导图社区 人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词速记
速记人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词,轻松掌握39个核心词汇!从“allow”到“perhaps”,每个单词都配有实用例句和记忆技巧。通过“compare…with…”和“communicate”等短语,提升英语表达能力。练习答案帮你巩固学习效果,快速提升成绩。无论是“typical”场景还是“crazy”想法,都能用英语自信表达。立即加入,开启高效学习之旅!
编辑于2025-03-04 15:54:34速记人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词,轻松掌握39个核心词汇!从“allow”到“perhaps”,每个单词都配有实用例句和记忆技巧。通过“compare…with…”和“communicate”等短语,提升英语表达能力。练习答案帮你巩固学习效果,快速提升成绩。无论是“typical”场景还是“crazy”想法,都能用英语自信表达。立即加入,开启高效学习之旅!
想要轻松掌握八年级英语单词吗?这份Unit 3单词速记讲解将帮助你快速记忆并理解核心词汇!从“rubbish”到“fair”,涵盖了“take care of”、“independent”等重要短语和单词。通过详细的讲解和练习答案,你不仅能巩固基础,还能提升实际应用能力。无论是“develop”还是“depend on”,每个词都有清晰的解释和实用例句。快来加入学习,让你的英语水平更上一层楼!
这是一篇关于人教八年级英语下册Unit 2单词速解的思维导图,主要内容包括:单词,词性,音标,例句,记忆方法,练习,快速学习单元单词!
速记人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词,轻松掌握39个核心词汇!从“allow”到“perhaps”,每个单词都配有实用例句和记忆技巧。通过“compare…with…”和“communicate”等短语,提升英语表达能力。练习答案帮你巩固学习效果,快速提升成绩。无论是“typical”场景还是“crazy”想法,都能用英语自信表达。立即加入,开启高效学习之旅!
想要轻松掌握八年级英语单词吗?这份Unit 3单词速记讲解将帮助你快速记忆并理解核心词汇!从“rubbish”到“fair”,涵盖了“take care of”、“independent”等重要短语和单词。通过详细的讲解和练习答案,你不仅能巩固基础,还能提升实际应用能力。无论是“develop”还是“depend on”,每个词都有清晰的解释和实用例句。快来加入学习,让你的英语水平更上一层楼!
这是一篇关于人教八年级英语下册Unit 2单词速解的思维导图,主要内容包括:单词,词性,音标,例句,记忆方法,练习,快速学习单元单词!
人教八年级英语下册Unit 4单词速记
1. allow
词性: verb
音标: /əˈlaʊ/
中文: 允许;准许
英语解释: To give permission for something.
记忆方法: 联想 "a low fence"(低矮的栅栏)→ 允许跨越。
例句: My teacher allows us to use dictionaries during the test.
练习: Parents should ______ their kids to explore nature.
2. wrong
词性: adjective
音标: /rɒŋ/
中文: 错误的;不对的
英语解释: Not correct or appropriate.
记忆方法: "Wrong" 发音类似“嗡”→ 错误的声音让人烦躁。
例句: It’s wrong to laugh at others’ mistakes.
练习: If you take the ______ path, you’ll get lost.
3. guess
词性: verb
音标: /ɡes/
中文: 猜测;估计
英语解释: To form an opinion without enough information.
记忆方法: "Guess" 谐音“该死”→ 猜错时可能会懊恼。
例句: Can you guess what’s inside the mystery box?
练习: I ______ (猜测) the answer was 100, but it was 99.
4. deal
词性: noun
音标: /diːl/
中文: 协议;交易
英语解释: An agreement between two parties.
记忆方法: "Deal" 谐音“地儿”→ 在某个地方达成交易。
例句: They made a deal to split the profits equally.
练习: The business ______ (协议) was finalized yesterday.
5. work out
词性: phrasal verb
音标: /wɜːk aʊt/
中文: 成功发展;解决
英语解释: To find a solution through effort.
记忆方法: 像健身一样“锻炼”出答案。
例句: Let’s work out a schedule for the project.
练习: We need to ______ (解决) this conflict peacefully.
6. get on with
词性: phrasal verb
音标: /ɡet ɒn wɪð/
中文: 和睦相处
英语解释: To have a friendly relationship.
记忆方法: "Get on" 像上车→ 一起前行,和谐相处。
例句: She gets on well with her classmates.
练习: It’s important to ______ (和睦相处) your neighbors.
7. relation
词性: noun
音标: /rɪˈleɪʃən/
中文: 关系;联系
英语解释: The way people or things are connected.
记忆方法: "Relation" → "re-"(重新) + "lation"(关联)。
例句: Good relations between countries promote peace.
练习: The ______ (关系) between diet and health is clear.
8. communication
词性: noun
音标: /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/
中文: 交流;沟通
英语解释: The act of sharing information.
记忆方法: "Communi-"(共同) + "cation"(行动)→ 共同行动需沟通。
例句: Effective communication is key to teamwork.
