导图社区 教资面试–小学英语试讲理论
编辑于2022-10-06 15:49:2003 试讲理论
I. 试讲定义
A. 自编
B. 自演
C. 互动
II. 流程
A. 课堂开场(热场)
B. 中间环节(知识点)
C. 课堂结尾(总结+作业)
III. 题本分析
A. 试题纸 /备课纸
b. 文字呈现
c. 教材呈现
构成部分: 1,题目——话题/课型 (1)xx教学试讲 (2)Title:...... 2,内容: 核心考点(词/句/语音/语法...) 对话,文段,教材截图 3,要求 (课型/内容/活动/注意事项......) (1)对课本讲解方向的限定 (2)对教学设计的提示 (3)重要采分点
B. 基本要求
a. 形式上的要求 也很重要,即便没有明确写出来也要达到 (熟记于心)
10分钟试讲 全英文授课 适当设计板书 体现学生的主体性和教师的主导性 设计互动环节,体现师生互动 进行过程性评价 体现呈现、新授、练习、巩固等环节
b. 内容上的要求 非常重要,一定要体现在试讲里, 甚至是教学重难点(可以拿笔画出重点)
示范朗读 讲解划线部分内容 重点讲解ing用法 渗透文化差异 游戏教学,注重课堂趣味性 用肢体语言或简笔画教学 讲授sh,ch的发音
C. 来源
a. 教材上(电子课本网),教材外
b. 教材版本:不限(人教版,外研社,牛津版)
c. 考察年级:不限(不会超标,课程标准)
D. 提炼要点
a. 课型6个
b. 话题
c. 知识点
d. 注意事项
E. 正确习惯
a. 先分析再设计
b. 3+10+7
分析3分钟 简案10分钟 过思路7分钟
F. 课型分类
a. 什么课讲成词汇课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排词汇教学”“重点练习词汇”“讲解词汇” 等与词汇相关的描述,须按词汇课授课。 * 题目 词汇教学试讲。 * 内容 内容以一组单词/对话的形式出现,以词汇和句型学习为主
b. 什么课讲成语音课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“讲解发音”“讲解韵律”“语音语调”等与语音相关的描 述,须按语音课授课。 * 题目 语音教学试讲/ Let’s chant。 * 内容 内容以单词(字母组合),歌谣(韵律),句子(升降调)等语音形式出现。
c. 什么课讲成语法课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排语法教学”“语法渗透”“讲解ing”等与语法相关的 描述,须按语法课授课。 * 题目 语法教学试讲/ Grammar * 内容 内容以明显的语法内容及形式出现,以句型或语法知识点学习为主
d. 什么课讲成听说课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“听力教学”“口语教学”“练习听说”等与听力和口语相关的 描述,须按听说课授课。 * 题目 听力/口语教学试讲 * 内容 内容以对话的形式出现,以句型和口语表达学习为主
e. 什么课讲成阅读课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“语篇教学”“重点理解文章”“讲解文中某细节信息”等与阅 读相关的描述,须按阅读课授课。 * 题目 阅读/语篇教学试讲 * 内容 内容以段落,小短文,故事(story time)的形式出现
f. 什么课讲成写作课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排写的活动”“仿写句子”等与写作相关描述,须按写作课授课。 * 题目 写作教学试讲 * 内容 内容以一段话的形式出现,并给出重点句型,让完成句子书写,或仿写句子的情况
g. 综合课型
(1) 阅读词汇
(2) 听力语法
(3) 词汇语音
(4) 无课型要求
向基础可行看齐,教无定法, 满足要求,讲清楚内容即可
IV. 拿到试题纸的思路组织
A. 判断课型
B. 选择模式
C. 填充内容
1,Warm-up&Lead-in 2,Presentation 3,Practice 4,Production 5,Summary&Homework
1,Warm-up&Lead-in 2,Pre-task 3,While-task 4,Post 5,Summary&Homework
D. 组织句子
E. 过试讲流程
V. 开头
A. 热身Warm-Up
a. 步骤
(1) 师生问好 (择其一)
Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. How are you today? Good? Great? Fine? I'm fine, too.
Class begins,Everyone,how are you doing? Great!I see all of you are happy toady.
Hello guys,nice /glad to see you again,Are you ready for your lesson?
(2) 过渡句 (择其一)
Before this class,I will sing a song/read a tongue twister/say a chant/share a riddle with you .Let's enjoy it!
(3) 热身活动 (择其一)
唱歌sing a song(唱一小段)
常用歌曲: The wheels on the bus(交通工具) Ten Little Indians (数字) Apple song (食物、水果) You are my sunshine (天气) Baby shark (家庭成员) Rabbit dance(动物) Rainbow song (颜色) Be what you wanna be (职业) Merry Christmas (节日、日期)
绕口令read a tongue twister
常用绕口令: Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.如果一个好的厨师能 做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出 和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。 Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not. 无论是好天气,还是坏天气。 Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be not. 不管天气是冷还是不冷。 We will weather the weather whether we like it or not. 不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。
说歌谣say a chant
常用歌谣 《What can you see?》 Look, look, what can you see? I can see a bird singing in a tree. Look, look, what can you see? I can see a monkey drinking tea. Look, look, what can you see? I can see a tiger watching TV. 《Rain rain go away》 Rain Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day. Little kids want to play. Rain, rain, go away! Let’s go out and play! 《Tomato》 Tomato, tomato, wash wash wash. Tomato, tomato, cut cut cut. Tomato, tomato, cook cook cook. Tomato, tomato, eat eat eat.
猜谜语guess a riddle
常用谜语: 1,What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white? (blackboard) ,2,Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (hotdog) 3,What kind of bird can take a man to the sky? (plane) 4,What letter is an animal? B (Bee) 5,Which letter is a drink? T (tea) 6,I have a long nose and two big ears. What am I ? (elehphant) 7,I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?(giraffe)
做游戏paly a game
常用游戏 1,Walking game 指令游戏, walk run jump sit stop 2,Yellow bird 数字游戏,说几只鸟就几个人抱在一起 3,Simon says
(4) 反馈评价 (择其一)
All of you did a good job. I'm so proud of you.
Feel better now? Great,then let's start our new lesson.
Do you like the song/chant/riddle/game/tongue twister? Yes, I like it,too. And I hope you also like our English class.
Thank you! Sit down please. Let’s start our lesson.
b. 作用
(1) 轻松愉快的学习氛围
(2) 激发学生学习兴趣
(3) 集中学生注意力
(4) 展现老师本身活泼的性格
c. Tips: 可以与本节课内容不相关
B. 导入Lead-In
a. 步骤
(1) 出示材料
逐字稿: At the beginning of the class,(这一句必说,后面几句视情况选一句) I'd like to show you a picture /video. Please look at the screen. I will draw a stick figure/picture. Please look at the blackboard. I will show you an object. Look at my hand.
(2) 提问+互动
逐字稿: I have a question for you. Listen carefully. What can you see in the picture/video? Yes, we can see ... Can you describe this picture/video for us? Good, the picture is about ... What can you see in my hand? Great, you can see ...
(3) 引出标题—板书
逐字稿: Today, our topic is also about that. Let’s learn our new lesson: _______(写板书标题) This class, we will learn something new about it. The title is _______(写板书标题) Today, we are going to learn a new lesson: _______(写板书标题)
Tips: 一定记得写板书(标题)
(4) 其他方法导入
At the beginning of the class, let's have a brainstorming(头脑风暴)to review the lesson. What have we learned before?(停顿2-3秒) Yes,we've learned ____________.(上节课所学) All of you have mastered the knolwedge well. I'm so proud of you! Now, let's continue to learn _____________.(板书标题)
Boys and girls, let's have a free talk(自由讨论)/discussion(讨论) together, the topic is ______ (与文章主题相关)Yeah! I heard all of you have your own idea.(此处可重复学生的观点) Today our new lesson is also about that. Let's learn: ______.(板书标题)
Boys and girls, please imagine that _______. (创设和本课主题相关场景) What will you do? Yeah! I heard all of you have your own idea. (此处可重复学生的观点) Today our topic is also about that. Let’s learn our new lesson:______. (板书标题)
b. 作用
(1) 引入本节课主题
(2) 激发学生学习兴趣
(3) 调动积极性,活跃思维
(4) 激活其已有知识和经验
c. Tips: 必须与本节课内容相关
时间: 40s~1分半都可以
C. 分组Grouping 非必须
a. 步骤
(1) 划分小组
逐字稿: But before we get started, I'll divide you into 2 groups./You will be divided into 2 groups.(手势 “2”) You are goup A , You are group B. (You are group C.)(副班书写组名.)
