导图社区 美国历史—殖民地时期
编辑于2022-05-14 00:55:41美国历史—殖民地时期 American history - colonial period
20000多年前 More than 20000 years ago
在两万多年前, 有一批来自亚洲的流浪者,经由北美到中南美洲,这些人就是印第安人的祖先。当哥伦布发现新大陆时, 居住在美洲的印第安人, 约有2000万, 其中有大约100万人住在加拿大和美国中北部, 其余绝大部分住在如今的墨西哥和美国南部。又有另一批亚洲人, 移居到北美北部, 这是后来的爱斯基摩人。 而最早到美洲的白种人大概是维京人, 他们是一群喜好冒险的捕鱼人, 有人认为他们在1000年前,就曾到过北美东海岸。 More than 20000 years ago, a group of vagrants from Asia passed through North America to central and South America. These people were the ancestors of Indians. When Columbus discovered the new world, there were about 20 million Indians living in the Americas, of which about 1 million lived in Canada and the north central United States, and most of the rest lived in what is now Mexico and the south of the United States. Another group of Asians, later Eskimos, moved to northern North America. The first white people who came to America were probably Vikings. They were a group of adventurous fishermen. Some people thought they had been to the east coast of North America 1000 years ago.
91个男人、17个女人、9 个孩子,在乞沙比克海滩建立了詹姆士镇, 这是英国在北美所建的第一个永久性殖民地 With 91 men, 17 women and 9 children, Jamestown was founded on kishabike beach, the first permanent colony built by Britain in North America
詹姆士镇 Jamestown
一个约一百人的殖民团体因为寒冷被迫回到英国。在以后150年中, 陆续涌来了许多的殖民者, 定居于沿岸地区, 其中大部分来自英国, 也有一部分来自法国、德国、荷兰、爱尔兰和其他国家。 到达殖民地的大多数是西欧贫苦的劳动人民,也有贵族、地主、资产阶级,以英国人、爱尔兰人、德意志人和荷兰人最多。移民中有逃避战祸和宗教迫害者,有自愿和非自愿的“契约奴”以及乞丐、罪犯;还有从非洲被贩运来的黑人。 A colonial group of about 100 people was forced to return to England because of the cold. In the next 150 years, many colonists came and settled in the coastal areas, most of them from Britain, and some from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and other countries. Most of the people who arrived in the colonies were poor working people in Western Europe, as well as aristocrats, landlords and bourgeoisie, with the largest number of British, Irish, German and Dutch. Among immigrants, there are those who escape the scourge of war and religious persecution, voluntary and involuntary "contract slaves", beggars and criminals; And black people trafficked from Africa.
他们乘“五月花号(Mayflower)”到北美并在船上制定《五月花号公约》。在11月21日于普利茅斯上岸,清教徒与41名自由的成年男人签署共同遵守《五月花号公约》。内容为组织公民团体;拟订法规等。奠定自治政府的基础。 They took the Mayflower to North America and made the Mayflower Convention on board. On November 21, the pilgrims landed in Plymouth and signed with 41 free adult men to jointly abide by the Mayflower convention. The content is to organize citizen groups; Drafting laws and regulations, etc. Lay the foundation for self-government.
五月花号 Mayflower
所谓《五月花号公约》就是移民者在五月花这条船上制定的公约,公约主要是为了让这些人一同遵守一个公共的条令,毕竟在当时北美各项法制不健全的地方,别说触犯他人利益,就算是杀人放火十恶不赦也没有警察管得着,英国本土的警察太远,北美当地本身就是派移民去建立社会秩序的,怎么可能会跟欧洲的社会情况一样呢?所以这些移民抱着“黑暗森林”的原则,提前先约定好如何如何,这就是《五月花号公约》 The so-called "Mayflower Convention" is the Convention formulated by immigrants on the ship of Mayflower. The Convention is mainly to make these people abide by a public order together. After all, where the legal system in North America was not perfect at that time, let alone offending the interests of others, there was no police control even if killing and setting fire were heinous. The local police in Britain were too far away, and the local people in North America sent immigrants to establish social order, How could it be the same as the social situation in Europe? Therefore, these immigrants hold the principle of "dark forest" and make an agreement in advance. This is the Mayflower convention
国殖民者先后在北美洲东岸(大西洋沿岸)建立了十三个殖民地。在十八世纪中期,殖民地的经济,文化,政治相对成熟,殖民地议会仍信奉英王乔治三世,不过他们追求与英国国会同等的地位,并不想成为英国的次等公民,但是此时英法的七年战争结束,急于巩固领土,使向北美殖民地人民征租重税及英王乔治三世一改放任地人民反抗,如“没有代表就不纳税”宣言、“波士顿惨案”、“不可容忍的法案”等。 Chinese colonists successively established 13 colonies on the east coast of North America (along the Atlantic coast). In the mid-18th century, the colonial economy, culture and politics were relatively mature. The colonial parliament still believed in King George III. however, they pursued the same status as the British Parliament and did not want to become second-class citizens of Britain. However, at the end of the seven-year war between Britain and France, they were anxious to consolidate their territory, levy heavy taxes on the people of the North American colonies, change the laissez faire policy and advocate high-pressure means. Therefore, it triggered the resistance of the colonial people, such as the declaration of "no tax without representation", "Boston tragedy", "intolerable bill", etc.
