导图社区 中国文化英语阅读教程复习指南1
编辑于2020-04-13 09:15:17中国文化英语阅读教程复习指南
1、中国菜享誉世界,是世界美食的明珠。 中国菜系(style of cooking)繁多,烹饪方法也不尽相同。其四大要素---色,形,香(aroma),味,决定了菜品的好坏,也是判断的标准。中国的南北方饮食也各具特色(feature)。北方菜以色艳味重(bright color and strong taste)取胜,最大的特点就是就地取材(local food materials),讲究火候。南方有些地方则口味清淡,注重保留食材的原始味道。(original flavor)
参考答案:Chinese cuisine, which is world famous, is a pearl of world cuisine. It has various styles of cooking and its cooking techniques are different as well. Chinese cuisine features four elements — color, shape, aroma and taste. The four elements decide how good the dish is and are also the criteria of judging its quality. The northern foods and southern foods have their unique characteristics. The northern dishes attach great importance on bright color and heavy taste, with the greatest feature of using local food materials and controlling cooking time and temperature. While in some parts of southern China, the dishes feature light taste and remain the original flavor of the food materials.
2、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students' Social Responsibilities. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1). 许多大学生缺乏社会责任,比如...... 2). 造成这种现象的原因是 3). 大学生应该如何履行自身的社会责任
翻译一:1. 好吃不过饺子。 2. 食色,性也。 3. 原汤化原食。 4. 民以食为天。 5. 除夕夜,北方吃饺子,南方吃年糕。
1. Dumplings are the best to eat. 2. It is natural to pursue delicious food and lovable sweetheart. 3. The soup which boils the dumplings helps to digest the dumplings. 4. It’s of prime importance to fill the stomach. 5. On the eve of Spring Festival, northerners eat dumplings and southerners have rice cakes.
翻译二:(1) 在中国文化中“面条”寓意“长寿”,所以中国人过生日要吃面条,而且不能把面条折断。 (2) 中国菜肴有八大菜系。受其所在地区的地理、气候、物产和饮食习惯的影响,八大菜系各具特色。 (3) 中国人恪守孝道,历来在餐桌上将最好的食物首先呈给 家中的长者。 (4) 在中国的许多地区,特别是北方地区,主要以面食为主, 包括面条和馒头,南方地区则以米饭为主。 (5)冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。 (6)早晨吃得饱,中午吃得好,晚上吃得少。 (7)民以食为天 。 (8)巧妇难为无米之炊 。
1. Noodles are the symbol of longevity in Chinese culture, so Chinese people will have a bowl of noodles on their birthday, and the noodle strands(条,线串) should not be cut up. 2. Chinese cuisine involves eight major branches. Influenced by the geography, climate, local product and eating habit, each of the eight regional cuisines has its own distinctive features. 3. Chinese people stress filial piety all the time. The practice of presenting the best or fine food first to the senior members of the family has been observed for countless generations. 4. In many parts of China, particularly northern China, wheat-based products including noodles and steamed buns predominate, in contrast to southern China, where rice is dominant. (5)冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方 Having radish in winter and ginger in summer, you stay healthy without doctor. (6)早晨吃得饱,中午吃得好,晚上吃得少 To feed full in the morning, well in the noon, less in the evening is a good way to keep healthy. (7)民以食为天 Food is what matters to the people. (8)巧妇难为无米之炊 No housewife can cook a meal without rice. / If you have no hand you can’t make a fist.
