Beauty and Beast(plot line)&(darkline:emotion line)
Tough diner invitation
The Beast failed to get Belle to join him for dinner
for he is too abrasive.
No preference from both side .
Struggle with wolves
On the way fleeing the castle,
Belle was attacked by wolves in the dark forest
and the Beast risked his life, fighting off the wolves, to rescue her.
Belle:be grateful after a fight about life
Literature link heart
While Belle returned to the castle to thank him for saving her life and took care of the Beast, literature became their start topic.
Belle: gain an insight into the Beast ,feeling began to change
Relationship develop daily
Over some time, the two start to become friends. The Beast even gives Belle "ownership" of his immense library.
There is a spark of something between the two.
Sorrowful travel together
Using the magic book return to the Paris ,Beast accompany Belle through the fragile moment of learning the truth about her mother's death
Time living feeling growing
Romantic ballroom dance
The relationship reaches its climax with an elegant dinner and ballroom dance.
Back to the village
Given Belle's longing for Maurice, the Beast lets Belle go back to the village and gives her the magic mirror.When Gaston senses Belle's affection for the Beast,Incited the villagers and organized the mob to kill the Beast.
A heated battle
A heated battle between the Beast and Gaston .The Beast seriously wounded.