特色队名:(用简笔画画出队名) 1, tiger cat panda 2,happy sunshine dream 3,red yellow blue 4,sun moon star 5,Apple strawberry orange
(2) 说明规则
逐字稿: (选一句话背) 1, If you can answer my question quickly and correctly,I will give you 1 point like this. (板书) Let’s see which group can get more points today. 2,Each time you get a correct answer, I’ll give you 1 point. (板书) Let’s see which group performs better today
b. 作用
(1) 活跃课堂氛围
(2) 竞争意识,提高学习效率
(3) 贯穿始终的授课亮点
(4) 丰富板书设计
VI. 结尾
A. 小结Summary
a. 思路
(1) 师生总结
逐字稿: How time flies. Here comes to the end of our class.(万能过渡句) Who would like to be a little teacher to make a summary for us? Good, Jack, please. You have a good memory. 1 point for you. (加分,若无分组,此处加分可省略) Sit down please. (学生总结) Today, We have also learnd how to talk about topic .(老师补充)
(2) 总计反馈卡
逐字稿: How time flies. Here comes to the end of our class.(万能过渡句) Now I will give each of you a reflection card as usual. You can write down what you get from this lesson and what you want to say to me on it. You have 2 minutes. Here we go!(学生写) OK! Time’s up! Pass me your cards! Wow! I can see all of you have a good day. That’s good! (老师反馈)
b. 作用
(1) 课堂规则活动
(2) 巩固加深印象
(3) 符合学习规律
B. 情感升华
a. 思路
(1) 通用模板进行升华
逐字稿:(择其一) 1,And don’t forget: Learning English is not just inside the class. It’s for life, for fun. (学习英语不只是在课堂中, 也是为了生活,为了乐趣。) 2,We can use English as a good tool to know this world. 3,And don’t forget: Be friendly to others and learn from others.
(2) 针对主题进行升华
升华方向: 生活习惯、健康饮食、与他人分享、爱家人,爱朋友、遵守交规,绿色出行、热爱生活,爱运动、保护动物、感恩,家人团聚、珍惜时间、热爱自然
逐字稿: We should...... form a good living/eating/learning habit. share with others/ eat more vegetables and fruits. love our families/ friends. obey traffic rules and promote green travel. enjoy life/ do more exercise. protect animals. be grateful to your families/ friends. cherish the time/ protect natural environment...
b. 作用
(1) 落实教学目标中的情感目标
(2) 促进学生全面发展
(3) 教学亮点
C. 作业Homework
a. 必做+选做
(1) 必做:完成书本练习(或者写单词/写句子/编对话/听录音/完善作文等) 选做:实践(画画/查资料/拍照/配音/做手工/分享给父母等)
b. 作用
(1) 课堂常规步骤
(2) 学生需要巩固联系
(3) 满足不同层次学生的需要
(4) 提升学生的实践和创新能力
c. 逐字稿
(1) So, boys and girls, for your homework, I need all of you to finish your exercise book. (必做) Then, if you want, you can search for more information about topic .(选做)Am I clear? Good!
(2) Let's see who is the winner today? Group A is the winner! Congratulations! Group B, don't be sad. I think you can do better next time! (小组得分统计, 若没有分组,此步骤省略)
(3) So much for today. Class is over. Good-bye, boys and girls. See you next time!(结束语)
VII. 中间环节 课型分类
A. 知识型 PPP模式
Presentation呈现:呈现新知 Practice练习:练习新知 Production输出:巩固提升
B. 技能型 PWP模式
Pre-task任务前:准备学习 While-task任务中:学习新知 Post-task任务后:巩固提升
VIII. 中间环节 分课型
A. PPP模式
A. 词汇课
(1) Presentation新授
1| 讲解新词
图像法/实物 (万能)
OK,boys and girls! I'll show you a basketball (呈现图片/视频/简笔画/实物). Do you know what it is? right,it's a basketball(板书单词). read after me, basketball (带读单词)
I'll do a gesture for you. Look at me! what am I doing?(呈现动作) Do you know this action? Great! jump (板书单词). Read after me, jump(带读单词).
Let’s learn some new words first. How about “always”?(板书单词) You think ... it’s difficult. I will make some sentences to help you understand this word. For example: Boys and girls, there are 7 days in a week. I walk to school 7 times a week. So I can say I always walk to school.(举例解释单词) Have you got it now? Great! Read after me...(带读单词)
What’s the meaning of this word? (板书单词) Yes, Cindy, you got it? Can you explain it for us? (学生解释单词) Let’s listen carefully. Okay, have you got it, now? (环视全班) Well done, you are a good teacher, thank you, Cindy. Boys and girls, read after me: … (带读单词)
讲解新词 1,感知单词-义 2,板书单词-形 3,教读单词-音
2| 讲解新句型
直接教授 useful expression
Now, here are some useful sentences for you. Look at the blackboard.______ (写句型)
师生问答 ask and answer
Now, boys and girls, I have a question for you. _______? Linda, please. Linda said: “________.”(写句型)
听音频 listen and tape
Now, please look at the picture. What are they talking about? Let's listen to the radio/tape to find out the answer. Yes, they said: “__________”(写句型)
(2) Practice练习 (机械性操练)
1| 操练词汇 (音形义)
游戏:read my mouth读唇术
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let's play a game called “Read my mouth”. ( 指自己的嘴巴 )
② I will say the word with the mouth moving only and without sound. Please look at my mouth carefully, and tell me the word I read. ( 该步骤一定要配合手势和体态语) For example: swim(只做 口型)Am I clear?
③ Here we go! Look carefully: sing/ dance/ draw/ swim/ write...
④ Group A is faster! You did a good job!
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Whisper”.
② I will divide you into 3 groups. You are group 1. You are group 2. You are group 3 (若导入分组了,则此处无需再分组). Then I will whisper a word/ phrase to the first student in your group, and he or she should pass it quickly and quietly. The last one should stand up and read the word/ phrase aloud as soon as he/she gets it. Understand? Good!
③ Let’s have a try!(真正表演出来,假装下台侧耳说) Come on!
④Wow, Linda is the fastest! Please speak out the word loudly again! Yeah! Linda, you got the word/ phrase sing/ dance/ draw/ swim/ write... ! Conguratulations!
游戏:high & low voice大小声
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “High and low voice” .
② When I read a word in a high voice, you should read it in a low voice. When I read a word in a low voice, you should read it in a high voice. For example: write(大声) You should say...write(小声)
③Am I clear? Let’s go! swim(大声)swim(小声)...
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!
游戏:I do and you guess我划你猜
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “I do and you guess” to practice these new words.
②Play with your desk mate. (两人一组) The one who sees the word should act it out, and the other should guess the English word. For example, if I see the word “ sing ”, I need to do like this. (做唱歌动作) You should take a guess. Am I clear? Let’s have a try!
④Wow! Each team played this game well and you can enjoy yourselves!Wonderful!(竖起大拇指)
游戏:finger show手指游戏
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Finger show” .
②I will mark these words with 1,2,3,4. When I show one finger, you read the first word. When I show two fingers, you read the second word. (边说 边指黑板上的单词)
③Am I clear? Let’s go! 伸第一个手指--sing, 伸第二个手指 dance....Let’s speed up! (反复操练,逐步加速)Sing, draw, swim ...write!
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!(竖起大拇指)
游戏:bomb game炸弹游戏
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Bomb game” .
② I will take this word (指黑板) as the bomb word. When I point to other words, you should speak them out loudly. But when I point to the bomb word, you should keep silent.
③Am I clear? Let’s go!(指单词)Sing, dance, draw.(炸弹单词) Oh, no! Some of you speak out the bomb game. A bomb for you! (duang~)
④Wonderful! All of you are so active!
游戏:missing word消失的单词
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “what’s missing” .
②Look at these words on the blackboard. You have 5 seconds to remember them. Then, close your eyes.(做遮住眼睛的动作) I will cover some of them. When you open your eyes, please tell me the missing words.
③Am I clear? Let’s go!(盖住一个单词)What’s missing? Sing... What’s missing? Yep! Dance ...
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!(竖起大拇指)
2| 操练句型 (用)
make a dialogue 对话练习
① Well, let’s strike while the iron is hot.
②This time, work in pairs to make a dialogue by using the words and sentence structure on the blackboard. (指黑板)2 minutes for you.
③ Have you got it? Okay, let’s start. (停顿巡视)Stop here.
④ Who wants to have a try? Cindy and your deskmate, please. Well done! I like your voice. But please pay attention to this sentence “I can dance”. (可设置纠错) Sit down, please.
(3) Production输出 (意义性操练)
1| 内容
综合语言运用 新旧知识衔接 小组合作意识 在情境中应用 (音形义用) 口语输出
2| 方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
①We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, I will set a situation for you. (创设情景)
②Look at the picture on the screen. Snow White is walking around the forest. But! Ding dong! She meets a monster! (惊恐语气)What can she do? Can she run? Of cause! If you can use one word to make a new and correct sentence, Snow White can move 5 steps. If the sentence is not right, the monster will run 3 steps. Now! Let’s help Snow White to run faster in the forest!
③Who would like to be the first one! Yeah! Sunny! Oh, a good sentence. You said “I can swim and I like to swim in summer.” . Oh, Snow White runs faster. How about next one? Mike, just have a try. Here, we need to say “I can’t sing, but I can dance ”. (假设一名学生说错了)Sorry, the monster runs 3 steps. But...don’t worry! Snow White still run faster than the monster! Snow White is safe now!
④ Congratulations! And thank you guys!
3| 方法:do a survey小组调查
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, let’s do a challenging task.
Work in groups of 4 to do a survey.
You need to think about the following topic: “What can you do?” . Think about your answer for a while, and then share your ideas with your group members. Don’t forget to ask for more information.
5 minutes for you, all right? Here we go! (巡视)
OK, who can give us a report? Yes, Daisy please. Some of you can sing English songs. Some can draw pictures.(可概述学生的话) Well done. Let’s give her great applause. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
4| 方法:have a discussion小组讨论
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, let’s do a challenging task. Work in groups of 4 to have a discussion.