练习: Poor ______ (沟通) can lead to misunderstandings.
9. argue
词性: verb
音标: /ˈɑːɡjuː/
中文: 争吵;争论
英语解释: To express disagreement angrily.
记忆方法: "Argue" 发音类似“阿Q”→ 阿Q常与人争论。
例句: They argue about politics every dinner.
练习: Siblings often ______ (争吵) over small things.
10. cloud
词性: noun
音标: /klaʊd/
中文: 云;云朵
英语解释: A visible mass of water droplets in the sky.
记忆方法: "Cloud" 发音类似“可闹的”→ 乌云密布时天气“闹脾气”。
例句: The clouds turned dark before the storm.
练习: The sky was full of white ______ (云朵).
11. elder
词性: adjective
音标: /ˈeldər/
中文: 年长的
英语解释: Older, especially within a family.
记忆方法: "Elder" 对比 "older",强调家庭中的长幼顺序。
例句: My elder brother teaches me math.
练习: Respect your ______ (年长的) relatives.
12. instead
词性: adverb
音标: /ɪnˈsted/
中文: 代替;反而
英语解释: As a replacement or alternative.
记忆方法: "In" + "stead"(位置)→ 替代原来的位置。
例句: I chose tea instead of coffee today.
练习: Let’s watch a movie ______ (代替) going out.
13. whatever
词性: pronoun
音标: /wɒtˈevər/
中文: 任何;无论什么
英语解释: Anything or everything that.
记忆方法: "What" + "ever" → 涵盖所有可能性。
例句: Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.
练习: You can eat ______ (任何) you like from the menu.
14. nervous
词性: adjective
音标: /ˈnɜːvəs/
中文: 焦虑的;担忧的
英语解释: Feeling anxious or worried.
记忆方法: "Nervous" → "nerve"(神经)紧张的状态。
例句: She felt nervous before her speech.
练习: I always feel ______ (焦虑的) during exams.
15. offer
词性: verb
音标: /ˈɒfər/
中文: 主动提出;自愿给予
英语解释: To present something for acceptance.
记忆方法: "Offer" 谐音“哦,付”→ 主动付钱帮助他人。
例句: He offered to drive me home.
练习: She ______ (主动提出) to help with the project.
16. proper
词性: adverb
音标: /ˈprɒpər/
中文: 正确地;恰当地
英语解释: In a correct or suitable way.
记忆方法: "Proper" → "pro"(专业) + "per"(每个)→ 每个细节都专业。
例句: Please behave properly at the meeting.
练习: You should dress ______ (恰当地) for the interview.
17. secondly
词性: adverb
音标: /ˈsekəndli/
中文: 第二;其次
英语解释: Used to introduce a second point.
记忆方法: "Second"(第二) + "-ly"(副词后缀)。
例句: Secondly, we need to check the budget.
练习: ______ (其次), we must consider the risks.
18. communicate
词性: verb
音标: /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/
中文: 交流;沟通
英语解释: To share information or ideas.
记忆方法: 与名词 "communication" 同根。
例句: We communicate through emails daily.
练习: It’s hard to ______ (沟通) without a common language.
19. explain
词性: verb
音标: /ɪkˈspleɪn/
中文: 解释;说明
英语解释: To make something clear or understandable.
记忆方法: "Ex-"(向外) + "plain"(简单)→ 用简单的话说明。
例句: Can you explain this math problem to me?
练习: The teacher ______ (解释) the rules carefully.
20. clear
词性: adjective
音标: /klɪər/
中文: 清楚的;易懂的
英语解释: Easy to perceive or understand.
记忆方法: "Clear" 发音类似“可丽儿”→ 清晰的皮肤(联想清晰)。
例句: Her instructions were very clear.
练习: Make sure your answer is ______ (清楚的).
21. copy
词性: verb
音标: /ˈkɒpi/
中文: 复制;复印
英语解释: To make an identical version of something.
记忆方法: "Copy" 谐音“拷贝”→ 直接音译。
例句: Please copy this document for the team.
练习: Don’t ______ (复制) others’ homework; do it yourself.
22. return
词性: verb
音标: /rɪˈtɜːn/
中文: 回来;回去
英语解释: To come or go back to a place.
记忆方法: "Re-"(重新) + "turn"(转向)→ 转回去。
例句: I will return home before midnight.
练习: When will you ______ (回来) from the trip?
23. member
词性: noun
音标: /ˈmembər/
中文: 成员;分子
英语解释: A person belonging to a group.
记忆方法: "Member" → "me"(我) + "mber" → 我是团队一员。
例句: She is a member of the school band.
练习: Every ______ (成员) must attend the meeting.
24. pressure
词性: noun
音标: /ˈpreʃər/
中文: 压力
英语解释: Continuous physical or mental stress.
记忆方法: "Press"(压) + "-ure"(名词后缀)。
例句: Exam pressure makes students anxious.
练习: Too much ______ (压力) can harm your health.
25. compete
词性: verb
音标: /kəmˈpiːt/
中文: 竞争;对抗
英语解释: To strive against others for a goal.
记忆方法: "Compete" → "com-"(共同) + "pete"(追求)→ 共同追求一个目标。
例句: Athletes compete for gold medals.
练习: Companies ______ (竞争) to attract customers.
26. opinion
词性: noun
音标: /əˈpɪnjən/
中文: 意见;看法
英语解释: A personal belief or judgment.
记忆方法: "Opinion" 谐音“哦,批您”→ 表达意见可能被批评。
例句: Everyone has a different opinion on this topic.
练习: What’s your ______ (看法) about social media?
27. skill
词性: noun
音标: /skɪl/
中文: 技艺;技巧
英语解释: The ability to do something well.
记忆方法: "Skill" 发音类似“四哥”→ 四哥很有技巧。
例句: Learning a new skill takes time.
练习: Practice improves your ______ (技巧).
28. typical
词性: adjective
音标: /ˈtɪpɪkəl/
中文: 典型的
英语解释: Having the usual characteristics of a group.
记忆方法: "Typical" → "type"(类型)的典型表现。
例句: This is a typical example of Gothic architecture.
练习: Rainy days are ______ (典型的) in April here.
29. football
词性: noun
音标: /ˈfʊtbɔːl/
中文: 足球
英语解释: A game played with a round ball by two teams.
记忆方法: "Foot"(脚) + "ball"(球)→ 用脚踢的球。
例句: He plays football every weekend.
练习: The ______ (足球) match attracted thousands of fans.
30. cut out
词性: phrasal verb
音标: /kʌt aʊt/
中文: 删去;删除
英语解释: To remove something by cutting.
记忆方法: "Cut"(剪) + "out"(出去)→ 剪掉不需要的部分。
例句: Cut out the noisy scenes from the video.
练习: Please ______ (删除) the last paragraph.
31. continue
词性: verb
音标: /kənˈtɪnjuː/
中文: 持续;继续存在
英语解释: To keep happening without stopping.
记忆方法: "Con-"(共同) + "tinue"(保持)→ 共同保持下去。
例句: The rain will continue until tomorrow.
练习: The meeting will ______ (继续) after lunch.
32. compare
词性: verb
音标: /kəmˈpeər/
中文: 比较
英语解释: To examine similarities and differences.
记忆方法: "Compare" → "com-"(共同) + "pare"(配对)→ 配对比较。
例句: Compare the two products before buying.
练习: It’s unfair to ______ (比较) cats and dogs.
33. compare…with…
词性: phrase
音标: /kəmˈpeər wɪð/
中文: 比较;对比
英语解释: To analyze two things side by side.
记忆方法: "With" 表示“和…一起”→ 一起比较。
例句: Compare the new model with the old one.
练习: ______ (比较) your answers ______ your partner’s.
34. crazy
词性: adjective
音标: /ˈkreɪzi/
中文: 不理智的;疯狂的
英语解释: Extremely foolish or irrational.
记忆方法: "Crazy" 谐音“可累醉”→ 疯狂到累醉。
例句: It’s crazy to go out in a typhoon.
练习: That idea sounds ______ (疯狂的).
35. push
词性: verb
音标: /pʊʃ/
中文: 推动;移动
英语解释: To use force to move something forward.
记忆方法: "Push" 发音类似“扑哧”→ 用力推时发出的声音。
例句: Push the door hard to open it.
练习: Can you ______ (推动) the sofa to the corner?
36. development
词性: noun
音标: /dɪˈveləpmənt/
中文: 发展;成长
英语解释: The process of growth or progress.
记忆方法: "Develop"(发展) + "-ment"(名词后缀)。
例句: The development of technology changes our lives.
练习: Economic ______ (发展) is essential for a country.
37. cause
词性: verb
音标: /kɔːz/
中文: 造成;引起
英语解释: To make something happen.
记忆方法: "Cause" 谐音“扣子”→ 扣子掉了引起麻烦。
例句: Smoking can cause serious health problems.
练习: Heavy rain ______ (引起) flooding in the city.
38. usual
词性: adjective
音标: /ˈjuːʒuəl/
中文: 通常的;寻常的
英语解释: Happening most often or regularly.
记忆方法: "Usual" → "use"(使用) + "al" → 常用的即寻常的。
例句: I arrived at the usual time.
练习: As ______ (通常的), he was late for the meeting.
39. perhaps
词性: adverb
音标: /pəˈhæps/
中文: 可能;大概
英语解释: Used to express uncertainty or possibility.
记忆方法: "Per"(每) + "haps"(机会)→ 每个机会都有可能。
例句: Perhaps we should leave early to avoid traffic.
练习: ______ (可能) it will rain tomorrow.
work out
get on with
cut out