1、The basic tastes:咸(salty)、甜 (sweet)、酸 (sour)、苦(bitter)、辣 (spicy/ hot )、麻(numbing)
2、 The cooking methods 煮boil:boiled soy-bean milk (煮豆浆) 烧/焖 braise:braised prawns(油焖大虾炒stir-fry:stir-fried chicken dices(炒鸡丁) 煎fry:fried eggs 炸deep-fry :deep-fried twisted dough stick(炸油条) 爆/熘quick-fry :quick-fried mutton slices with scallions(葱爆羊肉) 烤roast/barbecue :roast duck(烤鸭) 烘bake:baked sesame pancakes (芝麻烧饼) 蒸steam :steamed dumplings(蒸饺) 熏smoke :smoked fish(熏鱼) 炖/煨stew/simmer:simmered turkey(炖火鸡)/stewed beef(清焖牛肉)
3、makingdumplings 面团 dough /面粉flour 饺子皮 wrapper 撒上薄薄一层面粉的 a lightly floured (surface) 揉面knead 整个/完全翻过来turned upside down to 切成…Cut (the dough) into (pieces) 擀 roll(out)a wrapper to a circle/round 切碎mince 饺子馅 stuffings /fillings 鸳鸯馅 mutton and beef 葱姜蒜 Chinese onion ginger garlic 西安饺子宴the Dumpling Banquet in Xi’an
useful wxpressions
1、烤roast 点心 dim sum 炒 stir-fry 粥 congee/ porridge/gruel 煎 sauté 肠粉 rice noodle roll 炸 deep-fry 小笼包 small steamed bun 炖 stew 煎饺 fried dumpling 蒸 steam 虾饺 shrimp dumpling 茴香 aniseed 萝卜糕 turnip cake 桂皮 cinnamon 蛋挞 egg custard tart 辣椒 chilli 花卷 flower scallion roll 干胡椒 peppercorn 馒头 mantou/ plain steamed bun 芝麻油 sesame oil 奶黄包 sweet cream bun 料酒 cooking wine 麻球 sesame seed ball
2、Chinese Noodles 武汉热干面 (Wuhan hot dry noodles) 北京炸酱面 (Beijing Zhajiang noodles) 河南萧记烩面 (Henan Xiaoji stewed noodles) 兰州拉面 (Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles) 杭州片儿川 (Hangzhou Pian’er Chuan) 昆山奥灶面 (Kunshan Aozao noodles) 镇江锅盖面 (Chinkiang pot cover noodles) 四川担担面 (Sichuan dandan noodles) 吉林延吉冷面 (Jilin Yanji cold noodles)
unit2 Attitudes towards Time
Year: 10 heavenly stems + 12 earthy branches A cycle of sixty years: 甲子 闰年: leap year 正月:the first month in the lunar calendar 闰月:leap month, intercalary month in the lunar calendar 月:moon 八月十五:the fifteenth day/moon of the eighth month in the lunar calendar
2、The phases of the moon 月相
月食 an eclipse of the moon 满月 full moon 新月 new moon 弦月 crescent 上弦月 the first quarter moon 下弦月 the last quarter moon
3、The 24 solar terms
立春 the Beginning of Spring; 雨水 Rain Water; 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects; 春分 the Spring Equinox; 清明 Pure Brightness; 谷雨 Grain Rain; 立夏 the Beginning of Summer; 小满 Grain Full; 芒种 Grain in Ear; 夏至 the Summer Solstice; 小暑 Slight Heat; 大暑 Great Heat; 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn; 处暑 the Limit of Heat; 白露 White Dew; 秋分 the Autumnal Equinox; 寒露 Cold Dew; 霜降 Frost's Descent; 立冬 the Beginning of Winter; 小雪 Slight Snow; 大雪 Great Snow; 冬至 the Winter Solstice; 小寒 Slight Cold; 大寒 Great Cold
1.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 Time is money but money ca not be exchanged for time. An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can’t buy an inch of time with an inch of gold. 2.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring while a whole day’s job is up to a good beginning in the morning. 3.少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 I left home young till old do I come back ; my accent is unchanged , my hair no longer black. 4.时不我待,每个人都应该把握时机。 Time and tide wait for no man and every has to grasp his opportunity. 5.他常常想:“在时间面前,什么是永恒的呢?” He always thinks: “What is eternal as time goes by?”