You need to think about the following topic: “What can you do?” . Then share your answers with your group members.
I will give you 5 minutes to do it. Then, I will invite some of you to share with us. Am I clear? Okay, here we go! (巡视)
Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Yes, Daisy please. Some of you can sing English songs. Some can draw pictures.(可概述学生的话)Well done. Let’s give her great applause. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
5| 方法:do role play角色扮演
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, it’s time for fun. Let’s do a role play together.
Listen carefully: Work in groups of 4... One student should act as , the other students act .
What will you do and what will you talk? Please make up a new conversation.
10 minutes later, I will invite some of you to present on the stage. Are you ready? Here we go!(巡视)
Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Yes, your group please. (可简单概括学生对话内容) Well done. Great! I love your performance. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
B. 语音课
(1) 朗读
(2) 拼读
At the beginning of the class, let’s have a letter game to review the lesson.Look at me! I will show you some letters with body language. Which letter is this? (身体呈现字母A) Yes, it is letter A and we’ve learned the it before. What about this one? (手呈现字母C) Great! Letter C. All of you have mastered the knolwedge well. I’m so proud of you! Now, let’s continue to learn the pronunciation of other letter/ letter groups ______.(板书标题)
① I will show some pictures on the blackboard and you should guess what it is. What about the first one?(简笔画呈现单词) Yes, it is a cat. A cat can catch...a rat! What does the cat like? The cat likes the hat. What about the rat? The rat likes the cap.(写单词即可)
② Now, boys and girls, Can you find the similarity among these words? Read them by yourselves and look carefully in 1 minute. Okay, who would like to tell me? Amanda, please. Yes, they all have the lette “a”. You have sharp eyes.
学生听标准读音(老师读/放音频) 探究正确发音
③ But how to read it? Not sure? Don’t worry! Let’s listen to the tape to find the answer. Here we go. (老师读,完成示范朗读要求) Stop here. How to read the letter “a”? Yes, letter “a” sounds “[æ] ”.
④Wonderful! All of you did a very good job! Now, let’s put all your views together. Here, “a” sounds “[æ]”. c-a-t, cat; r-a-t, rat; c-a-p, cap; h-a-t, hat. (分字母拼读,体现出与词汇课的区别) Have you got it? Great!
Practice练习 (音形) 机械(游戏)/意义
练习本节课单词 (机械反复练习) (基础讲法—必做)
练习新单词 (意义练习) (进阶讲法—选做)
read some new words见词能读
① This time, I will show some new words on the screen/blackboard. (老师给出新单词)Try to read them by using the pronunciation rules in 2 minutes, okay?(给时间) Here we go.
②Who can read them for us? Jenny, please. (找同学读)Bad,dad,tap...(含有字母a的新单词)
③ Excellent! You can read them correctly and fluently by yourself! I’m so proud of you!
④Any others? Lily, please.Good, but please pay attention to this word “bad”. Read after me! B-a-d! Sit down, please. (纠错)
listen and number听音能写
① This time, open your excercise book, turn to page 20. (做翻书动作,页数无所谓) Finish the task “ listen and number”. Are you ready? Here we go.(停顿2-3秒) Have you finished? Good!
②Let’s check the answer together. NO.1 is....No.2 is....(核对2个答案即可)
③ Excellent! You have mastered the knowledge well!
Production输出 (创造性输出活动)
综合语言运用 新旧知识衔接 小组合作意识 在情境中应用 知识输出
①We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, let’s play a dubbing game.
②We will watch a movie named Frozen. (冰雪奇缘)For the first time, listen to it carefully, and for the second time, it will be silent. There are four characters in it. Work in groups of 4 to finish the dubbing.You can choose a character you like, and try to dub for him/her after listening, all right? Pay attention to the pronunciation of letter a (教师提示) 5 minutes later, I will invite some of you come here to share with us.
③Are you ready? Go! (巡视) Stop here. Which group wants to have a try?
④Jessica, your group, please. Excellent! You all gave wonderful performance. I’m so proud of you!
finding house找房子
HOW:学生找以前所学单词 (结合本节课语音知识的单词)
① We have practiced the new words for many times. Now, let’s play a game called “finding home”.
② Work in groups of 4. Try to find more words with the letter “a” . 5 minutes will be given. Then I will invite some students to read and put the words in a proper house like this.(画房子)
③Am I clear? Go! Time’s up! Who would like to have a try?
④Lily and Bob, please. (转身写单词)Let’s read them together! D-a-d! Dad! S- a-d! Sad! You all have mastered the lesson well. Good job! Go back to your seat. Thank you. Let’s give them big hands.
C. 语法课
Step 1. 老师呈现在黑板上语法知识(单词/句子)
① I will show you a conversation. After listening, please tell me what they are talking about?(老师朗读对话) Stop here. They are talking about...weekend activities! What did they do? Yes, they stayed at home and watched TV. What else? Cleaned my room, washed my clothes .(写单词即可)
Step 2. 学生自己读,探究(外在)规律(形)
② Now, boys and girls, can you find the same among these words? Look carefully and have a discussion with your neighbour in 2 minutes. Here we go! Okay, who would like to tell me? Amanda, please. Yes, they have the “ed” form. (形式) You all have sharp eyes.
Step 3. 教师做总结(用法)
③Now, let’s put all your points together. Here, we should use “ed” form to talk about something happened in the past.(用法). For example, I worked ten hours last Friday.(可举个例子). Am I clear? Okay, read after me!(可带读一遍) Great! Please remember it.
Practice练习 (音形) 机械(游戏)/意义
fill in blanks填空
true or false判断对错
① As we all know, practice makes perfect.
② Please fill in the blanks/ do the T/F exercise as quickly as you can. You should pay attention to the “ed” form. Am I clear? Here we go! (板 书上写题) Have you finished?
③ Who can finish the task? Amy, please. Come here. You are so brave! (老师假装学生,转身把答案写在黑板上) Thank you! Go back to your seat.
④ Boys and girls, do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right. Let’s read them together.(重复黑板上的句子)
Production输出 (创造性输出活动)
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, let’s do another challenging task named “Do a survey” . Work in groups of 4. Think about the topic “What did you do last weekend?” and then share your ideas with your group members. Don’t forget to ask for more information. Please pay attention to the “ed” form, okay? (强调一下语法点) 5 minutes for you, all right? Here we go! (巡视) Okay, who can give us a report? Daisy, please. You did so many interesting things last weekend. Well done. Let’s give them great applause. You all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
B. PWP模式
A. 听说课
扫清听力障碍—词汇 抛出话题,调动积极性—话题
① OK, boys and girls, before listening, let’s learn some new words together! (review some words复习单词也可以)
②I will show a picture. Look at the screen. What can you see? Yes! We can see a nest.(写单词) It’s the home of birds! What about the next picture? They’re ...(拖音)Yes! Eggs!(写单词) You are so clever! Read after me...(带读) These new words will be useful in your listening. Have you got it?
③Let’s come to the dialogue/conversation now!
① First of all, let’s look at the pictures/ title/ words. Can you guess what they are talking about?/ Can you guess what will happen between A and B?
② Maybe they are talking about animals? spring?... Different people have different guesses. Whose guess is correct?(激发听的兴趣)
③Now, let’s listen to the tape to find out
First listening 一听
① Now, let’s listen to the tape for the first time. After listening, you need to answer the question: What are they talking about? Are you ready? Go! (假装播放音频,停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! She said “They are talking about the numbers of different things.(替换对应主题) ” Any different ideas? / Do you agree with her? (生生互动)
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information? Just go!
The second listening 二听
① Now, please listen to the tape again.
true or false判断对错
After listening, please finish the task “T/F”(可以换成其他活动) on the blackboard. Go!(写题)
Let’s match the questions and answer together. On the left, that’s the question1-3, and on the right, these are the answers. (转身板书)
multiple choice单项选择
Let’s see the multiple choices. Here on the blackboard. This is the question( 板 书 ). There are 4 choices. There is only one right answer. Liten to the story carefully, and pick up the right answer. How many ... are there? A.three B.two
fill in blanks填空
Look at the blackboard, here are the blanks.(板书)Please read the story carefully, then, fill in the blanks.There are _____birds. There are _____eggs
After listening, you should answer the questions. These are the questions.(板书)Well, let’s go! Q1. How many birds are there ? Q2. ow many flowers are there ?
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There are three birds.”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? There are four eggs.(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? There are five eggs!(说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! I think all these tasks are easy for you. Let’s do more challenging tasks together. Let’s come to next part!
The third listening 三听(选做)*
① After listening twice, let’s practice speaking now. Read after the tape and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Am I clear? Here we go! (如果题本要求朗读,也可以在这里读) ② Stop here, that’s all for speaking. I like your beautiful voice! You have clear pronunciation, and correct intonation.
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
All of you have a deep understanding of the conversation. Now, it’s time for fun. Let’s do a role play together. Listen carefully: Work in groups of 4. Now you are in the forest. One student should act as the monkey, one should act as the tiger and the other students act as the birds. What will you do and what will you say? Please pay attention the the emotions of the animals. For example: In the story at first, the monkey is very surprised to see birds. He said “Look, Lulu, birds! ”(惊喜的语气) But when he falls down, he becomes scared.(惶恐的表情) Have you got it? 5 minutes for you! Okay, please go ahead! Time’s up, it’s show time! Which team wants to go first? You please! Excellent! You all gave wonderful performance. ( 大拇指表示鼓励 )
方法:dubbing game趣配音
B. 阅读课
扫清阅读障碍—词汇 抛出话题,调动积极性—话题
① OK, boys and girls, before reading, let's review some words together./let’s learn some new words together! (review some words复习单词也可以)
②I will show a picture. Look at the screen. What can you see in the video? Yes! We can see a an island , (写板书) Read after me...(带读) These new words will be useful in your listening. Have you got it?
all of you have mastered the words well.I'm so proud of you.
