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编辑于2024-01-28 15:43:39本书延续了作者在行为决策科学领域的研究,从艾瑞里自己经历的一次“网曝”事件开始,通过对导致人们不信任公认真理、接受另类事实、甚至全盘接受错误信息的心理和社会过程的阐释,揭示了导致人们陷入虚假信息和不信任关系的关键因素——情感、认知、性格和社交,帮助我们了解是什么驱使原本理性的人接受了非理性的信念,学会识别行为决策过程中的错误信号和心理干扰,启发读者做出更好的决策,破除偏见与伤害。 艾瑞里认为,尽管先进的人工智能已经能够以前所未有的规模生成令人信服的假新闻故事,但我们完全有能力抵御这些伤害,我们需要的是一种并非植根于冲突,而是植根于同理心的策略。我们越早认识到误信谬见首先是人类自己的问题,我们就能越早找到真正的解决方案。
本书延续了作者在行为决策科学领域的研究,从艾瑞里自己经历的一次“网曝”事件开始,通过对导致人们不信任公认真理、接受另类事实、甚至全盘接受错误信息的心理和社会过程的阐释,揭示了导致人们陷入虚假信息和不信任关系的关键因素——情感、认知、性格和社交,帮助我们了解是什么驱使原本理性的人接受了非理性的信念,学会识别行为决策过程中的错误信号和心理干扰,启发读者做出更好的决策,破除偏见与伤害。 艾瑞里认为,尽管先进的人工智能已经能够以前所未有的规模生成令人信服的假新闻故事,但我们完全有能力抵御这些伤害,我们需要的是一种并非植根于冲突,而是植根于同理心的策略。我们越早认识到误信谬见首先是人类自己的问题,我们就能越早找到真正的解决方案。
arid['ærid]adj. 干旱的(barren, dry)
【例】The desert is an arid place.
atmosphere['ætməsfiə]n. 气氛;大气层
【例】The Smiths' favorite restaurant has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere .
balmy['ba:mi]adj. 温和的(mild, temperate, moderate)
【例】The Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean, have a balmy climate.
barometer[bə'rɔmitə]n. 气压计(indicator)
【例】A barometer is useful in predicting the weather.
blast[bla:st]n. 一阵(风)(gust, blow)
【例】The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudden blast of wind.
blizzard['blizəd]n. 大风雪
breeze[bri:z]n. 微风
chill[tʃil]vt. 使变冷n. 寒冷
【例】There is quite a chill in the air this morning.
chilly['tʃili]adj. 寒冷的
【例】It is a bit chilly outside today.
climate['klaimit]n. 气候(weather);气氛(atmosphere)
【例】Britain has a temperate climate .
condense[kən'dens]v. (使)浓缩,精简
【例】Soup condenses when boiled.
convection zone对流层
crystal['kristl]n. 水晶,晶体
current['kʌrənt]n. 气流
damp[dæmp]n. 潮湿 adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的(wet, moist)
【例】Do not stay outside in the damp .
dank[dæŋk]adj. 阴湿的(damp, clammy)
【例】The cave is dank and dark.
dew[dju:]n. 露,露水般的东西
downpour['daunpɔ:(r)]n. 倾盆大雨
drizzle['drizl]v. 下细雨(rain, sprinkle)
【例】It drizzles quite often in southern China around May.
droplet['drɔplit]n. 小滴
drought[draut]n. 干旱(aridity, dry period, prolonged lack of rain)
frigid['fridʒid]adj. 严寒的(icy, freezing);冷淡的
【例】Students who come from southern China are not used to frigid weather.
frost[frɔst]n. 霜,霜冻,严寒 v. 结霜
【例】frost heaving霜洼
funnel['fʌnəl]n. 漏斗云
gale[geil]n. 大风(storm,tempest)
greenhouse effectn. 温室效应
【例】The greenhouse effect leads to global warming.
hail[heil]n. 冰雹;致敬,招呼
humid['hju:mid]adj. 潮湿的(damp, moist)
【例】People from northern China could not adapt to the humid weather in south China.
humidity[hju:'miditi]n. 潮湿(moisture)
hurricane['hʌrikən]n. 飓风
【例】The hurricane caused huge damage to the village.
meteorology[ˌmi:tjə'rɔlədʒi]n. 气象学;气象状态
moisture['mɔistʃə]n. 潮湿,湿气
oxygen['ɔksidʒən]n. 氧气
【例】The main parts of the air are composed of oxygen and nitrogen.
ozone layern 臭氧层
precipitate[pri'sipiteit]v. 加速
precipitation[priˌsipi'teiʃən]n. 降水
【例】The annual precipitation of the region this year is higher than that of last year.
saturate['sætʃəreit]v. 使饱和,浸透,使充满
【例】I went out in the rain and got saturated .
fog[fɔg]n. 雾
serene[si'ri:n]adj. 晴朗的;平静的
【例】It is a dream of the white collars to go to the serene countryside in the weekends.
smog[smɔg]n. 烟雾
temperature['tempritʃə(r)]n. 温度
tempest['tempist]n. 暴风雨
【例】The tempest brought water to the crops.
tepid['tepid]adj. 微温的(lukewarm, warm)
【例】The water is tepid . / Their performance only received tepid applause.
tornado[tɔ:'neidəu]n. 旋风,龙卷风,大雷雨
troposphere['trɔpəusfiə]n. 对流层
typhoon[tai'fu:n]n. 台风
vapor['veipə]n. 水汽,水蒸气
whirlwind['(h)wə:lwind]n. 旋风
Christianity[ˌkristi'æniti]n. 基督教;基督精神
【例】Christianity was founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Catholicism[kə'θɔlisizəm]n. 天主教
Protestantism['prɔtistəntizəm]n. 新教,新教徒,新教教义
reformation[ˌrefə'meiʃən]n. 改革,革新;宗教改革
【例】The Reformation movement in Western Europe aimed at reforming some doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the establishment of the Protestant churches.
Lutheranism['lu:θərənizəm]n. 路德教
Calvinism['kælviniz(ə)m]n. 加尔文教派,加尔文主义
【例】Calvinism refers to the religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
Methodism['meθədiz(ə)m]n. 卫理公会; 美以美教派教会;卫理公会的教义和礼拜方式
Puritanism['pjuritənizəm]n. 清教,清教徒主义
【例】Puritanism refers to the practices and doctrines of the Puritans.
Judaism['dʒu:deiizəm]n. 犹太教
Islamism['izləmizəm]n. 伊斯兰教
Buddhism['budizəm]n. 佛教
Daoism['dɔ:izəm]n. 道教
paganism['peigənizəm]n. 异教,异教信仰
fetishism['fetiʃiz(ə)m]n. 拜物主义,物神崇拜,盲目崇拜
atheism['eiθiizəm]n. 无神论(无神论者atheist)
【例】Anne's atheism contrasted with her friend's strong religious beliefs.
mammal['mæməl]n. 哺乳动物
【例】Human beings are natural enemies to mammals .
buffalo['bʌfələu]n. 水牛;(北美)野牛
calf[ka:f]n. 小牛,小牛皮
zebra['zi:brə]n. 斑马
antelope['æntiləup]n. 羚羊
gazelle[gə'zel]n. 瞪羚
reindeer['reinˌdiə]n. 驯鹿
dromedary['drʌmədəri]n. 单峰骆驼
rhinoceros[rai'nɔsərəs]n. 犀牛
leopard['lepəd]n. 豹;美洲豹,美洲虎
beaver['bi:vər]n. 海狸,河狸
chimpanzee['tʃimpən'zi:]n. 黑猩猩
gorilla[gə'rilə]n. 大猩猩
hedgehog['hedʒhɔg]n. 刺猬;美洲箭猪,豪猪
walrus['wɔ:lrəs]n. 海象
eagle['i:gl]n. 鹰;鹰状标饰
【例】bald eagle 白头鹫
falcon['fɔ:lkən]n. 隼,猎鹰
vulture['vʌltʃə(r)]n. 兀鹫;贪婪的人
turkey['tə:ki]n. 火鸡
peacock['pi:kɔk]n. 孔雀
ostrich['ɔstritʃ]n. 鸵鸟;鸵鸟般的人,回避现实的人
seagull['si:gʌl]n. 海鸥
canary[kə'nεəri]n. 金丝雀
reptile['reptail]n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人
batrachia[bə'treikjə]n. 无尾两栖类,蛙类
python['paiθɔn]n. 大蟒,巨蟒
rattlesnake['ræt(ə)lsneik]n. 响尾蛇
lizard['lizəd]n. 蜥蜴
chameleon[kə'mi:liən]n. 变色龙
crocodile['krɔkədail]n. 鳄鱼
turtle['tə:tl]n. 海龟
salmon['sæmən]n. 鲑鱼,大麻哈鱼
sardine[sa:'di:n]n. 沙丁鱼
cicada[si'keidə]n. 蝉
dragonfly['drægənflai]n. 蜻蜓
cricket['krikit]n. 蟋蟀
centipede['sentipi:d]n. 蜈蚣
butterfly['bʌtəflai]n. 蝴蝶
scorpion['skɔ:piən]n. 蝎子
mollusk['mɔləsk]n. 软体动物
crustacean[krʌ'steiʃən]n. 甲壳纲动物
cuttlefish['kʌtlfiʃ]n. 墨鱼,乌贼
octopus['ɔktəpəs]n. 章鱼
lobster['lɔbstə]n. 龙虾
prawn[prɔ:n]n. 对虾,明虾,大虾
worm[wə:m]n. 虫,蠕虫
earthworm['ə:θwə:m]n. 蚯蚓
baboon[bə'bu:n]n. 狒狒
moth[mɔθ]n. 蛾;蛀虫
caterpillar['kætəpilə]n. 毛虫
dinosaur['dainəsɔ:]n. 恐龙
larva['la:və]n. 幼虫
family['fæmili]n. 科
class[kla:s]n. 纲
order['ɔ:də]n. 目
suborder['sʌbˌɔ:də]n. 亚目
genus['dʒi:nəs]n. 种,类
antenna[æn'tenə]n. 触须
tentacle['tentəkl]n. (动物)触须,触角;(植物)腺毛
spleen[spli:n]n. 脾脏
hide[haid]n. 兽皮(skin)
【例】Boots made of buffalo hides are popular in the western part of the country.
spine[spain]n. 脊骨(backbone)
toe[təu]n. 脚趾
bill[bil]n. 鸟嘴
beak[bi:k]n. 鸟嘴,喙
fuzzy['fʌzi]adj. 有绒毛的,绒毛状的(frizzy, downy)
scale[skeil]n. 鳞片;障眼物
【例】The scales fell from my eyes: he had been lying all the time.
nervous['nə:vəs]adj. 神经的
【例】He was quite nervous when they first met.
grease[gri:s]n. 动物脂;脂肪
【例】The grease from pork can be used for frying.
jellyfish['dʒelifiʃ]n. 水母
starfish['sta:fiʃ]n. 海星
porpoise['pɔ:pəs]n. 海豚,小鲸
dolphin['dɔlfin]n. 海豚
shrimp[ʃrimp]n. 小虾
sponge[spʌndʒ]n. 海绵;海绵体;海绵状物
plankton['plæŋkt(ə)n]n. 浮游生物
oyster['ɔistə]n. 牡蛎,蚝
clam[klæm]n. 蛤
coral['kɔrəl]n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫
crab[kræb]n. 螃蟹,类似螃蟹的动物
reagent[ri(:)'eidʒənt]n. 反应力;反应物;试剂
element['elimənt]n. 元素,成分
【例】Water is made of two element : oxygen and hydrogen.
compound['kɔmpaund]n. 化合物
molecule['mɔlikju:l]n. 分子;摩尔
electron[i'lektrɔn]n. 电子
isotope['aisəutəup]n. 同位素;核素
polymer['pɔlimər]n. 聚合体
alloy['ælɔi]n. 合金
metal['metl]n. 金属
metalloid['metəlɔid]n. 非金属
derivative[di'rivətiv]n. 衍生物
alkali['ælkəlai]n. 碱;碱金属 adj. 碱性的
hydrate['haidreit]n. 水合物
action['ækʃən]n. 作用
【例】Catalysts are sometimes used to accelerate chemical action .
adhesive[əd'hi:siv]n. 黏合剂 adj. 胶粘的;黏着性的
alchemy['ælkimi]n. 炼金术;魔力
biochemistry[ˌbaiəu'kemistri]n. 生物化学
bleach[bli:tʃ]vt. 去色;漂白(blanch, whiten)n. 漂白剂
【例】Please soak shirts in bleach to remove the stains.
blast[bla:st]v. 爆破
【例】The village was blasted by enemy bombs.
calcium['kælsiəm]n. 钙(元素符号Ca)
carbon['ka:bən]n. 碳
catalysis[kə'tælisis]n. 催化作用(催化剂catalyst)
caustic['kɔ:stik]adj. 腐蚀性的(abrasive, corrosive)
【例】Some chemicals are caustic by nature.
combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n. 化合;组合
【例】The safe combination of the two chemicals required a complicated chemical process. / This is a combination of two powerful ingredients.
corrode[kə'rəud]v. 腐蚀(erode, eat away)
【例】The metal has corroded (away)because of rust.
crystal['kristl]adj. 结晶状的
decay[di'kei]v. (使)腐败(rot, decompose)
【例】Sugar decays our teeth.
decomposition[ˌdi:kɔmpə'ziʃən]n. 分解;腐烂
erode[i'rəud]vt. 蚀,腐蚀(corrode, wear away)
【例】The sea has eroded the cliff face over the years.
explode[ik'spləud]v. (使)爆炸(blast)
【例】The red balloon exploded when I popped it with a pin.
explosive[ik'spləusiv]adj. 爆炸的n. 炸药
【例】Dynamite is highly explosive . / Politics can be an explosive issue.
gasoline['gæsəli:n]n. 汽油
ignite[ig'nait]vt. 使燃着(inflame, kindle)
【例】A smoldering cigarette ignited the newspapers.
impurity[im'pjuəriti]n. 杂质
iodine['aiədi:n]n. 碘,碘酒
methane['meθein]n. 甲烷,沼气
neutralize['nju:trəlaiz]v. 中和(counteract)
【例】Alkalis neutralize acids.
nickel['nikl]n. 镍;镍币
nitrogen['naitrədʒən]n. 氮
particle['pa:tikl]n. 颗粒,微粒
polymerization[ˌpɔlimərai'zeiʃən]n. 聚合
scorch[skɔ:tʃ]vt. 使褪色(discolor)
【例】Do not leave the iron on that delicate fabric or the heat will scorch it.
silicon['silikən]n. 硅,硅元素
sodium['səudjəm]n. 钠
solubility[ˌsɔlju'biliti]n. 溶度,溶性;可解决性,可解释性
solvent['sɔlvənt]adj. 溶解的;有溶解力的;有偿付能力的n. 溶媒,溶剂
sulfur['sʌlfə]n. 硫磺
synthetic[sin'θetik]adj. 综合的;合成的(artificial, man-made)
tint[tint]vt. 上色,染色n. 上色;色彩(tinge, hue)
【例】At dawn, the sky tints with green and pink. / His comments were tinted with irony.
zinc[ziŋk]n. 锌
solution[sə'lu:ʃn; sə'ljuʃən]n. 解答,解决办法;溶解,溶液
rotten['rɔtn]adj. 腐烂的(decaying, decomposed)
【例】The rotten fruit smelled horrible.
compulsory[kəm'pʌlsəri]adj. 必须做的,必修的;被强迫的,被强制的,义务的
【例】Education is compulsory in Britain.
optional['ɔpʃənəl]adj. 任选的,可自由选择的
【记】option(选择)+ al→任选的
elective[i'lektiv]adj. 可选修的
obligatory[ɔ'bligətri;-tɔ:ri]adj. 必修的
Socratic[sɔ'krætik]adj. 苏格拉底式的
subject['sʌbdʒikt]n. 科目,学科
discipline['disiplin]n. 纪律;学科
interdisciplinary[ˌintə(:)'disiplinəri]adj. 各学科间的
instruct[in'strʌkt]v. 教,教导;命令,指示;通知
【例】She instructs music once a week at a middle school.
enlighten[in'laitn]v. 启迪,教化
【例】The speaker enlightened the students about the importance of being critical and skeptic.
curriculum[kə'rikjuləm]n. 课程
mathematics[ˌmæθə'mætiks]n. 数学
science['saiəns]n. 科学,自然科学;理科
arts[a:ts]n. 文科
humanities[hju:'mænitis]n. 人文学科
literacy['litərəsi]n. 有文化;有教养;有读写能力
illiteracy[i'litərəsi]n. 文盲
primary['praiməri]adj. 初步的,初级的
secondary['sekəndəri]adj. 二级的,中级的
tertiary['tə:ʃəri]adj. 高等的;第三的,第三级的
matriculate[mə'trikjuleit]v. 被录取入学
enroll[in'rəul]v. 登记;招收;使入伍(或入会、入学等)
admission[əd'miʃən]n. 准许进入;准许加入
inculcate[in'kʌlkeit]v. 谆谆教诲
rote learning机械学习
credit['kredit]n. 学分
semester[si'mestə]n. 学期
specialization[ˌspeʃəlai'zeiʃən]n. 专门化;专业
major['meidʒə]n. 主修课
minor['mainə]n. 副修科目
mobility[məu'biliti]n. 活动性,机动性
internationalization[intəˌnæʃənəlai'zeiʃən]n. 国际化
confer[kən'fə:]v. 授予(称号、学位等)
award[ə'wɔ:d]v. 授予;判给n. 奖学金
specialty['speʃəlti]n. 专业
academia[ˌækə'di:mjə]n. 学术界,学术环境
symposium[sim'pəuziəm]n. 讨论会,座谈会
autonomy[ɔ:'tɔnəmi]n. 自治
heuristic[hjuə'ristik]adj. 启发式的
elicitation[iˌlisi'teiʃən]n. 引出,诱出,抽出;启发
universal[ˌju:ni'və:səl]adj. 普遍的,全体的,通用的
elementary[ˌeli'mentəri]adj. 初步的,基本的
vocational[vəu'keiʃənəl]adj. 职业的
faculty['fækəlti]n. 才能,本领,能力;全体教员
chancellor['tʃa:nsələ]n. 大学校长
extracurricular[ˌeskstrəkə'rikjulə(r)]adj. 课外的,业余的
alumna[ə'lʌmnə]n. 女毕业生,女校友
transcript['trænskript]n. 成绩单
dissertation[ˌdisə(:)'teiʃən]n. 论文;专题;论述
thesis['θi:sis]n. 论题,论文
scholarship['skɔləʃip]n. 奖学金;学问,学识
tuition[tju:'iʃən]n. 学费
accommodation[əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]n. 住处,膳宿
allowance[ə'lauəns]n. 津贴,补助
didactic[di'dæktik]adj. 教诲的,说教的(instructive)
【例】I do not like his didactic way of explaining things.
production[prə'dʌkʃən]n. 生产,产品;作品;(研究)成果
【例】Production of computers has doubled in the last few weeks.
saving['seiviŋ]n. 储蓄
【例】Investment and savings are co-related.
investment[in'vestmənt]n. 投资;可获利的东西
【例】Ten million dollars was the amount of the investment sent to China to create joint adventure.
expenditure[iks'penditʃə]n. 支出,花费
capital['kæpitəl]n. 资本,资金;资产
【例】He invested his capital to the best advantage.
currency['kʌrənsi]n. 通货;通用;市价
【例】We exchanged our currency at a bank in the airport.
denomination[diˌnɔmi'neiʃən]n. (种类、数值或大小的)单位
【例】Cash registers have compartments for bills of different denominations .
demand[di'ma:nd]n. 要求,需求(量);需要
supply[sə'plai]n. 补给,供给;供应品
purchase['pə:tʃəs]n. / vt. 购买(buy)
【例】The purchasing power of the people has been increasing.
inflation[in'fleiʃən]n. 通货膨胀
【例】Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income.
monetary['mʌnitəri]adj. 货币的;金钱的
【例】The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.
microeconomics[ˌmaikrəuˌi:kə'nɔmiks]n. 微观经济学
macroeconomics[ˌmækrəuˌi:kə'nɔmiks]n. 宏观经济学
consume[kən'sju:m]v. 消费,消耗(spend)
【例】Americans consume a huge amount of sugar each year.
distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n. 分配,分发;配给物
【例】Distribution is the process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers.
durability[ˌdjuərə'biliti]n. 经久;耐久力
nominal['nɔminl]adj. 名义上的;近似的,大约的
【例】Nominal gross domestic production differs from real gross domestic production.
taxation[tæk'seiʃən]n. 课税,征税,抽税;税款,估定的税额
【例】Government employs taxation to collect money.
externality[ˌekstə:'næliti]n. 外部因素;可能影响行动进程的偶然条件
【例】Our economic system treats environmental degradation as an externality .
asymmetric[ˌæsi'metrik]adj. 不均匀的,不对称的
fluctuate['flʌktjueit]vi. 变动,波动,涨落
predictability[priˌdiktə'biliti]n. 可预见性
trademark['treidma:k]n. 商标
copyright['kɔpirait]n. 版权,著作权
【例】Copyright protects the legal interests of authors.
brand[brænd]n. 商标,牌子;烙印
【例】Nike is a very famous brand of sports wear.
appreciation[əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n. 增值
depreciation[diˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n. 贬值
【例】Depreciation of the US dollar against the Chinese currency drives US export to China.
depression[di'preʃən]n. 萧条,不景气
【例】Depression is characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.
discount['diskaunt]n. 折扣
welfare['welfεə]n. 福利;安宁,幸福;福利事业
efficiency[i'fiʃənsi]n. 效率;功效
【例】The program was implemented with great efficiency and speed.
unemployment[ˌʌnim'plɔimənt]n. 失业;失业人数
entrepreneur[ˌɔntrəprə'nə:]n. 企业家;主办人
factor['fæktə]n. 因素,要素
reserve[ri'zə:v]vt. 储备,保存,保留;预定,预约n. 储备(物),储藏量
【例】The government raised the official reserve ratio for commercial banks.
fiscal['fiskəl]adj. 财政的;国库的;会计的;国库岁入的
【例】Monetary policy and fiscal policy are tools for the government to curb the development of the economy.
industrialization[inˌdʌstriəlai'zeiʃ(ə)n]n. 工业化,产业化
deflation[di'fleiʃ(ə)n]n. 通货紧缩
index['indeks]n. 指数,指标
securities[si'kjuəritis]n. 证券
insurance[in'ʃuərəns]n. 保险;保险单;保险业;保险费
futures['fju:tʃəz]n. 期货
inventory['invəntri]n. 存货 vt. 盘存,盘点
financial[fai'nænʃəl]adj. 财政的,金融的
【例】Mr. Danial is our financial adviser.
budget['bʌdʒit]n. 预算 vi. 做预算,编入预算
【例】A new car will not be part of our budget this year.
equilibrium[ˌi:kwi'libriəm]n. 平衡,均衡;平静
hyperinflation[ˌhaipərin'fleiʃən]n. 恶性通货膨胀
aggregate['ægrigeit]n. 合计,总计;集合体
【例】Aggregate sales in that market is expected to grow.
incentive[in'sentiv]n. 刺激;鼓励
【例】Taxation policy is sometimes used as incentives to attract investment.
profitability[ˌprɔfitə'biliti]n. 收益性,利益率
allocation[ˌæləu'keiʃən]n. 分配;安置
rigidity[ri'dʒiditi]n. 刚性;坚硬
share[ʃεə]n. 共享,参与;一份,部分;份额,参股
stock[stɔk]n. 股本;股票,股份
Nasdaq['næzˌdæk]n. 纳斯达克(美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价表)
payment['peimənt]n. 付款,支付;报酬;偿还
stagger['stægə]v. 摇晃,蹒跚;交错;摇摇摆摆
distortion[dis'tɔ:ʃən]n. 扭曲,变形;曲解;失真
function['fʌŋkʃən]n. 功能,作用
tariff['tærif]n. 关税;关税表
【例】Tariff for major items has been decreasing since China's entry into the WTO.
quota['kwəutə]n. 配额;限额
【例】The quota system might contribute to corruption such as rent seeking.
textile['tekstail]n. 纺织品
commodity[kə'mɔditi]n. 日用品;商品
【例】Commodities are exchanged for money.
poverty['pɔvəti]n. 贫穷,贫困;贫乏,缺少
scarcity['skεəsiti]n. 缺乏,不足
【例】Having looked to government for bread, on the first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them.
dearth[də:θ]n. 缺乏,不足;饥荒
surplus['sə:pləs]n. 剩余,过剩
privatize['praivətaiz]vt. 使归私有,使私人化
【例】To privatize state-owned enterprises is a way to increase the efficiency of the economy.
affluence['æfluəns]n. 富裕,富足
【例】People who live in affluence do not know the pain of poverty.
prosperity[prɔs'periti]n. 繁荣
deprivation[ˌdepri'veiʃən]n. 剥夺
paucity['pɔ:siti]n. 缺乏,贫乏
plethora['pleθərə]n. 过剩,过多
abundance[ə'bʌndəns]n. 丰富,充裕
compensate['kɔmpənseit]v. 偿还;补偿;付报酬
merchandise['mə:tʃəndaiz]n. 商品,货物
enterprise['entəpraiz]n. 企业,事业;计划;事业心,进取心
【例】Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.
commerce['kɔmə(:)s]n. 商业
【例】Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.
account[ə'kaunt]n. 计算;账目
collateral[kə'lætərəl]adj. 担保的
reimburse[ˌri:im'bə:s]v. 偿还
refund[ri:'fʌnd]v. 退还,偿还n. 归还;偿还额;退款
transaction[træn'zækʃən]n. 交易;事务;处理事务
【例】All transactions , from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically.
patronage['pætrənidʒ]n. 赞助
【例】Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage .
sponsorship['spɔnsəʃip]n. 赞助
benefaction[ˌbeni'fækʃən]n. 恩惠,善行;施予
commission[kə'miʃən]n. 佣金
【例】She gets 10% commission on his sales.
ransom['rænsəm]n. 赎金(payment, redemption)vt. 赎回;勒索赎金
【例】The rich man was asked to pay a high ransom for his daughter who was taken away by criminals.
interest['intrist]n. 利息;利益
bankruptcy['bæŋkrəp(t)si]n. 破产
【例】The company was involved with critical financial issues and thus applied for bankruptcy .
acquisition[ˌækwi'ziʃən]n. 收购;获得;学到
merge[mə:dʒ]v. 合并,并入
【例】Merging and acquisition take place every day in business world.
confidential[ˌkɔnfi'denʃəl]adj. 机密的
【例】That matter is so confidential that it must not be discussed outside this office.
classified['klæsifaid]adj. 机密的
【例】This information is classified ; only a few top officials can see it.
military['militəri]adj. 军事的,军用的
【例】According to the Constitution of the country, all the young men do a year's military service.
martial['ma:ʃəl]adj. 战争的,军事的;尚武的;威武的
navy['neivi]n. 海军
armada[a:'ma:də]n. 舰队
flotilla[flə'tilə]n. 小舰队,小型船队,驱逐舰队
fleet[fli:t]n. 舰队
【例】The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
campaign[kæm'pein]n. 战役(crusade)vi. 作战
diplomacy[di'pləuməsi]n. 外交;外交手段
strategy['strætidʒi]n. 策略,战略(tactics)
cannon['kænən]n. 大炮,加农炮(ammunition)
radar['reidə]n. 雷达
morale[mɔ'ra:l]n. 民心;士气
【例】With no food and water, the soldiers are in low morale .
besiege[bi'si:dʒ]vt. 围(enclose);围困;围攻(城堡等)
【例】The speaker was besieged with questions.
blockade[blɔ'keid]n. 阻塞 vt. 封锁
expedition[ˌekspi'diʃən]n. 远征(exploration)
【例】The explorers started on a year long expedition down the Nile.
mission['miʃən]n. 使命,任务
【例】They caught an agent on a secret mission .
repulse[ri'pʌls]vt. 击退(repel)
【例】Tom repulsed the attacker by punching him in the stomach.
rebuff[ri'bʌf]v. 挫败
revolt[ri'vəult]v. 反抗,起义,反叛
【例】The people revolted against their king.
rebellion[ri'beljən]n. 谋反,叛乱;反抗
【例】A rebellion in the officer corps led to chaos in the armed forces.
revolution[ˌrevə'lu:ʃən]n. 革命
【例】Revolution is both constructive and destructive.
insurrection[ˌinsə'rekʃən]n. 起义(revolution)
mutiny['mju:tini]n. 兵变,反抗(insurgence)v. 叛变,造反,兵变
riot['raiət]n. 暴乱,骚动;(植物,疾病等)蔓延;放荡 v. 骚乱;放纵,挥霍
【例】There was a riot when the workers were told they had lost their jobs.
envelop[in'veləp]vt. 包围(besiege, enclose)
【例】Accompanying the darkness, a stillness envelops the city.
encircle[in'sə:kl]vt. 环绕,围绕,包围
【例】The beast was encircled by a group of hunters.
invade[in'veid]vt. 侵入,侵略,侵犯(intrude, agress)
【例】Before they could attack, they needed to decide upon the plan about how they could invade the country.
wreck[rek]vt. 破坏,拆毁(damage)n. 失事
【例】After the ship wreck , the enemy fleet was in trouble up to the hilt.
demolish[di'mɔliʃ]vt. 毁坏,破坏;推翻,粉碎(dismantle, shatter)
collision[kə'liʒən]n. 碰撞,冲突(crash)
debris['debri:]n. 碎片,残骸
encroach[in'krəutʃ]vi. 蚕食,侵占(intrude, trespass)
【例】The reporter encroached on my privacy. / The desert is gradually encroaching the land.
exterminate[iks'tə:mineit]vt. 消灭(eradicate, eliminate)
【例】The landlord exterminated the rats in the cellar.
trespass['trespəs]v. 侵入(overstep, encroach)
【例】The farmer said we were trespassing .
enlist[in'list]v. 征召,招募(enroll)
【例】He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough.
disarming[dis'a:miŋ]adj. 消除敌意的(relieving, soothing)
【例】The spy's disarming nature earned other people's trust.
assault[ə'sɔ:lt]vt. 袭击(assail)n. 攻击(attack)
【例】Mike very unwisely assaulted a police officer.
offense[ə'fens]n. 进攻(attack, onset)
defense[di'fens]n. 防御;护卫措施
【例】The enemy finally gave up because of their determined defense .
onslaught['ɔnslɔ:t]n. 猛烈的攻击(charge)
armament['a:məmənt]n. 兵力,军力(arms, munitions)
【例】Modernisation of armament is thought to be a protection against possible aggression.
disarm[dis'a:m]vt. 缴械;消除(敌意)
【例】The security guard disarmed the robber.
neutralize['nju:trəlaiz]v. 使中立化;宣布中立
【例】To neutralize is to declare neutral in the war and therefore inviolable during a war.
captivate['kæptiveit]vt. 抓住,捕获(capture, seize)
fortress['fɔ:tris]n. 堡垒;要塞
【例】Soldiers attacked the enemy's fortress .
weapon['wepən]n. 武器(munitions, arms)
【例】US invaded Iraq based on fake intelligence reported that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
destruction[dis'trʌkʃən]n. 破坏,毁灭
【例】Pride was her destruction .
warfare['wɔ:fεə]n. 战争,作战,冲突;竞争(conflict, combat)
rivalry['raivəlri]n. 竞争,竞赛;敌对,敌对状态(enmity, opposition)
【例】During Cold War period, there was great rivalry between the US and the USSR.
masterpiece['ma:stəpi:s]n. 杰作,名著
【例】The prolific artist left many masterpieces for people to appreciate.
gallery['gæləri]n. 美术陈列室,画廊
exhibition[ˌeksi'biʃən]n. 展览会;展览品
collection[kə'lekʃən]n. 收藏;征收
【例】He has a large collection of stamps.
inspiration[ˌinspə'reiʃən]n. 灵感
【例】Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.