到了十八世纪中期,殖民地的经济、文化、政治等都相对成熟,但是既然是殖民地那就肯定要跟英国有联系。比如当时殖民地的议会仍信奉英王。但是作为跟英国人一样的人(英国移民嘛),他们也遵守英国的规定法律什么的,于是也就想取得跟英国本土同等的地位,不想成为英国的次等公民,于是殖民地和宗主国英国的矛盾就逐步显现出来 By the mid-18th century, the economy, culture and politics of the colonies were relatively mature, but since they were colonies, they must have ties with Britain. For example, the colonial parliament still believed in the king of England. However, as people like the British (British immigrants), they also abide by British regulations and laws. Therefore, they want to obtain the same status as the British mainland and do not want to become second-class citizens of Britain. Therefore, the contradiction between the colony and the suzerain Britain gradually appears
1775年4月在莱克星顿和康科特打响“列克星顿的枪声”揭开美国独立战争的前奏。后来,这些殖民地便成为美国北美独立十三州最初的十三个州。 In April 1775, the "shooting of Lexington" was launched in Lexington and Concord, opening the prelude to the American War of independence. Later, these colonies became the first 13 independent states in North America.
从1607年到1733年,英国殖民者先后在北美建立了十三个殖民地。后来被称为英属北美13殖民地。这是美国建国初期13州的基础。由于环境和其他因素,这些殖民地大致分成三种类型 From 1607 to 1733, British colonists established 13 colonies in North America. It was later called the 13 colonies of British North America. This is the basis of the 13 states in the early days of the founding of the United States. Due to environmental and other factors, these colonies were roughly divided into three types
新英格兰殖民地:工商业发达,工业以造船、酿酒为主;商业以“三角贸易”为主 New England colonies: developed industry and commerce, mainly shipbuilding and wine making; Commerce is dominated by "triangular trade"
中部殖民地:农业经济发达,小农经济生产谷物为主,也被称为“面包殖民地” Central colony: the agricultural economy is developed, and the small-scale peasant economy mainly produces grain, which is also known as the "bread colony"
南部殖民地:奴隶劳动为基础的种植园经济 Southern colonies: plantation economy based on slave labor
在殖民地时代,伴随着与北美洲原住民印第安人的长期战争,严重的劳力缺乏产生了像奴隶和契约奴役这类的非自由劳力,而英国政府的放任政策则让特有的美利坚精神与文化得以发展出其独特性。万恶的黑奴贸易在英属北美十三州盛行起来。 In the colonial era, with the long-term war with the native Indians of North America, the serious lack of labor produced non free labor such as slavery and contractual slavery, while the laissez faire policy of the British government allowed the unique American spirit and culture to develop its uniqueness. The heinous slave trade flourished in the thirteen states of British North America.
16-18世纪欧洲列强纷纷在北美建立殖民地。法国人建立了新法兰西(包括圣劳伦斯流域下游大潮区,密西西比河流域等处);西班牙人建立了新西班牙(包括墨西哥和美国西南部的广大地区)。 From the 16th to 18th centuries, European powers established colonies in North America one after another. The French established new France (including the spring tide area in the lower reaches of the St. Lawrence basin and the Mississippi River Basin); The Spaniards established New Spain (including Mexico and the vast area of the southwestern United States).