③Let’s come to the story now!
① First of all, let’s look at some pictures about the passage. What can you see from the pictures? Many beautiful flowers and fishes. (根据主体写) Do you know which place it is?
② Maybe the pictures are taken in... Qingdao? Sanya? Dalian?...(猜什么的都有,猜错也不要紧) Different people have different guesses. Whose guess is correct?
③ Now, let’s read the passage for the first time to find out the answer.
First reading 一读
① Now, let’s read it for the first time. After reading, you need to answer the question: Which place is it? (根据主体提出问题) 1 minutes for you!(泛读时间较短) Are you ready? Go! (停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! She said “The place is Sanya. It is on Hainan island.” Do you agree with her, boys and girls? (生生互动) Yes!
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information about Sanya? Let’s continu to read!
The second reading 二读
① Now, please listen to the tape again.
true or false判断对错
After reading, please finish the task “true or false”.(板书) There are many beaches on the island.(T) You will see many beautiful birds in the park.(F)
Let’s match together. On the left, these are the ____, on the right, these are the ______. (转身板书)
multiple choice单项选择
Let’s see the multiple choices. Here on the blackboard. This is the question( 板 书 ). There are 4 choices. There is only one answer. Read the story carefully, and pick up the right answer. Where is Sanya? A. Hainan island B. Shandong
fill in blanks填空
Look at the blackboard, here are the blanks.(板书) Please read the story carefully, then, fill in the blanks. Sanya is on ______. It is in the _______ of China.
After reading, you should answer the questions. These are the questions.(板书)Well, let’s go! Q1. What can you see on the island? (buautiful beaches...) Q2. What can you see in the Sea world? (fish and sea plants...)
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There are three birds.”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? There are four eggs.(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? There are five eggs!(说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! I think all these tasks are easy for you. Let’s do more challenging tasks together. Let’s come to next part!
The third reading 三读(选做)*
After reading, let's practice speaking now. Read after the tape and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Am I clear? Here we go! (如果题本要求朗读,可以在这里读)
②Stop here, that’s all for speaking. I like your beautiful voice! You have clear pronunciation, and correct intonation. Fantastic!
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
方法:dubbing game趣配音
方法:retell the story/passage复述
All of you have deep understanding of the passage. Let’s do another challenging task named “retell the passage". I will show you some key words on the PPT. Please use the key words and the sentence patterns we’ve learned today “There is/are...” to retell the passage. 4 students in a group. 5 minutes for you. Here we go. Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Wow, so many students want to share. Yes, Daisy please. Well done. You can tell us the key information about Sanya. Thanks for your sharing. Let’s give her great applause. Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!
C. 写作课
写前准备工作 (熟悉写作话题,掌握写作句型)
① OK, boys and girls, before writing, let’s learn/review some words together!(当成新授单词也可以)
② I will show something for you. What’s this? Yeah! It’s a book. Look at me. What am I doing? I’m reading. (写单词)I like reading. What about the next one. What’s this? Bingo! football. Do you like playing football(写单词) ? Good hobby. These words would be useful in your writing. Have you got it? Great!
③Let’s come to the passage now!
First reading 一读
① Now, let’s read the Notic Board for the first time. After reading, you need to answer the question: How many notices are mentioned and what are the notices about? Are you ready? Go!(停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! Her answer is: “4” and they are about dancing, playing football, reading and science.
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information about these notices? Let’s continu to read!
The second reading 二读 true or false判断对错
① Now, please read again. After reading, please finish the task “T/F” on the blackboard. Go!(写题)
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③ Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m.(T)”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? Mike likes playing football(F).(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? Mike likes reading. (说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! Let’s come to next part!
The second reading 二读 讨论/头脑风暴
What’s your hobby? Reading? Dancing? Or playing football? Now, work in groups of 4 to have a discussion/ brainstorming. You need to think about the following topic: “Talk about your hobbies with you group members. Try to invite your partners to join your club” . You can follow the Notice Board to finish the task. 5 minutes for you. Am I clear? Okay, here we go!(巡视) Okay, time is up. Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
① It’s time for writing. Write a notice to invite others join in your club.(写作的内容) Please pay attention to your spelling(拼写), punctuation(标点符号) and handwriting.(字迹) 5 minutes for you. If you have any questions, please ask for help. Am I clear?
② Here we go. 此环节假装环顾下学生们写作情况
① Time is up. (拍手) Exchange your writing with your partners. Check for mistakes and give suggestions to each other. You have 2 minutes to do it. Let’s start!
② Who can share your notice with us? Good! Amy! Perfect! You write about a singing club and you can write the sentences correctly with a good handwriting. Big hands for you!
C. 插播万能点名选人游戏 “击鼓传花”
Any volunteer? Wow, so many students want to share. How about playing a game called “hot potato”to choose someone? (营造热烈的课堂氛围,游戏前的动员准备)
Are you ready? Go! “London bridge’s falling down, falling down...” Stop! (开始自导自演)
Who is the lucky dog? Daisy, you are so lucky, you please.(寻找幸运鹅回答问题)
IX. 教案撰写
A. 教案作用:
1,理顺思路 2,提示上课 3,答辩提问
B. 教案格式
a. Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: …… Ability aims: …… Emotional aims: ……
知识目标knowledge aims
单词,词组,句子,话题 words,phrases,sentences,topic
模板一: 1,学生能够认读单词和短语(从材料中挑选3~4个单词或短语),掌握主要句型(从材料中挑选句型),并进行熟练运用。 2,学生能够了解与主题相关的内容
模板二: 1,Students can grasp the following new words : A and and master the key sentence pattern: B .(字词句) 2,Students will understand the topic of the material and learn more about C .(话题)
技能目标ability aims
读,说,写,听 Reading,speaking,writing,listening
模板一: 通过课堂活动,学生能够提高综合语言运用能力,并能就熟悉的话题进行简单交流。
模板二: Students can improve integrated language skills through class activities and discuss familiar topic.
模板三: Students can express their opinions about B(文中提炼主题) by using the target language correctly and fluently.(说)
模板四: Students will be able to use fast reading and careful reading correctly in their reading process.(阅读课)
情感目标emotional aims
兴趣,态度,自信心,合作, 主题出发获取针对性的情感学习 Interest,attitude,confidence, cooperation,theme
模板一: 学生能够增强学习英语的兴趣,并且乐于参加不同的课堂活动。
模板二: 学生有学好英语的信心,并敢于在公共场合讲英语。
模板三: 学生加强团队合作能力,并且可以一起完成任务。
模板四: Students can develop a habit of A . Students can realize the importance of B .(主题情感)
模板五: Students can arouse learning interest and build confidence in learning English well.(兴趣与自信心)
模板六: Students can cooperate with group mates actively and complete the tasks together.(团队合作)
b. Teaching key and difficult points: .......
重点 key points
模板一: Students can grasp the new words and phrases, and master the key sentence patterns.
模板二: Students can get the content of this lesson through reading.(阅读课)
难点 difficult points
模板一: Students can talk about/describe the new topic correctly and fluently.
模板二: Students can improve their comprehensive language skills and build confidence in learning English well.
c. Teaching methods: ……
交际教学法CLT Communicative Language Teaching Approach
过程交际化,允许语误 体现学生交际的流利性,方便学生进行口语表达
情景教学法 Situational Language Teaching Method
全身反应教学法 Total Physical Response Teaching Method
注重听,不强迫学生开口输出 听~做
任务型教学法 Task-based Teaching Method
归纳法 inductive teaching method
练习法 Practice Method
讨论法 Discussion Method
读写结合法 Reading and Writing Method
d. Teaching procedures:
step 1: Warm-up+Lead in
step 2: Presentation/Pre-task
step 3: Practice/While-task
step 4: Production/Post-task
step 5:Summary+Homework
e. Blackboard design: 板书设计
C. 考场撰写
a. Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: …… Ability aims: …… Emotional aims: ……
students can (省略不写,直接写关键词) 1. Teaching aims: a. Knowledge aim: master these words: season, spring, summer, etc. b. Ability aim: develop the ability of reading/ speaking/ listening/ writing. c. Emotional aim: foster the interest of learning English.
b. Teaching key and difficult points: .......
