导图社区 Social Psychology 社会心理学 Chapter 8 Group Process
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编辑于2021-10-08 10:21:17Chap #8 Group Processes
8.1. Fundamentals
set of individuals who interact over time and have shared fate, goals, or identity
people engaging in a common activity, but having little direct interaction with each other
life needs
innate need to belong to groups
evolution theory: increase chance of survival
social identity theory: self-worth comes from identification of groups
8.1.b. Key Features
set of expected behaviors (formal or informal)
instrumental role
help group achieve task
expressive role
provide emotional support and maintain morale
role mismatch
rules of conduct (formal or infomal)
sense of identity
learning/finding the rule (anxiety)
conformity pressure
norm of tolerating violation of norms
the extent to whcih fores push group members closer togather (feelings of intimacy/unity/commitment to group goal)
task cohesion
about group's attraction to task
interpersonal cohesion
about each other
Pertii Pelto (1968)
have strong nroms, little tolerance for deviating behaviors
weaker norms, greater tolerance for deviating behaviors
value of cohessiveness
conflict / debate tolerance
Group's Norms
stronger support to norm followers
8.2 Individuals in Group
8.2.a. Social Facilitation
Norman Triplet (1897-1898 article)
the presence of another rider releases the competitive instict, whcih increases nervous energy and enhance performance.
Zajonc Solution
1), presence of others creates general phsiological arousal ---- energize behavior
2), increase arousal ----individual's tendency of
dominant response
reaction elicited quickly, easily by a given stimulus
3) performance varies according to tasks
Social Facilitation
helping performance on easy tasks, hurting performace on difficult tasks
facilitate dominate response, not task
universal of social facilitation
facilication effect
brain area
socia judgments and motivations
other explanation
Mere presence
sufficient to produce social facilitation
evaluation apprehension theory
performance affected only by the presence of who are in position to evluate
distraction-conflict theory
distraction cause attentional conflict
attention conflict inrease arousal
8.2.b. Social Loadfing
1880s Ringelman
group out put decline
social loafing
group production reduce in individual output
2008 Praveen Aggarwal & Connie O'Brien
strategy to reduce
1// limite scope of project (细分=化简)
2// small group
3// peer evaluation, deligation
Collective Effort Model
Individual will try hard, if efforts help achieve personally valued outcome
social compensation
increase effort, compensate acticipated social loafing / poor performance of others
8.2.c. Culture and Social Loafing
Karau & Williams
less in woman
less in East Asia, collectivist culture
8.2.d. Deindividuation
Loss of a person's sense of individuality, reduction of normal constrains against eviant bahaviors
Philip Zimbardo
contributing fectors
reduced sense of individual responsibility
Steven Prentice-Dunn
emotional cues
accountability cues
affect cost-reward calculation
accountability low, less punishment, more gratifying but usually inhibited bahaviors
attentional cues
a person's attention away from self
less stende internal standards of conduct
reacts more to immediate situation
less sensitive to long-term consequences
social identity model of deinviduation effest
deinviduation effects reflects
characteristic + norms of group immediately surrounding you
group's power to act according to these norms
8.3 Conflicts
8.4.a. Mized motives and social dilemmas
social dilemma
persuit self-interest --> sometimes self-destructive
good for one, bad for all
presioner's dilemnma
resource dilemmas
how two or more people share rss
commons dilemmas
tragety of the commons, take ask much as you want, nothing left for anyone
public goods dilemmas
all contribute to pool
fear (exploition)
greed (max)
cultural & individual differences
individual's social value orientation
prosocial / cooperative
intergrative agreement
both better than 50/50
fixed-[ie syndrome
one won, one lose
8.4.c. Culture and Negotiation
cultural assumption
word frequency
p349-350-351 三个图表
8.3 Group Preference
8.3.a. Losses and Gains in group
Process Loss (Ivan Steiner 1972)
reduction of group productivity due to problems in the dynamics
Process Gaine
increase in group production, group outperform sum of individuals
additive task
group product = sum of contribution
conjunctive task
group product ---- pooresr (木桶效应)
disjunctive task
group product --= best
8.3.b. Brainstorming
technique attemps to increase production of creative ideas, by encouraging group members to speak freely without criticizing their own or other's contributions
8.3.c. Group Polarization
the exaggeration through group discussion of initial tendenecies in the thinking of group member.
group discussion tends to enhance or exxagerate the initioal leanings of the group
persuasive argument theory
exposure + persuasiveness ---> extreme attitudes
how /> comparision of self and other, categorize self distinct from outers
8.3.d. Groupthink
geoup decision making style, excessive tendency to seek concurrence / agreement
Irvin Janis (1982)
why (Irvin)
1// highly cohesive
2// group structure
similar background, isolated, directed by strong leader, no systematic proceduer
3// stressful situation
why (example)
presure towards uniformity
illusion of unanimity
1// consult outsider
2// reduce conformity presure, encourage criticisim; ledaer no stong stand early
3// norm of critical review, seperate group for same issue, devil's advocate, secodn chance
Communicating info
Garold Stasser (1992)
Biased Sampling
tendency to discuss more on shared info than unshared
conmmunication network
who can speak with whom
Utilizing Experties
Transactive Memory
delegated storage of large info
1// know who knows what
2// trust
3// coordination
8.3.f. Goals and Plans in Group
when asked to do their best, they don't
accountability + encouragement
8.3.g. training and Technology
Ruth Wegeman (2009)
interactive computer software
group support system / group discussion supoort system
remove communication barriers
provide structure + incentives
8.3.h. Culture and Diversity
dicersity --=negatiev group dynamics
diversity --= complexity of group discussion, pool info, perspective, skills
racial / gender diversity ---- greater profit / market share
cultural metacongnition
awareness of own and other;s cultral assumptions
living abroad
intercultural friendship
romantic relationship
8.3.i. Collective Intelligence: Are some groups smarter than others?
geenral ability od a group across wide range of tasks
individual----stronger predictor
1// strong social perspectiveness
2// take turns
3// more woman
solving social dilemmas
Prisoner's Dilemma
Conditions for team effectiveness
Sticking to a plan
Group Polarization
why electronic is better
4 factors, kill effectiveness
Alex Osborn: Brainstorming
Nominal Group out-perform brainstroming group
electrinic effectivity
Zajonc Solution