purism['pjuərizəm]n. 纯粹主义
Byzantine[bi'zæntain]n. 拜占庭人;拜占庭派的建筑师、画家
surrealism[sə'riəliz(ə)m]n. 超现实主义
classicism['klæsisizm]n. 古典主义;古典风格
baroque[bə'rəuk]n. 巴洛克时期艺术和建筑风格的,巴洛克式
rococo[rə'kəukəu]n. 洛可可式;过分精巧的;俗丽的
impressionism[im'preʃəniz(ə)m]n. 印象派艺术家,印象流派
literature['litəritʃə]n. 文学(作品);文艺;文献
folklore['fəuklɔ:(r)]n. 民间传说(myth, legends)
essay['esei]n. 散文;小品文;随笔;短文;评论(paper, article)
criticism['kritisiz(ə)m]n. 批评,批判
anthology[æn'θɔlədʒi]n. 诗选;文选
volume['vɔlju:m]n. 卷,册
drama['dra:mə]n. (在舞台上演的)戏剧,戏剧艺术
comedy['kɔmidi]n. 喜剧;喜剧性的事情
tragedy['trædʒidi]n. 悲剧
playwright['pleirait]n. 剧作家
episode['episəud]n. 插曲
biography[bai'ɔgrəfi]n. 传记
improvisation[ˌimprəvai'zeiʃən]n. 即席创作
eloquence['eləkwəns]n. 雄辩;口才;修辞
pigment['pigmənt]n. 色素;颜料
portrait['pɔ:trit]n. 肖像,人像
caricature[ˌkærikətjuə(r); 'kærikətʃə]n. 讽刺画,漫画; 讽刺描述法
easel['i:zl]n. 画架,黑板架
bronze[brɔnz]n. 铜像
sculpture['skʌlptʃə]n. 雕塑品(carving, engraving)
【例】Sculpture is the art of shaping solid materials.
architecture['a:kitektʃə]n. 建筑;建筑学
contaminate[kən'tæmineit]vt. 污染(defile, pollute)
【例】The Department of Resources notified the town council that the water supply was contaminated .
pollute[pə'lu:t]vt. 污染(contaminate, defile)
【例】Rivers in the neighbourhood were polluted by the chemical wastes from the factories.
taint[teint]v. 感染;使腐坏n. 污点
【例】The meat was tainted .
purify['pjuərifai]vt. 使纯净(cleanse)v. 净化
【记】pur(e)(纯净的)+ i+ fy(使)…→使纯净
【例】This salt has been purified for use in medicine.
pollutant[pə'lu:tənt]n. 污染物质
ecosystem['i:kəuˌsistəm]n. 生态系统
noxious['nɔkʃəs]adj. 有害的,有毒的(poisonous, toxic)
【例】The room is full of noxious fumes.
toxic['tɔksik]adj. 有毒的,中毒的(noxious, poisonous)
lethal['li:θəl]adj. 致命的(fatal)
venomous['venəməs]adj. 有毒的,分泌毒液的
【例】The government announced that fruits produced in the region was contaminated and thus all the fruits become venomous .
deteriorate[di'tiəriəreit]v. (使)恶化
【记】比较 ameliorate(改善,改进)
【例】The water in the catchment has deteriorated in the last month.
pernicious[pə:'niʃəs]adj. 有害的
【记】per(完全)+nici(杀死)+ ous→有害的
decibel['desibel]n. 分贝
hazardous['hæzədəs]adj. 危险的(noxious)
effluent['efluənt]n. 流出物;排水道,排水渠;污水
【例】Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town.
emission[i'miʃən]n. (光、热等的)散发、发射,喷射(release, discharge)
inorganic[ˌinɔ:'gænik]adj. 无生物的,无机的
litter['litə]n. 垃圾
nuisance['nju:sns]n. 令人讨厌的东西(pest)
radioactive[ˌreidiəu'æktiv]adj. 放射性的,有辐射能的
sewage['sju(:)idʒ]n. 下水道;污水
conservation[ˌkɔnsə(:)'veiʃən]n. 保护
【例】There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.
renewable[ri'nju(:)əbl]adj. 能再生的
【例】We could better protect our environment through discovering and using renewable energy.
atmosphere['ætməsfiə]n. 大气,空气
forestation[ˌfɔris'teiʃən]n. 造林
desertification[ˌdezətifi'keiʃən]n. 沙漠化
preservation[ˌprezə(:)'veiʃən]n. 保存
【例】The old building is in good preservation .
reservoir['rezəvwa:]n. 水库,蓄水池
【例】This reservoir gives water to the whole city.
oasis[əu'eisis]n. (沙漠中)绿洲;舒适的地方
error['erə]n. 错误,过失,误差(mistake)
accuracy['ækjurəsi]n. 精确性,正确度
angle['æŋgl]n. 角;角落
formula['fɔ:mjulə]n. 公式;规则
【例】Formula refers to a statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation.
function['fʌŋkʃən]n. 函数
【例】In x=5y, x is a function of y.
addition[ə'diʃən]n. 加法
divide[di'vaid]vt. 分割;除
【例】The woman's estate was divided among her children.
multiply['mʌltiplai]v. 乘;增加
subtract[səb'trækt]vt. 减去(deduct)
【例】If you subtract 2 from 6,you get 4.
adjacent[ə'dʒeisənt]adj. 邻近的(neighboring);接近的
algebra['ældʒibrə]n. 代数学
arithmetic[ə'riθmətik]n. 算术
【例】Arithmetic as a basic school subject should be fun for starters.
equation[i'kweiʃən]n. 等式;平衡
【例】1+2=3 is a simple equation .
altitude['æltitju:d]n. 高度
【例】At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.
geometry[dʒi'ɔmitri]n. 几何学
circumference[sə'kʌmfərəns]n. 圆周
【例】The formulas for calculating the circumference of circle and triangle are different.
slope[sləup]n. 斜坡;斜面;斜率
summation[sʌ'meiʃən]n. 总和,和;合计
symmetry['simitri]n. 对称(性);匀称(balance, harmony)
【例】The idea of symmetry is wildly used in architecture and designing.
approximate[ə'prɔksimeit]adj. 近似的,大约的(roughly)
【例】The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900.
sequence['si:kwəns]n. 序列(procession, progression)
progression[prə'greʃən]n. 行进;级数
ascending[ə'sendiŋ]adj. 上升的,向上的
assumption[ə'sʌmpʃən]n. 假定(supposition)
probability[ˌprɔbə'biliti]n. 概率;可能性
【例】Probability denotes a number expressing the likelihood that a specific event will occur, expressed as the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the number of possible occurrences.
calculation[ˌkælkju'leiʃən]n. 计算;考虑
classification[ˌklæsifi'keiʃən]n. 分类,分级
combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n. 组合
【例】In mathematical terms, combination means one or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.
logarithm['lɔgəriθm]n. 对数
complementary[kɔmplə'mentəri]adj. 补充的,补足的
【例】The two angles are complementary angles.
square[skwεə]n. 正方形;平方
congruent['kɔŋgruənt]adj. 全等的
【例】They are congruent triangles.
constant['kɔnstənt]n. 常数,恒量
【记】con(一直)+ stant(=stand 站着的)→恒量
【例】Constant refers to a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context.
coordinate[kəu'ɔ:dineit]n. 同等者;同等物;坐标(用复数)
【例】These coordinates should show you your position.
cylinder['silində]n. 圆柱体(column);柱面
denominator[di'nɔmineitə]n. 分母
deviation[ˌdi:vi'eiʃən]n. 离差
dimension[di'menʃən]n. 尺寸,尺度;维(数),度(数);元(measurement)
【例】A line has one dimension and a square has two.
evaluate[i'væljueit]vt. 评价,估计(estimate, assess);求…的值
hemisphere['hemisfiə]n. 半球
horizontal[ˌhɔri'zɔntl]adj. 地平线的,水平的
hyperbola[hai'pə:bələ]n. 双曲线
intersect[ˌintə'sekt]vi. 相交(cross, meet)
【例】These two lines intersect at the original point.
invariance[in'vεəriəns]n. 不变性,恒定性
increment['inkrimənt]n. 增加;增量
maximize['mæksəmaiz]vt. 取…最大值;最佳化
negative['negətiv]n. 否定;负数(minus)
numerator['nju:məreitə]n. 分子(dividend)
pentagon['pentəgən]n. 五角形,五边形
perimeter[pə'rimitə]n. 周长,周界(circumference)
permutation[ˌpə:mju(:)'teiʃən]n. 排列;置换
【例】Permutation is an ordered arrangement of the elements of a set.
quadrant['kwɔdrənt]n. 象限;四分仪
quotient['kwəuʃənt]n. 商
【例】A quotient is the number obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
fraction['frækʃən]n. 分数
decimal['desiməl]adj. 十进制的n. 小数
【例】The metric system is a decimal system.
diameter[dai'æmitə]n. 直径
ellipse[i'lips]n. 椭圆,椭圆形
radius['reidiəs]n. 半径
【记】A line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference is a radius .
vertical['və:tikəl]adj. 垂直的(perpendicular, upright)
【例】Vertical communication happens between subordinates and superiors.
deduction[di'dʌkʃən]n. 减
statistics[stə'tistiks]n. 统计学;统计表
even['i:vən]adj. 偶数的
【例】2,4,6,8 etc. are even numbers.
odd[ɔd]adj. 奇数的,单数的
【例】1,3,5,7 etc. are odd numbers.
enumerate[i'nju:məreit]vt. 枚举;计数(count, numerate)
【例】Sam can enumerate all the Presidents of the United States.
calculate['kælkjuleit]vt. 计算(count),估计;计划
【例】Children calculate with the help of their fingers when they are learning counting.
calculus['kælkjuləs]n. 微积分学
percentage[pə'sentidʒ]n. 百分数,百分率,百分比
【例】The percentage of unskilled workers is small.
proportion[prə'pɔ:ʃən]n. 比例;均衡;面积;部分
【例】We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue.
exponent[eks'pəunənt]n. 指数(index)
derivative[di'rivətiv]n. 导数
【例】The limiting value of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable is called derivative .
power['pauə]n. 乘方;幂
arc[a:k]n. 弧,弓形,拱
infinity[in'finiti]n. 无限,无穷大
composer[kɔm'pəuzə]n. 作家;作曲家;设计者
【例】Mozart is a great composer at his time and beyond.
alto['æltəu]n. 女低音,次高音;次高音歌手
tenor['tenə]n. / adj. 男高音(的)
baritone['bæritəun]n. 男中音
soprano[sə'pra:nəu]n. 女高音
rest[rest]n. 休止符
rhythm['riðəm]n. 节奏,韵律
【例】Rhythm was described by Schopenhauer as melody deprived of its pitch.
tone[təun]n. 音调,音质(pitch)
pitch[pitʃ]v. 为…定音
scale[skeil]n. 音阶
chord[kɔ:d]n. 弦,和音;情绪
orchestra['ɔ:kistrə]n. 管弦乐队(ensemble);乐队演奏处
band[bænd]n. 乐队
solo['səuləu]n. 独奏曲
duet[dju:'et]n. 二重奏
choir['kwaiə]n. 一组同类的乐器;唱诗班
【例】 a string choir 一组弦乐器
plainsong['pleinsɔŋ]n. 单声圣歌
cantata[kæn'ta:tə]n. 清唱剧;大合唱
sonata[sə'na:tə]n. 奏鸣曲
symphony['simfəni]n. 交响乐,交响曲(concert)
concerto[kən'tʃə:təu]n. 协奏曲
prelude['prelju:d]n. 前奏;序幕
overture['əuvətjuə]n. 前奏曲,序曲,序乐(prelude)
opera['ɔpərə]n. 歌剧
melody['melədi]n. 悦耳的音调,旋律
lullaby['lʌləbai]n. 催眠曲,摇篮曲
euphonious[ju:'fəuniəs]adj. 悦耳的(sweet)
【例】Her praise is surely a euphonious song to me.
movement['mu:vmənt]n. 乐章
instrument['instrumənt]n. 工具,器械,器具;手段
episode['episəud]n. 插曲(interlude)
【例】The long lecture I got from my boss was one episode that I did not want to undergo a second time.
percussion[pə:'kʌʃən]n. 打击乐器
wind[wind]n. 管乐器
string[striŋ]n. 弦乐器
draft[dra:ft]vt. 起草
bill[bil]n. 法案
【例】The bill was carried by the Senate.
enact[i'nækt]vt. 制定法律,颁布
【例】Congress enacted a tax reform bill.
ratification[ˌrætifi'keiʃən]n. 批准(approval)
confirmation[ˌkɔnfə'meiʃən]n. 证实,确认(verification);批准
enforcement[in'fɔ:smənt]n. 执行,强制
decree[di'kri:]n. 法令,政令,教令;判决 v. 颁布
clause[klɔ:z]n. 条款
【例】The clauses on the contract were unclear.
provision[prə'viʒən]n. 规定
【例】Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.
prescribe[pris'kraib]v. 指示,规定
【记】pre(预先)+ scribe(写着)→规定
【例】The law prescribes what should be done.
codification[ˌkɔdifi'keiʃən]n. 法典编纂,法律成文化
legislation[ˌledʒis'leiʃən]n. 立法,法律的制定(或通过)(decree, lawmaking)
legitimate[li'dʒitimit]adj. 合法的,合理的,正统的(admissible, lawful)
【例】He runs a legitimate business.
legal['li:gəl]adj. 法律的,法定的,合法的
【例】Their practices are legal according to the laws and regulations in this country.
jurisprudence[ˌdʒuəris'pru:dəns]n. 法学
【例】His jurisprudence —his vision of what the rule of law requires—is superficial and inadequate.
legality[li(:)'gæliti]n. 合法;法律上的义务
【记】legal(法律的)+ ity→合法
【例】The legality of the case is unquestionable.
contravene[ˌkɔntrə'vi:n]v. 违反(break, breach)
【例】Don't do whatever may contravene the law of the country.
infringe[in'frindʒ]v. 破坏,侵犯,违反(violate)
【例】Pirate products infringe patent law.
offend[ə'fend]v. 犯罪,冒犯,违反(transgress)
【例】Invasion offends all laws of humanity.
abolish[ə'bɔliʃ]vt. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)(exterminate)
【例】The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.
annulment[ə'nʌlmənt]n. 废除,取消,(法院对婚姻等)判决无效(abolish)
cancellation[kænsə'leiʃən]n. 取消(termination)
revocation[ˌrevə'keiʃən]n. 撤回
immunity[i'mju:niti]n. 豁免权
constitution[ˌkɔnsti'tju:ʃən]n. 宪法
【例】According to the American Constitution , Presidential elections are held every four years.
copyright['kɔpirait]n. 版权,著作权
patent['peitənt]n. 专利权,执照;专利品
penalty['penlti]n. 处罚,罚款
【例】What is the penalty for dangerous driving?
royalties['rɔiəltis]n. 版税
tariff['tærif]n. 关税;关税表;税则(duty, levy)
【例】The tariff has been decreasing since the opening of the economy.
taxation[tæk'seiʃən]n. 征税,抽税;税款,估定的税额
【例】Taxation and death are inevitable.
court[kɔ:t]n. 法院(tribunal)
【例】The prisoner was brought to court for trial.
arbitration[ˌa:bi'treiʃən]n. 调停,仲裁
【例】The union finally agreed to go to arbitration as a way to tackle the strike.
delinquency[di'liŋkwənsi]n. 行为不良,违法行为
【例】Juvenile delinquency haunts the city government.
solicitor[sə'lisitə]n. 律师,法律顾问
attorney[ə'tə:ni]n. 律师(lawyer)
notary['nəutəri]n. 公证人
defendant[di'fendənt]n. 被告
proceeding[prə'si:diŋ]n. 法律行动;诉讼
【例】He was advised to take proceedings .
hearing['hiəriŋ]n. 听证会
【例】The city government decides to hold a hearing into water price cap mechanism.
interrogatory[ˌintə'rɔgətəri]adj. 质问的,疑问的(questionable)
evidence['evidəns]n. 证词,证据
【例】The old man submitted the photograph in evidence .
summons['sʌmənz]n. 传唤,召集;传票
【例】Summons is a notice summoning a defendant to appear in court.
liability[ˌlaiə'biliti]n. 责任(responsibility),义务,倾向;债务,负债
【例】The business failed because its assets were not so great as its liabilities .
eyewitness['aiwitnis]n. 目击者,见证人
【例】Were there any eyewitnesses to the murder crime?
accusation[ækju(:)'zeiʃən]n. 控告
【例】An accusation of corruption has been brought against him.
prosecute['prɔsikju:t]v. 起诉;检举(accuse, charge)
【例】He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit.
sue[sju:]n. 诉讼(appeal)
【例】He is suing for divorce.
complaint[kəm'pleint]n. 控诉;投诉,抱怨
【例】Many businesses or companies have the department to receive complaints .
lawsuit['lɔ:sju:t]n. 诉讼
plea[pli:]n. 请愿;恳求(appeal)
deposition[ˌdepə'ziʃən]n. 革职;废王位
indictment[in'daitmənt]n. 控告(accusation)
plaintiff['pleintif]n. 起诉人,原告
culprit['kʌlprit]n. 犯人(wrongdoer)
recidivist[ri'sidivist]n. 惯犯
accomplice[ə'kɔmplis]n. 同谋者,帮凶
【例】Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.
harbour['ha:bə]v. 窝藏
convict['kɔnvikt]n. 罪犯,囚犯,被长期监禁者 v. 证明有…罪;宣判有…罪
【例】He was convicted of murder.
acquittal[ə'kwit(ə)l]n. 宣判无罪
nonsuit['nɔn'sju:t]n. 诉讼驳回
verdict['və:dikt]n. 判决(decision, judgment)
nonobservance['nɔnəb'zə:vəns]n. (对法律,习俗等的)不遵守,违反
adultery[ə'dʌltəri]n. 通奸,通奸行为
perjury['pə:dʒəri]n. 伪誓,伪证
assassination[əˌsæsi'neiʃən]n. 暗杀(murder)
homicide['hɔmisaid]n. 杀人,杀人者
larceny['la:sni]n. 盗窃罪(robbery, theft)
swindle['swindl]v. /n. 诈骗(defraud)
【例】The accountant swindled money from the company.
abduction[æb'dʌkʃən]n. 诱拐
smuggle['smʌgl]n. / v. 走私
【例】He was caught smuggling cameras into the country.
embezzlement[im'bezlmənt]n. 盗用,侵占,挪用
【例】One of the major forms of corruption is embezzlement of public funds.
bribery['braibəri]n. 行贿,受贿,贿赂
【例】Bribery involves the act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.
breach[bri:tʃ]n. 违背(violate)
【例】You will be punished if you breach the contract.
corruption[kə'rʌpʃən]n. 腐败,贪污,堕落
【例】The minister said that there was corruption in high places in the government.
slander['sla:ndə]n. / v. 诽谤(libel)
calumny['kæləmni]n. 诽谤,中伤
imprisonment[im'prizənmənt]n. 关押
embargo[em'ba:gəu]n. 禁止出入港口,禁运
【例】The government enacted an embargo on the sale of computers to unfriendly nations.
indemnity[in'demniti]n. 赔款,补偿;保证(reparation)
indemnification[inˌdemnifi'keiʃən]n. 保护,保障;补偿,补偿物
compensation[kɔmpen'seiʃən]n. 补偿,赔偿
extradition[ˌekstrə'diʃən]n. 引渡
domineering[ˌdɔmi'niəriŋ]adj. 专权的(tyrannical, dictatorial)
【例】The domineering father made every decision in his children's lives.
heirship['εəʃip]n. 继承权
confiscate['kɔnfiskeit]vt. 没收,充公(seize)
【例】If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, the police will confiscate them.
invalidate[in'vælideit]vt. 使作废(nullify)
【例】to invalidate a will 使遗嘱无效
captivity[kæp'tiviti]n. 囚禁,拘留
【例】Wild animals do not breed well in captivity .
trial['traiəl]n. 审判(hearing, inquisition)
【例】The scandal put the President on trial and the trail lasted a week.
detain[di'tein]vt. 拘留
【例】The boss was detained in the office by unexpected calls.
extenuate[iks'tenjueit]vt. 使(罪过等)显得轻微(diminish, lessen)
【例】Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior.
empower[im'pauə]vt. 授权;使能够
【例】The new laws empowered the police to stop anybody in the street.
saddle['sædl]vt. 使负担(burden, load)
【例】I have been saddled with the job of organizing the conference.
flee[fli:]v. 逃跑,逃离(escape)
【例】The customers fled when the alarm sounded.
abstinence['æbstinəns]n. 禁戒,节制
【例】Abstinence from fatty foods and smoking can probably lengthen your life.
abstain[əb'stein]vi. 戒绝
【例】Because my cholesterol is high, my doctor told me to abstain from eating fat.
veto['vi:təu]n. 否决,否决权(rejection)vt. 否决;禁止(negate)
【例】Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
stipulate['stipjuleit]vt. 约定,规定(set, specify)
【例】It was stipulated that goods should be shipped within two days.
testify['testifai]v. 证明,证实;作证(give evidence, verify)
【例】The teacher testified to the boy's honesty.
substantiate[sʌbs'tænʃieit]vt. 证实(corroborate, verify)
【例】How can you substantiate that he was the murderer?
observance[əb'zə:vəns]n. 遵守
impeach[im'pi:tʃ]vt. 弹劾;控告(accuse)
【例】The Congress has decided to impeach a President.
indictment[in'daitmənt]n. 起诉(charge, accusation)
【例】The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values.
incriminate[in'krimiˌneit]vt. 控告(accuse);使负罪
【例】The witness's testimony against the rackteers incriminates some high public officials as well.
denounce[di'nauns]vt. 告发
【例】Union officials denounce the action as breach of agreement.
query['kwiəri]n. 质问,问题 v. 询问(inquire)
【例】He could not bear his wife's daily queries about where he had been and he demanded a divorce.
exempt[ig'zempt]vt. 免除(prevent, immune)adj. 被免除的(excused)
【例】The teacher exempted the smartest students from taking the quiz. / Children under 16 are exempted from prescription charges.
condone[kən'dəun]vt. 宽恕,赦免(forgive, pardon)
【例】Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime.
remit[ri'mit]vt. 赦免
【例】His prison sentence has been remitted .
credential[kri'denʃəl]n. 凭证(reference, certificate)
arable['ærəbl]adj. 可耕的,适于耕种的
【例】Most of the land in this country is arable .
fertile['fə:tail]adj. 肥沃的,富饶的(productive)
【例】A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.
irrigate['irigeit]vt. 灌溉;修水利
【例】They irrigated the land in order to increase the produce.
barren['bærən]n. 荒地
wasteland['weistˌlænd]n. 荒地,未开垦地;废墟
prairie['prεəri]n. 大草原,牧场(grassland)
pasture['pa:stʃə]n. 牧地,草原,牧场
fallow['fæləu]n. 休耕地(uncultivated)
stubble['stʌbl]n. 断株,茬
straw[strɔ:]n. 稻草,麦秆
【例】The old woman makes her life by selling bags made of straw .
mechanization[ˌmekənai'zeiʃən]n. 机械化,机动化
【例】Mechanization brings efficiency and profits to farmers.
ranch[ræntʃ]n. 大农场(farmland)
hacienda[hæsi'endə]n. 庄园
agronomist[ə'grɔnəmist]n. 农艺学家,农学家
latifundium[ˌlæti'fʌndiəm]n. 大农场主
landlord['lændlɔ:d]n. 房东,地主
tenant['tenənt]n. 佃户
shepherd['ʃepəd]n. 牧羊人
vinegrower['vainˌgrəuə]n. 葡萄栽植者
horticulture['hɔ:tikʌltʃə]n. 园艺
dairy['dεəri]n. 牛奶场,奶品场
【例】We bought milk at the dairy .
foodstuff['fu:dstʌf]n. 食品,粮食
livestock['laivstɔk]n. 家畜,牲畜
haystack['heistæk]n. 干草堆
granary['grænəri]n. 谷仓
windmill['windmil]n. 风车,风车房
cowshed['kauʃed]n. 牛棚,牛舍
nursery['nə:səri]n. 苗圃
【记】nurse(保育员)+ ry(所)→苗圃
seedbed['si:dbed]n. 苗床
furrow['fʌrəu]n. 犁沟;皱纹 vt. 犁,耕
terrace['terəs]n. 梯田的一层,梯田
plantation[plæn'teiʃən]n. 种植园
orchard['ɔ:tʃəd]n. 果园
vineyard['vinjəd]n. 葡萄园
tenure['tenjuə]n. (土地等的)占有
plough[plau]n. 犁 v. 耕,犁,犁耕
loosen['lu:sn]v. 松土
prune[pru:n]v. 剪除
graft[gra:ft]n. / v. 嫁接
reclamation[ˌreklə'meiʃən]n. 开垦,改造(restoration)
manure[mə'njuə]vt. 施肥(fertilize, dung)
【例】The farmers manured the fields in the spring.
fertilizer['fə:tiˌlaizə]n. 肥料
spray[sprei]n. 喷雾,飞沫 vt. 喷射,喷溅
insecticide[in'sektisaid]n. 杀虫剂
pesticide['pestisaid]n. 杀虫剂
herbicide['hə:bisaid]n. 除草剂
parasite['pærəsait]n. 寄生虫
sickle['sikl]n. 镰刀
combine[kəm'bain]n. 联合收割机
cereal['siəriəl]n. 谷类食品,谷类
barley['ba:li]n. 大麦
sorghum['sɔ:gəm]n. 高粱属的植物
prolific[prə'lifik]adj. 多产的,丰富的,大量繁殖的(productive)
【例】The prolific author published over 80 novels.
agriculture['ægrikʌltʃə]n. 农业,农艺,农学
aquaculture['ækwəˌkʌltʃə]n. 水产业
indigenous[in'didʒinəs]adj. 土产的
【例】The indigenous people of the area know which plants are safe to eat and which are poisonous.
husbandry['hʌzbəndri]n. 耕种(farming);管理(management)
【例】He studied animal husbandry in college.
graze[greiz]v. 吃草(feed)
【例】This field will graze 30 head of cattle.
cultivate['kʌltiveit]vt. 耕种(till);培养(foster, train)
【例】The botanist cultivated tropical flowers.
hydroponics['haidrəu'pɔniks]n. 水耕法,水栽培
ridge[ridʒ]v. 起皱,成脊状延伸;翻土作垄
eggplant['egpla:nt]n. 茄子
poultry['pəultri]n. 家禽
buffalo['bʌfələu]n. (印度,非洲等的)水牛
conservatory[kən'sə:vətəri]n. 温室(greenhouse)
【例】Farmers grow plants in conservatory so that they could sell a good price in winter times.
greenhouse['gri:nhaus]n. 温室,花房
sheepfold[ʃi:pfəuld]n. 羊圈
pigpen['pigpen]n. 猪舍
pigsty['pigstai]n. 猪舍
trough['trɔ:f]n. 槽,水槽,饲料槽
anthropology[ˌænθrə'pɔlədʒi]n. 人类学
【例】Anthropology is study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beings.
anthropoid['ænθrəpɔid]n. 类人猿 adj. 像人类的
perception[pə'sepʃən]n. 感知,感觉
【例】Only human beings have perception .
ritual['ritjuəl]n. 典礼,(宗教)仪式;礼节
stereotype['stiəriəutaip]n. 典型
【记】stereo(立体)+ type(模式,形状)→典型
exotic[ig'zɔtik]adj. 异国情调的,外来的,奇异的
inexplicable[in'eksplikəbl]adj. 无法说明的(mysterious)
【例】The inexplicable disappearance of some non-local seasonal women workers worried everyone.
taboo[tə'bu:]n. 禁忌,避讳
【例】Alcohol is (a) taboo in this tribe.
pathological[ˌpæθə'lɔdʒikəl]adj. 习以为常的
stratification[ˌstrætifi'keiʃən]n. 层化,成层,阶层的形成
【例】Social stratification is a terminology used by anthropologists to describe different groups of people in the society.
tribe[traib]n. 部落,部族
clan[klæn]n. 部落;氏族,宗族;党派
ethnic['eθnik]adj. 种族的(racial, national)
【例】The government launched a range of projects in ethnic minority regions.
ethnology[ˌeθ'nɔlədʒi]n. 人种学,人类文化学
minority[mai'nɔriti]n. 少数;少数民族
【例】The minority nationality concert lasted two hours.
descent[di'sent]n. 血统(ancestry)
hybrid['haibrid]n. 杂种;混血儿
aboriginal[ˌæbə'ridʒənəl]n. 土著 adj. 土著的(native);原来的
ancestor['ænsistə]n. 祖先,祖宗
forerunner['fɔ:ˌrʌnə]n. 先驱,祖先(ancestor, predecessor)
hominid['hɔminid]n. 原始人类
precursor[pri(:)'kə:sə]n. 先驱
【例】Zu Chongzhi is regarded as the precursor of mathematics in China.
predecessor['pri:disesə]n. 前辈,前任
antecedent[ˌænti'si:dənt]n. 先辈
racial['reiʃəl]adj. 人种的,种族的,种族间的
【例】Racial discrimination is unharmonious with our society.
nature['neitʃə]n. 自然,自然界
avalanche['ævəˌla:nʃ]n. / v. 雪崩
mirage['mira:ʒ]n. 海市蜃楼
【例】In a mirage , the desert will mimic a lake.
innate['ineit]adj. 先天的,天生的
scenic['si:nik]adj. 风景优美的(picturesque)
spectacle['spektəkl]n. 奇观,景象(sight, scene)
jungle['dʒʌŋgl]n. 丛林
shrub[ʃrʌb]n. 灌木丛(bush)
gorge[gɔ:dʒ]n. 山峡,峡谷
canyon['kænjən]n. 峡谷,溪谷
plateau['plætəu]n. 高地,高原
scenery['si:nəri]n. 景色
landscape['lændskeip]n. 风景,山水画;地形;前景
panorama[ˌpænə'ra:mə]n. 全景(vista)
plain[plein]n. 平原,草原
tundra['tʌndrə]n. 苔原,冻土地带
iceberg['aisbəg]n. 冰山;冷冰冰的人
mountain['mauntin]n. 山,山脉
glacier['glæsjə(r)]n. 冰河
deglaciation[di:ˌgleiʃi'eiʃən]n. 冰川的消失
valley['væli]n. (山)谷,流域
peak[pi:k]n. 山顶
range[reindʒ]n. 山脉
coast[kəust]n. 海岸;滑坡
altitude['æltitju:d]n. 高度,海拔
watercourse['wɔ:təkɔ:s]n. 水道,河道
estuary['estjuəri]n. 河口,江口,入海口
matter['mætə]n. 物质
【例】Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter .
vacuum['vækjuəm]n. 真空
liquid['likwid]n. 液体,流体
【例】The three phases of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
solid['sɔlid]n. 固体
【例】Gold is solid , but when you heat it, it becomes liquid.
evaporate[i'væpəreit]v. 蒸发(vaporize)
【例】The rubbing alcohol evaporated as soon as the nurse dabbed it on the patient's arm.
density['densiti]n. 密度
【例】The population density is very high in eastern coastal regions of Australia.
gravity['græviti]n. 引力
【例】The failure of the experiment was due to exclusion of gravity .
velocity[vi'lɔsiti]n. 速度,速率(speed)
intensity[in'tensiti]n. 强烈,剧烈;强度
friction['frikʃən]n. 摩擦
【例】Friction between two sticks can create a fire. / The wheel has been expired due to friction .
pressure['preʃə(r)]n. 压力
【例】He feels the pressure soon after he takes up the job.
vector['vektə]n. 向量,矢量
temperature['tempritʃə(r)]n. 温度
【例】In hot weather the temperature gets very high.
conduction[kən'dʌkʃən]n. 传导
radiate['reidieit]vt. 射出(emit, give off)
【例】Heat radiated from the stove. / His smile on the face radiates his confidence.
expansion[iks'pænʃən]n. 扩充,开展,膨胀
【例】Heat causes the expansion of gases.
quantum['kwɔntəm]n. 量子;量子论
dynamics[dai'næmiks]n. 动力学
【例】The dynamics of ocean waves are complex.