c. Teaching methods: ……
d. Teaching procedures: step 1: Warm-up+Lead in step 2: Presentation/Pre-task step 3: Practice/While-task step 4: Production/Post-task step 5:Summary+Homework
e. Blackboard design:
03 试讲理论
I. 试讲定义
A. 自编
B. 自演
C. 互动
II. 流程
A. 课堂开场(热场)
B. 中间环节(知识点)
C. 课堂结尾(总结+作业)
III. 题本分析
A. 试题纸 /备课纸
b. 文字呈现
c. 教材呈现
构成部分: 1,题目——话题/课型 (1)xx教学试讲 (2)Title:...... 2,内容: 核心考点(词/句/语音/语法...) 对话,文段,教材截图 3,要求 (课型/内容/活动/注意事项......) (1)对课本讲解方向的限定 (2)对教学设计的提示 (3)重要采分点
B. 基本要求
a. 形式上的要求 也很重要,即便没有明确写出来也要达到 (熟记于心)
10分钟试讲 全英文授课 适当设计板书 体现学生的主体性和教师的主导性 设计互动环节,体现师生互动 进行过程性评价 体现呈现、新授、练习、巩固等环节
b. 内容上的要求 非常重要,一定要体现在试讲里, 甚至是教学重难点(可以拿笔画出重点)
示范朗读 讲解划线部分内容 重点讲解ing用法 渗透文化差异 游戏教学,注重课堂趣味性 用肢体语言或简笔画教学 讲授sh,ch的发音
C. 来源
a. 教材上(电子课本网),教材外
b. 教材版本:不限(人教版,外研社,牛津版)
c. 考察年级:不限(不会超标,课程标准)
D. 提炼要点
a. 课型6个
b. 话题
c. 知识点
d. 注意事项
E. 正确习惯
a. 先分析再设计
b. 3+10+7
分析3分钟 简案10分钟 过思路7分钟
F. 课型分类
a. 什么课讲成词汇课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排词汇教学”“重点练习词汇”“讲解词汇” 等与词汇相关的描述,须按词汇课授课。 * 题目 词汇教学试讲。 * 内容 内容以一组单词/对话的形式出现,以词汇和句型学习为主
b. 什么课讲成语音课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“讲解发音”“讲解韵律”“语音语调”等与语音相关的描 述,须按语音课授课。 * 题目 语音教学试讲/ Let’s chant。 * 内容 内容以单词(字母组合),歌谣(韵律),句子(升降调)等语音形式出现。
c. 什么课讲成语法课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排语法教学”“语法渗透”“讲解ing”等与语法相关的 描述,须按语法课授课。 * 题目 语法教学试讲/ Grammar * 内容 内容以明显的语法内容及形式出现,以句型或语法知识点学习为主
d. 什么课讲成听说课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“听力教学”“口语教学”“练习听说”等与听力和口语相关的 描述,须按听说课授课。 * 题目 听力/口语教学试讲 * 内容 内容以对话的形式出现,以句型和口语表达学习为主
e. 什么课讲成阅读课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“语篇教学”“重点理解文章”“讲解文中某细节信息”等与阅 读相关的描述,须按阅读课授课。 * 题目 阅读/语篇教学试讲 * 内容 内容以段落,小短文,故事(story time)的形式出现
f. 什么课讲成写作课
* 基本要求 要求中有明确的“安排写的活动”“仿写句子”等与写作相关描述,须按写作课授课。 * 题目 写作教学试讲 * 内容 内容以一段话的形式出现,并给出重点句型,让完成句子书写,或仿写句子的情况
g. 综合课型
(1) 阅读词汇
(2) 听力语法
(3) 词汇语音
(4) 无课型要求
向基础可行看齐,教无定法, 满足要求,讲清楚内容即可
IV. 拿到试题纸的思路组织
A. 判断课型
B. 选择模式
C. 填充内容
1,Warm-up&Lead-in 2,Presentation 3,Practice 4,Production 5,Summary&Homework
1,Warm-up&Lead-in 2,Pre-task 3,While-task 4,Post 5,Summary&Homework
D. 组织句子
E. 过试讲流程
V. 开头
A. 热身Warm-Up
a. 步骤
(1) 师生问好 (择其一)
Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. How are you today? Good? Great? Fine? I'm fine, too.
Class begins,Everyone,how are you doing? Great!I see all of you are happy toady.
Hello guys,nice /glad to see you again,Are you ready for your lesson?
(2) 过渡句 (择其一)
Before this class,I will sing a song/read a tongue twister/say a chant/share a riddle with you .Let's enjoy it!
(3) 热身活动 (择其一)
唱歌sing a song(唱一小段)
常用歌曲: The wheels on the bus(交通工具) Ten Little Indians (数字) Apple song (食物、水果) You are my sunshine (天气) Baby shark (家庭成员) Rabbit dance(动物) Rainbow song (颜色) Be what you wanna be (职业) Merry Christmas (节日、日期)
绕口令read a tongue twister
常用绕口令: Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.如果一个好的厨师能 做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出 和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。 Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not. 无论是好天气,还是坏天气。 Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be not. 不管天气是冷还是不冷。 We will weather the weather whether we like it or not. 不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。
说歌谣say a chant
常用歌谣 《What can you see?》 Look, look, what can you see? I can see a bird singing in a tree. Look, look, what can you see? I can see a monkey drinking tea. Look, look, what can you see? I can see a tiger watching TV. 《Rain rain go away》 Rain Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day. Little kids want to play. Rain, rain, go away! Let’s go out and play! 《Tomato》 Tomato, tomato, wash wash wash. Tomato, tomato, cut cut cut. Tomato, tomato, cook cook cook. Tomato, tomato, eat eat eat.
猜谜语guess a riddle
常用谜语: 1,What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white? (blackboard) ,2,Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (hotdog) 3,What kind of bird can take a man to the sky? (plane) 4,What letter is an animal? B (Bee) 5,Which letter is a drink? T (tea) 6,I have a long nose and two big ears. What am I ? (elehphant) 7,I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?(giraffe)
做游戏paly a game
常用游戏 1,Walking game 指令游戏, walk run jump sit stop 2,Yellow bird 数字游戏,说几只鸟就几个人抱在一起 3,Simon says
(4) 反馈评价 (择其一)
All of you did a good job. I'm so proud of you.
Feel better now? Great,then let's start our new lesson.
Do you like the song/chant/riddle/game/tongue twister? Yes, I like it,too. And I hope you also like our English class.
Thank you! Sit down please. Let’s start our lesson.
b. 作用
(1) 轻松愉快的学习氛围
(2) 激发学生学习兴趣
(3) 集中学生注意力
(4) 展现老师本身活泼的性格
c. Tips: 可以与本节课内容不相关
B. 导入Lead-In
a. 步骤
(1) 出示材料
逐字稿: At the beginning of the class,(这一句必说,后面几句视情况选一句) I'd like to show you a picture /video. Please look at the screen. I will draw a stick figure/picture. Please look at the blackboard. I will show you an object. Look at my hand.
(2) 提问+互动
逐字稿: I have a question for you. Listen carefully. What can you see in the picture/video? Yes, we can see ... Can you describe this picture/video for us? Good, the picture is about ... What can you see in my hand? Great, you can see ...
(3) 引出标题—板书
逐字稿: Today, our topic is also about that. Let’s learn our new lesson: _______(写板书标题) This class, we will learn something new about it. The title is _______(写板书标题) Today, we are going to learn a new lesson: _______(写板书标题)
Tips: 一定记得写板书(标题)
(4) 其他方法导入
At the beginning of the class, let's have a brainstorming(头脑风暴)to review the lesson. What have we learned before?(停顿2-3秒) Yes,we've learned ____________.(上节课所学) All of you have mastered the knolwedge well. I'm so proud of you! Now, let's continue to learn _____________.(板书标题)
Boys and girls, let's have a free talk(自由讨论)/discussion(讨论) together, the topic is ______ (与文章主题相关)Yeah! I heard all of you have your own idea.(此处可重复学生的观点) Today our new lesson is also about that. Let's learn: ______.(板书标题)
Boys and girls, please imagine that _______. (创设和本课主题相关场景) What will you do? Yeah! I heard all of you have your own idea. (此处可重复学生的观点) Today our topic is also about that. Let’s learn our new lesson:______. (板书标题)
b. 作用
(1) 引入本节课主题
(2) 激发学生学习兴趣
(3) 调动积极性,活跃思维
(4) 激活其已有知识和经验
c. Tips: 必须与本节课内容相关
时间: 40s~1分半都可以
C. 分组Grouping 非必须
a. 步骤
(1) 划分小组
逐字稿: But before we get started, I'll divide you into 2 groups./You will be divided into 2 groups.(手势 “2”) You are goup A , You are group B. (You are group C.)(副班书写组名.)
特色队名:(用简笔画画出队名) 1, tiger cat panda 2,happy sunshine dream 3,red yellow blue 4,sun moon star 5,Apple strawberry orange
(2) 说明规则
逐字稿: (选一句话背) 1, If you can answer my question quickly and correctly,I will give you 1 point like this. (板书) Let’s see which group can get more points today. 2,Each time you get a correct answer, I’ll give you 1 point. (板书) Let’s see which group performs better today
b. 作用
(1) 活跃课堂氛围
(2) 竞争意识,提高学习效率
(3) 贯穿始终的授课亮点
(4) 丰富板书设计
VI. 结尾
A. 小结Summary
a. 思路
(1) 师生总结
逐字稿: How time flies. Here comes to the end of our class.(万能过渡句) Who would like to be a little teacher to make a summary for us? Good, Jack, please. You have a good memory. 1 point for you. (加分,若无分组,此处加分可省略) Sit down please. (学生总结) Today, We have also learnd how to talk about topic .(老师补充)
(2) 总计反馈卡
逐字稿: How time flies. Here comes to the end of our class.(万能过渡句) Now I will give each of you a reflection card as usual. You can write down what you get from this lesson and what you want to say to me on it. You have 2 minutes. Here we go!(学生写) OK! Time’s up! Pass me your cards! Wow! I can see all of you have a good day. That’s good! (老师反馈)
b. 作用
(1) 课堂规则活动
(2) 巩固加深印象
(3) 符合学习规律
B. 情感升华
a. 思路
(1) 通用模板进行升华
逐字稿:(择其一) 1,And don’t forget: Learning English is not just inside the class. It’s for life, for fun. (学习英语不只是在课堂中, 也是为了生活,为了乐趣。) 2,We can use English as a good tool to know this world. 3,And don’t forget: Be friendly to others and learn from others.
