导图社区 时态思维导图
编辑于2022-10-22 11:41:51 山东省时态导图
表过去时间 (eg:He left ten minutes ago.)
过去习惯动作和一度存在的状态(eg:The boy sold newspaper for a living.)
表现在和将来时间 (Did you want me?)
过去完成体(had done)
已完成(某动作/状态在过去某时之前已完成/结束)(eg: I had written the article when they come.)
未完成(某动作/状态在过去某时之前已开始,一直延续到这一过去时间且到那时还未结束,仍有继续可能)(eg: By six o'clock they had worked twelve hours.)
过去完成进行体(had been doing)
与现在完成进行体相仿,只是时间推移到过去 (eg: I’d been working for some time when he called.)
表过去某时正在进行动作 (eg: They were building a dam last winter.)
过去某种习惯性(暂时性)动作 (eg: George was getting up at five everyday that week.)
过去将来时间里的动作 (eg: They were leaving a few days later.)
表婉转语气 (eg: I was hoping/hoped you could send me some books.)
表主观臆想 (eg: I wish(但愿)they were not talking so loudly.)
客观存在(The earth rotates on its axis.)
现在习惯动作,常与always,ever,frequently,occasionaly,usually,ect连用 (eg:Father doesn't smoke.)
现时状态带持续性,只用静态动词(What do you think?)
瞬时动作只用表短暂动作的动态动词(Harper passes the ball to Jennings.)
I hope/bet that+cl(分句用一般现在表将来)(eg:I hope you have a god time.)
see (to it)/make sure/make certain that+cl [eg:I'll see (to it)/make ture/make certain (that) you don't get lost.]
if/when引导条件分句和时间分句 (eg:If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.)
现在进行体(be doing)
说话正在进行的动作 (eg:What are you doing? I'm writting a letter.)
现阶段一直在进行的动作(与always,containually等连用表不满情绪)(eg:Jane is studing law while her sister is doing physics. You are continually finding fault with me.)
按计划安排近期内即将发生的动作 (I 'm going to Qingdao for the summer holiday.)
某些时间状语分句和条件状语分句中 (eg:I'll think about it while you're writting the report.)
表刚过去的动作(eg:I don't know what you are talking about.)
表委婉语气 (eg: I'm hoping you'll give us some advice.)
现在完成体(have/has done)
已完成(不与表一段时间的状语连用)(eg: He's turned off the light.)
未完成(表一段时间的状语连用)(eg: He's lived here since 1960.)
现在完成进行体(have/has been doing)
表从过去某时刻开始持续到现在甚至将来,强调进行的过程 [eg: I've been writting letter]s for an hour (and I've still got some more to do).]
表从过去到现在时的一段时间被重反复进行的动作或存在的状态。(eg: All these days he has been writing articles to our magazine.)
month,this month/week/year,all day,these days,recently,since+时间点,ect
will/shall -
will/shall be doing 表将来某刻正在进行 (The train will be arriving at two o'clock.)
will/shall have done 表将来某一刻以前已完成 (eg:Before long he will have forgotten all about it.)
will/shall have been doing 表一个已经开始的动作到将来某一时间仍在进行 ( eg: By the end of next month I shalled have been working here for 20 years exactly.)
will/shall do (eg: The naxt train to Beijing will leave at8 a.m.)
be going to
表意图,打算在将来做某事(be going to的“意图”是事先经过考虑的,而will+不定式表示的“意图”则是说话时刻临时想到的。)(1.eg: A:Why are you taking down all the pictures? B: I'm going to repaper the room.2.eg: What a terribly heavy box! B: I'll help you to carry it.)
表预见,现在已有迹象表明将要发生或即将发生某种情况(eg: I feel dizzy. I'm going to faint.)
be to
按计划安排即将发生的动作 (eg: There's to be an investigation.)
表命令,禁止或可能性等 (eg: You are to stand here.Do you understand?)
be about to 表最近或马上要发生的动作 (eg: The metting is about to begin.)
be doing 表按计划即将发生的动作,用进行时形式表将来时间,但只适用于表位置移动的动词,go come leave,ect. 并常伴有表将来时间的状语以区别进行时。 (eg:Where are you going this Saturday?)
Aspect 体
Perfective 完成体
Prograssive 进行体
Tense 时