音类似“一哦”→ 一生病就“一哦”叫。
例句: She felt ill and went home early.
练习: He missed school because he was ______ (生病).
32. drop
词性: verb
音标: /drɒp/
中文: 落下;掉下
英语解释: To fall or let something fall.
记忆方法: "Drop" 谐音“抓破”→ 抓破东西导致掉落。
例句: He dropped his keys on the way.
练习: Be careful not to ______ (掉下) the glass.
33. independence
词性: noun
音标: /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/
中文: 独立
英语解释: The state of being self-reliant.
记忆方法: "In"(不) + "dependence"(依赖)→ 不依赖→独立。
例句: Teenagers desire independence from their parents.
练习: Financial ______ (独立) is important for adults.
34. independent
词性: adjective
音标: /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/
中文: 独立的;自主的
英语解释: Not influenced or controlled by others.
记忆方法: "Independent" → "in"(不) + "dependent"(依赖的)。
例句: She is an independent thinker.
练习: Children should learn to be ______ (独立的).
35. take care of
词性: phrase
音标: /teɪk keər əv/
中文: 照料;爱护
英语解释: To look after someone or something.
记忆方法: 字面直译:“带走关心”→ 给予关心和照顾。
例句: Nurses take care of patients in hospitals.
练习: Can you ______ (照料) my dog while I’m away?
36. fair
词性: adjective
音标: /feər/
中文: 合理的;适当的
英语解释: Treating people equally without bias.
记忆方法: "Fair" 发音类似“费尔”→ 费尔先生做事公平。
例句: The judge made a fair decision.
练习: It’s not ______ (公平的) to blame only one person.
take out the rubbish
all the time
in order to
depend on
take care of