First wave: classical learning theory.
Second wave: operant learning theory
Third wave: coping and social learning theory
Fourth wave: self-control
Fifth wave: attribution theory and cognitive theory
Sixth wave: emotion theory.
Seventh wave: therapeutic relationship
Eighth wave: disorder-specific therapy
Ninth wave: acceptance theory
As there was no remission or cure in many disorders, further treatment goals were to help the patient accept what could not be changed and make the best of the situation.
Tenth wave: positive psychology and salutotherapy
Relevant treatment approaches are euthymia therapy, well-being therapy, and salutotherapy
Pa-tients are encouraged to identify moments of well-being, in con-trast to negative states, and learn that well-being is not the result of external factors, but something that one is able to influence.
Eleventh wave: life span development and individual consti-tution.
Twelfth wave: culture-sensitive psychotherapy