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A shark-deterrent wetsuit
Both are lying right out in the open for us to discover.
What is the intersection between science and nature?
Science starts from the nature around us.
The shark attacks in Western Australia.
The idea given by Harry Butler of wearing a suit to confuse the sharks.
Be Supported
by Professor Nathan who researches the predatory the sharks can see.
by the West Australian State Government.
Three Key Things
Mapped the physical characteristics of the eyes of the main predatory sharks.
To understand using complex computer modeling what that eye can see at different conditions.
❓ patterns and shapes
present the wearer as hidden or hard to make out in the water
provide the greatest contrast but provide the greatest breakup of profile
Covert into wetsuits people might actually wear.
① 'Don't eat me' wetsuit
highly visible
provides a highly disruptive profile
To prevent the shark from considering you would be ordinary food.
To create confusion for the shark.
For surfing
② cryptic wetsuit
To hide the wearer in the water column.
Three panels
help you to be completely invisible under water
well suited to diving configuration
Acid testing
The way to do
Get a perforated drum which is full of bait, wrap it in a neo prene skin.
Run two stereo underwater cameras to watch how the shark actually engages with that rig.
Testing: a tiger shark and a great white shark
Engaging the black controlled rig
Both: attempted to eat it
Engaging the SAMS rig
Tiger shark: spent 6 minutes circling it
White shark: went staight to it but left
Science is a tool for translation rather than invention.
Who knows what the ocean will be like in many years, but every new thinking will not be pure black.