(2) 针对主题进行升华
升华方向: 生活习惯、健康饮食、与他人分享、爱家人,爱朋友、遵守交规,绿色出行、热爱生活,爱运动、保护动物、感恩,家人团聚、珍惜时间、热爱自然
逐字稿: We should...... form a good living/eating/learning habit. share with others/ eat more vegetables and fruits. love our families/ friends. obey traffic rules and promote green travel. enjoy life/ do more exercise. protect animals. be grateful to your families/ friends. cherish the time/ protect natural environment...
b. 作用
(1) 落实教学目标中的情感目标
(2) 促进学生全面发展
(3) 教学亮点
C. 作业Homework
a. 必做+选做
(1) 必做:完成书本练习(或者写单词/写句子/编对话/听录音/完善作文等) 选做:实践(画画/查资料/拍照/配音/做手工/分享给父母等)
b. 作用
(1) 课堂常规步骤
(2) 学生需要巩固联系
(3) 满足不同层次学生的需要
(4) 提升学生的实践和创新能力
c. 逐字稿
(1) So, boys and girls, for your homework, I need all of you to finish your exercise book. (必做) Then, if you want, you can search for more information about topic .(选做)Am I clear? Good!
(2) Let's see who is the winner today? Group A is the winner! Congratulations! Group B, don't be sad. I think you can do better next time! (小组得分统计, 若没有分组,此步骤省略)
(3) So much for today. Class is over. Good-bye, boys and girls. See you next time!(结束语)
VII. 中间环节 课型分类
A. 知识型 PPP模式
Presentation呈现:呈现新知 Practice练习:练习新知 Production输出:巩固提升
B. 技能型 PWP模式
Pre-task任务前:准备学习 While-task任务中:学习新知 Post-task任务后:巩固提升
VIII. 中间环节 分课型
A. PPP模式
A. 词汇课
(1) Presentation新授
1| 讲解新词
图像法/实物 (万能)
OK,boys and girls! I'll show you a basketball (呈现图片/视频/简笔画/实物). Do you know what it is? right,it's a basketball(板书单词). read after me, basketball (带读单词)
I'll do a gesture for you. Look at me! what am I doing?(呈现动作) Do you know this action? Great! jump (板书单词). Read after me, jump(带读单词).
Let’s learn some new words first. How about “always”?(板书单词) You think ... it’s difficult. I will make some sentences to help you understand this word. For example: Boys and girls, there are 7 days in a week. I walk to school 7 times a week. So I can say I always walk to school.(举例解释单词) Have you got it now? Great! Read after me...(带读单词)
What’s the meaning of this word? (板书单词) Yes, Cindy, you got it? Can you explain it for us? (学生解释单词) Let’s listen carefully. Okay, have you got it, now? (环视全班) Well done, you are a good teacher, thank you, Cindy. Boys and girls, read after me: … (带读单词)
讲解新词 1,感知单词-义 2,板书单词-形 3,教读单词-音
2| 讲解新句型
直接教授 useful expression
Now, here are some useful sentences for you. Look at the blackboard.______ (写句型)
师生问答 ask and answer
Now, boys and girls, I have a question for you. _______? Linda, please. Linda said: “________.”(写句型)
听音频 listen and tape
Now, please look at the picture. What are they talking about? Let's listen to the radio/tape to find out the answer. Yes, they said: “__________”(写句型)
(2) Practice练习 (机械性操练)
1| 操练词汇 (音形义)
游戏:read my mouth读唇术
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let's play a game called “Read my mouth”. ( 指自己的嘴巴 )
② I will say the word with the mouth moving only and without sound. Please look at my mouth carefully, and tell me the word I read. ( 该步骤一定要配合手势和体态语) For example: swim(只做 口型)Am I clear?
③ Here we go! Look carefully: sing/ dance/ draw/ swim/ write...
④ Group A is faster! You did a good job!
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Whisper”.
② I will divide you into 3 groups. You are group 1. You are group 2. You are group 3 (若导入分组了,则此处无需再分组). Then I will whisper a word/ phrase to the first student in your group, and he or she should pass it quickly and quietly. The last one should stand up and read the word/ phrase aloud as soon as he/she gets it. Understand? Good!
③ Let’s have a try!(真正表演出来,假装下台侧耳说) Come on!
④Wow, Linda is the fastest! Please speak out the word loudly again! Yeah! Linda, you got the word/ phrase sing/ dance/ draw/ swim/ write... ! Conguratulations!
游戏:high & low voice大小声
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “High and low voice” .
② When I read a word in a high voice, you should read it in a low voice. When I read a word in a low voice, you should read it in a high voice. For example: write(大声) You should say...write(小声)
③Am I clear? Let’s go! swim(大声)swim(小声)...
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!
游戏:I do and you guess我划你猜
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “I do and you guess” to practice these new words.
②Play with your desk mate. (两人一组) The one who sees the word should act it out, and the other should guess the English word. For example, if I see the word “ sing ”, I need to do like this. (做唱歌动作) You should take a guess. Am I clear? Let’s have a try!
④Wow! Each team played this game well and you can enjoy yourselves!Wonderful!(竖起大拇指)
游戏:finger show手指游戏
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Finger show” .
②I will mark these words with 1,2,3,4. When I show one finger, you read the first word. When I show two fingers, you read the second word. (边说 边指黑板上的单词)
③Am I clear? Let’s go! 伸第一个手指--sing, 伸第二个手指 dance....Let’s speed up! (反复操练,逐步加速)Sing, draw, swim ...write!
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!(竖起大拇指)
游戏:bomb game炸弹游戏
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “Bomb game” .
② I will take this word (指黑板) as the bomb word. When I point to other words, you should speak them out loudly. But when I point to the bomb word, you should keep silent.
③Am I clear? Let’s go!(指单词)Sing, dance, draw.(炸弹单词) Oh, no! Some of you speak out the bomb game. A bomb for you! (duang~)
④Wonderful! All of you are so active!
游戏:missing word消失的单词
①As we all know, practice makes perfect. So let’s play a game called “what’s missing” .
②Look at these words on the blackboard. You have 5 seconds to remember them. Then, close your eyes.(做遮住眼睛的动作) I will cover some of them. When you open your eyes, please tell me the missing words.
③Am I clear? Let’s go!(盖住一个单词)What’s missing? Sing... What’s missing? Yep! Dance ...
④Wonderful! All of you did a good job!(竖起大拇指)
2| 操练句型 (用)
make a dialogue 对话练习
① Well, let’s strike while the iron is hot.
②This time, work in pairs to make a dialogue by using the words and sentence structure on the blackboard. (指黑板)2 minutes for you.
③ Have you got it? Okay, let’s start. (停顿巡视)Stop here.
④ Who wants to have a try? Cindy and your deskmate, please. Well done! I like your voice. But please pay attention to this sentence “I can dance”. (可设置纠错) Sit down, please.
(3) Production输出 (意义性操练)
1| 内容
综合语言运用 新旧知识衔接 小组合作意识 在情境中应用 (音形义用) 口语输出
2| 方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
①We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, I will set a situation for you. (创设情景)
②Look at the picture on the screen. Snow White is walking around the forest. But! Ding dong! She meets a monster! (惊恐语气)What can she do? Can she run? Of cause! If you can use one word to make a new and correct sentence, Snow White can move 5 steps. If the sentence is not right, the monster will run 3 steps. Now! Let’s help Snow White to run faster in the forest!
③Who would like to be the first one! Yeah! Sunny! Oh, a good sentence. You said “I can swim and I like to swim in summer.” . Oh, Snow White runs faster. How about next one? Mike, just have a try. Here, we need to say “I can’t sing, but I can dance ”. (假设一名学生说错了)Sorry, the monster runs 3 steps. But...don’t worry! Snow White still run faster than the monster! Snow White is safe now!
④ Congratulations! And thank you guys!
3| 方法:do a survey小组调查
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, let’s do a challenging task.
Work in groups of 4 to do a survey.
You need to think about the following topic: “What can you do?” . Think about your answer for a while, and then share your ideas with your group members. Don’t forget to ask for more information.
5 minutes for you, all right? Here we go! (巡视)
OK, who can give us a report? Yes, Daisy please. Some of you can sing English songs. Some can draw pictures.(可概述学生的话) Well done. Let’s give her great applause. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
4| 方法:have a discussion小组讨论
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, this time, let’s do a challenging task. Work in groups of 4 to have a discussion.
You need to think about the following topic: “What can you do?” . Then share your answers with your group members.
I will give you 5 minutes to do it. Then, I will invite some of you to share with us. Am I clear? Okay, here we go! (巡视)
Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Yes, Daisy please. Some of you can sing English songs. Some can draw pictures.(可概述学生的话)Well done. Let’s give her great applause. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
5| 方法:do role play角色扮演
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, it’s time for fun. Let’s do a role play together.
