导图社区 Tumor
这是一篇关于Tumor的思维导图,主要内容有Growth Rate、Local Growth and lnvasion、 Metastasis。
这是一篇关于Cell Death 读书笔记的思维导图,主要内容有mainly the result of a physiological process、shrinkage and compaction of the dying cell、rapidly breaks up to form "apoptotic bodies" which are phagocytosed by neighbouring cells等。
Growth Rate
double time of the tumor cells
benign tumor
grow slowly and malignant tumors rapidly
Occasionally a tumor, either benign or malighant,becomes inactive for a period of time and then resumes its active growth
malignant tumor
increased growth rate is demonstrated by the presence of mitoses and of young cells
Local Growth and Invasion
push aside the surrounding normal tissues
also grow by expansion
invade, infiltrate, and destroy the adjacent normal tissues
A primary characteristic is their invasive ability
All tumors grow by expansion with a progressive increase in bulk and a resultant compression of the surrounding tissues.
cancer cells elaborate products that directly indirectly are responsible for the phenomenon of invasion
carcinoma in situ the diagnosis of cancer
The invasive property of cancer
continuous local extension of the disease
promotes tumor spread
venous route
the primary site can surmise distribution of lymph node metastasis
Metastasis through blood vessels is the common route for sarcomas and carcinomas
The mechanism of embolization of tumor cells is simple
The ability to metastasize
route for the metastatic spread of cancer and carcinomas is through the lymphatic vessels
For cancers in the appropriate locations, a spread through serous cavities, spinal fluid,ureters, bronchi, oppose tissues are infrequent