inertia[i'nə:ʃjə]n. 惯性,惯量
mechanics[mi'kæniks]n. (用作单数)机械学,力学;(用作复数)技巧,结构
electron[i'lektrɔn]n. 电子
positive['pɔzətiv]adj. [电]阳的
negative['negətiv]adj. 负电的
charge[tʃa:dʒ]n. 电荷 v. 充电(fill, replenish)
【例】Please remember to charge the battery or we might be in dark when there is no electricity.
magnetism['mægnitizəm]n. 磁,磁力,吸引力;磁学
magnetics[mæg'netiks]n. 磁学
accelerator[æk'seləreitə]n. 加速者,加速器
reflection[ri'flekʃən]n. 反射;映象,倒影
mirror['mirə]n. 镜子
beam[bi:m]n. 光柱,光束
image['imidʒ]n. 图像
lens[lenz]n. 透镜,镜片
refraction[ri'frækʃən]n. 折光,折射
focus['fəukəs]n. 焦点,焦距 v. 定焦点,调焦
【例】This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera.
concave['kɔnkeiv]adj. 凹的,凹入的n. 凹,凹面
convex['kɔnveks]adj. 凸出的,凸面的
【例】 a convex mirror 凸镜
electricity[ilek'trisiti]n. 电流,电;电学
kinematics[ˌkaini'mætiks]n. 运动学
statics['stætiks]n. 静力学
magnifier['mægnifaiə]n. 放大镜,放大器
wavelength['weivleŋθ]n. 波长
spectrum['spektrəm]n. 光;光谱,型谱,频谱
optics['ɔptiks]n. 光学
optical['ɔptikəl]adj. 眼的,视力的;光学的
translucent[trænz'lju:snt]adj. 半透明的,透明的
opaque[əu'peik]adj. 不透明的;愚钝的
transparent[træns'pεərənt]adj. 透明的(clear, limpid)
【例】Transparent glass was used in carrying out the experiment.
current['kʌrənt]n. (液体、气体的)流
【例】A cold current of air came in when the door opened.
relativity[ˌrelə'tiviti]n. 相对性,相关性,[物]相对论
oscillation[ˌɔsi'leiʃən]n. 摆动,振动
microwave['maikrəuweiv]n. 微波(波长为1毫米至30厘米的高频电磁波)
ultraviolet['ʌltrə'vaiəlit]adj. 紫外线的,紫外的n. 紫外线辐射
infrared['infrə'red]adj. 红外线的
semiconductor['semikən'dʌktə]n. 半导体
insulator['insjuleitə]n. 绝缘体,绝热器
chip[tʃip]n. 芯片
battery['bætəri]n. 电池
amplifier['æmpliˌfaiə]n. [电工]扩音器,放大器
electromagnetism[ilektrəu'mægnitiz(ə)m]n. 电磁,电磁学
electromagnet[ilektrəu'mægnit]n. 电磁石
acoustic[ə'ku:stik]adj. 有关声音的,声学的,音响学的
sonar['səuna:]n. 声纳
ultrasonics['ʌltrə'sɔniks]n. 超音波学
supersonic['sju:pə'sɔnik]adj. 超音波的
echo['ekəu]n. 回声,回音,回波
resonance['rezənəns]n. 回声,反响
【例】The opera singer's voice has very good resonance .
chafe[tʃeif]vt. 擦热(rub, scrape)
【例】Coarse fabric will chafe your skin.
friction['frikʃən]n. 摩擦
【例】Friction between two sticks can create a fire. / The wheel has been expired due to friction .
thermodynamics[ˌθə:məudai'næmiks]n. 热力学
ventilation[venti'leiʃən]n. 通风(airing, air circulation)
declivity[di'kliviti]n. 下倾的斜面
dehydrate[di:'haidreit]v. (使)脱水(dry )
【记】de(去除)+ hydrate(水合物)→(使)脱水
【例】Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat.
dilute[dai'lju:t]vt. 稀释,冲淡(thin, weaken)
【例】He diluted the wine with water.
clutter['klʌtə]n. 混乱 vt. 使混乱(litter, disarray)
【例】My office is filled with useless clutter .
chaos['keiɔs]n. 混乱(disorder)
【例】Chaos and order are two phenomena in nature.
distillation[ˌdisti'leiʃən]n. 蒸馏
【例】Distillation is used to produce pure water.
centigrade['sentigreid]adj. 摄氏的
【例】Centigrade scale is used in most countries except the United States.
thermometer[θə'mɔmitə(r)]n. 温度计
microscope['maikrəskəup]n. 显微镜
【例】The light microscope magnifies the object 1,000 diameters.
telescope['teliskəup]n. 望远镜
electron[i'lektrɔn]n. 电子
ion['aiən]n. 离子
neutron['nju:trɔn]n. 中子
nucleus['nju:kliəs]n. 核子
proton['prəutɔn]n. 质子
atom['ætəm]n. 原子
molecule['mɔlikju:l]n. 分子
emit[i'mit]vt. 发出,放射(discharge, give off)
【例】There is no effective measure to stop cars emitting poisonous gas.
diffuse[di'fju:z]vt. 传播,扩散(scatter, spread)
【例】A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy. / The winds diffused the smoke throughout the neighborhood.
vibrate[vai'breit]v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆
【例】The bus vibrated when the driver started the engine.
precipitate[pri'sipiteit]v. 降水
【例】It's supposed to precipitate today, so bring an umbrella.
decelerate[di:'seləreit]v. (使)减速(decrease the speed of)
【记】反义词 accelerate(加速)
【例】Many countries are seeking measures to decelerate the arms buildup.
cohesion[kəu'hi:ʒən]n. 附着(力);结合
【例】Since Bob's paper had no cohesion and merely listed facts, he received a failing grade.
elasticity[ilæs'tisiti]n. 弹性
compatible[kəm'pætəbl]adj. 兼容的(harmonious, congruous)
【例】Is this software compatible with my computer?
thaw[θɔ:]v. (使)溶化,(使)融解(melt, defrost)
【例】Last week it was so warm that the frozen pond thawed .
sociology[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒi]n. 社会学
【例】Sociology is the study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
hierarchy['haiəra:ki]n. 层次;等级体系
【例】The government is a hierarchy .
sociologist[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒist]n. 社会学家
【记】socio(社会)+log(y)(学)+ ist(人)→社会学家
marriage['mæridʒ]n. 结婚,婚姻(matrimony)
【例】My sister's marriage took place at ten o'clock today.
phenomenon[fi'nɔminən]n. 现象
urban['ə:bən]adj. 城市的,市内的(metropolitan)
rural['ruər(ə)l]adj. 乡下的,田园的(rustic)
【例】Crops are grown in rural areas.
urbanization[ˌə:bənai'zeiʃən]n. 都市化
【例】Urbanization has taken place very rapidly in developing countries.
migration[mai'greiʃən]n. 移民(immigration);移植;移往;移动
【例】Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
immigration[ˌimi'greiʃən]n. 移居入境
emigration[ˌemi'greiʃən]n. 移民出境,侨居
mobility[məu'biliti]n. 流动
【例】There's been restructuring of industry and downward mobility for Americans as a whole.
community[kə'mju:niti]n. 社区;社会;公社
【例】Government, business and community are the three pillars of our society.
metropolitan[metrə'pɔlit(ə)n]adj. 首都的;主要都市的,大城市的
convention[kən'venʃən]n. 传统
【例】Convention dictates that a leader should resign in such a situation.
patriarchic[ˌpeitri'a:kik]adj. 家长的,族长的(patriarchal)
【例】Our boss is too patriarchic .
institutionalize[ˌinsti'tju:ʃənəlaiz]v. 使制度化或习俗化;使送进专门机构
【例】To institutionalize our scholarship discipline is imperative for all international students.
taboo[tə'bu:]n. / vt. 禁忌;禁止(ban, prohibition)
【例】There is a taboo on smoking in this office.
ethics['eθiks]n. 伦理学
marital['mæritl]adj. 婚姻的(wedded, conjugal)
polygamous[pɔ'ligəməs]adj. 一夫多妻的,一妻多夫的
tribe[traib]n. 部落,部族(clan)
clan[klæn]n. 部落;氏族;宗族;党派
connubial[kə'nju:bjəl]adj. 婚姻的,夫妇的,配偶的(marital)
matrimony['mætriməni]n. 结婚
anathema[ə'næθimə]n. 令人厌恶的事;受诅咒的事
【例】Those terrible ideas are anathemas to me.
linguistics[liŋ'gwistiks]n. 语言学
language['læŋgwidʒ]n. 语言;语言文学;术语;语言表达能力
【例】People in different countries speak different languages .
sound[saund]n. 音
dialect['daiəlekt]n. 方言,土语,地方话(vernacular, jargon)
【例】John's Southern dialect is hard for me to understand.
parlance['pa:ləns]n. 谈话;说法,用语
【例】In naval parlance , the left side of a ship is the port side.
intonation[ˌintə'neiʃən]n. 语调,声调
【例】It is a questioning intonation .
emphatic[im'fætik]adj. 语势强的;用力的;显著的;断然的
【例】He answered the question with an emphatic “No”.
paraphrase['pærəfreiz]vt. 意译;改写(rewrite)
【例】Would you please paraphrase the speech in colloquial English?
syntax['sintæks]n. 句子构造,句法
symbol['simbəl]n. 符号,记号;象征(emblem)
suffix['sʌfiks]n 后缀;下标 vt. 添后缀
affix[ə'fiks]n. 词缀
prefix['pri:fiks]n. 前缀
root[ru:t]n. 词根
sentence['sentəns]n. 句子
lexical['leksikəl]adj. 词汇的
paraphasia[ˌpærə'feiziə]n. 语言错乱,错语症
lingual['liŋgwəl]adj. 语言的
bilingual[bai'liŋgwəl]adj. 能说两种语言的
【例】This is a bilingual dictionary.
philology[fi'lɔlədʒi]n. 语言学;文献学
semantics[si'mæntiks]n. 语义学
phonetic[fəu'netik]adj. 语音的,语音学的,表示语音的
syllable['siləbl]n. 音节
parisyllabic[ˌpærisi'læbik]adj. 音节数目相同的;同等音节的
phonemics[fəu'ni:miks]n. 音位学
coinage['kɔinidʒ]n. 创造(create, fashion, invent)
【例】The government has the right of coinage .
abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt. 缩短,删节(shorten, condense, abbreviate)
excerpt['eksə:pt]n. 摘录(selection, extract)
【例】The actor auditioned by performing an excerpt of the play.
adaptation[ˌædæp'teiʃən]n. 改写
【例】The movie was an adaptation of a classic novel.
emend[i(:)'mend]vt. 修订(amend, improve)
【例】John had spent a whole day emending a faulty text.
synopsis[si'nɔpsis]n. 大纲,梗概(outline, summary)
【例】The history professor gave a synopsis of the events leading to World War I.
tag[tæg]n. 附加语;标签(label, tab)
genre[ʒa:ŋr]n. 体裁(style);风格(manner)
succinct[sək'siŋkt]adj. 简明的,简洁的(terse, concise)
grammar['græmə]n. 文法
【例】This is the best German grammar book I've seen.
literature['litəritʃə]n. 文学(作品),文艺,著作
【例】Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unit.
genre[ʒa:ŋr]n. 类型,流派
【例】His six String Quartets were regarded as the most important works in the genre since Beethoven's.
satire['sætaiə]n. 讽刺文学
【例】The political satire was censored by the government.
fable['feibl]n. 寓言;传说(allegory fiction, legend)
【例】Many fables were first told by an old Greek story teller named Aesop.
byword['baiwə:d]n. 格言,谚语
【例】The general's name had become a byword for cruelty in war.
comedy['kɔmidi]n. 喜剧
【例】The candidate's campaign turned out to be a political comedy of errors.
tragedy['trædʒidi]n. 悲剧
masterpiece['ma:stəpi:s]n. 杰作,名著
author['ɔ:θə]n. 作家,创造者
【记】比较 reader(读者)
profound[prə'faund]adj. 深刻的,意义深远的,渊博的,造诣深的(deep)
【例】We had a profound lesson in ideological education yesterday.
contemporary[kən'tempərəri]adj. 当前的;现代(派)的(contemporaneous)
【记】con(同)+ tempor(时代的)+ary→现在的
【例】The composer Salieri had the misfortune of being contemporary with Mozart.
classic['klæsik]n. 杰作,名著
【例】Her daughter particularly likes reading the classics of English literature.
diction['dikʃən]n. 措辞,用语(wording, phraseology)
manuscript['mænjuskript]n. 手稿,原稿(composition)
analects['ænəlekts]n. 文选,论集
literatus[ˌlitə'ra:təs]n. 文学界;学者
renaissance[ri'neisəns]n. 复兴;文艺复兴
criticism['kritisiz(ə)m]n. 批评,批判
essay['esei]n. 散文;小品文;随笔;短文;评论
【例】The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.
preliterate[pri'litərit]adj. 文字出现以前的
【例】It is difficult to study preliterate societies.
mainstream['meinstri:m]n. 主流
【例】You need not accept the nominee's ideology, only to be able to locate it in the American mainstream .
nostalgia[nɔ'stældʒiə]n. 思家病,乡愁
connoisseur[ˌkɔnə'sə:]n. (艺术品的)鉴赏家,鉴定家,内行
【例】He is a connoisseur of fine wines.
editorial[edi'tɔ:riəl]n. 社论 adj. 编辑上的,主笔的,社论的
column['kɔləm]n. 专栏
【例】He writes for the column of that newspaper.
circulation[ˌsə:kju'leiʃən]n. 发行量
【例】This magazine has a circulation of over a million.
feature['fi:tʃə]n. 特写
【例】Did you read the frontpage feature on coal-mining?
drama['dra:mə]n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术
【例】The old man is fond of the Elizabethan drama .
playwright['pleirait]n. 剧作家
antenna[æn'tenə]n. 天线
universe['ju:nivə:s]n. 宇宙(galaxy)
astronomy[ə'strɔnəmi]n. 天文学
planet['plænit]n. 行星
astronaut['æstrənɔ:t]n. 太空人,宇航员
launch[lɔ:ntʃ]v. 发射
multistage['mʌltisteidʒ]adj. 多级的
【例】It is the most sophisticated multistage rocket.
cosmos['kɔzmɔs]n. 宇宙
sphere[sfiə]n. 球,球体;天球
celestial[si'lestjəl]adj. 天上的(sky)
【例】Planets are celestial bodies.
galaxy['gæləksi]n. 星系,银河(nebula)
polestar['pəul'sta:]n. 北极星
comet['kɔmit]n. 彗星
asteroid['æstərɔid]n. 小游星,小行星;海盘车
aerolite['εərəlait]n. 陨石
satellite['sætəlait]n. 人造卫星
constellation[kɔnstə'leiʃən]n. 星座
nebula['nebjulə]n. 星云,云翳
equator[i'kweitə]n. 赤道
zenith['zeniθ]n. 顶点,顶峰,天顶
【例】The sun reaches its zenith at midday.
apogee['æpəudʒi:]n. 远地点
perigee['peridʒi:]n. 近地点
corona[kə'rəunə]n. 日冕
macula['mækjulə]n. 黑点,太阳黑子
rainbow['reinbəu]n. 彩虹
eclipse[i'klips]n. 日食;月食
nadir['neidiə]n. [天]天底,最低点
cosmography['kɔz'mɔgrəfi]n. 宇宙志,宇宙(结构)学
【例】Cosmography is the study of the visible universe that includes geography and astronomy.
astrophysics[æstrəu'fiziks]n. 天体物理学
orbit['ɔ:bit]n. 轨道(track, path)
【例】How many satellites have been put into the earth's orbit round the sun? / Our planet is in orbit around the sun.
cluster['klʌstə]n. 星团
dwarf[dwɔ:f]n. 白矮星
quasar['kweisa:]n. 恒星状球体,类星体
chromosphere['krəuməsfiə]n. 色球
pseudoscience[ˌ(p)sju:dəu'saiəns]n. 假科学,伪科学
Jupiter['dʒu:pitə]n. 木星
lunar['lu:nə]adj. 月的,月亮的
Mercury['mə:kjuri]n. 水星
Uranus['ju:ərənəs]n. 天王星
Venus['vi:nəs]n. 金星
Neptune['neptju:n]n. 海王星
Saturn['sætə(:)n]n. 土星
interferometer[ˌintəfiə'rɔmitə]n. 干涉仪
spaceship['speisʃip]n. 太空船(space shuttle)
revolve[ri'vɔlv]v. (使)旋转
【例】The earth revolves around the sun. / Their troubles revolve around money management.
pollen['pɔlin]n. 花粉 vt. 传授花粉给
ovary['əuvəri]n. (植物)子房
petal['petl]n. 花瓣
stamen['steimen]n. 雄蕊,雄性花蕊
pistil['pistil]n. 雌蕊
hawthorn['hɔ:θɔ:n]n. 山楂
daffodil['dæfədil]n. 水仙花
tulip['tju:lip]n. 郁金香
jasmine['dʒæsmin]n. 茉莉
sunflower['sʌnflauə]n. 向日葵
vegetable['vedʒitəbl]n. 蔬菜;植物
botanic[bə'tænik]adj. 植物的,植物学的
geobotany[ˌdʒi:əu'bɔtəni]n. 植物地理学
flora['flɔ:rə]n. 植物群
botanical[bə'tænik(ə)l]adj. 植物学的n. 植物性药材
botanist['bɔtənist]n. 植物学家
vegetation[ˌvedʒi'teiʃən]n. 植被
foliage['fəuliidʒ]n. 树叶;植物
crossbreed['krɔsbri:d]n. 杂种 v. 异种交配,培育杂种,(使)杂交
photosynthesis[ˌfəutəu'sinθəsis]n. 光合作用
peel[pi:l]v. 剥,削,剥落
【例】Her sunburned skin began to peel .
pollinate['pɔlineit]vt. 给…授粉
【例】Previous studies have shown that cultivated crops will cross-pollinate .
shell[ʃel]vt. 去壳,脱落
【例】The chef was shelling oysters.
shoot[ʃu:t]vi. 发出,发芽
【例】Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.
starch[sta:tʃ]n. 淀粉
vitamin['vaitəmin]n. 维他命,维生素
cell[sel]n. 单元,细胞
tissue['tisju:;'tiʃju:]n. 组织
【例】The tissues of the body constitute the organ.
bud[bʌd]n. 芽v. 发芽
【例】The trees budded in early April.
trunk[trʌŋk]n. 干线;树干
bark[ba:k]n. 树皮
branch[bra:ntʃ]n. 枝,分支
timber['timbə]n. 木材,木料(lumber, wood)
sprout[spraut]v. 萌芽,长出(bud, burgeon, germinate)
【例】The plants sprouted from the ground a week after I planted.
shrub[ʃrʌb]n. 灌木,灌木丛
fern[fə:n]n. 蕨类植物
fructification[ˌfrʌktifi'keiʃən]n. 结果实;结实器官;果实
blossom['blɔsəm]vi. 开花;兴旺,发展
pullulate['pʌljuleit]vi. 发芽,抽芽;充满;成长,发展
tassel['tæsl]vi. 抽穗
zoology[zəu'ɔlədʒi; zu:'ɔlədʒi]n. 动物学
gregarious[gre'gεəriəs]adj. 社交的,群居的
【例】His gregarious personality makes him popular wherever he goes.
fauna['fɔ:nə]n. 动物群,动物区系,动物志
mammal['mæməl]n. 哺乳动物
【例】Human beings are natural enemies to mammals .
carnivore['ka:nivɔ:]n. 食肉动物
carnivorous[ka:'nivərəs]adj. 食肉类的
herbivorous[(h)ə:'bivərəs]adj. 食草的
omnivorous[ɔm'nivərəs]adj. 杂食的,什么都吃的
predator['predətə]n. 掠夺者,食肉动物
【例】Predators are either carnivores or omnivores.
predatory['predətəri]adj. 掠夺的,食肉的
prey[prei]n. 被掠食者,牺牲者
【例】Mice and other small creatures are the owl's prey .
poikilotherm[pɔi'kiləuθə:m]n. 变温动物,冷血动物
homotherm['həuməθə:m]n. 恒温动物
rodent['rəudənt]n. 啮齿动物
scavenger['skævindʒə]n. 清道夫,食腐动物
microbe['maikrəub]n. 微生物,细菌
reptile['reptail]n. 爬行动物
primate['praimit]n. 灵长类的动物
mollusk['mɔləsk]n. 软体动物
coelenterate[ˌkəu'lentəreit]n. 腔肠动物
vertebrate['və:tibrit]n. 脊椎动物
invertebrate[in'və:tibrit]n. 无脊椎动物
finch[fintʃ]n. 鸣禽
【例】This kind of birdseed is perfect for all kinds of finches .
fowl[faul]n. 家禽,禽;禽肉
monster['mɔnstə]n. 怪物,巨兽(demon)
herd[hə:d]n. 兽群;牧群
swarm[swɔ:m]n. (蜜蜂、蚂蚁等)群(throng, crowd, horde)
flock[flɔk]n. 羊群,(禽、畜等的)群
horde[hɔ:d]n. 昆虫群
insect['insekt]n. 昆虫
beast[bi:st]n. 兽,畜牲
aquatic[ə'kwætik]adj. 水的,水上的,水生的
amphibian[æm'fibiən]adj. 两栖类的,水陆两用的n. 两栖动物
migrate[mai'greit]v. 随季节而移居,(鸟类的)迁徙
【例】These birds migrate to southern China in winter.
graze[greiz]v. 放牧
【例】Shepherds graze sheep where there are a lot of grass.
peck[pek]v. 啄,啄起(bite, nibble)
【例】The parrot pecked me on the finger.
woodpecker['wudpekə]n. 啄木鸟
hibernation[ˌhaibə'neiʃən]n. 冬眠
【例】Polar bear goes to hibernation in winter times.
estivation[ˌi:sti'veiʃn]n. 夏眠
dormancy['dɔ:mənsi]n. 睡眠,冬眠
torpor['tɔ:pə]n. 迟钝,无感觉,不活泼
offspring['ɔfspriŋ]n. 子孙,后代(descendant)
【例】How many offsprings does a cat usually have?
spawn[spɔ:n]n. / v. 产卵(generate, produce)
pregnant['pregnənt]adj. 怀孕的,孕育的
hatch[hætʃ]v. 孵出,孵(卵)(incubate, breed, emerge from the egg)
【例】Don't count your chickens before they are hatched .
domesticate[də'mestikeit]vt. 驯养,教化(tame)
【例】To domesticate animals like the African elephant requires patience and tactics.
fertilize['fə:tilaiz]vt. 使受精
regeneration[riˌdʒenə'reiʃən]n. 再生;重建
reproduce[ˌri:prə'dju:s]v. 繁殖,再生
【例】Ferns reproduces themselves by spores, differing from that of animals.
squeak[skwi:k]vi. (老鼠或物体)吱吱
【例】Can you hear the mice squeaking at night?
chirp[tʃə:p]vi. 喳喳(虫和鸟的叫声)
【例】Birds chirped away merrily in the trees.
camouflage['kæmufla:ʒ]v. 伪装n. 伪装
【例】The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and branches.
extinction[iks'tiŋkʃən]n. 灭绝
nest[nest]n. 巢,窝
niche[nitʃ]n. 合适的环境
【例】We will outperform our competitors in the niche market.
habitat['hæbitæt]n. (动植物的)生活环境;产地;栖息地;居留地;自生地;聚集处
【例】Environmentalists are concerned about the demage to the habitats of wild animals.
president['prezidənt]n. 总统;会长;校长;行长
【例】Many American Presidents served in Congress before they became President .
congressman['kɔŋgresmən]n. 国会议员,众议院议员(女性为congresswoman)
candidate['kændideit; 'kændidət]n. 候选人(nominee)
【例】He is the right candidate for presidency.
opponent[ə'pəunənt]n. 对手,反对者(rival)
【例】As an opponent to the Bush administration, he showed his strong aversion to the Iraq war.
advocator['ædvəkeitə]n. 辩护者
【例】Mary is an advocator for equal treatment of woman and man in workplace.
auditor['ɔ:ditə]n. 审计员;旁听者
emperor['empərə]n. 皇帝,君主(女皇帝为:empress)
monarch['mɔnək]n. 君主(king, queen, ruler)
【记】mon(一个)+ arch(统治者)→君主
【例】Mountain Tai is the monarch of all mountains in China to some extent.
democrat['deməkræt]n. 民主党人
【记】 比较 labor(工党)
republican[ri'pʌblikən]n. 共和党人
【例】To be a republican nominee, one must excel in all things concerning politics.
representative[ˌrepri'zentətiv]n. 代表
【例】The representatives were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.
delegate['deligeit; 'deligət]n. 代表(representative)vt. 委派…为代表(appoint, assign)
【例】The general delegated his subordinate to perform a task.
dictator[dik'teitə]n. 独裁者(dictatorship, tyrant)
【例】The emperor was described as a dictator by his people.
autocrat['ɔ:təukræt]n. 独裁者(ruler, tyrant)
aristocrat['æristəkræt]n. 贵族(nobleman)
【例】In ancient times, education was confined to aristocrats .
radical['rædikəl]adj. 根本的,基本的;激进的(utmost)
【例】His ideas seem to be radical even in the 21st century.
conservative[kən'sə:vətiv]adj. 保守的,守旧的n. 保守派
【例】The researchers made a conservative guess at the population of Tokyo.
minister['ministə]n. 部长,大臣
【例】Six ministers got together to tackle the issue of inadequate funding to students from poor families.
general['dʒenərəl]n. 将军(commander)
【例】The general commanded his men to advance.
envoy['envɔi]n. 外交使节,特使(delegate)
【例】He was the most senior envoy in the diplomatic mission.
ambassador[æm'bæsədə]n. 大使
【例】He was appointed ambassador to Australia.
consul['kɔnsəl]n. 领事
【例】He is the consul for education in the Consulate-General in Shanghai.
professor[prə'fesə]n. 教授
lecturer['lektʃərə]n. 演讲者;讲师
dean[di:n]n. (大学)院长
director[di'rektə]n. 主任
【例】He is one of the directors of the company.
chancellor['tʃa:nsələ]n. 大学校长;大臣;首席法官
【例】In Britain the Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes and government spending.
alumnus[ə'lʌmnəs]n. 男毕业生,男校友
playwright['pleirait]n. 剧作家
【例】Shakespeare is a famous playwright .
mathematician[ˌmæθimə'tiʃən]n. 数学家
astronomer[ə'strɔnəmə(r)]n. 天文学家
botanist['bɔtənist]n. 植物学家
geographer[dʒi'ɔgrəfə]n. 地理学者
geologist[dʒi'ɔlədʒist]n. 地质学者
meteorologist[ˌmi:tjə'rɔlədʒist]n. 气象学者
archeologist[ˌa:ki'ɔlədʒist]n. 考古学家
artist['a:tist]n. 艺术家,画家
【例】As an artist , one should be sensitive to colors.
artisan[a:ti'zæn]n. 工匠,技工(craftsman)
inventor[in'ventə(r)]n. 发明家
【例】Edison is the greatest inventor in the human history.
biographer[bai'ɔgrəfə]n. 传记作者
【例】Boswell was the biographer of Dr. Johnson.
ecologist[i'kɔlədʒist]n. 生态学者
critic['kritik]n. 批评家,评论家;吹毛求疵者
【例】He is a film critic and he writes reviews for books on film.
connoisseur[ˌkɔni'sə:]n. (艺术品的)鉴赏家,鉴定家;内行
【例】He is a connoisseur of fine wines.
commentator['kɔmenteitə]n. 评论员,讲解员(reviewer, analyst)
counsel['kaunsəl]n. 辩护人,律师,法律顾问
【例】As a legal counsel , he provides legal advice to many companies.
lawyer['lɔ:jə]n. 律师(solicitor, barrister)
【例】He is the lawyer of the company and has served as chief legal advisor to the company on merges and acquisitions.
jury['dʒuəri]n. 陪审团,评判委员会;陪审员
【例】The jury were divided in opinion.
attorney[ə'tə:ni]n. 律师(lawyer)
solicitor[sə'lisitə]n. 律师,法律顾问(attorney)
proxy['prɔksi]n. 代理人(agent)
【例】A proxy refers to someone who acts on behalf of someone.
agent['eidʒənt]n. 代理(商)
【例】He works as a house agent .
deputy['depjuti]n. 代理人,代表(delegate)
【例】When the headmaster was away, the deputy head did his job.
arbitrator['a:bitreitə]n. 仲裁者(mediator, arbiter)
【例】The disputing parties agreed to accept the decision of the arbitrator .
commander[kə'ma:ndə]n. 司令官,指挥官
【例】The commander decided to attack the enemy troop from the rear.
principal['prinsəp(ə)l]n. 负责人,首长,校长;主犯
【例】As a principle of the school, he devoted himself to his work.
clergy['klə:dʒi]n. 牧师
crew[kru:]n. 全体人员,(工作)队(staff)
【例】The crew on the board worked together during the storm.
choreographer[ˌkɔri'ɔgrəfə(r)]n. 舞蹈指导
educator['edju:keitə(r)]n. 教育家
faculty['fækəlti]n. 全体教员
【例】The School of Economics in the University of Melbourne boasts a high profile of faculty .
aviator['eivieitə]n. 飞行员,飞行家(pilot)
pilot['pailət]n. 飞行员,领航员,引水员(driver)
entrepreneur[ˌɔntrəprə'nə:]n. 企业家,主办人
【例】My ultimate career goal is to become a successful entrepreneur .
employee[ˌemplɔi'i:]n. 职工,雇员,店员
【例】There are 30 employees in his firm.
attendant[ə'tendənt]n. 服务员(waiter)
【例】He worked as an attendant in the shop to earn part of his tuition fees.
staff[sta:f]n. 全体职员(personnel)
【例】The boss is generous towards his staff .
proprietor[prə'praiətə]n. 所有者,经营者(女经营者为:proprietress)
apprentice[ə'prentis]n. 学徒(learner, novice)v. 当学徒
【例】He's apprenticed to a craftsman. / The new apprentices are doing quite well.
novice['nɔvis]n. 新手,初学者(beginner)
donor['dəunə]n. 捐赠人
benefactor['benifæktə]n. 恩人;捐助者,赠送者,赞助人(sponsor, patron, supporter)
【例】My ancestor was benefactor to poor people at the Tang Dynasty.
beneficiary[beni'fiʃəri]n. 受惠者,受益人
【例】I am the beneficiary of your generosity.
humanitarian[hju(:)ˌmæni'tεəriən]n. 人道主义者(philanthropist)
【例】Humanitarian is one who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms.
spectator[spek'teitə]n. 观众
【记】spectat(e)(出席观看)+ or(人)→观众
audience['ɔ:djəns]n. 听众,观众
【例】The tenor expanded his audience by recording popular songs as well as opera.
resident['rezidənt]n. 居民
【例】City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.
mortal['mɔ:tl]n. 凡人,人类
believer[bi'li:və]n. 信徒
fanatic[fə'nætik]n. 狂热者,盲信者,入迷者
【例】A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
atheist['eiθiist]n. 无神论者
adherent[əd'hiərənt]n. 信徒;追随者,拥护者
disciple[di'saipl]n. 信徒,弟子,门徒
【例】The twelve disciple apostles is place of interest in Melbourne, Australia.
zealot['zelət]n. 狂热者(fanatic)
assassin[ə'sæsin]n. 暗杀者,刺客
【例】He is the assassin of President Kennedy.
burglar['bə:glə]n. 窃贼,夜盗(robber)
bandit['bændit]n. 强盗(brigand, gangster)
barbarian[ba:'bεəriən]n. 粗鲁无礼的人,野蛮人
exile['eksail]n. 放逐,充军,流放;流犯,被放逐者 vt. 放逐,流放,使背井离乡(deport, banish)
【例】He had been five years in exile .
rebel['rebl]n. 造反者,叛逆者,反抗者 [ri'bel]v. 造反,反叛
【例】The students rebelled against their government.
foe[fəu]n. 反对者;敌人(enemy, opponent);危害物
figurehead['figəhed]n. 傀儡
【例】King is just a figurehead ; it's the President who has the real power.
malcontent['mælkənˌtent]adj. 不满的n. 不满者
skeptic['skeptik]n. 怀疑论者;无神论者,怀疑宗教的人(doubter)
【例】He is a skeptic of Marxism.
feminist['feminist]n. 男女平等主义者;女权扩张论者
superior[sju:'piəriə]n. 长者;高手;上级
【例】The superior mentors his subordinates in his own way.
inferior[in'fiəriə]adj. 下级的,下属的(junior)
subordinate[sə'bɔ:dinit]n. 下属(dependant)
assistant[ə'sistənt]n. 助手,助教
co-worker['kəu'wə:kə]n. 共同工作者,合作者,同事,帮手
archeology[a:ki'ɔlədʒi]n. 考古学
artifact['a:tifækt]n. 人造物品
【例】We could infer from the artifacts that it was once a prosperous village.
relic['relik]n. 遗物,遗迹(remnant);废墟;纪念物
skull[skʌl]n. 头脑;头骨
antique[æn'ti:k]n. 古物,古董
antiquity[æn'tikwiti]n. 古代,古老,古代的遗物
remains[ri'meins]n. 残余;遗迹
【例】We found the remains of a meal on the table.
remnant['remnənt]n. 残余(leftover);遗迹(remains, vestige)
【例】The remnants of his past glory were found by the next group of archaeologists.
remainder[ri'meində]n. 残余,剩余物
【例】I will go ahead with three of you, and the remainder can wait here.
residue['rezidju:]n. 残余(remainder)
vestige['vestidʒ]n. 遗迹;痕迹(trace)
【例】A vestige is a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more.
trace[treis]n. 痕迹,踪迹(track)
【例】I immediately recognized the charred traces of a fire.
primitive['primitiv]adj. 原始的;最初的(crude, original, primordial)
【例】Primitive man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones.
prehistoric[ˌpri:his'tɔrik]adj. 史前的;陈旧的
archaic[a:'keiik]adj. 古老的(old);陈旧的
【例】The archaic ship was just like the ones used centuries earlier.
primordial[prai'mɔ:djəl]adj. 原始的
medieval[ˌmedi'i:vəl]adj. 中世纪的,仿中世纪的;老式的(ancient)
primeval[prai'mi:vəl]adj. 原始的
【例】The primeval forests are disappearing at an astonishing speed.
originate[ə'ridʒineit]vi. 起源,发生
【例】The optic theory originated with Einstein.
chronological[ˌkrɔnə'lɔdʒikəl]adj. 按年代顺序排列的
【例】We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order.