Listen carefully: Work in groups of 4... One student should act as , the other students act .
What will you do and what will you talk? Please make up a new conversation.
10 minutes later, I will invite some of you to present on the stage. Are you ready? Here we go!(巡视)
Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Yes, your group please. (可简单概括学生对话内容) Well done. Great! I love your performance. (鼓掌) Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
B. 语音课
(1) 朗读
(2) 拼读
At the beginning of the class, let’s have a letter game to review the lesson.Look at me! I will show you some letters with body language. Which letter is this? (身体呈现字母A) Yes, it is letter A and we’ve learned the it before. What about this one? (手呈现字母C) Great! Letter C. All of you have mastered the knolwedge well. I’m so proud of you! Now, let’s continue to learn the pronunciation of other letter/ letter groups ______.(板书标题)
① I will show some pictures on the blackboard and you should guess what it is. What about the first one?(简笔画呈现单词) Yes, it is a cat. A cat can catch...a rat! What does the cat like? The cat likes the hat. What about the rat? The rat likes the cap.(写单词即可)
② Now, boys and girls, Can you find the similarity among these words? Read them by yourselves and look carefully in 1 minute. Okay, who would like to tell me? Amanda, please. Yes, they all have the lette “a”. You have sharp eyes.
学生听标准读音(老师读/放音频) 探究正确发音
③ But how to read it? Not sure? Don’t worry! Let’s listen to the tape to find the answer. Here we go. (老师读,完成示范朗读要求) Stop here. How to read the letter “a”? Yes, letter “a” sounds “[æ] ”.
④Wonderful! All of you did a very good job! Now, let’s put all your views together. Here, “a” sounds “[æ]”. c-a-t, cat; r-a-t, rat; c-a-p, cap; h-a-t, hat. (分字母拼读,体现出与词汇课的区别) Have you got it? Great!
Practice练习 (音形) 机械(游戏)/意义
练习本节课单词 (机械反复练习) (基础讲法—必做)
练习新单词 (意义练习) (进阶讲法—选做)
read some new words见词能读
① This time, I will show some new words on the screen/blackboard. (老师给出新单词)Try to read them by using the pronunciation rules in 2 minutes, okay?(给时间) Here we go.
②Who can read them for us? Jenny, please. (找同学读)Bad,dad,tap...(含有字母a的新单词)
③ Excellent! You can read them correctly and fluently by yourself! I’m so proud of you!
④Any others? Lily, please.Good, but please pay attention to this word “bad”. Read after me! B-a-d! Sit down, please. (纠错)
listen and number听音能写
① This time, open your excercise book, turn to page 20. (做翻书动作,页数无所谓) Finish the task “ listen and number”. Are you ready? Here we go.(停顿2-3秒) Have you finished? Good!
②Let’s check the answer together. NO.1 is....No.2 is....(核对2个答案即可)
③ Excellent! You have mastered the knowledge well!
Production输出 (创造性输出活动)
综合语言运用 新旧知识衔接 小组合作意识 在情境中应用 知识输出
①We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, let’s play a dubbing game.
②We will watch a movie named Frozen. (冰雪奇缘)For the first time, listen to it carefully, and for the second time, it will be silent. There are four characters in it. Work in groups of 4 to finish the dubbing.You can choose a character you like, and try to dub for him/her after listening, all right? Pay attention to the pronunciation of letter a (教师提示) 5 minutes later, I will invite some of you come here to share with us.
③Are you ready? Go! (巡视) Stop here. Which group wants to have a try?
④Jessica, your group, please. Excellent! You all gave wonderful performance. I’m so proud of you!
finding house找房子
HOW:学生找以前所学单词 (结合本节课语音知识的单词)
① We have practiced the new words for many times. Now, let’s play a game called “finding home”.
② Work in groups of 4. Try to find more words with the letter “a” . 5 minutes will be given. Then I will invite some students to read and put the words in a proper house like this.(画房子)
③Am I clear? Go! Time’s up! Who would like to have a try?
④Lily and Bob, please. (转身写单词)Let’s read them together! D-a-d! Dad! S- a-d! Sad! You all have mastered the lesson well. Good job! Go back to your seat. Thank you. Let’s give them big hands.
C. 语法课
Step 1. 老师呈现在黑板上语法知识(单词/句子)
① I will show you a conversation. After listening, please tell me what they are talking about?(老师朗读对话) Stop here. They are talking about...weekend activities! What did they do? Yes, they stayed at home and watched TV. What else? Cleaned my room, washed my clothes .(写单词即可)
Step 2. 学生自己读,探究(外在)规律(形)
② Now, boys and girls, can you find the same among these words? Look carefully and have a discussion with your neighbour in 2 minutes. Here we go! Okay, who would like to tell me? Amanda, please. Yes, they have the “ed” form. (形式) You all have sharp eyes.
Step 3. 教师做总结(用法)
③Now, let’s put all your points together. Here, we should use “ed” form to talk about something happened in the past.(用法). For example, I worked ten hours last Friday.(可举个例子). Am I clear? Okay, read after me!(可带读一遍) Great! Please remember it.
Practice练习 (音形) 机械(游戏)/意义
fill in blanks填空
true or false判断对错
① As we all know, practice makes perfect.
② Please fill in the blanks/ do the T/F exercise as quickly as you can. You should pay attention to the “ed” form. Am I clear? Here we go! (板 书上写题) Have you finished?
③ Who can finish the task? Amy, please. Come here. You are so brave! (老师假装学生,转身把答案写在黑板上) Thank you! Go back to your seat.
④ Boys and girls, do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right. Let’s read them together.(重复黑板上的句子)
Production输出 (创造性输出活动)
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
We have practiced the new words and sentences for many times. Now, let’s do another challenging task named “Do a survey” . Work in groups of 4. Think about the topic “What did you do last weekend?” and then share your ideas with your group members. Don’t forget to ask for more information. Please pay attention to the “ed” form, okay? (强调一下语法点) 5 minutes for you, all right? Here we go! (巡视) Okay, who can give us a report? Daisy, please. You did so many interesting things last weekend. Well done. Let’s give them great applause. You all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
B. PWP模式
A. 听说课
扫清听力障碍—词汇 抛出话题,调动积极性—话题
① OK, boys and girls, before listening, let’s learn some new words together! (review some words复习单词也可以)
②I will show a picture. Look at the screen. What can you see? Yes! We can see a nest.(写单词) It’s the home of birds! What about the next picture? They’re ...(拖音)Yes! Eggs!(写单词) You are so clever! Read after me...(带读) These new words will be useful in your listening. Have you got it?
③Let’s come to the dialogue/conversation now!
① First of all, let’s look at the pictures/ title/ words. Can you guess what they are talking about?/ Can you guess what will happen between A and B?
② Maybe they are talking about animals? spring?... Different people have different guesses. Whose guess is correct?(激发听的兴趣)
③Now, let’s listen to the tape to find out
First listening 一听
① Now, let’s listen to the tape for the first time. After listening, you need to answer the question: What are they talking about? Are you ready? Go! (假装播放音频,停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! She said “They are talking about the numbers of different things.(替换对应主题) ” Any different ideas? / Do you agree with her? (生生互动)
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information? Just go!
The second listening 二听
① Now, please listen to the tape again.
true or false判断对错
After listening, please finish the task “T/F”(可以换成其他活动) on the blackboard. Go!(写题)
Let’s match the questions and answer together. On the left, that’s the question1-3, and on the right, these are the answers. (转身板书)
multiple choice单项选择
Let’s see the multiple choices. Here on the blackboard. This is the question( 板 书 ). There are 4 choices. There is only one right answer. Liten to the story carefully, and pick up the right answer. How many ... are there? A.three B.two
fill in blanks填空
Look at the blackboard, here are the blanks.(板书)Please read the story carefully, then, fill in the blanks.There are _____birds. There are _____eggs
After listening, you should answer the questions. These are the questions.(板书)Well, let’s go! Q1. How many birds are there ? Q2. ow many flowers are there ?
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There are three birds.”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? There are four eggs.(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? There are five eggs!(说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! I think all these tasks are easy for you. Let’s do more challenging tasks together. Let’s come to next part!
The third listening 三听(选做)*
① After listening twice, let’s practice speaking now. Read after the tape and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Am I clear? Here we go! (如果题本要求朗读,也可以在这里读) ② Stop here, that’s all for speaking. I like your beautiful voice! You have clear pronunciation, and correct intonation.
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
All of you have a deep understanding of the conversation. Now, it’s time for fun. Let’s do a role play together. Listen carefully: Work in groups of 4. Now you are in the forest. One student should act as the monkey, one should act as the tiger and the other students act as the birds. What will you do and what will you say? Please pay attention the the emotions of the animals. For example: In the story at first, the monkey is very surprised to see birds. He said “Look, Lulu, birds! ”(惊喜的语气) But when he falls down, he becomes scared.(惶恐的表情) Have you got it? 5 minutes for you! Okay, please go ahead! Time’s up, it’s show time! Which team wants to go first? You please! Excellent! You all gave wonderful performance. ( 大拇指表示鼓励 )
方法:dubbing game趣配音
B. 阅读课
扫清阅读障碍—词汇 抛出话题,调动积极性—话题
① OK, boys and girls, before reading, let's review some words together./let’s learn some new words together! (review some words复习单词也可以)
②I will show a picture. Look at the screen. What can you see in the video? Yes! We can see a an island , (写板书) Read after me...(带读) These new words will be useful in your listening. Have you got it?
all of you have mastered the words well.I'm so proud of you.
