导图社区 Topic Talk
整理的初中Topic Talk单词,和一些例句,希望大家喜欢。比如senior adj.较高的,高级的;secondary adj.中等教育;中级的;次要的;stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的;challenging adj.富有挑战性的;differ adj.不同,不一样,有区别。
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Topic Talk
senior adj. 较高的,高级的
I have ten years' experience at senior management level 我有十年的高层管理经验。
secondary adj.中等教育;中级的;次要的
That is just a secondary consideration 那只不过是次要的因素。
Children usually transfer to secondary school at 11 or 12 儿童通常在11或12岁时升读中学。
stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的
It was a stressful time for all of us. 对我们所有人来说,那是一个艰难的时期
challenging adj.富有挑战性的
a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher 富有挑战性且有意义的教师职业
differ adj.不同,不一样,有区别
I have to differ with you on that 在这一点上我不能同意你的看法
previous adj.以前的,先前的
She is his daughter from a previous marriage 她是他与前妻生的女儿
dynamic adj.充满活力的,精力充沛的
His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics. 他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。
campus n.校园
She lives on campus 她住在大学校园区内。
schedule n.日程表,计划表
We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time) . 我们的工作安排得很紧。
expectation n.期待;预期;预料
She went to college with great expectations. 她满怀希望地进入大学
confidence n.自信;信心;信赖
He answered the questions with confidence 他有把握地回答了那些问题。
competence n.能力,胜任
We have doubt about his competence in teaching. 我们怀疑他教书的能力。
chapter n.一段时间,章节
read as far as the third chapter. 我读到了第三章。
It seemed that a chapter of my life was closing. 好像我人生中的一个时期就要结束了
all in all 总而言之,总的来说
All in all, there were twenty present. 一总有20人出席
apartment n.公寓套房
So this is your new apartment. 这就是你的新公寓套房
am 午前,上午
Opening hours: 6 am — 7 pm, daily 营业时间:每天上午6点至下午7点
shift n.当班时间
I really need to punch out now because my shift ended over an hour ago 我的轮班一小时前就结束了,我真的要打卡下班了
pressure n.压力
The pressure of work is beginning to get to him 工作的压力使他烦恼起来
leisure n.空闲,闲暇,业余时间
Please read it over at your leisure 请你在闲暇时候读一读
recover vi.恢复健康,康复
He had still not fully recovered. 他还没有完全康复。
injury n.伤,损害
Two players are out of the team because of injury . 两名队员因伤退出了比赛
plus adj.有利的,好的 prep.加
On the plus side, 就好的一面而言
Two plus five is seven. 二加五等于七。
unfortunately adv.不幸的,令人遗憾的
Unfortunately, most people are not our mothers. 不幸地,大部分世人都不怀有这种母爱
Well, unfortunately it isn't 但是,遗憾地是事实并非如此
challenge n.挑战,具有挑战性的事物 vt.向.....挑战
Schools must meet the challenge of new technology 学校必须迎接新技术的挑战
He challenged us to try again 他向我们挑战,要我们再试试
arise vi(问题或困难)出现,发生
The problem first arose in 2003. 这个问题首次出现在2003年。