导图社区 第十二讲 词组动词附录
这是一篇关于第十二讲 词组动词附录的思维导图,主要内容包括:1.v prep.,2.V adj.,3.V adv prep,4.V prep n.。
编辑于2025-03-14 16:15:08这是一篇关于第十二讲 词组动词附录的思维导图,主要内容包括:1.v prep.,2.V adj.,3.V adv prep,4.V prep n.。
这是一篇关于第十二讲 词组动词附录的思维导图,主要内容包括:1.v prep.,2.V adj.,3.V adv prep,4.V prep n.。
第十二讲 词组动词附录
· He couldn’t account for (解释) his long absence from school. expalin · I agree with (与…… 看法一致) you on that point. consent(不及物,需 + to)/concur · She doesn’t agree to (同意) my proposal. accept · His comments amount to (等于) treason. equal · When his father died, Jim came into (继承) a fortune. inherit · In the valley we came across (碰到) a group of Mexicans. encounter · It is the job of the police to get after (追捕) criminals. chase · If you go about (做) it in the right way, you’ll soon get it finished. conduct · If I were you, I would go for (争取) that job. pursue
· The plane blew up (爆炸) when it was hit by a missile. explode · The Sino - Japanese War broke out (爆发) in 1937. erupt · The boy well brought up (教养). educate · We are going to bring up (提出) some important problems to discuss at the meeting. propose · The traffic to the beach started to build up (增长) at noon. increase · The meeting has been called off (取消). cancel · After just a few minutes she suddenly came to (苏醒过来). revive · We will carry on (继续) our conversation tomorrow. continue · The plan has been satisfactorily carried out (贯彻). implement · The question of what time to be there never came up (发生). arise · Some new problems cropped up (冒出) at the last minute. appear · This paper comes out (出版) once a week. publish · Can you figure out (想出) a way to do it? discover · I can’t figure out (理解) why he said that. understand · He flared up (发脾气) at me when I advised him to give up smoking. erupt · The firm had to lay off (解雇) 100 men. discharge · They are quarrelling and making up (和好) by turns. reconcile · We must all we can to make up (弥补) the economic losses. compensate · We could hardly make out (理解) what she meant. understand · My investment in these stocks had really paid off (赢利). profit · Uncle Herman passed away (去世) many years ago. die · She is not really that way. She is just putting on (装模作样). pretend · Take the watch apart (拆开) and see if you can see what’s wrong with it. disassemble · Even the most experienced eye may be taken in (受骗上当) on certain occasions. deceive · We have decided to take on (雇用) a new clerk in the accounts department. hire · Our firm took over (接管) 2 fruit packing companies last year. acquire
· Will this enthusiasm ever carry over into (持续到)the next week? last · I finally caught on to (理解) what she was talking about. understand · I don’t want to come down with (染上) the flu again. contract · My nephew often comes out with (说出) the cleverest remarks. utter · I will have to fill in for (顶替) Wally until he gets back. substitude · Put the food where the cat can’t get around to / at (够得到). reach · How could he get away with (得逞) cheating? escape · My wife is always getting on at (责怪) me for not keeping the room clean. criticize · I’ve got on to (想出) a good idea for increasing production. devise · The children didn’t quite get on to (理解) what the teacher was saying. understand · We don’t go in for (喜欢) that kind of thing. like · I can’t go through with (完成) the performance. I’m so nervous. complete · His English is not good enough for him to keep up with (跟上) the rest of the class. match · I couldn’t put up with (忍受) the noise any longer. tolerate · The children are looking forward to (盼望) the holiday. anticipate · We all look up to (尊敬) Roger. He’s authoritative but kind. respect · We should not look down on(轻视) their humble food. despise · You must make up for (弥补) the omission. redress · I will own up to (承认) my mistakes. admit · You could be more convincing if you didn’t talk down to (对…… 大言不惭地说话) your audience. condescend
· She soon realized that she was made fun of. mock · You should make the most of the opportunity to improve your English. optimize · She indulged in luxury and made a mess of her life. ruin · I will take care of your children when you are away. care · They are taking full advantage of the favourable situation to increase exports. utilize · The house has changed hands several times. transfer · In a few minutes the medicine will take effect. work · Very soon the seeds germinated and took root. embed · His ideas have taken root in the minds of his followers. eatablish · When did the accident take place. occur
SVAA: Marry came in with a book. 各有独立意义 SVA:The plane took off with a deafening sound.
1) look up at me 作状语 ——不看作整体 2)He should have looked up the word in the dictionary. ——做词组动词——看作整体
come in (in adv. 作状语) ? in the room(in 作介词) ——v.后面的副词小品词是结合单词作词组动词or 作状语