Paleolithic[ˌpæliəu'liθik]adj. 旧石器时代的
Mesolithic['mezəu'liθik]n. 中石器时代(旧石器时代与新石器时代之间的时代)
Neolithic[ni:əu'liθik]adj. 新石器时代的
excavation[ˌekskə'veiʃən]n. 挖掘,发掘;挖掘成的洞;出土文物
excavate['ekskəveit]vt. 挖掘(dig, delve)
【例】They excavated a huge hole for the foundation of the building.
exhume[eks'hju:m]vt. 掘出(excavate, dig)
【例】The coroner exhumed the body in order to perform tests regarding the cause of death.
unearth[ˌʌn'ə:θ]vt. 发掘,发现(uncover, exhume)
【例】A recent excavation unearthed a pottery of Ming dynasty.
scoop[sku:p]vt. 汲取(pick);挖掘(dig)
【例】He used his bare hands to scoop up water from the river.
disclosure[dis'kləuʒə]n. 揭露
invaluable[in'væljuəbl]adj. 无价的,价值无法衡量的(costly)
【例】These paintings are invaluable .
precious['preʃəs]adj. 宝贵的,贵重的(valuable)
forensic[fə'rensik]adj. 法庭的
【例】The poor peasant's son worked his way through difficulties and finally became a specialist in forensic medicine.
physician[fi'ziʃən]n. 医师,内科医师
pediatrician[ˌpi:diə'triʃən]n. 儿科医师
gynecologist[gaini'kɔlədʒist]n. 妇科医生
psychiatrist[sai'kaiətrist]n. 精神病医师,精神病学家
neurologist[njuə'rɔlədʒist]n. 神经学者,神经科专门医师
dentist['dentist]n. 牙科医生
surgeon['sə:dʒən]n. 外科医生
sanatorium[ˌsænə'tɔ:riəm]n. 疗养院,休养地
【例】A sanatorium is an institution for the treatment of chronic diseases or for medically supervised recuperation.
hygiene['haidʒi:n]n. 卫生(sanitation)
【例】The dentist instructed his patients on dental hygiene .
clinic['klinik]n. 门诊所
ailment['eilmənt]n. 疾病
indisposition[ˌindispə'ziʃən]n. 小病,不适宜(ailment)
affection[ə'fekʃən]n. 疾病
ulcer['ʌlsə]n. 溃疡
vaccinate['væksineit]v. 进行预防接种(immunize)
【例】Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox?
chilblain['tʃilblein]n. 冻疮
fracture['fræktʃə]n. 破裂,骨折
【例】He fell and fractured his upper arm.
diagnosis[ˌdaiəg'nəusis]n. 诊断
incubation[ˌinkju'beiʃən]n. 潜伏
【例】Incubation means the development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.
symptom['simptəm]n. 症状,征候,征兆(sign, indication)
【例】One symptom of the disease is a high fever.
relapse[ri'læps]vi. 复发(recur);回复
【例】Her disease relapsed once she returned her home.
epidemic[ˌepi'demik]adj. 流行的,传染的n. 时疫;(风尚等的)流行
【例】An epidemic outbreak of influenza threatens the health of babies.
contagion[kən'teidʒən]n. 传染;传染病
coma['kəumə]n. 昏迷
【例】The patient has been in a coma for a week and doesn't seem to have any hope of recovery.
treatment['tri:tmənt]n. 治疗
【例】The doctor's treatment cured him.
anemia[ə'ni:miə]n. 贫血,贫血症
appendicitis[əˌpendi'saitis]n. 阑尾炎,盲肠炎
arthritis[a:'θraitis]n. 关节炎
bronchitis[brɔŋ'kaitis]n. 支气管炎
diabetes[ˌdaiə'bi:ti:z]n. 糖尿病
indigestion[ˌindi'dʒestʃən]n. 消化不良
influenza['influ'enzə]n. 流行性感冒
malnutrition['mælnju(:)'triʃən]n. 营养失调,营养不良
pneumonia[nju(:)'məunjə]n. 肺炎
rabies['reibi:z]n. 狂犬病
smallpox['smɔ:lpɔks]n. 天花
anesthesia[ˌænis'θi:zjə]n. 麻醉
transplant[træns'pla:nt]v. /n. 移植,移种
【例】He survived a heart transplant .
bandage['bændidʒ]n. 绷带 v. 用绷带包扎
【例】The surgeon bandaged up his injured head.
acupuncture['ækjupʌŋktʃə(r)]n. 针刺疗法 v. 施行针刺疗法
contagious[kən'teidʒəs]adj. 传染的(catching, infectious)
【例】Cancer is not contagious , so you shouldn't be afraid to touch someone with cancer.
catching['kætʃiŋ]adj. 传染的(contagious, infectious)
infect[in'fekt]vt. 传染,感染(spread, affect)
【例】The new disease will be sure to infect the population.
infectious[in'fekʃəs]adj. 传染的,感染性的(contagious)
contract['kɔntrækt]vt. 感染(infect)
acute[ə'kju:t]adj. 急性的(疾病)
【例】This is an acute disease.
chronical['krɔnikl]adj. 慢性的,延续很长的
morbid['mɔ:bid]adj. 病态的,不健康的(sick, diseased)
【例】The patient has a morbid imagination that made his illness worse.
unconscious[ʌn'kɔnʃəs]adj. 失去知觉的;不察觉的
fragile['frædʒail]adj. 体质弱的
susceptible[sə'septəbl]adj. 易受感染的(vulnerable, exposed)
【例】Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to illness than other people.
malady['mælədi]n. 疾病
corpse[kɔ:ps]n. 尸体
tingle['tiŋgl]vi. 刺痛
【例】The uncertainty of national events made his blood tingle .
bruise[bru:z]vt. 打伤n. 淤伤
【例】Mary got a bruise when she bumped against the table.
fester['festə]vt. 使化脓(decay)
【例】It's lucky that the wound did not fester .
intoxicate[in'tɔksikeit]vt. 使中毒
【例】He was intoxicated by many awards he received and ceased his step toward the peak of his career.
survive[sə'vaiv]vt. 幸免于 vi. 活下来(outlive, remain)
【例】Those who survived rebuilt the city.
inject[in'dʒekt]vt. 注射,注入(infuse)
【例】The dog fell on the ground after being injected .
remedy['remidi]n. 治疗法;药物vt. 治疗(cure, rectify)
【例】The doctor tried all means to remedy the beloved man.
prescription[pri'skripʃən]n. 药方;命令
【例】The general demanded that his men act strictly to his prescription .
dissect[di'sekt]vt. 解剖
【例】Bill dissected a small shark in anatomy class.
sterile['sterail]adj. 消毒的(sanitary)
clinic['klinik]n. 门诊所
anatomy[ə'nætəmi]n. 剖析;解剖学
sanitation[sæni'teiʃən]n. 卫生,卫生设施
sustenance['sʌstinəns]n. 营养物
nutrition[nju:'triʃən]n. 营养,营养学
malnourished[mæl'nʌriʃt]adj. 营养失调的,营养不良的
welfare['welfεə]n. 福利,安宁;福利事业
【例】He is quite a figure in welfare economics.
vote[vəut]n. 投票,选票
veto['vi:təu]n. 否决,禁止;否决权 vt. 否决,禁止
【例】The President vetoed against the bill.
rejection[ri'dʒekʃən]n. 拒绝
embargo[em'ba:gəu]n. / v. 禁止出入港口,禁运
【例】The government issued an embargo on the sale of computers to unfriendly nations.
sanction['sæŋkʃən]n. 制裁,处罚
scandal['skændl]n. 丑闻(disgrace, defamation)
【例】The President's scandal was soon publicized and exaggerated.
strike[straik]n. 罢工(work stoppage)
【例】In France, going on strike is frequently being utilised by the union in fighting for the workers' interest, which strikes the nation's economy heavily.
parade[pə'reid]n. 游行(procession, march)
petition[pi'tiʃən]n. 请愿 vt. 向…请愿
procession[prə'seʃən]n. 行列,队伍
【例】They watched the procession go past.
indignity[in'digniti]n. 轻蔑,侮辱,侮辱的行为
municipal[mju(:)'nisipəl]adj. 市政的,市立的;地方性的,地方自治的
ignominy['ignəmini]n. 耻辱
domain[dəu'mein]n. 领土,领地(realm, sphere)
territory['teritəri]n. 领土,版图,地域
【例】This island is our territory .
kingdom['kiŋdəm]n. 王国(realm)
realm[relm]n. 王国,领域(field, domain)
sovereign['sɔvrin]n. 君主;统治
autonomy[ɔ:'tɔnəmi]n. 自治
【例】Autonomy should be adopted in governing social affairs.
self-government[ˌself'gʌvənmənt]n. 自治
commission[kə'miʃən]n. / vt. 委任,任命
committee[kə'miti]n. 委员会
【例】The committee comprises seven people.
regimen['redʒimen]n. 政权
regime[rei'ʒi:m]n. 政体,政权,政权制度
election[i'lekʃ(ə)n]n. 选举
【记】She fights the election under the banner of equal rights.
ballot['bælət]n. 投票(vote, poll)
【例】The club members held a secret ballot to choose the chairperson.
ideology[ˌaidi'ɔlədʒi]n. 意识形态
privilege['privilidʒ]n. 特权(prerogative)
【例】It is my privilege to participate in this event to witness the 35th anniversary of the establishment of China-Australian diplomatic relations.
dispensation[ˌdispen'seiʃən]n. 特许,赦免
authority[ɔ:'θɔriti]n. 权威
【例】The teacher gave her assistant the authority to grade papers.
authoritative[ɔ:'θɔritətiv]adj. 权威性的;官方的
【例】Make sure you ask an authoritative source for directions.
senate['senit]n. 参议院,上院
congress['kɔŋgres]n. (代表)大会;(美国等国的)国会,议会
factious['fækʃəs]adj. 党派的
partisan[pa:ti'zæn]adj. 党派的,派系感强的
【例】Her partisan speech angered the opposing party.
diplomatic[ˌdiplə'mætik]adj. 外交的;有策略的(tactful)
【例】She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.
diplomacy[di'pləuməsi]n. 外交;策略(tact)
【例】The clerk spoke with diplomacy to the angry customer.
confederate[kən'fedərit]n. 同盟(partner, company)
【例】The gangster and his confederates were arrested.
confederacy[kən'fedərəsi]n. 联盟,邦联
【例】Southern states formed the confederacy in the United States in 1860 and 1861.
league[li:g]n. 同盟,联盟;联合会
affiliate[ə'filieit]v. 接纳,隶属;联合
【例】The two unions voted to affiliate .
unconventional['ʌnkən'venʃənəl]adj. 自由的;反传统的
dictatorial[ˌdiktə'tɔ:riəl]adj. 独裁的,专断的(tyrannical)
dictatorship[dik'teitəʃip]n. 专政
domestic[də'mestik]adj. 家庭的;国内的
【例】Domestic demand drives prices of factors of production up.
centralize['sentrəlaiz]v. 集中于中央(或中心)
federal['fedərəl]adj. 联邦的,联合的,联邦制的,同盟的
【例】The senator's federal leanings were well known.
democracy[di'mɔkrəsi]n. 民主政治,民主主义
【记】比较 tyrannical(专制的)
confer[kən'fə:]v. 协商(discuss)
【例】I conferred with my friends about what we should eat for dinner.
consult[kən'sʌlt]v. 商量,商议;请教;参考
【例】I must consult my principal on this matter.
entitle[in'taitl]vt. 给…权利;给…称号
warrant['wɔrənt]n. 授权,正当理由 vt. 保证;辩解
empower[im'pauə]v. 授权给…,使能够
【例】The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency.
authorize['ɔ:θəraiz]v. 批准(approve)
【例】We are authorized to sign the contract with our counterparts.
exploit[iks'plɔit]vt. 剥削;开发(explore)
【例】The company exploited the workers by falsely promising them pay raises.
manipulate[mə'nipjuleit]v. 操纵
【例】He manipulated public opinion in his favor.
maneuver[mə'nu:və]vt. 调遣n. 策略(move, step, tactic)
【例】At the last moment, the basketball player made a clever maneuver that allowed a goal to be made.
contrive[kən'traiv]v. 计划,图谋(conspire)
【例】He contrived to escape.
inspect[in'spekt]vt. 检查,视察
【例】The government sent an official to inspect our school.
scrutinize['skrutinaiz]v. 细察,细阅,仔细审查
【例】All the business transactions of trading companies will be highly and closely scrutinized .
exile['eksail]vt. 流放(banish, deport)n. 放逐
【例】The king was exiled when his expire was taken over.
enslave[in'sleiv]vt. 奴役
【例】The addict was enslaved by drugs.
ostracism['ɔstrəsizəm]n. 放逐,排斥
hustle['hʌsl]vt. 驱赶,驱逐(impel)
【例】The policemen hustled the prisoner into a van.
impel[im'pel]vt. 驱使(compel, urge)
【例】He was impelled by a strong passion to save the diseased boy.
oust[aust]vt. 驱逐(dismiss, throw out)
【例】He was ousted from his position as chairman.
coerce[kəu'ə:s]vt. 强制,强迫(force)
banish['bæniʃ]vt. 驱逐出境(exile, expel);禁止…出入
【例】The naughty child was banished to his room until dinner.
evict[i(:)'vikt]v. 驱逐,逐出
【例】If you don't pay your rent you'll be evicted .
deport[di'pɔ:t]vt. 驱逐出境,放逐
dominate['dɔmineit]vt. 统治,支配,控制(control)
【例】The older brother dominated his younger siblings.
abdicate['æbdikeit]v. 放弃权力(abandon),退位
【例】King Edward abdicated in 1936.
relinquish[ri'liŋkwiʃ]v. 放弃(resign, yield, abandon, cede, waive)
【例】The king was forced by the scandal to relinquish his throne to which he had been elected.
administer[əd'ministə]vt. 管理(govern, supervise)
【例】The personnel director administers the attendance policy.
administration[ədminis'treiʃən]n. 行政(management)
【例】Lisa is involved in administration at the company she works for.
institute['institju:t]vt. 建立(establish, set up, start)
【例】The village instituted a welfare system on their own.
inaugurate[i'nɔ:gjureit]vt. 举行就职典礼(initiate)
【例】The administer inaugurated a president and the president made an inauguration speech.
amendment[ə'mendmənt]n. 修正案
【例】The 19th Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote.
alteration[ˌɔ:ltə'reiʃən]n. 变更,改造(change)
colonize['kɔlənaiz]vt. 拓殖,殖民
monarchy['mɔnəki]n. 君主政体,君主政治;君主国
【例】Britain is a monarchy .
dominion[də'minjən]n. 主权,领土;统治权
【例】The government claims dominion over the resources of the marginal sea.
anarchism['ænəkiz(ə)m]n. 无政府主义
mayhem['meihem]n. 极端混乱状态(chaos)
doctrine['dɔktrin]n. 主义(principle)
【例】How are the doctrines of the two churches different?
dogma['dɔgmə]n. 教条(creed)
【例】The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.
volcanic[vɔl'kænik]adj. 火山的,像火山的
eruption[i'rʌpʃən]n. 爆发(explosion)
【例】Eruption of volcanoes is destructive.
outburst['autbə:st]n. (火山,感情等)爆发,喷出(surge, explosion)
squirt[skwə:t]v. 喷出(spurt)
magma['mægmə]n. (有机物或矿物的)稀糊,岩浆
fault[fɔ:lt]n. 产生断层;断裂
crust[krʌst]n. 地壳
layer['leiə]n. 层;阶层
lithosphere['liθəˌsfiə]n. 岩石圈
lithogenous[ˌliθəu'dʒenəs]adj. 岩成的
mantle['mæntl]n. 地幔
stratum['streitəm]n. 地层
cataclysm['kætəklizəm]n. 地震
calamity[kə'læmiti]n. 灾难,不幸事件(danger)
【例】A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region.
debacle[dei'ba:kl]n. 泛滥的洪水(flood)
deluge['delu:dʒ]n. 洪水,大雨 v. 使泛滥;压倒
【例】He was deluged with questions.
magnitude['mægnitju:d]n. 震级
seismology[saiz'mɔlədʒi]n. 地震学
seismic['saizmik]adj. 地震的
earthquake['ə:θkweik]n. 地震
tremor['tremə]n. 震动,颤动(quake)
iceberg['aisbəg]n. 冰山
glacier['glæsjə]n. 冰河,冰川
diamond['daiəmənd]n. 钻石;菱形
crater['kreitə]n. 火山口;弹坑
core[kɔ:]n. 果核;中心,核心
aluminum[ə'lju:minəm]n. 铝
geology[dʒi'ɔlədʒi]n. 地质学,地质概况
petrify['petriˌfai]v. 石化;吓呆
【例】The idea of robbery petrified her.
fossil['fɔsl]n. 化石
【例】Coal is a fossil fuel.
sediment['sedimənt]n. 沉淀物
ore[ɔ:(r)]n. 矿石
mineral['minərəl]n. 矿物,矿石
bonanza[bəu'nænzə]n. 富矿带
ruby['ru:bi]n. 红宝石
lava['la:və]n. 熔岩,火山岩
limestone['laimstəun]n. 石灰石
granite['grænit]n. 花岗岩
emerald['emərəld]n. 绿宝石
fieldstone['fi:ldstəun]n. 散石,大卵石
gem[dʒem]n. 宝石(jewel),珍宝,精华;被喜爱的人
marble['ma:bl]n. 大理石
pit[pit]n. 煤矿
borehole['bɔ:həul]n. 钻孔
vein[vein]n. 矿脉
geography[dʒi'ɔgrəfi]n. 地理学,地理
ethnography[eθ'nɔgrəfi]n. 人种学
cosmography[kɔz'mɔgrəfi]n. 宇宙志
geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi]n. 地质学,地质概况
【记】geo(地球)+ logy(学)→地质学
toponymy[tɔ'pɔnimi]n. 地形学
oceanography[ˌəuʃiə'nɔgrəfi]n. 海洋学
vegetation[ˌvedʒi'teiʃən]n. 植被
relief[ri'li:f]n. 起伏
continent['kɔntinənt]n. 大陆,陆地
【例】Africa is a continent .
archipelago[ˌa:ki'peligəu]n. 群岛
peninsula[pi'ninsjulə]n. 半岛
【例】Italy is a peninsula .
island['ailənd]n. 岛,岛屿;岛状物(孤立状态的物)
meadow['medəu]n. 草地,牧场
valley['væli]n. (山)谷,流域
swamp[swɔmp]n. 沼泽,湿地
lagoon[lə'gu:n]n. 泻湖,礁湖
moorland['muələnd]n. 沼泽地
desert['dezət]n. 沙漠
【例】The Sahara desert is one of the largest deserts in the world.
dune[dju:n]n. 沙丘
oasis[əu'eisis]n. (沙漠中的)绿洲
【例】The location of oasis has been of critical importance for trade and transportation routes in desert areas.
savanna[sə'vænə]n. 热带大草原
tundra['tʌndrə]n. 苔原,冻土地带
topography[tə'pɔgrəfi]n. 地形学
【记】topo(地方的)+ graphy(学)→地形学
【例】 In the topography of the economy, several depressed areas are revealed.
compass['kʌmpəs]n. 罗盘,指南针
meridian[mə'ridiən]n. 子午线;正午
【例】 By international convention, the meridian passes through the original site of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England;for this reason, it is sometimes called the Greenwich meridian .
parallel['pærəlel]n. 纬线
【例】Beijing is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.
longitude['lɔndʒitju:d]n. 经度,经线
latitude['lætitju:d]n. 纬度
equator[i'kweitə]n. 赤道
【例】The weather is very hot near the equator .
zenith['zeniθ]n. 顶点,顶峰,天顶
inlet['inlet]n. 小岛
gulf[gʌlf]n. 海湾
【例】The Persian Gulf is abundant in crude oil.
cliff[klif]n. 悬崖,绝壁
【例】 The mountaineer broke a leg while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.
sandbank['sændbæŋk]n. 沙洲,沙丘
tempest['tempist]n. 暴风雨
seaquake['si:kweik]n. 海震,海啸
estuary['estjuəri]n. 入海口
torrent['tɔrənt]n. 急流,洪流(deluge, flood)
【例】The river was a torrent after the storm.
tributary['tribjutəri]n. 支流 adj. 支流的
confluent['kɔnfluənt]adj. 汇合的
canal[kə'næl]n. 运河(aqueduct)
【例】The canals take water to the rice fields.
range[reindʒ]n. 山脉
massif[mæ'si:f;'mæsif]n. 群山,高地
crevice['krevis]n. 裂缝(cleft, rift)
plateau['plætəu]n. 高原
marine[mə'ri:n]adj. 海的(marine, deanic);海上的;近海的
【例】 Research in support of marine biotechnology is well underway due to enough funding and government support.
moist[mɔist]adj. 湿润的,多雨的(damp, humid)
【例】It is moist in summer in the southern part of the country.
ebb[eb]n. 退潮;衰落 vi. 潮退,衰退(decrease, retreat)
terrestrial[ti'restriəl]adj. 陆地
【记】 比较celestial(天长的)
endemic[en'demik]adj. 地方性的
【记】 比较exotic(外来的)
subterranean[ˌsʌbtə'reiniən]adj. 地下的
cavern['kævən]n. 大山洞,大洞穴
【例】 The largest individual cavern ever discovered is in Malaysia and inside the cavern were the remnants of an ancient time.
Antarctic[æn'ta:ktik;ænt'aktik]adj. 南极的,南极地带的
Antarctica[æn'ta:ktikə]n. 南极洲
coastland['kəustlænd]n. 沿海岸地区
hemisphere['hemisfiə]n. 半球
【例】 The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the world north of the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator.
contour['kɔntuə]n. 轮廓,外形(outline, profile);海岸线
【例】The contour of the Atlantic coast of America is very irregular.
lowland['ləulənd]n. 低地,苏格兰低地 adj. 低地的
navigation[ˌnævi'geiʃən]n. 航海
salinity[sə'liniti]n. 盐分,盐度
elevation[ˌeli'veiʃən]n. 高地;正面图;海拔
formation[fɔ:'meiʃən]n. 形成,构成
geothermic[ˌdʒi(:)əu'θə:mik]adj. 地热的
tropic['trɔpik]n. (天球的)回归线;热带
temperate['tempərit]adj. 温和的(moderate)
colossal[kə'lɔsl]a. 巨大的(immense, huge)
【例】Bill made a colossal mistake when he bought that used car.
prodigious[prə'didʒəs]adj. 巨大的(colossal, enormous)
【例】I have a prodigious amount of work to do before I leave.
massive['mæsiv]adj. 巨大的(huge, enormous)
【例】Doctors prescribe massive doses of penicillin for patients with pneumonia.
enormous[i'nɔ:məs]adj. 巨大的(huge, vast, immense, tremendous)
【例】We prepared an enormous dinner because we were very hungry.
mighty['maiti]adj. 巨大的(powerful, strong)
tremendous[tri'mendəs]adj. 巨大的,惊人的(huge, great)
immense[i'mens]adj. 巨大的;无限的
titanic[tai'tænik]adj. 巨大有力的(huge, immense)
【例】The politician tried to reduce the titanic deficit.
gigantic[dʒai'gæntik]adj. 巨人般的,巨大的(tremendous, colossal)
【例】The new airplane looked like a gigantic bird.
vast[va:st]adj. 巨大的
【例】The city is vast compared with our village.
magnitude['mægnitju:d]n. 大小,数量
【例】The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.
mammoth['mæməθ]adj. 巨大的(giant)
gargantuan[ga:'gæntjuən]adj. 巨大的,庞大的(enormous)
monstrous['mɔnstrəs]adj. 巨大的(huge)
【例】They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
immeasurable[i'meʒərəbl]adj. 不可估量的
incalculable[in'kælkjuləbl]adj. 不可计算的(inestimable, innumerable)
spacious['speiʃəs]adj. 广大的,宽敞的(roomy, capacious)
【例】Working in a spacious room contributes to one's working efficiency.
expansive[iks'pænsiv]adj. 庞大的,宏大的
commodious[kə'məudiəs]adj. 宽敞的(spacious, capacious, roomy)
broad[brɔ:d]adj. 宽的,阔的
loose[lu:s]adj. 宽松的
capacious[kə'peiʃəs]adj. 容量大的;宽敞的(spacious)
roomy['ru:mi]adj. 宽敞的,宽大的
sizeable['saizəbl]adj. 相当大的,大的
voluminous[və'lju:minəs]adj. 卷数多的;容积大的,体积大的(bulky)
minute[mai'nju:t]adj. 微小的(insignificant, miniature)
diminutive[di'minjutiv]adj. 小的,小型的(small)
miniature['minitʃə(r);'-tʃuər]n. 缩小的模型,缩图,缩影 adj. 微型的,缩小的(tiny)
petite[pə'tit]adj. 小的,细的(slight)
trivial['triviəl]adj. 琐细的,价值不高的,微不足道的(trifling, paltry)
insignificant[ˌinsig'nifikənt]adj. 无关紧要的,可忽略的,无意义的(negligible)
infinitesimal[inˌfinə'tesiməl]adj. 极小的,无限小的n. 极小量,极微量
minuscule[mi'nʌskju:l]adj. 极小的(tiny)
trifling['traifliŋ]adj. 微小的(insignificant, trivial)
negligible['neglidʒəbl]adj. 可以忽略的,不予重视的(insignificant, minimal)
excessive[ik'sesiv]adj. 过多的,极度的(overabundant, inordinate)
【例】You must curb your excessive spending, or you will become penniless.
miscellaneous[ˌmisə'leiniəs]adj. 混杂的;多才多艺的
【例】The shop carries suits, coats, shirts, and miscellaneous accessories.
multitude['mʌltitju:d]n. 众多(host, mass)
numerous['nju:mərəs]adj. 众多的
rimption['rimpʃən]n. 多数,大量
massive['mæsiv]adj. 大量的
plentiful['plentiful]adj. 许多的,大量的,丰富的(abundant, plenteous, copious)
【例】There was plentiful rain last year.
abundant[ə'bʌndənt]adj. 充裕的(sufficient)
【例】The abundant crops would feed the village throughout the winter.
copious['kəupjəs]adj. 很多的;广识的
【例】She was a copious writer.
plenteous['plentjəs]adj. 许多的,丰饶的(plenty)
ample['æmpl]adj. 充足的,丰富的
【例】We have ample money for the journey.
lavish['læviʃ]adj. 非常大方的,过分丰富的;浪费的
【例】Skyscrapers become lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power.
profuse[prə'fju:s]adj. 极其丰富的
【例】Her head was covered with a profuse mass of curls.
teeming['ti:miŋ]adj. 丰富的
prolific[prə'lifik]adj. 多产的,丰富的;大量繁殖的(plentiful)
【例】The old man was a prolific writer.
swarm[swɔ:m]n. 蜂群;一大群
【例】A swarm of friends congratulated him.
plethora['pleθərə]n. 过剩,过多(superabundance)
scarce[skεəs]adj. 缺乏的,不足的(sparse)
【例】That bird has become scarce in this country.
paucity['pɔ:siti]n. 极小量
【例】They closed the restaurant because the paucity of customers made it uneconomical to operate.
tiny['taini]adj. 很少的,微小的(puny)
【例】In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns are placed into the water when the festival is over.
scant[skænt]adj. 缺乏的,不足的
【例】We were scant of breath after the lengthy climb.
sparse[spa:s]adj. 稀少的,稀疏的(scanty)
inadequate[in'ædikwit]adj. 不充分的(deficient, insufficient)
【例】The amount of investment in the project was somewhat inadequate .
scarcity['skεəsiti]n. 缺乏,不足
【例】The scarcity of natural resources is detrimental to economic development in the country.
rareness['rεənis]n. 稀薄
dearth[də:θ]n. 缺少,缺乏(scarcity, shortage)
slight[slait]adj. 轻微的,微小的
deficient[di'fiʃənt]adj. 缺乏的,不足的,不完善的
【例】Supply of skilled workers is deficient .
undersupplied ['ʌndəsə'plaid]adj. 对…供应不足的
lacking['lækiŋ]adj. 缺乏的,不足的
【例】There is something lacking in his character.
sedate[si'deit]adj. 安静的(calm, composed)
tranquil['træŋkwil]adj. 安静的(serene, quiet, peaceful)
【例】It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.
placid['plæsid]adj. 安静的(tranquil, serene)
【例】The baby looks so placid and content after she has been fed.
static['stætik]adj. 静的,静态的(changeless, stagnant)
【例】Static air pressure indicates that the weather will not change soon.
serene[si'ri:n]adj. 平静的(tranquil)
pacify['pæsifai]vt. 使平静,安慰,抚慰
【例】An army was required in order to pacify the islands.
serenity[si'reniti]n. 安静;从容(calmness, tranquility)
still[stil]adj. 依然(nevertheless);静止的(motionless, stationary, fixed)
【例】The old man sat still , waiting for the death of his physical life.
lull[lʌl]vt. 使平静(calm down, soothe)
【例】The mother lulled her baby to sleep.
restful['restful]adj. 宁静的
quietude['kwaiətju:d]n. 平静,寂静(tranquility)
squalidity[ˌskwɔ'liditi]n. 污秽,脏污,肮脏(filth)
squalor['skwɔlə]n. 肮脏,污秽
dinginess['dindʒinis]n. 暗淡;肮脏
filthy['filθi]adj. 不洁的,污秽的
defile[di'fail]vt. 染污
【例】The river was defiled with sewage.
