导图社区 Grammar in Use初级Appendices_15
编辑于2022-07-24 16:00:14第三篇啦,有挺多交叉的地方,但最重要的还是保持元认知,去定期的让自己主动去这些官方gzh里充电,砥砺前行。 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。
持续更新! 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。
[0004]坚持分享,在输出的同时自己的心境也愈加改变,内耗时间大大减少~,后续打算更新自己的阅读文献笔记,督促自己加速改变,研二要争取文章去读博! 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。 行动 努力 改变 学习 目标 勇气 归零 热爱 宽容 感恩,十个词将伴随你我共同成长
第三篇啦,有挺多交叉的地方,但最重要的还是保持元认知,去定期的让自己主动去这些官方gzh里充电,砥砺前行。 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。
持续更新! 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。
[0004]坚持分享,在输出的同时自己的心境也愈加改变,内耗时间大大减少~,后续打算更新自己的阅读文献笔记,督促自己加速改变,研二要争取文章去读博! 推荐词~夜读人间书,不知明日事。夜晚是一个安静的时刻,是一个人可以独自思考的时刻。在这个时刻,我们可以放下一天的繁忙,静下心来,享受一份属于自己的宁静。而夜读,就是这样一种享受。 夜读,不仅可以让我们放松身心,更可以让我们拓宽视野,增长知识。夜读的好处不仅仅在于学习,更在于思考。在这个时刻,我们可以思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来。 行动 努力 改变 学习 目标 勇气 归零 热爱 宽容 感恩,十个词将伴随你我共同成长
Grammar in Use初级 Appendices_15
Appendix 1 Active and passive
will/can/must/have to etc.
Appendix 2 List of irregular verbs
Irregular verbs
It can be regular or irregular
Appendix 3 Irregular verbs in groups
The past simple and past participle are the same
cost→cost; put→put cut→cut; shut→shut hit→hit; let→let hurt→hurt;
lend→lent; send→sent; smell→smelt spend→spent; build→built; lose→lost burn→burnt; learn→learnt; shoot→shot get→got; light→lit; sit→sat keep→kept; sleep→slept; feel→felt leave→left; meet→met; dream→dreamt mean→meant
bring→brought; buy→bought fight→fought; think→thought catch→caught; teach→taught
sell→sold; tell→told find→found; have→had hear→heard; hold→held read→read; say→said pay→paid; make→made stand→stood; understand→understood
The past simple and past participle are different
break→broke broken choose→chose chosen speak→spoke spoken steal→stole stolen wake→woke woken
drive→drove driven ride→rode ridden rise→rose risen write→wrote written beat→beat beaten bite→bit bitten hide→hid hidden
eat→ate eaten fall→fell fallen forget→forgot forgotten give→gave given see→saw seen take→took taken
blow→blew blown grow→grew grown know→knew known throw→threw thrown fly→flew flown draw→drew drawn show→showed shown
begin→began begun drink→drank drunk swim→swam swum ring→rang rung sing→sang sung run→ran run
come→came come become→became become
Appendix 4 Short forms
When we write short forms, we use ' (an apostrophe)
'd = would or had
's = is or has
let's = let us
my brother's car = his car
Do not use 'm/'s/'d etc. at the end of a sentence
"Yes, I am"
She isn't tired, but he is.
But we can use short forms with other words too
Who's your favourite singer? (=Who is)
What's the time? (=What is)
There's a big tree in the garden. (=there is )
My sister's working in London. (=My sister is working)
Paul's gone out. (=Paul has gone out)
Short forms
Negative short forms
Appendix 5 Spelling
Words + -s and -es
noun +s(plural)
verb+s(he/she/it -s)
after -s/-sh/-ch/-x +es
potato→potatoes tomato→tomatoes do→does go→goes
-f/-fe → -ves
Words ending in -y
-y → -ies
-y → -ied
-y → -ier/iest
-y → -ily
Not change y to i
but say→said; pay→paid
Verbs that end in -e → -e×+ing
Verbs that end in -ie →-ying
Vowels and consonants
Vowel letters:
a e i o u
Consonant letters:
b c d f g k l m n p r s t w y
If a word ends in a vowel + a consonant, before -ing/-ed/-er/-est, p/g/t etc. become pp/gg/tt etc.
But ... not happen
The word ends in two consonant letters (C+C)
The word ends in two vowel letters + a consonant letter (V+V+C)
longer words of the last part is not stressed
The word ends in -y or -w
Appendix 6 Phrasal verbs
carry on = continue
go/walk/drive on etc. = continue going/walking/driving etc.
come on = be quick
get on = manage(in a job, at school, in an exam etc.)
hold on = wait
take off = leave the ground(for planes)
go off = explode(a bomb etc.) or ring (an alarm etc.)
give up = stop trying
grow up = become an adult
hurry up = do something more quickly
speak up =speak more loudly
wake up = stop sleeping
wash up = wash the plates etc. after a meal
slow down = go more slowly
break down = stop working(for cars, machines etc.)
fall over = lose your balance
Appendix 7 Phrasal verbs + object
fill in/ fill out a form = complete a form
put out a fire, a cigarette etc.
cross out a mistake, a word etc.
try on clothes = put on clothes to see if they fit you
give up something = stop doing it
look up a word in a dictionary etc.
turn up the TV, radio, music heating etc.= make it louder or warmer
wake up somebody who is sleeping
knock down a building = demolish it
turn down the TV, radio, music, heating etc. = make it more quiet or less warm
knock over a cup, a glass, a person etc.
throw away rubbish, things you don't want
put something away = put it in the place where you usually keep it
pay somebody back = give back money that you borrowed
show somebody round/around = take somebody on a tour of a place