③Let’s come to the story now!
① First of all, let’s look at some pictures about the passage. What can you see from the pictures? Many beautiful flowers and fishes. (根据主体写) Do you know which place it is?
② Maybe the pictures are taken in... Qingdao? Sanya? Dalian?...(猜什么的都有,猜错也不要紧) Different people have different guesses. Whose guess is correct?
③ Now, let’s read the passage for the first time to find out the answer.
First reading 一读
① Now, let’s read it for the first time. After reading, you need to answer the question: Which place is it? (根据主体提出问题) 1 minutes for you!(泛读时间较短) Are you ready? Go! (停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! She said “The place is Sanya. It is on Hainan island.” Do you agree with her, boys and girls? (生生互动) Yes!
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information about Sanya? Let’s continu to read!
The second reading 二读
① Now, please listen to the tape again.
true or false判断对错
After reading, please finish the task “true or false”.(板书) There are many beaches on the island.(T) You will see many beautiful birds in the park.(F)
Let’s match together. On the left, these are the ____, on the right, these are the ______. (转身板书)
multiple choice单项选择
Let’s see the multiple choices. Here on the blackboard. This is the question( 板 书 ). There are 4 choices. There is only one answer. Read the story carefully, and pick up the right answer. Where is Sanya? A. Hainan island B. Shandong
fill in blanks填空
Look at the blackboard, here are the blanks.(板书) Please read the story carefully, then, fill in the blanks. Sanya is on ______. It is in the _______ of China.
After reading, you should answer the questions. These are the questions.(板书)Well, let’s go! Q1. What can you see on the island? (buautiful beaches...) Q2. What can you see in the Sea world? (fish and sea plants...)
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There are three birds.”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? There are four eggs.(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? There are five eggs!(说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! I think all these tasks are easy for you. Let’s do more challenging tasks together. Let’s come to next part!
The third reading 三读(选做)*
After reading, let's practice speaking now. Read after the tape and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Am I clear? Here we go! (如果题本要求朗读,可以在这里读)
②Stop here, that’s all for speaking. I like your beautiful voice! You have clear pronunciation, and correct intonation. Fantastic!
方法:save snow white拯救白雪公主 万能口语输出游戏
方法:do a survey小组调查
方法:have a discussion小组讨论
方法:do role play角色扮演
方法:dubbing game趣配音
方法:retell the story/passage复述
All of you have deep understanding of the passage. Let’s do another challenging task named “retell the passage". I will show you some key words on the PPT. Please use the key words and the sentence patterns we’ve learned today “There is/are...” to retell the passage. 4 students in a group. 5 minutes for you. Here we go. Okay, time is up. Any volunteer? Wow, so many students want to share. Yes, Daisy please. Well done. You can tell us the key information about Sanya. Thanks for your sharing. Let’s give her great applause. Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!
C. 写作课
写前准备工作 (熟悉写作话题,掌握写作句型)
① OK, boys and girls, before writing, let’s learn/review some words together!(当成新授单词也可以)
② I will show something for you. What’s this? Yeah! It’s a book. Look at me. What am I doing? I’m reading. (写单词)I like reading. What about the next one. What’s this? Bingo! football. Do you like playing football(写单词) ? Good hobby. These words would be useful in your writing. Have you got it? Great!
③Let’s come to the passage now!
First reading 一读
① Now, let’s read the Notic Board for the first time. After reading, you need to answer the question: How many notices are mentioned and what are the notices about? Are you ready? Go!(停顿3s)
②Time is up! So, what’s your answer? Yeah! Jessica! I see you raise your hand so high! You please. Great! Her answer is: “4” and they are about dancing, playing football, reading and science.
③ I totally agree with you! Congratulations!(鼓掌)
④ Well, do you want to know more detailed information about these notices? Let’s continu to read!
The second reading 二读 true or false判断对错
① Now, please read again. After reading, please finish the task “T/F” on the blackboard. Go!(写题)
②Have you finished? Who would like to have a try? Cindy, please. Come here.(手势邀请到前面来) Thank you, go back to your seat.
③ Let’s check the answers together! The first one is “There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m.(T)”(重复句子) It is true. What about the second one? Mike likes playing football(F).(重复句子) It is false. How to correct it? Mike likes reading. (说一遍正确的句子)
④All of you did the good job! Let’s come to next part!
The second reading 二读 讨论/头脑风暴
What’s your hobby? Reading? Dancing? Or playing football? Now, work in groups of 4 to have a discussion/ brainstorming. You need to think about the following topic: “Talk about your hobbies with you group members. Try to invite your partners to join your club” . You can follow the Notice Board to finish the task. 5 minutes for you. Am I clear? Okay, here we go!(巡视) Okay, time is up. Boys and girls, you all speak English fluently. I’m so proud of you!(大拇指)
① It’s time for writing. Write a notice to invite others join in your club.(写作的内容) Please pay attention to your spelling(拼写), punctuation(标点符号) and handwriting.(字迹) 5 minutes for you. If you have any questions, please ask for help. Am I clear?
② Here we go. 此环节假装环顾下学生们写作情况
① Time is up. (拍手) Exchange your writing with your partners. Check for mistakes and give suggestions to each other. You have 2 minutes to do it. Let’s start!
② Who can share your notice with us? Good! Amy! Perfect! You write about a singing club and you can write the sentences correctly with a good handwriting. Big hands for you!
C. 插播万能点名选人游戏 “击鼓传花”
Any volunteer? Wow, so many students want to share. How about playing a game called “hot potato”to choose someone? (营造热烈的课堂氛围,游戏前的动员准备)
Are you ready? Go! “London bridge’s falling down, falling down...” Stop! (开始自导自演)
Who is the lucky dog? Daisy, you are so lucky, you please.(寻找幸运鹅回答问题)
IX. 教案撰写
A. 教案作用:
1,理顺思路 2,提示上课 3,答辩提问
B. 教案格式
a. Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: …… Ability aims: …… Emotional aims: ……
知识目标knowledge aims
单词,词组,句子,话题 words,phrases,sentences,topic
模板一: 1,学生能够认读单词和短语(从材料中挑选3~4个单词或短语),掌握主要句型(从材料中挑选句型),并进行熟练运用。 2,学生能够了解与主题相关的内容
模板二: 1,Students can grasp the following new words : A and and master the key sentence pattern: B .(字词句) 2,Students will understand the topic of the material and learn more about C .(话题)
技能目标ability aims
读,说,写,听 Reading,speaking,writing,listening
模板一: 通过课堂活动,学生能够提高综合语言运用能力,并能就熟悉的话题进行简单交流。
模板二: Students can improve integrated language skills through class activities and discuss familiar topic.
模板三: Students can express their opinions about B(文中提炼主题) by using the target language correctly and fluently.(说)
模板四: Students will be able to use fast reading and careful reading correctly in their reading process.(阅读课)
情感目标emotional aims
兴趣,态度,自信心,合作, 主题出发获取针对性的情感学习 Interest,attitude,confidence, cooperation,theme
模板一: 学生能够增强学习英语的兴趣,并且乐于参加不同的课堂活动。
模板二: 学生有学好英语的信心,并敢于在公共场合讲英语。
模板三: 学生加强团队合作能力,并且可以一起完成任务。
模板四: Students can develop a habit of A . Students can realize the importance of B .(主题情感)
模板五: Students can arouse learning interest and build confidence in learning English well.(兴趣与自信心)
模板六: Students can cooperate with group mates actively and complete the tasks together.(团队合作)
b. Teaching key and difficult points: .......
重点 key points
模板一: Students can grasp the new words and phrases, and master the key sentence patterns.
模板二: Students can get the content of this lesson through reading.(阅读课)
难点 difficult points
模板一: Students can talk about/describe the new topic correctly and fluently.
模板二: Students can improve their comprehensive language skills and build confidence in learning English well.
c. Teaching methods: ……
交际教学法CLT Communicative Language Teaching Approach
过程交际化,允许语误 体现学生交际的流利性,方便学生进行口语表达
情景教学法 Situational Language Teaching Method
全身反应教学法 Total Physical Response Teaching Method
注重听,不强迫学生开口输出 听~做
任务型教学法 Task-based Teaching Method
归纳法 inductive teaching method
练习法 Practice Method
讨论法 Discussion Method
读写结合法 Reading and Writing Method
d. Teaching procedures:
step 1: Warm-up+Lead in
step 2: Presentation/Pre-task
step 3: Practice/While-task
step 4: Production/Post-task
step 5:Summary+Homework
e. Blackboard design: 板书设计
C. 考场撰写
a. Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: …… Ability aims: …… Emotional aims: ……
students can (省略不写,直接写关键词) 1. Teaching aims: a. Knowledge aim: master these words: season, spring, summer, etc. b. Ability aim: develop the ability of reading/ speaking/ listening/ writing. c. Emotional aim: foster the interest of learning English.
b. Teaching key and difficult points: .......
c. Teaching methods: ……
d. Teaching procedures: step 1: Warm-up+Lead in step 2: Presentation/Pre-task step 3: Practice/While-task step 4: Production/Post-task step 5:Summary+Homework
e. Blackboard design: