导图社区 英美文学大纲
这是一个关于英美文学大纲的思维导图,主要内容有Chapter2 English literature in the renaissance period、Chapter11 American literature of modernism、Chapter9 American literature of romanticism等。
编辑于2022-05-27 15:22:45与考试内容相关,非重点未全部发布,可自行补充。心中有信仰,脚下有力量,大学生要不断增强中国 特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文 化自信,自觉做共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会 主义共同理想的坚定信仰者、忠实实践者,为崇高 理想信念而矢志奋斗。
这是一个关于英美文学大纲的思维导图,主要内容有Chapter2 English literature in the renaissance period、Chapter11 American literature of modernism、Chapter9 American literature of romanticism等。
与考试内容相关,非重点未全部发布,可自行补充。心中有信仰,脚下有力量,大学生要不断增强中国 特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文 化自信,自觉做共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会 主义共同理想的坚定信仰者、忠实实践者,为崇高 理想信念而矢志奋斗。
这是一个关于英美文学大纲的思维导图,主要内容有Chapter2 English literature in the renaissance period、Chapter11 American literature of modernism、Chapter9 American literature of romanticism等。
Chapter2 English literature in the renaissance period
William shakespeare
The merchant of venice(手法pun)
Francis bacon
Chapter11 American literature of modernism
Ezra pound
E.E Cumming
Langston hughes
Wallace Stevens
Williams carlos Williams
F.Scott Fitzgerald
The great gatsby
The jazz age
This slide of paradise取材于自身婚姻生活
John Steinbeck
Ernest hemingway
The sun also rises
A farewell to arms
For whom the bell tolls
The old man and the sea
硬汉形象cold hero
Eugene o'Neill
Chapter9 American literature of romanticism
Washington Irving
Nathaniel Hawthorn
The scarlet letter
Young goodman brown清教思想
Edgar Allan poe
Henry wadsworth long fello
Walt Whitman
Leaves of grass开放自由个人主义
When llacs las in the dooryard
Drum taps支持北方
Poetry individuality
Emily dickinson
I heard a fly buzz when i die
主题death immortality nature
Harriet Beecher stowe
George Bernard
John galsworthy
James Joyce
Virginia woolf
D.H Lawrence
The rainbow 3代人
Woman in love两姐妹
Sons and lovers
The themes of psychology
William butler yeats
T.S eliot
他最重要的诗歌是20世纪诗歌的典范和里程碑The waste land
Noble prize1948
William wodsworth
The prelud(His greatest)
I wonder the lonely as a cloud(手法Simile)
Worshiper of nature情感自然流露,源自于回忆lake poets
George gordon lord byron
Percy bysshe shelly
Ode to the west wind抒情诗
Prometheus unbound
John keats
Walter Scott
Jane austen
Sense and sensibility
Pride and prejudice
Love and marriage good endings
Chapter3 English literature in the seventeenth century
Join donne
John milton
John bunyan
Chapter4 English literature in the eighteenth century
Daniel defoe
The shortest way with the dissenters
The true- born Englishman
Robinson crusoe(时代精神)
Jonathan swift
A modest proposal
Gullivers travels
Proper words in proper place
Henry fielding
Tom jones散文界荷马 Father of the english novel
Thomas gray
William blake
Songs of innocence.(好)
Sense of experience(坏)
Imagination vision children
Robert burns
Chapter6 English literature in the victorian age
Charles dickens
Oliver twist
David copperfield
Hard times
Children's point of view
William makepeace thackeray
Charlott bronte
Jane eyre
Emily bronte
Wuthering heights
Thomas hardy
tess of the D'urbervilled批判资本主义
Under greenwood tree最欢快成功标志
Oscar wilde
Alfred lord tennyson
Robert browing
Chapter8 English literature since1947
Samuel beckett
William golding
John fowles
Doris Lessing
David lodge
Chapter10 American literature of realism
Mark twain
Live on the mississippi pilot
The adventure of hackberry finn当代文学来源
The gilled age讽刺小说
Harry James
The portrait of a lady
Daisy miller国际知名度
意识流先驱 国际主题 写人的内心世界
Kate Chopin
Theodore dreiser
Sister carrie
欲望三部曲the finance the titan the stoic
An american tragedy他最伟大的作品
The genius受谴责
Naturalist弱肉强食的世界tragic endings
Robert frost
Chapter12 American literature since1945
Saul below
Joseph heller
Jack Kerouac
Toni morrison
B Dylan
Chapter1 English literature in the old and middle ages
General introduction
Geoffrey Chaucer
English ballads