filth[filθ]n. 污秽,污物(dirt);猥亵
nastiness['næstinis]n. 污秽,不洁
soilage['sɔilidʒ]n. 弄脏,污秽
dingy['dindʒi]adj. 肮脏的(dirty, shabby)
messy['mesi]adj. 肮脏的(untidy, dirty);凌乱的
slovenly['slʌvənli]adj. 不洁的(untidy)
frowzy['frauzi]adj. 不整洁的(filthy);臭的
obscene[ɔb'si:n]adj. 猥亵的(indecent, filthy)
indecent[in'di:snt]adj. 淫猥的(improper, unacceptable)
impure[im'pjuə]adj. 脏的,不纯洁的(adulterated, unrefined)
blemish['blemiʃ]n. / vt. 玷污(defect, flaw)
【例】One illness will blemish your perfect attendance record.
smear[smiə]vt. 弄脏(smudge, stain)
【例】The politician was smeared by his opponent's accusations.
spot[spɔt]n. 污点(stain)vt. 弄脏
【例】His record is without a spot .
smirch[smə:tʃ]v. 弄脏n. 污迹
attaint[ə'teint]n. 污点,耻辱 vt. 损坏,玷污
【例】No breath of calumny ever attainted the personal purity of the candidate.
taint[teint]n. 污点(spot)
stain[stein]n. 污点,瑕疵 vt. 染污,玷污
【例】The coffee stained his shirt brown.
grimy['graimi]adj. 污秽的,肮脏的
begrimed[bi'graimd]adj. 污秽的
blotch[blɔtʃ]n. 大斑点
smudge[smʌdʒ]n. 污迹 vt. 弄脏(smear);用浓烟熏
splotch[splɔtʃ]n. 斑点
【例】Spectacular splotches of color and beauty in the blossoms aroused the little boy's curiosity.
remote[ri'məut]adj. 遥远的,远程的(distant, inaccessible)
distant['distənt]adj. 远的(remote)
【例】My parents live in a distant state, and I rarely see them.
proximity[prɔk'simiti]n. 临近(nearness)
【例】He looked around the proximity for his lost dog.
adjacent[ə'dʒeisənt]adj. 邻近的(adjoining, neighboring)
【例】Tom's house is adjacent to the park.
adjoin[ə'dʒɔin]vt. 贴近,毗连,靠近(abut)
【例】The living room adjoins the dining room.
adjoining[ə'dʒɔiniŋ]adj. 接近的,邻接的(adjacent, neighboring)
【例】We requested adjoining rooms at the hotel.
propinquity[prə'piŋkwiti]n. 接近
neighboring['neibəriŋ]adj. 邻近的,附近的(adjacent, adjoining)
bordering['bɔ:dəriŋ]adj. 邻近的,接壤的
abut[ə'bʌt]v. 邻接,毗邻
【例】Our house abuts on the church.
circumjacent[ˌsəkəm'dʒeisnt]adj. 周围的
【记】circum(一周,周围)+jacent(附近)→ 周围的
contiguous[kən'tigjuəs]adj. 邻近的,接近的
【例】England is contiguous with Wales.
border['bɔ:də]vt. 接壤,接近
【例】China borders Russia in the north.
acid['æsid]adj. 酸的(sour, tart)
savor['seivə]vt. 尝味(taste, relish)
【例】I want to savor this great moment of accomplishment.
aura['ɔ:rə]n. 气味
aroma[ə'rəumə]n. 香气,芬芳,芳香(fragrance, scent, perfume)
【例】The roses gave the room a pleasant aroma .
smell[smel]v. 发出气味
【例】The fish smells bad in three days.
flavor['fleivə]n. 味,风味
【例】This yogurt has the flavor of strawberries.
pungent['pʌndʒənt]adj. 辛辣的(acrid, penetrating)
【例】The aged cheese had a pungent taste.
fragrant['freigrənt]adj. 香的,芬芳的(aromatic)
palatable['pælətəbl]adj. 味美的(savory, flavorous)
balmy['ba:mi]adj. 芳香的
【例】A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.
delicious[di'liʃəs]adj. 美味的;怡人的
sour['sauə]adj. 酸的;酸腐的
【例】The fruit was too sour to eat.
perfume['pə:fju:m]n. 香味,芳香;香水
【例】She was wearing a strong perfume .
bitter['bitə]adj. 苦的
odorous['əudərəs]adj. 有气味的
vinegary['vinigəri]adj. 有酸味的
peppery['pepəri]adj. 胡椒的;辛辣的
fishy['fiʃi]adj. 鱼腥味的
glorious['glɔ:riəs]adj. 壮丽的
gorgeous['gɔ:dʒəs]adj. 绚丽的(beautiful, admirable, very colorful)
【例】The flower appears a gorgeous shape under the sun.
grand[grænd]adj. 盛大的,壮丽的(splendid, magnificent)
【例】We held a grand celebration party for her success.
magnificent[mæg'nifisnt]n. 壮丽的,华丽的(gallant, splendid)
radiant['reidiənt]adj. 绚丽的;容光焕发的(joyous, beaming)
【例】Dozens of radiant candle flames lit the room.
solemn['sɔləm]adj. 庄严的,隆重的(grave, somber)
spectacular[spek'tækjulə]adj. 引人入胜的,壮观的(breathtaking, impressive, striking)
【例】The most spectacular thing ever happened this century would be the introduction of computer.
splendid['splendid]adj. 灿烂的, 辉煌的(magnificent)
splendor['splendə]n. 光彩, 壮丽(grandeur, magnificence)
superb[sju:'pə:b]adj. 壮丽的(excellent, first-rate)
cardinal['ka:dinəl]adj. 首要的, 基本的(essential)
【记】cardi(铰链; 要点)+nal→首要的
【例】To study hard is our cardinal thing to do.
chiefly['tʃi:fli]adv. 主要地, 多半地(mainly, principally)
crucial['kru:ʃəl]adj. 严重的; 极重要的(decisive, critical)
【例】Knowing first aid is crucial for saving lives.
dominant['dɔminənt]adj. 占优势的, 主导的(predominant, prevalent)
【例】The dominant color in the design is red.
elementary[ˌeli'mentəri]adj. 基本的, 初级的
【例】I took a course in elementary chemistry.
elite[ei'li:t]n. 精华, 中坚(best)
【例】The movie star felt like one of the elites .
essential[i'senʃəl]adj. 重要的(crucial, vital); 基本的(fundamental);必需的(necessary)
【例】Cells are an essential structure in living organisms.
fateful['feitful]adj. 对未来有重大(负面)影响的;决定命运的
foremost['fɔ:məust]adj. 第一流的(prime)
【例】He is one of the foremost atom scientists in China.
forte['fɔ:tei]n. 长处(strong point)
fundamental[ˌfʌndə'mentl]adj. 基础的, 基本的(essential, elementary)
【例】The refugees were too poor to meet their fundamental needs of life.
gist[dʒist]n. 要旨(theme)
key[ki:]adj. 主要的,关键的(dorminant, primary)
largely['la:dʒli]adv. 主要地,很大程度上(mainly, for the most part)
leading['li:diŋ]adj. 最主要的(principal, chief)
major['meidʒə]adj. 主要的
merit['merit]n. 优点(advantage)
momentous[məu'mentəs]adj. 极重要的(important, critical)
motif[məu'ti:f]n. 主题(theme, subject);主旨
【例】The composer's symphony had an obvious waltz motif .
optimum['ɔptiməm]adj. 最优的(best)
【例】Under optimum conditions, these cultivated grass grows best.
pivotal['pivətəl]adj. 关键的
【例】Chairman is the pivotal figure among the managing board.
predominantly[pri'dɔminəntli]adv. 占主导地位地,显著地(primarily, chiefly, principally)
【例】In this company, employees are predominantly white, which is a sign of racial discrimination against the colored people.
predominate[pri'dɔmineit]vt. 占优势,支配(prevail)
【例】Cheap and inferior commodities often predominate the morning market.
preference['prefərəns]n. 优先;优先权(inclination, privilege)
【例】The king showed preference to his eldest son.
primarily['praimərili]adv. 首先,主要地(chiefly, mainly, principally)
principal['prinsəp(ə)l]adj. 重要的(main, chief, central)
significant[sig'nifikənt]adj. 有意义的;重要的(important)
sole[səul]adj. 唯一的(only, mere, exclusive)
sum[sʌm]n. 要点
superb[sju:'pə:b]adj. 极佳的;卓越的
tenor['tenə]n. 要旨,要义(nature)
【例】The tenor of this speech is to pursue a noble life.
vital['vaitl]adj. 极重要的(important, crucial, essential)
【例】It is absolutely vital that food supplies should be maintained at any cost.
actual['æktjuəl]adj. 实际的;现行的(practical, real)
【例】Is this vase an actual antique or a copy?
authentic[ɔ:'θentik]adj. 可靠的;有根据的;真实的(genuine, real)
【例】Is your diamond ring authentic ?
genuine['dʒenjuin]adj. 真正的;真实的
【例】My necklace is made with genuine pearls.
tangible['tændʒəbl]adj. 可见的;确实的(touchable, substantial)
【例】One tangible benefit of my new job is a company car.
truly['tru:li]adv. 真实地(genuinely, actually)
unfeigned[ʌn'feind]adj. 非假装的,真诚的(sincere)
veracious[və'reiʃəs]adj. 诚实的,说实话的
【记】比较 mendacious(不真实的,说谎的)
veridical[və'ridikəl]adj. 说真话的,诚实的
conceive[kən'si:v]v. 想像(devise, visualize)
【例】The inventor conceived a new gadget.
fantasy['fæntəsi]n. 幻想,空想(dream);怪念头(fancy)
fictitious[fik'tiʃəs]adj. 虚构的(invented, imaginary)
figment['figmənt]n. 虚构之事
illusion[i'lu:ʒən]n. 幻觉(hallucination)
imaginary[i'mædʒinəri]adj. 虚构的
imaginative[i'mædʒinətiv]adj. 富于想像的
mythical['miθikəl]adj. 神话的,虚构的(legendary, fictious)
occult[ɔ'kʌlt]adj. 神秘的,不可思议的(supernatural)
superstition[ˌsju:pə'stiʃən]n. 迷信
【例】Fear of the number 13 is an old superstition .
visional['viʒənəl]adj. 梦幻般的
legendary['ledʒəndəri]adj. 传说中的
【例】The success and fall of this business empire was legendary .
delusion[di'lu:ʒən]n. 欺骗;被骗;迷惑
【例】He still lives under the delusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.
hallucination[həˌlu:si'neiʃən]n. 幻觉,幻想
mysterious[mis'tiəriəs]adj. 神秘的(esoteric, arcane, occult, inscrutable)
【例】His research focuses on mysterious symbols in the ancient Greek time.
panacea[ˌpænə'siə]n. 万灵药(cure-all)
cure-all['kjuəˌɔ:l]n. 万应灵药,仙丹
omnipotent[ɔm'nipətənt]adj. 无所不能的,全能的
【例】God is omnipotent to Christians.
almighty[ɔ:l'maiti]adj. 全能的,有无限权力的(divine, powerful)
all-powerful[ˌɔ:l'pauəful]adj. 全能的
supreme[sju:'pri:m]adj. 最高位的,无上的(foremost, uppermost)
【例】The most important law court is called the Supreme Court.
elixir[i'liksə]n. 万应灵药
【例】Taoists regard pursuit of elixir of life as their mission.
nostrum['nɔstrəm]n. 秘方,秘药;万应灵药
compact['kɔmpækt]adj. 压缩的;密集的(packed)
crisp[krisp]adj. 脆的(crunchy, brittle);卷曲的
【例】The autumn leaves were dry and crisp .
crooked['krukid]adj. 扭曲的(bent, twisted)
【例】The electrician straightened the crooked wires.
dense[dens]adj. 密集的(thick, close)
【例】The airport was closed because of the dense fog.
depression[di'preʃən]n. 凹陷
【例】Rainwater collects in shallow depressions on the ground.
ethereal[i'θiəriəl]adj. 轻的(light);天上的;优美的(delicate)
hectic['hektik]adj. 发热的(feverish)
impervious[im'pə:viəs]adj. 不能渗透的(impenetrable, impermeable)
【例】Since my watch is impervious to water, I wear it while I swim.
lithe[laið]adj. 柔软的,易弯的(flexible, supple)
lofty['lɔ(:)fti]adj. 高耸的(high, towering)
【例】The lofty mountains towered over the village.
malleable['mæliəbl]adj. 有延展性的(pliable),可锻的
ponderous['pɔndərəs]adj. 沉重的,笨重的(heavy)
shallow['ʃæləu]adj. 浅的(superficial)
【例】It is possible to drown even in shallow water.
slim[slim]adj. 细长的,苗条的(slender, thin)
slippery['slipəri]adj. 滑的,使人滑跤的(slick, smooth)
sloppy['slɔpi]adj. 溅脏的
supple['sʌpl]adj. 柔顺的
tenuous['tenjuəs]adj. 细的;稀薄的(thin, weak)
【例】The precious jewel is hung only with a tenuous thread that appears very fragile.
critical['kritikəl]adj. 危急的;临界的
【例】The movie review was critical of the director's casting choices.
deleterious[ˌdeli'tiəriəs]adj. 有害的(harmful, detrimental)
detriment['detrimənt]n. 损害
【例】The detriment caused by your thoughtless remark will never be forgotten.
detrimental[ˌdetri'mentl]adj. 有害的,有损的
【例】The detrimental newspaper article may lead to a lawsuit.
endanger[in'deindʒə]vt. 危害(harm)
【例】The animals that lived in the marsh were endangered by the drought.
harmful['ha:mful]adj. 有害的(dangerous, detrimental)
hazard['hæzəd]n. 危险(risk, danger);公害
hazardous['hæzədəs]adj. 危险的(dangerous, perilous)
【例】People hesitated whether to begin the hazardous journey to the unkown west or not.
impair[im'pεə]vt. 损害(harm, damage)
【例】His misdeeds greatly impaired our friendship.
jeopardy['dʒepədi]n. 危险(danger, risk)
maim[meim]vt. 使残废(disable, mutilate);损伤
【例】He was seriously maimed in a car accident.
peril['peril]n. 危机;危险的事物
perilous['periləs]adj. 危险的(dangerous, hazardous)
threaten['θretn]vt. 威胁(menace, terrify)
【例】They threaten to kill all the people without receiving the ransom.
crisis['kraisis]n. (疾病的)转折点,决定性时刻(turning point);危机(emergency)
【例】The 1997 Asian financial crisis had a negative impact on the economies in many Asian countries and worldwide at large.
grave[greiv]adj. 重大的;庄严的,庄重的(serious, significant)
【例】His face was grave as he told them about the bankcrutcy of his business.
ruinous['ruinəs]adj. 导致毁灭的(destructive);使人破产的
【例】The attack on the enemy troop was ruinous .
imperil[im'peril]vt. 使陷于危险,危及(endanger)
【例】Disafforestation is imperiling the environment in many African countries.
vulnerability[ˌvʌlnərə'biləti]n. 弱点
【例】Overconfidence and credulity are his vulnerabilities .
prejudice['predʒudis]n. 偏见,成见;损害,侵害 vt. 使抱偏见,使存成见;伤害,损害
character['kæriktə]n. 性格
characteristic[ˌkæriktə'ristik]n. 特性,特征 adj. 特有的,典型的(distinctive, distinguishing)
extraordinary[iks'trɔ:dinəri]adj. 非凡的,特别的(remarkable, outstanding)
given['givn]adj. 特定的(specified)
idiosyncrasy[ˌidiə'siŋkrəsi]n. 个人特性
【例】Tom got an idiosycracy of playing football all by himself.
original[ə'ridʒənəl]adj. 独创的
【例】His idea is not original ; many pioneers had the same thought.
particularly[pə'tikjuləli]adv. 独特地,显著地(especially)
quaint[kweint]adj. 奇异的,不凡的(queer, odd)
trait[treit]n. 特点,特性(characteristic, attribute)
attribute['ætribju:t]n. 性质,属性(characteristic, feature)
feature['fi:tʃə]n. 特征,特色
【例】Her eyes were her best feature .
unique[ju:'ni:k]adj. 唯一的,独一无二的
abnormal[æb'nɔ:məl]adj. 异常的(exceptional)
bizarre[bi'za:]adj. 古怪的(odd, erratic, eccentric)
eccentric[ik'sentrik]adj. 古怪的(odd, erratic, bizarre)
【例】My neighbor's eccentric behavior is sometimes frightening.
erratic[i'rætik]adj. 古怪的(odd, eccentric)
【例】Bill's erratic moods upset everyone in our office.
queer[kwiə]adj. 奇怪的;特殊的
weird[wiəd]adj. 古怪的(eerie);离奇的
【例】He is full of weird ideas.
oddity['ɔditi]n. 奇怪,古怪;有怪癖的人;古怪的事
whimsical['(h)wimzikəl]adj. 古怪的;异想天开的(arbitrary)
aberrant[æ'berənt]adj. 异常的(deviating)
【例】The rocket was on an aberrant course.
adequate['ædikwit]adj. 足够的(sufficient)
【例】What you have given us is not adequate ; you must find more.
block[blɔk]n. 一块(木或石等)
bulk[bʌlk]n. 大批(mass, volume, majority)
【例】Dave placed his great bulk on the tiny chair, and it broke.
countless['kautlis]adj. 无数的(innumerable)
excess[ik'ses]n. / adj. 过度(的)(surplus)
【例】Don't bring any excess baggage on this trip.
excessive[ik'sesiv]adj. 过多的,极度的(overabundant, inordinate)
【例】You must curb your excessive spending, or you will become penniless.
fraught[frɔ:t]adj. 充满的(full of)
【例】It was clearly not a job fraught with hope, but I have to take it for a living.
further['fə:ðə]adj. 更多的(additional)
innumerable[i'nju:mərəbl]adj. 无数的(countless, numerous)
majority[mə'dʒɔriti]n. 多数,大多数
multitude['mʌltitju:d]n. 众多(host, mass)
numerous['nju:mərəs]adj. 众多的
pervade[pə(:)'veid]vt. 遍布,弥漫(permeate)
【例】The spicy smell pervaded the kitchen.
quantitative['kwɔntitətiv]adj. 定量的
【例】A quantitative analysis showed that he has grown 10 pounds fatter.
quantity['kwɔntiti]n. 量,数量(amount)
redundant[ri'dʌndənt]adj. 过多的,冗长的(unnecessary, superfluous)
skimpy['skimpi]adj. 贫乏的,不足的(meager, scanty)
spare[spεə]adj. 多余的,剩余的
【例】If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight?
sporadic[spə'rædik]adj. 零星的(irregular, intermittent)
【例】The gunfire was sporadic until midnight.
sufficient[sə'fiʃənt]adj. 足够的,充分的(enough, adequate)
suffuse[sə'fju:z]vt. 充满(fill)
【例】His eyes were suffused with tears.
teem[ti:m]vi. 充满(abound, be full of)
【例】The stream teemed with fish.
volume['vɔlju:m]n. 大量
【例】If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere.
adapt[ə'dæpt]v. (使)适应(adjust, accommodate)
【例】Jane adapted quickly to the new procedures.
adaptable[ə'dæptəbl]adj. 能适应的
【例】If you are not adaptable , you will feel uncomfortable in college.
adaptation[ˌædæp'teiʃən]n. 适应(accomodation)
advisable[əd'vaizəbl]adj. 合理的(rational)
【例】It is advisable to save part of your paycheck each month.
available[ə'veiləbl]adj. 可用的(obtainable, accessible)
【例】The hotel is available for the wedding reception next week.
becoming[bi'kʌmiŋ]adj. 合适的,相称的(fitting, suitable)
【例】John's new haircut is very becoming .
coincide[ˌkəuin'said]vi. 相符合,巧合
【例】Our vacations coincided , so we traveled together.
competent['kɔmpitənt]adj. 能胜任的(capable, qualified)
【例】Mike did a competent job, fixing my car.
conformity[kən'fɔ:miti]n. 一致,符合
correspondence[ˌkɔris'pɔndəns]n. 对应,符合
【例】There is close correspondence between my handwriting and yours.
entitled[in'taitld]adj. 有资格的(eligible, qualified)
expedient[iks'pi:diənt]adj. 权宜的;方便的(convenient)
【例】Expedient solutions rarely solve long-term problems.
feasible['fi:zəbl]adj. 切实可行的(practical, possible, viable)
【例】Before you carry out the plan, make sure it is feasible .
fit[fit]adj. 适合的(suitable)
【例】This violent movie is not fit for children.
fitting['fitiŋ]adj. 恰当的,得体的(proper, appropriate)
【例】It is a fitting gesture to offer a reward to someone who returns something you have lost.
methodical[mi'θɔdik(ə)l]adj. 有条理的(systematic)
pertinent['pə:tinənt]adj. 适当的;切题的(relevant)
plausible['plɔ:zəbl]adj. 似合理的(reasonable)
【例】Susie's story about how she lost her books sounded plausible , but it wasn't actually true.
preferable['prefərəbl]adj. 可取的(advisable)
【例】A preferable option is to store the food in a refrigerator rather than throw them away.
propriety[prə'praiəti]n. 适当(correctness)
qualified['kwɔlifaid]adj. 合格的
rational['ræʃənl]adj. 合理的(reasonable)
reliable[ri'laiəbl]adj. 可靠的,可信赖的(dependable)
【例】The subway is the most reliable way of getting to the airport during rush hours.
sober['səubə]adj. 适度的;清醒的
【例】The drunk man is totally another one when sober .
suitable['sju:təbl]adj. 适合的
suit[sju:t]vt. 合适,适应(accommodate, fit, adapt)
【例】This candidate does not suit our qualifications.
tally['tæli]vi. 符合(accord, agree)
【例】The witness's testimony tallied with the defendant's.
temperate['tempərit]adj. 适度的,有节制的(appropriate, reasonable, self-controlled)
【例】A temperate answer to a rude question is difficult to give.
average['ævəridʒ]adj. 一般的(normal)
commonplace ['kɔmənpleis]n. 平凡事,平凡话 adj. 平凡的(average, ordinary)
general['dʒenərəl]adj. 普通的(ordinary)
mediocre[ˌmi:di'əukə]adj. 平常的,普通的(ordinary, average)
【例】I got mediocre grades last semester.
ordinary['ɔ:dinəri]adj. 普通的,平常的(average, common)
【例】Tom Sawyer was an ordinary American boy who kept getting into troubles.
pedestrian[pe'destriən]adj. 平凡的,缺乏想像的(dull)
【例】He was rather a pedestrian student.
mundane[mʌn'dein]adj. 世界的;世俗的;平凡的(secular, ordinary)
universal[ˌju:ni'və:səl]adj. 普遍的(general)
【例】Education shall be universal .
exhaustive[ig'zɔ:stiv]adj. 无遗漏的,彻底的,广泛的(comprehensive, thorough)
extensive[iks'tensiv]adj. 大量的;广泛的(comprehensive, thorough)
【例】The editor made extensive changes in the article.
catholic['kæθəlik]adj. 普遍的,广泛的(universal)
【例】Her musical tastes were catholic and ranged from classics to jazz.
widespread['waidspred]adj. 流传甚广的,分布广的
unanimous[ju(:)'næniməs]adj. 全体一致的,无异议的
【例】He was elected with unanimous approval.
ubiquitous[ju:'bikwitəs]adj. 无所不在的,普遍存在的
prevalent['prevələnt]adj. 普遍的;流行的,盛行的
【例】Travelling to places of revolutionary significance is becoming more prevalent each year.
pervasive[pə:'veisiv]adj. 弥漫的;遍布的;普遍的(permeate, popular)
【例】The odour of chocolate was pervasive in the room.
diffusive[di'fju:siv]adj. 散布性的;扩及的;普及的
emphatic[im'fætik]adj. 显著的;强调的;有力的(powerful)
【例】The supervisor's emphatic speech on worker productivity produced amazing results.
especially[is'peʃəli]adv. 尤其地(notably, particularly)
imposing[im'pəuziŋ]adj. 令人难忘的(impressive)
【例】The pyramids of Egypt are imposing structures.
impressive[im'presiv]adj. 给人深刻印象的
【例】His heroic deeds were so impressive that everyone in the village became to know him.
marked[ma:kt]adj. 明显的,显著的(noticeable, apparent)
obvious['ɔbviəs]adj. 明显的(distinct, evident)
outstanding[aut'stændiŋ]adj. 显著的(notable, remarkable)
【记】来自stand out(醒目,突出)
pronounced[prə'naunst]adj. 明显的(notable, prominent)
【例】The result will become pronounced after two weeks' medication.
remarkable[ri'ma:kəbl]adj. 值得注意的(striking, considerable)
【例】The growth of the economy was remarkable last year, with 10 percent of GDP growth.
sharp[ʃa:p]adj. 明显的,清晰的(clear)
【例】High quality cameras deliver sharp images.
distinct[dis'tiŋkt]adj. 清楚的;明白的
【例】There was a distinct note of annoyance in her reply.
palpable['pælpəbl]adj. 明显可知的,易觉察的(perceptible)
【例】There was a palpable sense of expectation in the court.
notable['nəutəbl]adj. 值得注意的;显著的(noticeable, apparent)
【例】Sled dogs are notable for their stamina.
prominent['prɔminənt]adj. 突起的;突出的;显著的(distinguished, eminent)
dramatic[drə'mætik]adj. 激动的;戏剧性的;引人注目的(noted)
significant[sig'nifikənt]adj. 重大的;效果显著的(remarkable)
【例】The government's taxation policy was significant in boosting industries' investment.
noteworthy['nəutwə:ði]adj. 值得注意的;显著的(noticeable)
【例】This is a noteworthy advance in nano-technology research.
bare[bεə]adj. 空的
empty['empti]adj. 空的(vacant, void)
【例】The room is empty . All the furniture has been removed.
evacuate[i'vækjueit]vt. 使…空(remove)
【例】The Civil Defense evacuated all inhabitants from the area where the storm was predicted to strike.
null[nʌl]adj. 空的
vacant['veikənt]adj. 空的(empty);未被占用的(unoccupied)
vacuum['vækjuəm]n. 真空(gap, void)
void[vɔid]n. 空间(space)adj. 空的(invalid, null)
【例】His wife's death left a painful void in his life.
cavity['kæviti]n. 洞,空穴
vacuous['vækjuəs]adj. 空洞的
hollow['hɔləu]adj. 空洞的
【例】The square pillars in the hall look solid, but in fact they're hollow .
cavern['kævən]n. 大洞穴,大山洞
crafty['kra:fti]adj. 灵巧的,巧妙的(cunning, sneaky)
【例】The spy thought of a crafty plan to steal the documents.
delicate['delikit]adj. 精巧的(dainty, elegant)
【例】Roses have a delicate beauty.
dexterous['dekstərəs]adj. 灵巧的(adroit, skillful)
elaborate[i'læbərət]vt. 精心制作(或计划)adj. 精心构思的(careful)
elegant['eligənt]adj. (举止、服饰)雅致的(refined, exquisite, elaborate)
【例】Bob has elegant taste in clothing.
exquisite['ekskwizit]adj. 精美的(delicate, fine, elaborate)
【例】Tom was so absorbed by the exquisite vase at the museum.
refined[ri'faind]adj. 精致的;文雅的(elegant, well-mannered)
【例】The reproduction of the masterpiece is less refined than the original one.
destination[ˌdesti'neiʃən]n. 目的地
【例】Our vacation destination is Phoenix.
entry['entri]n. 入口
【例】There is a back entry into the house.
exit['eksit]n. 退场;出口(outlet, way-out)
【例】The actress made her exit secretly from an unseen exit.
outlet['autlet]n. 出口
【例】There is no outlet to the sea in Chongqing.
entrance['entrəns]n. 入口,进口
【例】Visitors are asked to go into the museum by the front entrance .
chaste[tʃeist]adj. 贞洁的;纯正的(pure, virtuous)
【例】The students were advised to remain chaste until marriage.
impeccable[im'pekəbl]adj. 无瑕的(faultless, stainless)
innocent['inəsnt]adj. 清白的(guiltless, faultless)
【例】Anne was found innocent of the crime.
perfect['pə:fikt]adj. 无瑕的;完好无损的(intact, untouched)
【例】Thousands of years past, still we found those mummies staying perfect in their coffins.
pure[pjuə]adj. 纯的,纯洁的(clean, unadulterated)
sheer[ʃiə]adj. 纯粹的(pure);全然的(total)
【例】Don't believe him;his words are sheer nonsense.
unblemished[ʌn'blemiʃt]adj. 洁白的,无疵的(flawless, perfect)
virtuous['və:tjuəs]adj. 贞洁的(moral, chaste)
uncorrupted[ˌʌnkə'rʌptid]adj. 未腐败的
unsullied[ˌʌn'sʌlid]adj. 无污点的,清白的
spotless['spɔtlis]adj. 没有污点的
immaculate[i'mækjulit]adj. 纯洁的,无瑕的
absolute['æbsəlu:t]adj. 绝对的(sheer)
【例】The prime minister had absolute control of his cabinet.
barely['bεəli]adv. 仅仅(merely)
【例】There was barely enough food to go around.
burning['bə:niŋ]adj. 强烈的
categorical[ˌkæti'gɔrikəl]adj. 绝对的,无条件的(definite, positive, absolute, unconditional)
【例】The Japanese made a categorical surrendering to China in 1945 after 8 years of invasion.
clean[kli:n]adv. 完全地(totaly, completely)
【例】I clean forgot about it.
complete[kəm'pli:t]adj. 完全的 vt. 完成
【例】Bill told us the complete story over coffee.
considerable[kən'sidərəbl]adj. 相当的(a great deal, large, much, substantial)
dead[ded]adv. 完全地(completely)
【例】You are dead right on this point.
drastic['dræstik]adj. 激烈的(violent)
【例】The principal felt that the cheater's punishment should be drastic . / The emergency called for drastic measures.
entirely[in'taiəli]adv. 完全地,全然地(totally, solely)
exorbitant[ig'zɔ:bitənt]adj. 过分的,过度的(excessive, unreasonable)
【例】I will not pay such an exorbitant price for these shoes.
extremely[iks'tri:mli]adv. 极端地,非常地(exceptionally, intensely)
fairly['fεəli]adv. 相当地(relatively)
fervent['fə:vənt]adj. 白热的;强烈的(ardent)
【例】Jenny is a fervent supportor of the feminist movement.
grossly['grəusli]adv. 非常(greatly)
hardly['ha:dli]adv. 几乎不(scarcely, barely)
impetuous[im'petjuəs]adj. 猛烈的
inordinate[in'ɔ:dinit]adj. 无节制的,过度的(excessive, immoderate)
intense[in'tens]adj. 非常的(severe)
【例】Under years of intense pressure, he finally gave up hope and committed suicide.
intensive[in'tensiv]adj. 集中的(concentrated)
nearly['niəli]adv. 几乎(almost)
probable['prɔbəbl]adj. 很可能的,大概(likely)
profoundly[prə'faundli]adv. 深刻地,深度地(deeply, greatly)
【例】Television programs with written subtitles help those profoundly deaf people to understand the world.
radical['rædikəl]adj. 根本的
【例】The American Revolution is not a radical one, but a gradual evolution.
rough[rʌf]adj. 大致的(approximate, about)
【例】I got a rough idea that he is a tall man.
roughly['rʌfli]adv. 概略地,粗糙地(approximately, nearly, more or less)
sharp[ʃa:p]adj. 急剧的(sudden)
somewhat['sʌm(h)wɔt]adv. 有点(rather, to some degree)
substantial[səb'stænʃəl]adj. 相当的(plentiful, considerable)
【例】Mary has a substantial amount of money in the bank.
utterly['ʌtəli]adv. 完全地,彻底地(completely, absolutely)
vehemence['və:iməns]n. 热切(passion);激烈(ferocity)
vehement['və:imənt]adj. 猛烈的(passionate),激烈的(ardent)
violent['vaiələnt]adj. 激烈的(vehement, radical)
virtually['və:tjuəli]adv. 几乎(almost)
gratuitous[grə'tju(:)itəs]adj. 不需要的(unwarranted)
【例】Her gratuitous performance is not expected by the producer.
imperative[im'perətiv]adj. 急需的(necessary, urgent)
【例】The man is dying;an immediate operation is imperative .
indispensable[ˌindis'pensəbl]adj. 不可缺少的,绝对必要的(essential, vital)
requisite['rekwizit]adj. 必需的(indispensable, essential, required)n.(常与for 连用)必需品
【例】Please take all the requisites for travel with you.
crucial['kru:ʃəl]adj. 极重要的,有决定性的(decisive, critical)
【例】This is a crucial war against corruption among senior government officials.
essential[i'senʃəl]adj. 必需的,基本的(fundamental, vital)
【例】Food is essential to life.
fundamental[ˌfʌndə'mentl]adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的(basic, imperative)n. 原理;原则
【例】A fundamental of good behavior is consideration for others.
prerequisite[ˌpri:'rekwizit]n. 先决条件 adj. 首要必备的
【例】Competence is prerequisite to promotion.
vital['vaitl]adj. 极为重要的;关系重大的
【例】It is vital that education is given priority.
impropriety[ˌimprə'praiəti]n. 不适当
incompetent[in'kɔmpitənt]adj. 不称职的
ineligible[in'elidʒəbl]adj. 无资格的(disqualified);不适当的(unsuitable)
inept[i'nept]adj. 不适宜的(incompetent, inefficient)
unbecoming[ˌʌnbi'kʌmiŋ]adj. 不配的,不适当的
【例】The careless woman often wore unbecoming clothes to work.
unseemly[ˌʌn'si:mli]adj. 不适宜的(unsuited, incongruous)
【例】Jane was regretful for her unseemly behavior at the grand party.
unqualified[ˌʌn'kwɔlifaid]adj. 不够格的,没有资格的(incompetent)
【例】Tom is unqualified for the post.
incapable[in'keipəbl]adj. 无能力的,不能的(unable)
felicity[fi'lisiti]n. 幸福;幸运;福气(blessing)
【例】His retired life is a lifetime of perfect felicity .
fortune['fɔ:tʃən]n. 财富;运气
【例】He decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse.
mascot['mæskət]n. 福神;吉祥的东西
bliss[blis]n. 福佑,天赐的福(elation)
【例】What bliss to be going on holiday!
auspicious[ɔ:s'piʃəs]adj. 吉兆的;幸运的(promising, favorable)
【例】Spring is an auspicious time to most of the people as it heralds the beginning.
boon[bu:n]n. 恩惠(blessing, benefit)
【例】Having a parent who is a teacher is a real boon to the kids.
bonanza[bəu'nænzə]n. 幸运
【例】The nomination of presidency was a bonanza for him.
blessing['blesiŋ]n. 祝福
gratitude['grætitju:d]n. 感谢,感激
affluence['æfluəns]n. 富裕,富足
prosperity[prɔs'periti]n. 繁荣,兴旺,昌盛
【例】The prosperity of the economy was due to the right policy made by the current government.
welfare['welfεə]n. 福利;安宁;幸福;福利事业;社会安全 adj. 福利的
【例】People who live in the welfare society do not know the pain of poverty.
opulence['ɔpjuləns]n. 富裕,丰饶;充沛(abundance, profusion)
paradise['pærədaiz]n. 天堂(heaven)
【例】It is said that Hangzhou and Suzhou were paradises for people.
propitious[prə'piʃəs]adj. 吉利的
godsend['gɔdsend]n. 天赐之物;意外好运
【例】It was a godsend to have him there just when we needed someone.
sumptuous['sʌmptjuəs]adj. 奢侈的(luxurious);华丽的(splendid)
disaster[di'za:stə]n. 灾难(catastrophe, calamity)
disastrous[di'za:strəs]adj. 灾难性的,悲惨的(catastrophic)
【例】A few disastrous investments ruined the company.
calamity[kə'læmiti]n. 不幸之事,灾难(catastrophe, mishap)
【例】The Red Cross provides relief in case of calamities such as floods, earthquakes and hurricanes.
unfortunate[ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]adj. 不幸的
holocaust['hɔləkɔ:st]n. 大屠杀(slaughter)
carnage['ka:nidʒ]n. 大屠杀,残杀(massacre, slaughter)
cataclysm['kætəklizəm]n. 洪水,大灾难
【例】The eruption of the volcano was an unexpected cataclysm .
avalanche['ævəˌla:nʃ]n. 雪崩
【例】It is reported that no people were killed in the current avalanche .
slaughter['slɔ:tə]n. / v. 屠宰,残杀,屠杀(carnage, genocide)
catastrophe[kə'tæstrəfi]n. 异常的灾祸(disaster)
【例】The crash of the stock market was a financial catastrophe .
casualty['kæʒuəlti]n. 意外伤亡,事故
【例】Jane saw a casualty on the highway and phoned the police.
mishap['mishæp]n. 灾祸,不幸(mischance, accident)
【例】The fisherman drowned in a boating mishap .
adversity[əd'və:siti]n. 不幸;逆境(misfortune)
【例】The adversity of losing one's job is difficult to bear.
afflict[ə'flikt]vt. 使痛苦,折磨(torture)
【例】He was afflicted with arthritis.
misfortune[mis'fɔ:tʃən]n. 不幸,灾祸
【例】She had the misfortune to become gravely ill.
devastate['devəsteit]vt. 毁坏(destroy, ruin, wreck)
massacre['mæsəkə]n. / v. 残杀,大屠杀(slaughter)
【例】They cruelly massacred all the people in the village.
deluge['delju:dʒ]n. 洪水
upheaval[ʌp'hi:vəl]n. 剧变
【例】When talking about the mental upheaval caused by war, the old man became indignant towards the Japanese.
accident['æksidənt]n. 意外事件,事故
famine['fæmin]n. 饥荒(deficiency)
【例】Many people die of famine every year.
victim['viktim]n. 受害人,牺牲者(sufferer);牺牲品
【例】You are a victim of your own scheming.
anguish['æŋgwiʃ]n. 痛苦,苦恼 vt. 使极苦闷,使极痛苦
ailment['eilmənt]n. 疾病
wreckage['rekidʒ]n. 破片,残骸
【例】They were petrified by the wreckage of the plane after the crash.
torment[tɔ:'ment] v. 折磨(agonize)['tɔ:ment]n. 痛苦
debris['deibri:]n. 残骸;废墟(residue, wreckage)
abduct[æb'dʌkt]vt. 绑架,诱拐(kidnap)
【例】The boy of the wealthy family had been abducted twice.
accomplice[ə'kɔmplis]n. 从犯(accessory)
【例】They arrested the man and his two accomplices last week.
assassinate[ə'sæsineit]vt. 暗杀,行刺
【例】J. F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dalas.
murder['mə:də]n. / v. 谋杀,凶杀
【例】According to the criminal law, murder can be a capital offence.
beguile[bi'gail]vt. 欺骗(deceive)
【例】He was beguiled into giving them large sums of money.
belie[bi'lai]vt. 掩饰(conceal, cover up)
【例】His cheerful manner belied his real feeling.
blackmail['blækmeil]vt. /n. 勒索
【例】The strikers refused to be blackmailed into returning to work. / He is found of guilty of blackmail .
conspiracy[kən'spirəsi]n. 阴谋(plot)
【例】The police officer uncovered a conspiracy to assassinate the President.
conspire[kən'spaiə]vi. 阴谋,密谋(intrigue, plot)
【例】The bank tellers conspired to rob the bank.
connive[kə'naiv]vi. 默许;纵容;暗中合作,密谋策划
【例】The dealers connived with customs officials to bring in narcotics.
counterfeit['kauntəfit]n. 赝品 adj. 伪造的,假冒的(fake, sham)
【例】This counterfeit money is obviously an imitation.
deceit[di'si:t]n. 欺骗,欺诈(cheat, fraud)
【例】No one trusts John because they know of his deceit .
deceitful[di'si:tful]adj. 欺骗的(sly, dishonest)
【例】The deceitful merchant was punished by the government.
deceive[di'si:v]vt. 欺骗,行骗
【例】Mary was deceived into believing the stranger.
deceptive[di'septiv]adj. 虚伪的;骗人的(deceitful, misleading)
【例】Many customers were angered by the deceptive advertisements.
defraud[di'frɔ:d]vt. 欺诈(deceive, beguile, cheat)
【例】The tax accountant defrauded the government.
delude[di'lu:d]vt. 欺骗,迷惑(beguile, deceive, hoax)
【例】That playboy often deludes his girl with empty promises.
despoil[dis'pɔil]vt. 抢劫(rob)
【例】The region is despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development.
embezzle[im'bezl]vt. 盗用(公款、公物)(misappropriate)
【例】Public servants were reported involving embezzling a million dollars over a period of years.
extort[iks'tɔ:t]vt. 勒索,强索(extract, squeeze)
【例】A blackmailer extorted thousands of dollars from the millionaire.
fabricate['fæbrikeit]vt. 伪造(forge, coin)
【例】Jane fabricated the story that she was late because she was caught in the traffic.
forge[fɔ:dʒ]vt. 伪造(feign, fabricate)
fraud[frɔ:d]n. 欺骗(fault, deception)
【例】Never try to get money by fraud .
fraudulent['frɔ:djulənt]adj. 欺诈的,不诚实的(deceitful, dishonest)
gangster['gæŋstə]n. 暴徒,歹徒(mobster, hoodlum)
homicide['hɔmisaid]n. 杀人(slaughter)
kidnap['kidnæp]vt. 绑架(abduct)
【例】It is reported that two businessmen have been kidnapped .
pilferage['pilfəridʒ]n. 偷窃(stealing)
theft[θeft]n. 偷窃(stealing)
swindle['swindl]n. / v. 诈骗(defraud, fleece)
【例】The manager swindled money from the company.
hoodwink['hudwiŋk]vt. 遮眼,欺骗,蒙蔽
desecrate['desikreit]vt. 亵渎,玷污;滥用
falsify['fɔ:lsiˌfai]v. 伪造
【例】Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers.
assumption[ə'sʌmpʃən]n. 就职
【例】The Vice President's assumption of the presidency occurred as the President died.
appoint[ə'pɔint]vt. 任命,委任(delegate, nominate)
【例】Dr. Gray has been appointed to a consultancy.
dismiss[dis'mis]vt. 开除,解职,使(或让)离开(boot, bounce)
【例】The boss threatened to dismiss all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike, but it's all bluff.
audition[ɔ:'diʃən]n. 试演;面试
【例】Jane did so well at her audition that she was cast in the movie.
interview['intəvju:]n. / v. 面试
【例】The interview process lasted for five hours, including the assessment center.
career[kə'riə]n. 生涯,职业(profession, pursuit, vocation)
【例】To be a successful and socially responsible businessman is the ultimate goal of my career .
draft[dra:ft]n. 草案 v. 起草,设计(formulate, draw up)
drudgery['drʌdʒəri]n. 苦差事(tedium)
hectic['hektik]adj. 忙碌的(busy)
【例】To him, the hectic work was both fun and rewarding.
inaugurate[i'nɔ:gjureit]vt. 开始(commence, initiate);使就职
【例】He will be inaugurated as President in January.
log[lɔg]n. 日志(journal)
【例】His log on the weather conditions during their expedition proves useful for others.
officeholding['ɔfisˌhəuldiŋ]n. 任职
promote[prə'məut]vt. 升职
【例】John was promoted to regional manager at the staff conference.
register['redʒistə]vt. 登记(enroll, enlist)
【例】The young couple registered for marriage in June.
resign[ri'zain]n. / v. 辞职(give up)
【例】She resigned her directorship and left the company.
sketch[sketʃ]n. 草图(drawing, chart)v. 勾画(compose, outline)
【例】He sketched out a plan for his inferiors to execute.
undertaking[ˌʌndə'teikiŋ]n. 任务,工作
vocation[vəu'keiʃən]n. 职业,行业(occupation, profession)
profession[prə'feʃən]n. 职业;专业
【例】The professions of law, medicine, and engineering are highly rewarded.
trade[treid]n. 职业,行业
【例】He is learning the lawsmith's trade .
occupation[ˌɔkju'peiʃən]n. 职业(profession)
【例】What is your occupation ?
overtime['əuvətaim]adv. 加班地
【例】The newspaper staff worked overtime .
accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt. 为(某人)提供住宿;容纳
【例】This elevator could accommodate twelve people.
furnish['fə:niʃ]vt. 供应,供给;装备,布置(equip, supply, provide)
【例】The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table.
provide[prə'vaid]vt. 提供(supply, furnish, give)
【例】Suggestions could be provided to our research officers here.
provision[prə'viʒən]n. 供应(supply, furnishing)
【例】The provision of the services is better than before.
render['rendə]vt. 提供(provide)
【例】The passengers are not satisfied with the service rendered by the driver.
purvey[pə:'vei]v. 供给,供应(supply)
supply[sə'plai]n. / v. 补给,供给(provide, render)
【例】When money is in short supply , many businesses fail.
delivery[di'livəri]n. 递送,交付
【例】There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.
distribute[dis'tribju(:)t]vt. 分发,分配(dispense, dole)
【例】In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cultivate it.
auditorium[ˌɔ:di'tɔ:riəm]n. 大礼堂
【例】The new auditorium had velvet seats.
canopy['kænəpi]n. 顶篷,顶盖;天幕(shelter)
【例】I just look up at the stars and let the vastness of that black and twinkling canopy fill my soul.
depot['depəu]n. 仓库 vt. 把…存放在仓库里(house, contain)
dormitory['dɔ:mitri]n. 宿舍
【例】The prison dormitory is heavily guarded.
dwelling['dweliŋ]n. 住所(residence, shelter, accommodation)
【例】A dormitory is the typical dwelling of a college student.
forge[fɔ:dʒ]n. 铁匠铺
refuge['refju:dʒ]n. 避难所(shelter, protection)
stall[stɔ:l]n. 厩(stable, barn);摊位
tower['tauə]n. 塔
vault[vɔ:lt]n. 拱形圆屋顶;地窖
warehouse['wεəhaus]n. 仓库(storehouse)
villa['vilə]n. 别墅;〈英〉城郊小屋
overpass[ˌəuvə'pa:s]n. 立交桥,高架桥(viaduct)
viaduct['vaiədʌkt]n. 立交桥,高架桥,跨线桥
shelter['ʃeltə]n. 避难所,庇护所(asylum, sanctuary);庇护物,遮蔽物;庇护,掩护
【例】He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.
palace['pælis]n. 宫殿
temple['templ]n. 庙宇,寺庙
apartment[ə'pa:tmənt]n. 单元住宅,公寓住宅(suite, flat)
arduous['a:djuəs]adj. 险峻的;困难的(diffcult, strenuous, laborious, back-breaking)
【例】The preparation for the exam is as long and as arduous work for a normal undergraduate.
devious['di:viəs]adj. 曲折的(circuitous)
【例】The coach followed a rather devious course to its destination.
dilemma[di'lemə]n. 左右为难,困境
【例】Life is full of dilemmas .
embarrass[im'bærəs]vt. 使困窘
【例】It was so awkward that I felt embarrassed in front of my friends.
flounder['flaundə]vi. 挣扎
【例】After the Asian financial cirsis, the economy in southeast Asia continues to flounder .
laborious[lə'bɔ:riəs]adj. 费力的,艰难的(arduous, painstaking)
【例】Bill was rewarded with an increase in his payment for his laborious efforts.
painstaking['peinsteikiŋ]n. 辛劳 adj. 劳苦的(careful, scrupulous)
plight[plait]n. (恶劣的)情势,困境(predicament, dilemma)
【例】The plight of the homeless was a deep concern for the current government.
precipitous[pri'sipitəs]adj. 陡峭的(sheer, extremely steep);急躁的
strait[streit]n. 困难
strenuous['strenjuəs]adj. 辛苦的(laborious)
【例】I made a strenuous effort to reach the top of the mountain.
handicap['hændikæp]n. 障碍,阻碍;障碍赛跑(hindrance)v. 妨碍,使不利
【例】Lack of money handicapped him in his business badly.
adversity[əd'və:siti]n. 不幸,灾祸(disaster)
quandary['kwɔndəri]n. 困惑(perplexity),窘境,进退两难(predicament)
predicament[pri'dikəmənt]n. 困境(plight, quandary)
【例】Werner finds himself suddenly in a most awkward predicament .
impasse['æmpa:s; 'impæs]n. 僵局(dilemma)
【例】Finally their negotiation reached an impasse .
backbreaking['bækbreikiŋ]adj. 非常辛劳的
【例】Digging the garden is a backbreaking job.
fashionable['fæʃənəbl]adj. 流行的,时髦的(popular)
prevail[pri'veil]vi. 流行,盛行(dominate)
prevalent['prevələnt]adj. 普遍的,流行的(prevailing, widespread, popular)
tide[taid]n. 潮流
vogue[vəug]n. 流行(fashion)
stylish['stailiʃ]adj. 时髦的,漂亮的,流行的(fashionable, modish)
alamode[ˌa:la:'məud]adj. 流行的,时髦的
popularity[ˌpɔpju'læriti]n. 普及,流行;声望
trend[trend]n. 倾向,趋势(tendency)
modish['məudiʃ]adj. 流行的,时髦的
admirable['ædmərəbl]adj. 可敬的(redoubted);极好的(wonderful)
【例】The child's honesty was admirable .
admire[əd'maiə]vt. 钦佩(respect);赞美,夸奖
【例】I have always admired my mother's charm.
adore[ə'dɔ:]vt. 敬爱(admire, esteem);极喜爱(love)
【例】Grandpa adored Grandma from the day they first met.
advocate['ædvəkeit]vt. 拥护(hold, maintain)
【例】The social activist advocated change.
awe[ɔ:]n. / vt. 敬畏(reverence, veneration)
【例】I am always in awe of people who can cook well.
celebrate['selibreit]vt. 表扬(praise)
【例】People around the world celebrate the New Year in different forms.
celebrated['selibreitid]adj. 著名的(distinguish, famous)
classic['klæsik]adj. 第一流的
commend[kə'mend]v. 赞扬(praise)
【例】Her teaching was highly commended .
compliment['kɔmplimənt]vt. /n. 赞美(praise, commendation);祝贺
【例】The artist received many compliments on her paintings.
complimentary[ˌkɔmpli'ment(ə)ri]adj. 赞美的(praising)
【例】The professor rarely makes complimentary remarks to students.
credit['kredit]n. 信誉(trust, credence)
【例】I could not get a loan from the bank because my credit was bad.
deference['defərəns]n. 敬意
【例】We should treat our elders with due deference .
deferential[ˌdifə'renʃəl]adj. 敬意的(respectful)
【例】He was surrounded by deferential students and learned colleagues.
dignified['dignifaid]adj. 尊严的;高贵的(noble)
【例】Bill gave a dignified response to the insult.
dignify['dignifai]vt. 使尊荣,使显贵(ennoble)
【例】The clever businessman invited the president to dignify the gathering by giving a short speech.
dignity['digniti]n. 尊严
【例】He is a man who regards dignity more important than life.
embalm[im'ba:m]vt. 使不朽;使发出香气
【例】Ancient Egyptians used oils and natural substances to embalm the dead.
eminent['eminənt]adj. 杰出的(outstanding, distinguished)
【例】The eminent poet won numerous awards.
entitle[in'taitl]vt. 给…称号
【例】My favorite poem is entitled “Summer Rain”.
esteem[i'sti:m]n. / vt. 尊敬(respect)
【例】Esteem yourself and you will be respected by others.
exalt[ig'zɔ:lt]vt. 称赞(extol, laud);提升(promote)
【例】The professor's recommendation exalted the candidate.
exalted[ig'zɔ:ltid]adj. 尊贵的(noble)
【例】The exalted prince entered the hall and everyone stood up.
excellent['eksələnt]adj. 优秀的,杰出的(outstanding, preeminent)
excel[ik'sel]v. 优秀,胜过他人(surpass, exceed)
【例】Being a leader does not mean you should excel in everything; your talent lies in being able to manage the right persons.
exceptional[ik'sepʃənl]adj. 卓越的(extraordinary)
【例】The exceptional tennis player won the championship.
exemplary[ig'zempləri]adj. 模范的,典范的
【例】The principal rewarded Susan for her exemplary performance in school.
extol[iks'təul]vt. 颂扬(exalt)
【例】Movie critics extolled the young performer's acting.
feat[fi:t]n. 功绩,壮举(achievement, accomplishment)
glorious['glɔ:riəs]adj. 光荣的
gorgeous['gɔ:dʒəs]adj. 极好的
【例】The flower appears a gorgeous shape under the sun.
grandeur['grændʒə]n. 庄严,伟大(magnificence)
homage['hɔmidʒ]n. 敬意(respect, reverence)
illustrious[i'lʌstriəs]adj. 辉煌的;著名的(famous, distinguished)
immortal[i'mɔ:tl]adj. 不朽的(undying, everlasting)
infamous['infəməs]adj. 臭名昭著的(notorious, disgraceful)
【例】The politician is infamous for association with bribery.
laud[lɔ:d]vt. 赞美(compliment, praise)
【例】They lauded the virtues of the old man.
laudable['lɔ:dəbl]adj. 值得赞美的(praiseworthy, commendable)
legendary['ledʒəndəri]adj. 传奇的(renowned, famed)
lofty['lɔ(:)fti]adj. 高尚的
matchless['mætʃlis]adj. 无与伦比的(unbeatable, incomparable)
notable['nəutəbl]adj. 著名的,显要的(distinguished, celebrated)
【例】One of our most notable poets won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
noted['nəutid]adj. 著名的,知名的(distinguished, celebrated)
notorious[nəu'tɔ:riəs]adj. 臭名昭著的(infamous)
【例】She is notorious for her wild behavior.
obscure[əb'skjuə]adj. 无名气的(unknown, inconspicuous)
【例】Jude, the obscure , was not treated as a celebrity in the banquet.
odor['əudə]n. 名声(fame)
outstanding[aut'stændiŋ]adj. 杰出的
【记】来自stand out(醒目,突出)
preeminent[pri(:)'eminənt]adj. 卓越的(prominent, outstanding)
prestige[pres'ti:dʒ]n. 威望,声望(fame, reputation)
【例】Our mayor's prestige is known throughout the state.
prominent['prɔminənt]adj. 卓越的,突出的(conspicuous, protruding)
【例】The prominent politician made an appeal to end the war.
renowned[ri'naund]adj. 知名的(acclaimed, distinguished, famous)
respect[ris'pekt]n. / vt. 尊重,敬重(admire, esteem, honor)
【例】A deep mutural respect and understanding developed between them.
revere[ri'viə]vt. 尊敬(respect, worship)
【例】The political leader was revered by the people of his country.
reverence['revərəns]n. 尊敬(respect, veneration)
supreme[sju:'pri:m]adj. 至高的(highest, greatest)
【例】The supreme ruler ordered the execution of his enemies.
tarnish['ta:niʃ]vt. 使晦暗(darken, lose luster);败坏(名誉)
【例】The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal.
venerate['venəreit]vt. 敬拜,崇拜(respect, revere)
【例】Mozart was venerated as one of the most influential musicians in the century.
virtue['və:tju:]n. 美德(morality, goodness)
aura['ɔ:rə]n. 气氛(atmosphere, mood)
hilarious[hi'lεəriəs]adj. 热闹的
hilarity[hi'læriti]n. 欢闹
sullen['sʌlən]adj. 阴沉的(moody, bad-tempered)
hospitable['hɔspitəbl]adj. 好客的,招待周到的
【例】The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
ambience['æmbiəns]n. 气氛,情调
【例】The restaurant has a pleasant ambience .
atmosphere['ætməsfiə]n. 大气,空气;气氛
【例】He was motivated by the exciting atmosphere of the basktetball match.
passionate['pæʃənit]adj. 充满热情的
【例】She is a passionate woman.
ardent['a:dənt]adj. 热心的,热情的(warm, hospitable)
【例】The ardent hope for the future brought them through all the sufferings during the war.
riproarious[ˌrip'rɔ:riəs]adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的
banquet['bæŋkwit]n. 宴会,盛会(feast)
【例】Mary served us a banquet that was fit for a king.
bidding['bidiŋ]n. 邀请
celebrate['selibreit]vt. 庆祝
【例】They celebrated their adulthood at the school playground.
ceremonial[ˌseri'məunjəl]n. 仪式 adj. 正式的
ceremonious[ˌseri'məunjəs]adj. 隆重的,正式的(formal, solemn);恭敬的
【例】The symphony conductor took a ceremonious bow.
ceremony['seriməni]n. 仪式
【例】Overseas Chinese wear Chinese traditional clothes at their wedding ceremony in western countries.
conference['kɔnfərəns]n. 会议,讨论会
【例】The conference was mainly about protection and prevention of child labour in factories in developing countries.
decorum[di'kɔ:rəm]n. 礼仪(ceremony)
【例】Tom found the decorum at the banquet to be formal and tedious.
entertain[ˌentə'tein]vt. 招待;娱乐(amuse)
【例】He is good at entertaining people and thus he is very popular.
etiquette['etiket]n. 礼节
【例】I was advised to pay attention to etiquette before I attended the formal party.
formal['fɔ:məl]adj. 正式的;礼仪上的
reception[ri'sepʃən]n. 接待;招待会
session['seʃən]n. 会议(meeting)
【例】The third session of the meeting was presided by the premier.
unveil[ʌn'veil]v. 开幕
【例】Anne unveiled her painting at the opening of the art exhibit.
commemorate[kə'meməreit]vt. 庆祝,纪念(celebrate)
【例】This monument commemorates our victory.
opening['əupniŋ]n. 正式开始
【例】The famous artisits attended the opening of the new museum.
behave[bi'heiv]v. 运转
【例】How is the new car behaving !
conserve[kən'sə:v]vt. 贮藏(preserve, store, retain)
【例】Turning off the lights as you leave can conserve energy.
construct[kən'strʌkt]vt. 建造,构造
【例】A famous architect constructed a model of a new cathedral.
convey[kən'vei]vt. 运输(transport, deliver)
【例】Trucks conveyed the goods from the distributor to the buyer.
fabricate['fæbrikeit]vt. 制造(make, manufacture)
【例】Jane fabricated the story that she was late because she was caught in the traffic.
gear[giə]n. 齿轮
hoist[hɔist]n. 吊车 v. 提起(lift)
【例】He was hoisted up to the top of the building by a hoist.
manipulate[mə'nipjuleit]vt. 操作(handle, operate)
【例】The experiment was manipulated and thus could not tell the exact story.
manufacture[ˌmænju'fæktʃə]vt. 制造
【例】The factory manufactured daily goods.
mill[mil]n. 压榨机;磨坊;磨粉机
mine[main]v. 采矿n. 矿
monitor['mɔnitə]n. 监视器 v. 监视
【例】The police use the monitor through advanced e-system to monitor traffic.
outfit['autfit]n. 装备,用具(equipment)
【记】来自 fit out(装备)
【例】The outfit for a cowboy identified him.
practical['præktikəl]adj. 实践的;实用的(pragmatic)
raise[reiz]vt. 养殖(breed)
【例】He raised chicken at home.
release[ri'li:s]n. / vt. 发行
【例】The new year films were released on the first day of the new year.
preserve[pri'zə:v]vt. 保护;保持;保存,保藏
【例】You can preserve meat or fish in salt.
assembly[ə'sembli]n. 集合,集会;装配
【例】The assembly line was introduced from the US.
baggage['bægidʒ]n. 行李(luggage, packing)
domestic[də'mestik]adj. 家内的(household)
【例】The police called the fight between the husband and wife a domestic matter.
dwell[dwel]vi. 居住(reside, inhabit, live)
【例】Birds normally dwell on trees.
residency['rezidənsi]n. 居住;住所,官邸
【例】The function was held in the ambassador’s residency .
furniture['fə:nitʃə]n. 家具(furnishing)
hurdle['hə:dl]n. 篱笆
idyllic[ai'dilik]adj. 田园诗的(pastoral, rustic)
inhabit[in'hæbit]vt. 居住于,栖息于(reside, dwell, occupy, live in)
【例】This is an island inhabited only by birds and scientists.
nostalgia[nɔs'tældʒiə]n. 思家病,乡愁;向往过去,怀旧之情
nurture['nə:tʃə]vt. 养育(feed, nourish)
【例】Born in a civilised family, Anne was delicately nurtured .
regimen['redʒimen]n. 养生法
reside[ri'zaid]vi. 居住(dwell, live)
【例】The old man prefers to reside in countryside.
resident['rezidənt]adj. 居住的,常驻的(inhabiting)
【例】The population of resident bacteria in a clean square centimeter on human skin exceeds a million.
rubbish['rʌbiʃ]n. 垃圾(refuse, trash, waste)
scale[skeil]n. 秤
【例】The people have a scale in their minds.
scorch[skɔ:tʃ]vt. 烤焦(burn)
【例】Do not leave the iron on that delicate fabric or the heat will scorch it.
singe[sindʒ]n. 微烧,烫焦(burn, scorch)
sojourn['sɔdʒə(:)n]vi. 逗留,寄居(stay)
【例】He sojourned with a friend in Wales for two weeks. / The explorers sojourned at the old castle expecting for a new find.
sustenance['sʌstənəns]n. 生计
【例】There is not much sustenance in a glass of orange squash.
trash[træʃ]n. 垃圾(rubbish, garbage, refuse, waste)
transportation[ˌtrænspɔ:'teiʃən]n. 运输,输送(carriage)
【例】The air transportaion sector is becoming increasingly important to the nation.
nutrition[nju:'triʃən]n. 营养;营养学(nourishment)
【例】The little boy is short of nutrition .
array[ə'rei]vt. 装扮n. 服装
【例】The colorful array of candy made the children's eyes bulge.
aspect['æspekt]n. 样子,外表
attire[ə'taiə]n. 服装(clothing, dress)
bald[bɔ:ld]adj. 秃头的,光秃的(hairless)
【记】参考 bold(大胆的)
【例】The bald man wore a hat to protect his head from the sun.
clothing['kləuðiŋ]n. 衣服(apparel, attire)
corpulent['kɔ:pjulənt]adj. 肥胖的
【例】Overeating and no exercise are the direct cause of her becoming corpulent .
cosmetics[kɔz'metiks]n. 化妆品
costume['kɔstju:m]n. 服装(attire, dress)
【例】The actors in the play wore beautiful traditional costumes .
garb[ga:b]n. 服装,装束(uniform, outfit)
guise[gaiz]n. 伪装,貌似
【例】The thief robbed houses under the guise of a mailman.
obese[əu'bi:s]adj. 肥胖的,肥大的(overweight)
outfit['autfit]n. 服装(costume, suit)
【记】来自 fit out(装备)
ragged['rægid]adj. 褴褛的,破烂的(tattered, scruffy)
shabby['ʃæbi]adj. 褴褛的,破旧的
【例】The shabby house along the road demonstrated the backwardness of the region.
sole[səul]n. 鞋底(bottom)
stodgy['stɔdʒi]adj. 躯体笨重的
stout[staut]adj. 矮胖的
【例】A stout passenger took up two seats on the bus.
strap[stræp]n. 皮带(fastening, band)
bask[ba:sk]vt. 沐浴于(bathe, immerse)vi. 取暖;曝日
beguile[bi'gail]vi. 消遣;欺骗
【例】Our jouney was beguiled with spirited talk.
lull[lʌl]n. 歇息 vt. 使静下入睡
【例】The mother lulled her baby to sleep.
nap[næp]n. / v. 小睡,打盹(doze)
recreation[ˌrekri'eiʃ(ə)n]n. 消遣(pastime, amusement)
【例】He took recreation leave during the national holidays.
recess[ri'ses]vi. 休假,休息
【例】The investigators recessed for lunch.
repose[ri'pəuz]n. 休息,睡眠 v. 躺着,靠着休息
【例】She reposed her head on his shoulder.
relaxation[ˌri:læk'seiʃən]n. 消遣
【例】He played badminton for relaxation .
vacation[və'keiʃən]n. 假期,休假(pastime, holiday)
【例】I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation .
pastime['pa:staim]n. 消遣,娱乐(amusement, enjoyment)
【例】Swimming is my favorite pastime .
amusement[ə'mju:zmənt]n. 欢乐,快乐;娱乐,消遣
【例】Big cities have many amusements .
leisure['leʒə]n. 空闲,空闲时间
【例】What do you do in your leisure time?
apt[æpt]adj. 有…倾向的(prone, likely)
【例】Bill is apt to forget half of the groceries if he doesn't take a list.
auspice['ɔ:spis]n. 前兆
estimable['estiməbl]adj. 可估计的
fateful['feitful]adj. 预言性的
【例】a fateful remark预言
forecast['fɔ:ka:st]n. 先见,预见;预测,预报
foresee[fɔ:'si:]vt. 预知(foreshadow, predict)
【例】Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success are half successful.
foresight['fɔ:sait]n. 预见,远见
foretell[fɔ:'tel]vt. 预言(predict)
【例】No one could have foretold such strange events.
imminent['iminənt]adj. 即将来临的(impending, approaching)
【例】The imminent storm gives us a sign that the day is turning bad.
precursor[pri(:)'kə:sə]n. 先兆(sign);先驱(forerunner, pioneer, ancestor)
【例】Dark clouds are often treated as precursor of a storm.
prediction[pri'dikʃən]n. 预言,预报(forecast, prophecy)
promising['prɔmisiŋ]adj. 有前途的,有希望的(prospective)
prospect['prɔspekt]n. 前景,期望(outlook, likelihood, possibility)
【例】Older people are always concerned by the prospect that an unpreceding depression would bring chaos again.
prospective[prəs'pektiv]adj. 预期的(forward-looking, forthcoming)
provident['prɔvidənt]adj. 有远见的(forward-looking)
surmise['sə:maiz]vt. 臆测(guess, speculate)
【例】It is dangerous to surmise the situation. / With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position.
tendency['tendənsi]n. 趋势(inclination, trend)
prophesy['prɔfisi]v. 预言,预报(foretell, soothsay)
【例】He prophesied the coming war.
presage['presidʒ]n. 预兆 v. 预示
portend['pɔ:tend]v. 预示(omen, presage)
【例】Leading economic indicators portend a recession.
prognosticate[prəg'nɔstikeit]v. 预言
【例】Urban architectural renewal prognosticates a social and cultural renaissance.
prefigure[pri:'figə]v. 预示
【例】The paintings of Paul Cézanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20th century.
impending[im'pendiŋ]adj. 即将发生的;逼近的
【例】Black clouds, thunder and lightning show that a storm is impending .
choke[tʃəuk]n. 窒息;堵塞 v. (使)窒息(suffocate, block)
【例】My lawn mower has a choke that I have to adjust frequently.
deadly['dedli]adj. 致命的(fatal, lethal)
defunct[di'fʌŋkt]adj. 死的(dead, demised)
【例】Those rules of etiquette have been defunct for years.
demise[di'maiz]n. 死亡(death, end)
【例】The country mourned the President's demise .
expire[iks'paiə]vi. 断气(perish)
lethal['li:θəl]adj. 致命的(fatal, deadly)
smother['smʌðə]v. (使)窒息,闷死(stifle, suffocate)
【例】The murderer smothered his victims with a pillow.
fatal['feitl]adj. 致命的(lethal);重大的(critical),命运注定的
【例】It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.
mortal['mɔ:tl]adj. 终有一死的;致死的,致命的
【例】Remember that man is mortal .
pestilent['pestilənt]adj. 致命的
virulent['virulənt]adj. 剧毒的;致命的
【例】The opponent made virulent criticism against his rival.
internecine[ˌintə(:)'ni:sain]adj. 两败俱伤的;内部冲突的
beverage['bevəridʒ]n. 饮料
bowl[bəul]n. 碗
buffet['bʌfit]n. 自助餐
chopsticks['tʃɔpstiks]n. 筷子
dish[diʃ]n. 碟
menu['menju:]n. 菜单
napkin['næpkin]n. 餐巾
plate[pleit]n. 盘子
saucer['sɔ:sə]n. 盘
specialty['speʃəlti]n. 招牌菜
toothpick['tu:θpik]n. 牙签
attendant[ə'tendənt]n. 服务员
balcony['bælkəni]n. 阳台
blanket['blæŋkit]n. 毯子
carpet['ka:pit]n. 大地毯
lavatory['lævəˌtəri]n. 卫生间
lounge[laundʒ]n. 休息厅
mattress['mætris]n. 褥子
news-stand['nju:zstænd]n. 售报处
reception[ri'sepʃən]n. 接待
registration[ˌredʒis'treiʃən]n. 登记
shutter['ʃʌtə]n. 百叶窗
suite[swi:t]n. 一套房间
apron['eiprən]n. 围裙
beret['berei]n. 贝雷帽
cashmere['kæʃmiə]n. 羊绒;羊绒织物
cotton['kɔtn]n. 棉
fabric['fæbrik]n. 纤维
linen['linin]n. 麻
overalls['əuvərɔ:lz]n. 工装裤
overcoat['əuvəkəut]n. 男士大衣
pajamas[pə'dʒa:məz]n. 睡衣裤
pattern['pætən]n. 花样
scarf[ska:f]n. 围巾
shawl[ʃɔ:l]n. 大批巾
silk[silk]n. 丝
uniform['ju:nifɔ:m]n. 制服
waistcoat['weistkəut]n. 背心
wool[wul]n. 毛料
bushel['buʃl]n. 蒲式耳
gallon['gælən]n. 加伦
hectare['hektεə]n. 公顷
measure['meʒə]n. 测量
pound[paund]n. 磅
yard[ja:d]n. 码
cinematograph[ˌsinə'mætəgra:f]n. 电影放映机;电影摄影机
comedy['kɔmidi]n. 喜剧片
dialogue['daiəlɔg]n. 对白
documentary[ˌdɔkju'mentəri]n. 纪录片,文献片
film[film]n. 影片,电影
footage['futidʒ]n. 影片长度
montage[mɔn'ta:ʒ]n. 蒙太奇,文学音乐或美术的组合体
musical['mju:zikəl]n. 音乐片
newsreel['nju:zri:l]n. 新闻片,纪录片
original[ə'ridʒənəl]adj. 原著的
post-synchronization['pəustˌsiŋkrənai'zeiʃən]n. 后期录音合成
premiere['premiεə(r)]n. 首演,首映
scriptwriter['skriptˌraitə]n. 编剧
stagehand['steidʒhænd]n. 舞台管理
subtitle['sʌbtaitl]n. 字幕
thriller['θrilə]n. 惊悚片
title['taitl]n. 片名
tragedy['trædʒidi]n. 悲剧片
trailer['treilə]n. 片花
anthology[æn'θɔlədʒi]n. 文集,文选
circulation[ˌsə:kju'leiʃən]n. 发行量
commentator['kɔmenteitə]n. 评论员
copyright['kɔpirait]n. 版权
correspondent[ˌkɔris'pɔndənt]n. 记者
edition[i'diʃən]n. 版本
editorial[edi'tɔ:riəl]n. 社论
encyclopedia[enˌsaikləu'pi:diə]n. 百科全书
feature['fi:tʃə]n. 特写
fortnightly['fɔ:tˌnaitli]n. 半月刊
headline['hedlain]n. 标题
impression[im'preʃən]n. 印刷
magazine[ˌmægə'zi:n]n. 杂志
pamphlet['pæmflit]n. 小册子,小书
paperback['peipəbæk]n. 平装本
periodical[ˌpiəri'ɔdikəl]n. 期刊
pre-dated[ˌpri:'deit]adj. 提前出版的
proof-read['pru:fri:d]n. 校对工作
publication[ˌpʌbli'keiʃən]n. 出版
royalty['rɔiəlti]n. 版税
selection[si'lekʃən]n. 选集
Belfast[bel'fa:st]n. 贝尔法斯特
Birmingham['bə:miŋhəm]n. 伯明翰
Cardiff['ka:dif]n. 加的夫(威尔士之主要海港)
decolonization[di:ˌkɔlənai'zeiʃən]n. 非殖民(地)化
Edinburgh['edinbərə]n. 爱丁堡(英国苏格兰首府)
England['inglənd]n. 英格兰
Glasgow['gla:sgəu]n. 格拉斯哥
London['lʌndən]n. 伦敦
Manchester['mæntʃistə]n. 曼彻斯特(英国英格兰西北部海港城市)
monarch['mɔnək]n. 君主
mountainous['mauntinəs]adj. 多山的;山一般的,巨大的
Northern Irelandn. 北爱尔兰自治区
Principality[ˌprinsi'pæliti]n. 公国,侯国
Scotland['skɔtlənd]n. 苏格兰
United Kingdomn.(大不列颠)联合王国
Wales[weilz]n. 威尔士
Adelaide['ædəleid]n. 阿德莱德
Australian Capital Territoryn. 澳大利亚首都地区
bicameral[bai'kæmərəl]adj. 两院制的,有两个议院的
Brisbane['brizbən]n. 布里斯班(昆士兰州首府)
Canberra['kænbərə]n. 堪培拉
escarpment[i'ska:pmənt]n. 悬崖,断崖,绝壁,陡斜坡
eucalyptus[ˌju:kə'liptəs]n. [植]桉树
Gold Coastn. 黄金海岸
Great Barrier Reefn. 大堡礁
Hobart['həuba:t]n. 霍巴特(塔斯马尼亚州首府)
immigration[ˌimi'greiʃən]n. 外来的移民;移居入境
judiciary[dʒu'diʃəri]adj. 司法的,法院的
Kangaroo[ˌkæŋgə'ru:]n. 袋鼠
Koala[kəu'a:lə]n. 考拉
mangrove['mæŋgrəuv]n. 红树林
Melbourne['melbən]n. 墨尔本
multicultural[ˌmʌlti'kʌltʃərə]adj. 多元文化的
New South Walesn. 新南威尔士
Northern Territoryn. 北领地
Oceania[ˌəuʃi'einiə]n. 大洋洲
parliamentary[ˌpa:lə'mentəri]adj. 议会的
Perth[pə:θ]n. 佩斯
plateau['plætəu]n. 高地,高原
Queensland['kwi:nzlənd]n. 昆士兰
shipbuilding['ʃipbildiŋ]n. 造船
South Australian. 南澳大利亚
sporadic[spə'rædik]adj. 零星的
Sydney['sidni]n. 悉尼
Tasmania[tæz'meinjə]n. 塔斯玛尼亚
Victoria[vik'tɔ:riə]n. 维多利亚
vineyard['vinja:d]n. 葡萄园
Western Australian. 西澳大利亚
abiding[ə'baidiŋ]adj. 永久的,永恒的(enduring, lasting)
abrupt[ə'brʌpt]adj. 突然的
【例】Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.
beforehand[bi'fɔ:hænd]adv. 事先地(in advance)
【例】He is an early bird and often makes a reservation at the restaurant beforehand .
chronic['krɔnik]adj. 长期的;慢性的
【例】The chronic disease troubled the rest of his life.
concurrent[kən'kʌrənt]adj. 同时发生的(simultaneous)
【例】The revolution happened with concurrent attacks.
concur[kən'kə:]vi. 同时发生
【例】Everything concurred to produce a successful result.
contemporary[kən'tempərəri]adj. 当代的,同时代的
current['kʌrənt]adj. 现今的(present)
【例】The current situation is critical for the administration.
cursory['kə:səri]adj. 仓促的(hurried)
【例】He put aside the paper after a cursory study.
dated['deitid]adj. 有年头的,陈旧的
due[dju:]adj. 到期的
【例】The deadline for the assignment was due two weeks ago and I was marked down because of late submission.
duration[djuə'reiʃən]n. 持续时间(length);期间
elapse[i'læps]vi. (时间)消逝(go by, pass)
【例】Three years have elapsed since we last met.
epoch['i:pɔk]n. 纪元,时代(age, era)
era['iərə]n. 时代,时期(period, age)
eternal[i(:)'tə:nl]adj. 永恒的(everlasting, perpetual)
【例】The bride and groom pledged their eternal love to each other.
everlasting[ˌevə'la:stiŋ]adj. 永恒的,持久的
extant[ek'stænt; 'ekstənt]adj. 现存的(existing)
extemporaneous[eksˌtempə'reinjəs]adj. 即席的(impromptu)
【例】He was gifted at making extemporaneous lectures.
formerly['fɔ:məli]adv. 从前,原来(previously)
former['fɔ:mə]adj. 以前的(ago, previous)
【例】I still keep in touch with my former boss.
forthright['fɔ:θ'rait]adj. 〈古〉立即的
【例】The brave soldiers marched forthright with a knowledge that there would not be any enemy ahead.
hasty['heisti]adj. 匆忙的(rushed)
immediate[i'mi:djət]adj. 立即的(instant)
impromptu[im'prɔmptju:]adj. 临时的;即兴的(extempore)
【例】The pianist gave an impromptu performance at the party.
improvise['imprəvaiz]vt. 即席而作(extemporize)
【例】The actors improvised a scene based on an audience suggestion.
instantaneous[ˌinstən'teinjəs]adj. 瞬间的,即刻的(ephemeral)
interlude['intəlu:d]n. 间隔(interval);插曲(episode)
juncture['dʒʌŋktʃə]n. 时刻
lasting['la:stiŋ]adj. 持久的(enduring, long-term, continuing)
lately['leitli]adv. 最近
nocturnal[nɔk'tə:nl]adj. 夜间的(nighttime, nightly)
【例】An owl is an nocturnal bird, while a sparrow is diurnal.
obsolete['ɔbsəli:t]adj. 过时的(disused, outmoded)
【例】The decoration in this room was somewhat obsolete .
occasional[ə'keiʒnəl]adj. 临时的
【例】They supplied tourists with occasional chairs.
overdue[ˌəuvə'dju:]adj. 逾期的(tardy, late)
perennial[pə'renjəl]adj. 长久的,永远的(permanent, long-lasting, year round)
permanent['pə:mənənt]adj. 永久的(constant, continuous)
【例】The permanent position with the foreign company attracted most people.
pressing['presiŋ]adj. 紧迫的(urgent)
previous['pri:viəs]adj. 以前的(preceding, foregoing)
previously['pri:viəsli]adv. 先前,以前(earlier, formerly)
punctual['pʌŋktjuəl]adj. 守时的
【例】It is important for young people to be punctual for an appointment.
recently['ri:səntli]adv. 最近地(lately, currently)
schedule['ʃedju:l]n. 时间表,计划表(calendar, timetable)
session['seʃən]n. 一段时间;一次
【例】The training session lasted for two hours.
simultaneously[ˌsiml'teiniəsli]adv. 同时地(at the same time, concurrently)
【例】In the vacuum environment, feather and iron ball fall to the ground simultaneously from the same height.
subsequent['sʌbsikwənt]adj. 随后的,后来的(following, later)
【例】Subsequent events terrified the soliders.
synchronize['siŋkrənaiz]vt. 同时发生(concur)
【例】The policemen synchronized their actions.
temporal['tempərəl]adj. 一时的,暂时的(transient, momentary)
temporary['tempərəri]adj. 临时的(momentary)
tentative['tentətiv]adj. 暂时的(temporary)
【例】The two governments have reached a tentative conclusion regarding border issues.
transient['trænziənt]adj. 短暂的(temporary, short-term);过路的
【例】His stay with us was transient .
transitory['trænsitəri]adj. 短暂的(temporary, momentary)
urgent['ə:dʒənt]adj. 紧急的,迫切的(imperative)
【例】It is urgent that effective measures be taken to settle the explosion.
barley['ba:li]n. 大麦
beet[bi:t]n. 甜菜,甜菜根
beverage['bevəridʒ]n. 饮料
【例】What sort of beverages should we serve at the party?
bland[blænd]adj. 无刺激性的(食物等)(mild, gentle)
broccoli['brɔkəli]n. 椰菜
butter['bʌtə]n. 奶油
cabbage['kæbidʒ]n. 甘蓝,卷心菜
carrot['kærət]n. 胡萝卜
celery['seləri]n. 旱芹,芹菜
cereal['siəriəl]n. 谷类食品,谷类
chop[tʃɔp]n. 排骨
condiment['kɔndimənt]n. 调味品
【例】The only condiments I like on my hamburger are ketchup and mustard.
corn[kɔ:n]n. 美>玉米;英>谷物,五谷
cucumber['kju:kʌmbə]n. 黄瓜
cuisine[kwi(:)'zi:n]n. 烹调
【例】The delicacy of traditional Chinese cuisine impressed foreigners greatly.
dessert[di'zə:t]n. 甜点
【例】Desserts will be served at the function.
diet['daiət]n. 饮食,食物 v. 节食
【例】I am on a diet .
edible['edibl]adj. 可食的(eatable, comestible)
【例】The cake was garnished with edible decorations.
grain[grein]n. 谷物,谷类;谷粒,细粒,颗粒
imbibe[im'baib]vt. 饮(absorb, assimilate)
【例】It is of Grandpa's habit to imbibe a bit of wine each day.
leek[li:k]n. 韭
lettuce['letis]n. 莴苣,生菜
millet['milit]n. 稷,粟
mustard['mʌstəd]n. 芥菜,芥末
nibble['nibl]vt. 细咬,细食(bite, eat)
【例】The fish were nibbling at the bait.
nutriment['nju:trimənt]n. 营养品
oats[əuts]n. 燕麦,燕麦片
onion['ʌnjən]n. 洋葱
pea[pi:]n. 豌豆
peanut['pi:nʌt]n. 花生
pepper['pepə]n. 胡椒粉
potato[pə'teitəu]n. 马铃薯
pumpkin['pʌmpkin]n. 南瓜
radish['rædiʃ]n. 萝卜
rice[rais]n. 稻,米
rye[rai]n. 裸麦,黑麦
scoop[sku:p]n. 勺子 v. 舀
【例】We use scoop to eat soup. / He used his bare hands to scoop up water from the river.
seasoning['si:zniŋ]n. 调味品,佐料(flavoring, spice)
sesame['sesəmi]n. 芝麻
soybean['sɔibi:n]n. 大豆
spinach['spinidʒ]n. 菠菜
tomato[tə'ma:təu]n. 番茄,西红柿
wheat[wi:t]n. 小麦;小麦色
crude[kru:d]adj. 拙劣的,粗鲁的(vulgar)
coarse[kɔ:s]adj. 粗糙的(rough);粗野的(crude)
【例】Bill’s coarse manners were becoming quite offensive.
gauche[gəuʃ]adj. 笨拙的(awkward, clumsy, unapt);粗鲁的
【例】People laugh at Forrest Gump’s gauche behavior at the White House.
grumpy['grʌmpi]adj. 坏脾气的,性情暴躁的(ill-tempered)
rough[rʌf]adj. 粗鲁的,粗俗的(ragged)
【例】The new measures have met with a rough welcome from the union members.
rugged['rʌgid]adj. 粗糙的,不平的(coarse, rough)
【例】Farmers are inured to this rugged road.
rustic['rʌstik]adj. 粗俗的
vulgar['vʌlgə(r)]adj. 粗俗的,庸俗的(coarse, uncouth)
loutish['lautiʃ]adj. 粗野的,无礼的
boorish['buəriʃ]adj. 农民的,乡土气的;粗野的,粗鄙的
uncouth[ʌn'ku:θ]adj. 笨拙的,粗俗的(barbarous)
inurbanity[ˌinə:'bænəti]n. 粗鄙,无礼
scurviness['skə:vinis]n. 粗俗;卑鄙,恶劣
inurbane[ˌinə:'bein]adj. 粗野的,粗鄙的,无理的
brutal['bru:tl]adj. 残忍的,兽性的(savage)
【例】The deeds of the Japanese soldiers in the Second World War were brutal .
atrocious[ə'trəuʃəs]adj. 残暴的,凶恶的(brutal)
atrocity[ə'trɔsiti]n. 残暴(inhumanity);暴行
【例】We should remember wartime atrocities .
inhumanity[ˌinhju(:)'mæniti]n. 不人道,残暴
barbarous['ba:bərəs]adj. 野蛮的,残暴的
【例】His barbarous language astounded everyone at present.
outrageous[aut'reidʒəs]adj. 蛮横的,残暴的;无耻的;可恶的(disgraceful, monstrous)
ruffian['rʌfiən]adj. 凶恶的,残暴的,无法无天的(brutal)
tyrannical[ti'rænikəl]adj. 残暴的
【例】The tyrannical behavior of the emperor was a major factor for his impeachment.
ferocity[fə'rɔsiti]n. 凶猛,残忍,暴行(barbarity, brutality)
imbrute[im'bru:t]vt. 使沦为禽兽,堕落;(使)残忍
sanguinariness['sæŋgwinərinis]n. 嗜杀,残忍
slaughterous['slɔ:tərəs]adj. 好杀戮的
【例】The Japanese were slaughterous as revealed in their invasion into Asian nations.
ferocious[fə'rəuʃəs]adj. 凶恶的,残忍的(bloodthirsty, ruthless)
ruthless['ru:θlis]adj. 无情的,残忍的(merciless, inhumane)
bashful['bæʃful]adj. 害羞的,胆小的(coy, shy, timid)
【例】The bashful child hid behind his mother.
shy[ʃai]adj. 害羞的,胆小的(coy, timid)
spineless['spainlis]adj. 没骨气的(weak, feeble)
timid['timid]adj. 胆怯的,羞怯的
introvert[ˌintrəu'və:t]n. 性格内向的人
withdrawn[wið'drɔ:n]adj. 性格内向的(introverted)
timorous['timərəs]adj. 胆小的
recreant['rekriənt]adj. 怯懦的n. 懦夫
poltroonery[pɔl'tru:nəri]n. 怯懦,胆小
cowardice['kauədis]n. 怯懦,胆小
【例】You should brave your cowardice .
pavid['pævid]adj. 害怕的,胆小的
craven['kreivən]n. 懦夫,胆小鬼,怯懦者 adj. 怯懦的,畏缩的,胆小的
acumen[ə'kju:men]n. 敏锐(acuteness)
【例】Bill has a lot of business acumen and earns a high salary.
acute[ə'kju:t]adj. 敏锐的(sharp)
【例】Dogs have very acute hearing.
adroit[ə'drɔit]adj. 灵巧的(skillful, adept, deft)
【例】The elderly man could not walk, but he was still adroit with his hands.
astute[ə'stju:t]adj. 机敏的;狡猾的(shrewd, canny)
【例】The boss appreciated Mary's astute observations about how to improve the company's image.
expeditious[ˌekspə'diʃəs]adj. 敏捷的(prompt);迅速的(speedy)
exquisite['ekskwizit]adj. 灵敏的;精美的
【例】an exquiste sense of color 对颜色感觉灵敏
intelligent[in'telidʒənt]adj. 聪明的(ingenious, wise)
nimble['nimbl]adj. 思路敏捷的;机敏的(quick)
【例】Nimble thought can jump both sea and land.
shrewd[ʃru:d]adj. 精明的(clever, smart)
【例】The shrewd business owner made large profits.
smart[sma:t]adj. 聪明的,敏捷的(clever, intelligent)
tact[tækt]n. 老练;机智(diplomacy, thoughtfulness)
versatile['və:sətail]adj. 通用的,万能的;多才多艺的,多面手的
acuminous[ə'kju:minəs]adj. 锐利的,敏锐的
penetrating['penitreitiŋ]adj. 敏锐的,明察秋毫的
【例】The lecture provided penetrating insight into foreign affairs.
dexterous['dekstərəs]adj. 机敏,聪明
【记】比较clumsy, unskillful(笨拙的)
perspicacious[ˌpə:spi'keiʃəs]adj. 颖悟的;敏锐的
canny['kæni]adj. 谨慎的,精明的(cautious, prudent)
crooked['krukid]adj. 狡诈的(twisted)
cunning['kʌniŋ]adj. 狡猾的(sly, tricky)
【例】The successful owner had developed a cunning business sense.
designing[di'zainiŋ]adj. 狡猾的(cunning);蓄意的
【例】The designing employee intended to get a promotion somehow.
sly[slai]adj. 狡猾的
【例】The sly spy managed to trap those loyal people.
insidious[in'sidiəs]adj. 阴险的(sinister)
【例】Our enemies are insidious .
trickish['trikiʃ]adj. 欺骗的;狡猾的;难对付的
pawky['pɔ:ki]adj. 狡诈的;顽皮的;机警的
guile[gail]n. 狡诈(craftiness, deceit);诡计
【例】He is full of guile .
crafty['kra:fti]adj. 狡诈的,诡计多端的,善于骗人的(calculating, cunning)
【例】The thieves were quite crafty .
lubricity[lu:'brisiti]n. 狡猾
fraudulent['frɔ:djulənt]adj. 欺诈的,欺骗性的,骗得的
【例】Fraudulent business practices are not allowed.
scheming['ski:miŋ]adj. 诡计多端的
austerity[ɔs'teriti]n. 节俭
【例】Austerity is the chosen lifestyle of a monk.
canny['kæni]adj. 精明的(shrewd, cunning);节俭的
economical[ˌi:kə'nɔmikəl]adj. 节约的,经济的(thrifty)
【例】Purchasing clothing that will only be worn once is not very economical .
economize[i(:)'kɔnəmaiz]vi. 节俭(save, cut costs)
【例】When they bought a house, the family had to economize to pay their mortgage.
frugal['fru:gəl]adj. 节约的(thrifty, economical)
stoically['stəuikəli]adv. 淡泊地(impassively)
thrift[θrift]n. 节约(economy, frugality)
retrench[ri'trentʃ]vt. 紧缩,节约(save)
abstemious[əb'sti:mjəs]adj. 有节制的,节约的
【例】An abstemious way of life is what the old man is fond of.
sparing['spεəriŋ]adj. 节俭的(frugal, thrifty, economical);保守的
parsimonious[ˌpa:si'məuniəs]adj. 吝啬的,节俭的
cautious['kɔ:ʃəs]adj. 小心的,谨慎的
【例】Be cautious when you approach strangers.
circumspect['sə:kəmspekt]adj. 慎重的,小心的(prudent, cautious)
【例】Never very circumspect in expressing his views, Bill annoyed almost everyone at the party.
composed[kəm'pəuzd]adj. 沉着的
composure[kəm'pəuʒə]n. 镇静(calmness, self-control)
【例】The irate customer lost his composure and yelled at the clerk.
conservative[kən'sə:vətiv]adj. 保守的(modest, cautious)
【例】A conservative estimate of the cost to repair the car is ?溢100.
discreet[dis'kri:t]adj. 慎重的,谨慎的(prudent, cautious)
【例】You can tell Jane anything; she is very discreet .
discretion[dis'kreʃən]n. 慎重(caution, prudence)
【例】The decorator showed no discretion in her purchases for our new house, everything costing too much money.
hardheaded[ha:d'hedid]adj. 冷静的
meticulously[mi'tikjuləsli]adv. 很仔细地(carefully, scrupul-ously)
【例】The editor kept on checking spelling mistakes meticulously .
prudent['pru:dənt]adj. 谨慎的(cautious)
caution['kɔ:ʃən]n. 谨慎,警觉
canny['kæni]adj. 谨慎的(cautious)
vigilant['vidʒilənt]adj. 警惕着的,警醒的(alert)
precautious[pri'kɔ:ʃəs]adj. 有防备的,戒备的,警惕的
diplomatic[ˌdiplə'mætik]adj. 外交的,老练的
【例】Try to be diplomatic when you refuse her invitation, so as not to cause bad feeling.
indolent['indələnt]adj. 懒惰的(lazy, slothful)
inertia[i'nə:ʃə]n. 惯性;惰性(laziness, indolence)
sloth[sləuθ]n. 怠惰,懒惰
slothful['sləuθful]adj. 偷懒的
slug[slʌg]n. 慢吞吞的人(或物)
sluggish['slʌgiʃ]adj. 怠惰的(lethargic, listless)
【例】The snake was sluggish because of the cold weather.
dowdy['daudi]adj. 懒散的n. 懒散的女人
floppy['flɔpi]adj. 懒散的;邋遢的;松软的
【例】This material's too floppy for a jacket.
slouchy['slautʃi]adj. 没精打采的,懒散的
slovenly['slʌvənli]adj. 懒散的,不修边幅的
faineant['feiniənt]n. 无所事事者,懒惰的人 adj. 无所事事的,懒惰的
ability[ə'biliti]n. 能力(capability)
aptitude['æptitju:d]n. 才能(talent, knack)
【例】I have no musical aptitude and I can't even sing a simple tune.
caliber['kælibə(r)]n. 品质(quality, capacity, ability, talent)
【例】Students are suggested to bring with them tea of high caliber .
disposition[ˌdispə'ziʃən]n. 性情(temperament, nature)
【例】The happy clerk had a pleasant disposition .
power['pauə]n. 能力,力量
quality['kwɔliti]n. 品质(trait, calibre)
stamina['stæminə]n. 体力,精力(endurance)
【例】Wrestling tests one’s agility and stamina .
talent['tælənt]n. 天才;才能(gift, aptitude, knack)
temperament['tempərəmənt]n. 气质,性情(disposition, nature)
versatile['və:sətail]adj. 多才多艺的(many-sided, talented, all-around)
【例】The versatile worker was assigned to many different jobs.
vigor['vigə]n. 精力,活力
capable['keipəbl]adj. 有能力的(able)
【例】She is proud of her son, who's very capable as a driver.
leadership['li:dəʃip]n. 领导能力;领导阶层
【例】The business prospered under the leadership of the new president.
competence['kɔmpitəns]n. 能力
knack[næk]n. 诀窍(talent)
【例】She has a knack of making friends.
propensity[prə'pensiti]n. 倾向
【例】The woman has a propensity to extravagance.
fortitude['fɔ:titju:d]n. 坚韧(spunk)
resourceful[ri'sɔ:sful]adj. 资源丰富的;足智多谋的(skillful)
【例】Her son is resourceful enough to mix well with all kinds of people.
affable['æfəbl]adj. 和蔼可亲的(genial, benevolent)
【例】Mary is quite affable and is always invited to parties. / His employer appeared to be in such an affable mood that Tom decided to ask for a raise.
benign[bi'nain]adj. 亲切的(kind, benevolent);良性的
【例】The poor farmer had a benign manner.
genial[dʒi'naiəl]adj. 和蔼的(kind, good-natured)
gentility[dʒen'tiliti]n. 有教养,文雅
【例】These young ladies brought up with gentility showed great elegance in their behavior.
gracious['greiʃəs]adj. 有礼貌的;仁慈的(affable)
【例】I thanked Jane for her gracious hospitality.
gregarious[gri'gεəriəs]adj. 合群的(sociable)
【例】My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes.
humane[hju:'mein]adj. 仁慈的,亲切的(sympathetic, kind)
meek[mi:k]adj. 温顺的(docile, submissive);柔和的
merciful['mə:siful]adj. 仁慈的,宽大的
moderate['mɔdərit]adj. 温和的;适度的(average, reasonable)
modest['mɔdist]adj. 谦虚的(humble, unassuming);适度的
sociable['səuʃəbl]adj. 友善的,好交际的(gregarious, friendly)
【例】Because Mary is sociable , she introduced herself to everyone at the party.
tractable['træktəbl]adj. 易驾驭的,驯良的;易处理的
【记】比较 intractable(难处理的)
clemency['klemənsi]n. 温和,仁慈,和蔼(lenience, mildness)
amiable['eimiəbl]adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的(affable, obliging)
【例】The foreign guests are always amiable to the host when they visit his house.
hospitable['hɔspitəbl]adj. 好客的,招待周到的(amiable, cordial)
【例】The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
congenial[kən'dʒi:niəl]adj. 性格相似的;相宜的(agreeable, pleasing)
cordial['kɔ:diəl]adj. 热忱的,诚恳的(friendly, hearty)
imprudent[im'pru:dənt]adj. 轻率的,不谨慎的(rash)
【例】It is imprudent to accept a date with a stranger.
impudent['impjudənt]adj. 鲁莽的(rude, brash)
rashly[ræʃli]adv. 鲁莽地
【例】The student rashly decided to take the exam.
reckless['reklis]adj. 鲁莽的(rash)
【例】The reckless driver drove above the speed limit.
indiscretion[ˌindis'kreʃən]n. 不慎重,轻率,鲁莽
flippancy['flipənsi]n. 轻率,浮躁
frivolity[fri'vɔləti]n. 轻浮;不庄重的行动或言语
【例】His frivolity annoys the other people in the office.
indiscreet[ˌindis'kri:t]adj. 不慎重的,轻率的(imprudent, unwise)
【例】The journalist was criticized for making an indiscreet remark.
impertinent[im'pə:tinənt]adj. 无关的;鲁莽的
injudicious[ˌindʒu'diʃəs]adj. 欠考虑的,不明智的
extravagant[ik'strævəgənt]adj. 奢侈的,浪费的(wasteful)
【例】The accountant warned the owner against extravagant purchases.
flamboyant[flæm'bɔiənt]adj. 华丽的,浮夸的(dazzling, showy)
improvident[im'prɔvidənt]adj. 浪费的(thriftless, wasteful)
lavish['læviʃ]adj. 浪费的(wasteful)
【例】My neighbors spoiled their children with lavish gifts.
luxurious[lʌg'zjuəriəs]adj. 奢侈的(expensive, costly)
prodigal['prɔdigəl]adj. 浪费的(extravagant, wasteful)
squander['skwɔndə]vt. 浪费(dissipate, waste)
【例】He was not at all shameful when squandering his family fortune on gambling.
sumptuous['sʌmptjuəs]adj. 奢侈的,华丽的(luxurious, costly)
【例】He likes big meals, so I cook sumptuous ones.
spendthrift['spendθrift]n. 挥霍者
【例】Tax payers are critical of spendthrift bureaucrats.
profligate['prɔfligət]adj. 挥霍无度的,挥金如土的(extravagant)
deluxe[di'lʌks]adj. 豪华的,华丽的
dissipate['disipeit]v. 消散;浪费(squander, waste)
【例】Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.
accomplished[ə'kɔmpliʃt]adj. 熟练的(experienced, skillful)
【例】Bill is the most accomplished musician I have ever known.
adept['ædept]adj. 擅长的(adroit, apt)
【例】Mary is very adept at playing pianos.
deft[deft]adj. 灵巧的,熟练的(skilful, adroit)
【例】The pianist's deft fingers were delightful to watch.
facility[fə'siliti]n. 熟练(proficiency);(复数)工具
【例】To write well, you need to have facility of language.
familiarize[fə'miljəraiz]vt. 熟悉
【例】It is important to familiarize yourself with a foreign language nowadays.
skillful['skilful]adj. 熟练的(adroit)
【例】Lisa is skillful at repairing lamps.
stunt[stʌnt]n. 惊人的技艺(trick, feat)
【例】The acrobat is performing stunts .
dexterity[dek'sterəti]n. 熟练(competence)
proficiency[prə'fiʃənsi]n. 熟练,精通;熟练程度
mastership['ma:stəʃip]n. 熟练
sleight[slait]n. 技巧,手法;诡计;熟练
adroit[ə'drɔit]adj. 熟练的(adept, proficient);机敏的
acquisitive[ə'kwizitiv]adj. 贪得无厌的(covetous, greedy)
【例】Jane has an acquisitive nature and will probably want a new car just like yours.
avarice['ævəris]n. 贪婪(greed, lust)
【例】Avarice has caused the downfall of many people.
avaricious[ˌævə'riʃəs]adj. 贪婪的,贪心的(greedy)
【例】Bill is so avaricious that he donates nothing to charity.
avid['ævid]adj. 贪婪的(greedy)
【例】The avid tennis fans cheered for their favorite tennis player.
covetous['kʌvitəs]adj. 贪心的(desirous, avaricious)
greedy['gri:di]adj. 贪婪的(voracious, insatiable)
rapacious[rə'peiʃəs]adj. 贪婪的(avaricious, covetous)
ravenous['rævinəs]adj. 贪婪的,渴望的(grasping, greedy, voracious)
【记】He is ravenous for power.
rapacity[rə'pæsəti]n. 贪婪
voracity[və'ræsiti]n. 贪食,贪婪
cormorant['kɔ:mərənt]n. 贪婪的人 adj. 贪婪的
vulture['vʌltʃə(r)]n. 贪婪的人
devouringly[di'vauəriŋli]adv. 贪婪地,贪食地
miserly['maizəli]adj. 吝啬的,贪婪的
【记】比较 generous(慷慨的,大方的)
ascetic[ə'setik]adj. 苦行的(austere, rigorous, strict)
austerity[ɔs'teriti]n. 严峻
drastic['dræstik]adj. 严厉的(severe)
【例】The principal felt that the cheater's punishment should be drastic .
exacting[ig'zæktiŋ]adj. 费力的;严格的(demanding, rigorous)
grim[grim]adj. 冷酷的(cruel, merciless)
【例】Each day, the chance for peace became more grim .
harsh[ha:ʃ]adj. 严厉的(severe)
【例】The judge gave the criminal a harsh sentence.
ordeal[ɔ:'di:l]n. 严酷的考验(difficult experience, trial)
relentless[ri'lentlis]adj. 无情的(merciless, ruthless)
【例】The relentless bully beat Jimmy up.
rigid['ridʒid]adj. 严格的(strict);僵化的(fixed)
【例】Their rigid notion of true womanhood had been restricting women's life for centuries.
rigor['rigə]n. 严格,严厉(rigidity, hardship)
【例】Those homeless children had to face the rigors of life by themselves.
rigorous['rigərəs]adj. 严厉的,严峻的(strict, rigid)
【例】The trainings soldiers recieved were rigorous .
ruthless['ru:θlis]adj. 无情的,冷酷的(merciless, pitiless)
【例】The ruthless tyrant caused the death of millions of people.
scrupulous['skru:pjuləs]adj. 严谨的,讲究的(prudent, meticulous)
【例】The secretary is scrupulous about her dress.
serious['siəriəs]adj. 严肃的
【例】Serious arts are becoming more and more popular.
severe[si'viə]adj. 严重的(grave, grievous);严肃的
stern[stə:n]adj. 严格的(harsh, hard, strict);僵化的
【例】The museum guard gave us a stern warning not to touch the paintings.
stringent['strindʒənt]adj. 严格的(strict, rigid);迫切的
【例】Our company has a stringent policy against smoking.
acrimonious[ˌækri'məuniəs]adj. 严厉的;辛辣的
bold[bəuld]adj. 大胆的(daring, brave)
【例】The bold employee insisted on better working conditions.
daring['dεəriŋ]adj. 大胆的,勇敢的(bold, audacious)
【例】A daring firefighter pulled the child from the fire.
dauntless['dɔ:ntlis]adj. 勇敢的
【例】The dauntless pilot flew through the rough storms.
gallant['gælənt]adj. 英勇的(courageous, heroic)
【例】Mary and Jane gave their gallant waiter a generous tip.
intrepid[in'trepid]adj. 勇敢的(fearless, dauntless)
【例】The intrepid explorers reached the South Pole.
undaunted[ʌn'dɔ:ntid]adj. 无畏的,勇敢的(intrepid, fearless)
valiant['væljənt]adj. 英勇的(courageous, dauntless, intrepid)
【例】The valiant soldier was given a medal.
valor['vælə]n. 英勇,勇猛(bravery, heroism)
courageous[kə'reidʒəs]adj. 勇敢的,有胆量的
【例】He was courageous to challenge the Minister on certain issues.
valorous['vælərəs]adj. 勇敢的,勇武的,无畏的(brave, courageous)
gallantry['gæləntri]n. 勇敢
【例】He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in combat.
warrior['wɔriə]n. 战士,勇士(fighter, soldier)
awkward['ɔ:kwəd]adj. 笨拙的(clumsy, inept)
【例】The growing teenager went through an awkward stage.
blunt[blʌnt]adj. 迟钝的
【例】The knife was too blunt to cut through the tough meat.
gauche[gəuʃ]adj. 笨拙的;粗鲁的(tactless, callow)
clumsy['klʌmzi]adj. 笨拙的,愚笨的(awkward)
【例】The clumsy waiter dropped my dinner on the floor.
fatuous['fætjuəs]adj. 愚昧的(foolish, stupid, indolent)
hoax[həuks]n. / vt. 愚弄(trick, prank)
【例】April Fools Day is a popular time to play hoaxes .
idiotic[ˌidi'ɔtik]adj. 愚蠢的
inert[i'nə:t]adj. 不活泼的(immobile, inactive),迟钝的
silly['sili]adj. 傻的,糊涂的
torpid['tɔ:pid]adj. 迟钝的,不活泼的(lethargic, sluggish)
【例】The giant panda, after lunch, seems torpid and reluctant to entertain the spectators.
maladroit[ˌmælə'drɔit]adj. 笨拙的
self-concern[ˌselfkən'sə:n]n. 自私自利(self-concerned)
selfish['selfiʃ]adj. 自私的
skimpy['skimpi]adj. 吝啬的
snobbish['snɔbiʃ]adj. 势利的,谄上欺下的
【例】My snobbish coworker thinks she is the most important employee in the company.
stingy['stindʒi]adj. 吝啬的(miserly, ungenerous)
egoistic[ˌi:gəu'istik]adj. 自我中心的,自私自利的
【记】比较 altruistic(利他的,无私心的)
self-serving[ˌself'sə:viŋ]adj. 自私自利的
industrious[in'dʌstriəs]adj. 勤勉的(assiduous, diligent, sedulous)
laborious[lə'bɔ:riəs]adj. 勤劳的(diligent, sedulous)
【例】Anne received a raise for her laborious efforts.
assiduity[ˌæsi'dju(:)iti]n. 刻苦,勤奋
sedulity[si'dju:liti]n. 勤勉,勤奋(diligence)
assiduous[ə'sidjuəs]adj. 勤勉的(diligent, industrious)
【例】The assiduous student worked hard to earn her degree.
diligent['dilidʒənt]adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的(industrious, assiduous)
【例】The diligent workers finished the project on time.
painstaking['peinsteikiŋ]adj. 辛苦的,辛勤的;艰苦的
studious['stju:diəs]adj. 勤学的,认真的
【例】He was a quiet, studious child.
sedulous['sedjuləs]adj. 勤勉的,孜孜不倦的
arduous['a:djuəs]adj. 费劲的;辛勤的
【例】He was remembered for undertaking the arduous work of preparing a Dictionary of the English Language .
acumen[ə'kju:mən]n. 敏锐,聪明
smart[sma:t]adj. 聪明的,敏捷的(clever, intelligent)
intelligent[in'telidʒənt]adj. 聪明的(ingenious, wise)
aptitude['æptitju:d]n. 才能,天资(talent, gift)
【例】He showed his aptitude for music when he was a little boy.
perspicacity[ˌpə:spi'kæsiti]n. 聪明
insightful['insaitful; in'saitfəl]adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的
【例】The old man’s insightful advice saved the life of the young man.
judicious[dʒu(:)'diʃəs]adj. 明智的(thoughtful, sensible)
【例】He made a judicious decision to leave the country to pursue study in the UK.
perceptive[pə'septiv]adj. 感觉敏锐的;观察入微的
brainy['breini]adj. 有头脑的,聪明的,多智的(intelligent)
despicable['despikəbl]adj. 可鄙的(detestable, contemptible)
【例】That despicable child trampled my flowers.
contemptible[kən'temptəbl]adj. 可鄙的(mean, despicable)
【例】Tom’s rude behavior is contemptible .
ignominious[ˌignə'miniəs]adj. 可耻的,不光彩的(disgraceful, humiliating)
filthy['filθi]adj. 污秽的(dirty);卑鄙的(squalid)
【例】Dave spent two hours cleaning his filthy kitchen.
shameless['ʃeimlis]adj. 无耻的
【例】The shameless couple caressed each other on the bus.
mean[mi:n]adj. 卑鄙的
abjection[æb'dʒekʃən]n. 卑鄙
turpitude['tə:pitju:d]n. 奸恶,卑鄙
base[beis]adj. 卑鄙的(mean)
disgraceful[dis'greisful]adj. 可耻的,不光彩的
disreputable[dis'repjutəbl]adj. 名誉不好的,声名狼藉的
【例】The candidate was disreputable for his manipulation of power in the election.
barefaced[bεə'feist]adj. 无耻的
【例】It was a barefaced trick.
malicious[mə'liʃəs]adj. 恶意的,心毒的
despise[dis'paiz]vt. 轻视,蔑视(belittle, disdain, contemn)
【例】Mary despised her rude and unschooled neighbors.
belittle[bi'litl]vt. 轻视(depreciate, despise)
【例】The reporter’s comments belittled the candidate.
contempt[kən'tempt]n. 轻视,轻蔑
【例】A liar is held in contempt .
disdain[dis'dein]vt. 轻视,不屑(despise, scorn)n. 轻蔑
【例】He disdains any wasting behavior.
scorn[skɔ:n]n. 轻蔑,嘲笑 vt. 轻蔑,不屑做
【例】He showed his scorn for my question by saying he would not answer it.
sniffish['snifiʃ]adj. 轻蔑的
pejorative[pi'dʒɔrətiv]adj. 轻蔑的,使(词、语)带有轻蔑意义(的)
scornful['skɔ:nful]adj. 轻蔑的(disdainful, contemptuous)
sturdy['stə:di]adj. 强健的(strong)
【例】The child had sturdy legs.
robust[rəu'bʌst]adj. 强壮的(strong, sturdy)
【例】If you want to be healthy and robust , you need to exercise yourself routinely.
muscular['mʌskjulə]adj. 肌肉的,强健的(brawny)
【例】The boxer is big and muscular .
cogent['kəudʒənt]adj. 强有力的
【例】The evidence provided by the witness was a cogent argument.
vigorous['vigərəs]adj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,健壮的(robust)
【例】The atheletes were vigorous and that made the coach more confident.
stocky['stɔki]adj. 结实的(sturdy);粗短的
【例】Many Eskimos are short and stocky .
dedicate['dedikeit]vt. 奉献,致力于
【例】This room is dedicated to food preparation.
devote[di'vəut]vt. 献身(dedicate);专心于…
【例】He devoted all his time to his job.
devotion[di'vəuʃən]n. 献身(dedication);忠诚(loyalty);专心
【例】Is it true that dogs show strong devotion to their masters?
consecrate['kɔnsikreit]vt. 贡献,奉献(devote)
commitment[kə'mitmənt]n. 承诺,约定;约束;责任;承担义务
【例】He doesn't want to get married because he is afraid of any commitments .
dedication[ˌdedi'keiʃən]n. 献身,奉献(devotion)
【例】It is said that Lei Feng served the public with dedication and integrity.
acid['æsid]adj. 尖酸的
【例】The critic's acid remarks hurt the director's feelings.
acrid['ækrid]adj. 辛辣的(pungent, bitter, acrimonious, trenchant)
【例】Burning rubber produces an acrid smoke.
acrimonious[ˌækri'məuniəs]adj. 尖酸的(bitter, spiteful)
【例】The acrimonious debate resulted in much resentment.
acrimony['ækriməni]n. 刻薄
【例】They were able to reach a decision without acrimony .
caustic['kɔ:stik]adj. 刻薄的
【例】The caustic remark caused the candidate to lose the election.
incisive[in'saisiv]adj. 尖锐的
【例】His incisive criticism gave us a thorough understanding of Dicksen's writings.
acerbic[ə'sə:bik]adj. 酸的;苦涩的(bitter);尖刻的
pungent['pʌndʒənt]adj. 辛辣的(acid);尖刻的;严厉的(stinging)
harsh[ha:ʃ]adj. 严厉的;残酷的,无情的(rough)
vitriolic[ˌvitri'ɔlik]adj. 刻薄的(caustic);辛辣的(scathing)
【例】His criticism was vitriolic .
conscience['kɔnʃəns]n. 良心,良知
decent['di:snt]adj. 正派的;体面的(proper)
【例】The house was in decent shape when we bought it.
detached[di'tætʃt]adj. 公正的;不带感情的;超然的
【例】a detached view 不偏不倚的观点
disinterested[dis'intristid]adj. 公正的(impartial, unbiased)
【例】Mary is completely disinterested in the matter and can judge fairly.
equitable['ekwitəbl]adj. 公平的,公正的(fair, just)
【例】Twenty dollars is an equitable price for this lamp.
fairly['fεəli]adv. 公正地
faithful['feiθful]adj. 忠实的(loyal)
【例】In Amish tribe, the faithful are not allowed to own automobiles.
fidelity[fi'deliti]n. 忠诚(loyalty, faithfulness)
guileless['gaillis]adj. 不狡猾的,诚实的(frank, honest)
【例】His guileless smile disarmed us; we began to believe him.
impartial[im'pa:ʃəl]adj. 公正的,无偏见的(fair, unbiased)
【例】The judge should make his appraisal impartial .
incorruptible[ˌinkə'rʌptəbl]adj. 廉洁的
integrity[in'tegrəti]n. 正直(honesty)
probity['prəubiti]n. 正直(integrity, honesty)
unbiased[ˌʌn'baiəst]adj. 公正的(neutral, impartial)
upright[ˌʌp'rait]adj. 正直的
【例】The upright witness told the truth at the trial.
attribute['ætribju:t]n. 性质(characteristic, quality, trait)
【例】As a great leader, generosity is his first attribute .
crude[kru:d]adj. 未提炼的(unpolished, unprocessed);生的(raw)
inborn[ˌin'bɔ:n]adj. 天生的(innate)
【例】Bill has an inborn talent for music.
indigenous[in'didʒinəs]adj. 固有的(aboriginal, native)
【例】The indigenous people in Australia refer to the aborigines who were in Australia before the European settlers.
inherent[in'hiərənt]adj. 固有的(innate, intrinsic)
inherently[in'hiərəntli]adv. 天性地,固有地(intrisically, fundamentally, basically)
innate['ineit]adj. 天生的(inborn, inherent)
【例】The artist had an innate talent for painting.
instinctive[in'stiŋktiv]adj. 天生的,本能的(impulsive, spontaneous)
interior[in'tiəriə]n. 内部(inside, inner)
【例】The building’s interior is well decorated.
internal[in'tə:nl]adj. 内在的(inside, interior)
intrinsic[in'trinsik]adj. 本质的(substantive);本身的
【例】The intrinsic value of arts education is self-evident.
radical['rædikəl]adj. 根本的,基本的;激进的
radically['rædikəli]adv. 根本上(basically)
rudimentary[ˌru:di'mentəri]adj. 根本的(elementary);低级的(undeveloped, primitive)
【例】His rudimentary knowledge in economics put him in an advantageous position at university.
spontaneous[spɔn'teiniəs]adj. 自发的,本能的(impulsive, involuntary)
【例】There was spontaneous applause at the end of Mary's speech.
substantive['sʌbstəntiv]adj. 实质性的(actual)
【例】The boss demanded substantive progress in negotiation with their suppliers.
essence['esns]n. 本质,精髓,要素(substance)
【例】He is in essence a reclusive sort.
entitative['entitətiv]adj. 实体的,本质的(substantive)
essential[i'senʃəl]adj. 本质的,实质的(fundamental);提炼的,精华的 n. 本质,实质;要素,要点
【例】It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.
inherited[in'heritid]adj. 通过继承得到的,遗传的
fundamental[ˌfʌndə'mentl]adj. 基础的,基本的(primary, elementary)
【例】Fresh air is fundamental to good health.
approximate[ə'prɔksimit]adj. 近似的(proximate)
【记】ap+proxim(接近)+ate→ 接近的,近似的
【例】Please provide me with an approximate figure for last month's sale.
comparable['kɔmpərəbl]adj. 可比的;类似的(similar)
【例】The achievement of an athlete and a writer are not comparable .
comparative[kəm'pærətiv]adj. 比较的
【例】A comparative study of the two systems of distribution revealed the strength of the one over the other.
relative['relətiv]adj. 有关系的;相对的,比较而言的
【例】After his troubles, he's now in relative comfort.
compare[kəm'pεə]vt. 比较(着重于相似处)
【例】Please compare the two subjects and tell me the similarities.
contrast['kɔntræst]n. 对比(着重于相异处)
【例】Today's rain is a sharp contrast to yesterday's sunshine.
similarity[ˌsimi'læriti]n. 类似,类似处
【例】There is a similarity between the sisters.
disparity[dis'pæriti]n. 不等,差距
【例】There is great disparity between the amount of work that I do and what I get paid for it.
distinction[dis'tiŋkʃən]n. 区别,差别
【例】A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.
coordinate[kəu'ɔ:dinit]adj. 同等的(equal);并列的(juxtaposed)
【例】John only speaks to those who are coodinate with him in ranks.
copy['kɔpi]vt. 复制;模仿(imitate)
counterpart['kauntəpa:t]n. 相对物(correspondent);极相似之物(equivalent)
【例】In London, the counterpart of the New York subway is called the “tube”.
dissimilar[di'similə]adj. 不相似的,不同的(different)
【例】Her latest book is quite dissimilar from her previous one.
equal['i:kwəl]adj. 相等的,同样的(equivalent)
【例】Divide the cake into equal parts.
equate[i'kweit]vt. 使相等,视为同等
【例】It's a mistake to equate wealth with happiness.
equivalent[i'kwivələnt]adj. 相等的n. 等同品(counterpart, match)
【例】Both of them expressed their agreement with equivalent statements.
homogeneous[ˌhɔməu'dʒi:niəs]adj. 同类的,相似的(uniform, same)
【例】The population of the small town was homogeneous , mostly merchants and laborers.
heterogeneous[ˌhetərəu'dʒi:niəs]adj. 不同种类的
identical[ai'dentikəl]adj. 同一的(tantamount, same)
【例】The twins are identical to each other.
duplicate['dju:plikit]adj. 复制的,副的;两重的,两倍的n. 复制品,副本
【例】The keys are duplicate .
inferior[in'fiəriə]n. 次品;下级 adj. 自卑的;劣等的
【例】The boss is kind to his inferiors .
monotonous[mə'nɔtənəs]adj. 单调的(boring, dull)
peerless['piəlis]adj. 无与伦比的(matchless, unparalleled)
preferable['prefərəbl]adj. 更好的
【例】A preferable option is to ask the consultant to do the survey.
relatively['relətivli]adv. 相关地,相对地(comparatively)
reproduction[ˌri:prə'dʌkʃən]n. 复制品(copy)
【例】Don't get yourself cheated; the vase is only a reproduction .
resemble[ri'zembl]vt. 像,类似
【例】People usually say that a daughter resembles their father while a son resembles their mother.
sample['sæmpl]n. 范例,样品(specimen)
similar['similə]adj. 相似的,类似的(comparable)
subordinate[sə'bɔ:dinit]adj. 次要的,附属的(inferior, secondary)
【例】Pleasure should be subordinate to duty.
typical['tipikəl]adj. 典型的,代表性的(ordinary)
superior[sju:'piəriə]n. 长者;高手;上级 adj. 较高的,上级的
【例】This restaurant is superior to the one we went to last week.
accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt. 容纳(contain, load)
【例】The room could accommodate 100 people.
besides[bi'saidz]adv. 除了(还有)
comprise[kəm'praiz]vt. 包括(constitute, contain, consist of, be made up of)
【例】The committee comprises seven experienced arbitrators.
content['kɔntent]n. 内容(matter)
【例】The content of the meeting covers a whole range of issues concerning the operation of the company.
cover['kʌvə]vt. 包括
【例】His lecture covers all aspects of that language from A to Z.
digress[dai'gres]vi. 离开本题(deviate, turn away)
【例】Mary digressed and forgot what she was originally talking about.
embody[im'bɔdi]vt. 体现;包含(include, incorporate)
【例】To me he embodied all the qualities of a teacher.
exception[ik'sepʃən]n. 例外
exceptional[ik'sepʃənl]adj. 例外的
【例】The exceptional tennis player won the championship.
exclude[iks'klu:d]vt. 把…排除在外(rule out)
【例】Women are often excluded from authority positions.
exclusion[iks'klu:ʒən]n. 除外(omission)
【例】The contract covers everything with no exclusions stated.
exclusive[iks'klu:siv]adj. 排外的(prohibitive);独占的(restrictive)
【例】This was an exclusive report by CNN.
external[eks'tə:nl]adj. 外部的(exterior)
【例】External and internal factors contributed to the failure of the team.
extraneous[ik'streiniəs]adj. 无关的(irrelevant, unrelated)
【例】The editor cut the extraneous material from the first chapter.
extra['ekstrə]adj. 额外的(additional, surplus)
impertinent[im'pə:tinənt]adj. 无关的(unrelated)
【例】Don't talk anything impertinent with the main issue.
irrelevant[i'relivənt]adj. 离题的,无关的(impertinent, extraneous)
【例】The student was required to cut the irrelevant parts and rewrite the thesis.
preclude[pri'klu:d]vt. 排除;防止(prevent, prohibit)
【例】Modesty precludes me from accepting the honor. / Their move does not precludes others from investing.
save[seiv]prep. 除了(except)
scope[skəup]n. 范围(range, extent);余地
【例】The subject is outside the scope of our investigation.
span[spæn]n. 跨度 vt. 跨越(cover, reach across)
bound[baund]n. 跃进,跳;范围,限度
【例】Our joy knew no bounds . / Your remarks exceed the bounds of reason.
confines['kɔnfainz]n. 界限,边界
【例】The lake is within the confines of this valley.
spectrum['spektrəm]n. 范围(range)
extension[ik'stenʃən]n. 延长,扩充;范围
【例】The wire has an extension of 50 feet.
scope[skəup]n. (活动)范围(reach);机会
include[in'klu:d]vt. 包括,包含(contain, comprise)
【例】The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.
compose[kəm'pəuz]v. 组成;写作
【例】Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
consist[kən'sist]vi. 由…组成(compose, contain)
【例】New York City consists of five boroughs.
direct[di'rekt]adj. 直接的(straightforward)
【例】Plcase give us a direct response.
forthright['fɔ:θrait]adj. 直接的(frank, direct)
【例】The brave soldiers marched forthright with a knowledge that there would not be any enemy ahead.
via['vaiə]prep. 经过,经由(by way of)
【例】He arrived earlier via a short cut.
access['ækses]n. 通路,入门
【例】The strikers blocked the access to the factory.
approach[ə'prəutʃ]n. 接近;方法,步骤(manner);途径,通路(way)
【例】All approaches were blocked.
tactic['tæktik]n. 策略,战略(strategy)
【例】The general employed every tactic that he could think of.
indirect[ˌindi'rekt]adj. 间接的,迂回的(circuitous, roundabout)
【例】We went to the house by an indirect road.
immediate[i'mi:djət]adj. 直接的;紧接的
【例】The government took immediate measures to tackle the incident.
accurate['ækjurit]adj. 准确的(exact);正确的(correct)
【例】Please make sure that the figures are accurate .
contrive[kən'traiv]vt. 发明(invent)
【例】A group of scientists contrived a new idea to deal with the experiment.
devise[di'vaiz]vt. 计划;发明(create, invent)
【例】The scientist devised an instrument to measure the distance of objects.
dissect[dai'sekt]vt. 详细研究(analyze)
【例】Biologists dissect creatures in a careful manner.
exact[ig'zækt]adj. 精确的(accurate, precise);严格的
【例】Please follow the exact instruction when carrying out the investigation.
expertise[ˌekspə'ti:z]n. 专门知识(know-how, special skill)
【例】His expertise contributed to our negotiation.
gauge[geidʒ]vt. 精确计量(calculate, measure)
【例】John gauged the distance between the two stars using complicated formula.
institute['institju:t]n. (研究)所
【例】The research institute is among the top five in geophysics in the world.
invent[in'vent]v. 发明(create, originate)
【例】It is said that Edison invented the light.
launch[lɔ:ntʃ]vt. 发射,投射(send off);使升空
【例】The new civilian satellite was launched yesterday.
mechanical[mi'kænikl]adj. 机械的
precise[pri'sais]adj. 周密的,精确的(accurate, exact)
precision[pri'siʒən]n. 精确,精密度(accuracy, exactness)
scale[skeil]n. 规模;尺度
【例】The idea of the scale of economies was accepted by most people these days.
specimen['spesimin]n. 标本,样品(sample, instance)
symbolic[sim'bɔlik]adj. 象征的,符号的(token)
tentative['tentətiv]adj. 试验性的(trial)
【例】Tentative measures have been taken by the government to deal with weapons of mass destruction.
theoretical[θiə'retikəl]adj. 理论的(academic)
threshold['θreʃhəuld]n. 阈值;门槛(doorsill)
trial['traiəl]n. 试验 adj. 试验性的
【例】The trial of the machinery was successful.
assumption[ə'sʌmpʃ(ə)n]n. 假定
【例】Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.
hypothesis[hai'pɔθəsis]n. 假设
【例】This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments.
conjecture[kən'dʒektʃə]n. / v. 推测,臆断,猜想(guess, suppose)
【例】The commentators made various conjectures about the outcome of the next election. / It was impossible to conjecture from the expression on his face what his reaction was.
premise['premis]n. 前提 vt. 假定
【例】If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deductible.
assumption[ə'sʌmpʃ(ə)n]n. 假设(supposition, hypothesis)
【例】The assumption proved correct.
clue[klu:]n. 线索(information)
【例】The police found a clue which would help them catch the robber.
demonstrate['demənstreit]vt. 演示;论证
【例】It was demonstrated that their performace was well received.
framework['freimwə:k]n. 构架,框架(structure, skeleton)
generalize['dʒenərəlaiz]v. 归纳,概括(summarize, outline)
【例】It was generalized from the article that water is important in the development of biosphere.
infer[in'fə:]vt. 推知(deduce, imply)
【例】We could infer from his speech that he was unwilling to take the position.
logical['lɔdʒikəl]adj. 合逻辑的(reasonable)
presume[pri'zju:m]vt. 假定,假设(suppose, imagine, assume)
【例】I presume that an agreement would be reached finally.
presumption[pri'zʌmpʃən]n. 推定,猜想(assumption, presupposition)
suppose[sə'pəuz]vt. 假想,推测(think, speculate, imagine)
【例】It was supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.
deduction[di'dʌkʃən]n. 推论,演绎
【记】 比较 induction(归纳)
reasoning['ri:zəniŋ]n. 推理,论证
【例】His close reasoning gave fibre to his argument.
induction[in'dʌkʃən]n. 归纳
inductive[in'dʌktiv]adj. 归纳的
【例】Deductive reasoning is the opposite of inductive reasoning.
causality[kɔ:'zæləti]n. 因果关系
consequence['kɔnsikwəns]n. 结果;因果关系
【例】As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
ablaze[ə'bleiz]adj. 闪耀的(gleaming, glowing)
brighten['braitn]vt. 使发光
【例】Flowers brighten the room.
burnish['bə:niʃ]vt. 磨光,使光滑(polish)
【例】The craftsman burnished the brass plates until they glowed.
dazzling['dæzliŋ]adj. 耀眼的
flare[flεə]v. 闪耀(glare, shine)
【例】The fire flared up as I put more logs on it.
flicker['flikə]vt. 闪烁(waver)
【例】All the lights flickered for a moment.
glaring['glεəriŋ]adj. 耀眼的(dazzling)
glaze[gleiz]v. (使)光滑
【例】She glazed the pottery and waited for it to dry.
gleam[gli:m]vt. 使闪光 vi. 闪烁(glimmer, flash)
【例】He had polished the table top until it gleamed .
glossy['glɔsi]adj. 有光泽的(smooth, lustrous)
【例】She polished her ring until it was glossy again.
illuminate[i'lu:mineit]vt. 照明,照亮
【例】Could you please illuminate your theory with a little more explanation?
luminous['lu:minəs]adj. 发光的,光亮的(glowing, bright)
【例】The astronomer gazed at the luminous star.
luster['lʌstə]n. 光彩,光泽(brightness, radiance)
twinkle['twiŋkl]v. 闪烁,闪耀,(使)闪光(blink, glimmer)
【例】The stars twinkled in the sky.
effect[i'fekt]n. 效果(result);印象(impression)
【例】Their negotiation resulted in positive effects .
effective[i'fektiv]adj. 有效的(valid, resultful);有影响的
【例】The boss urged the employees to be effective at work.
efficient[i'fiʃənt]adj. 有效率的(effective, competent)
【例】The financial analyst found efficient ways for the company to save money.
null[nʌl]adj. 无效的(invalid, void)
outcome['autkʌm]n. 后果(result, consequence);成果
【记】来自come out(结果是)
valid['vælid]adj. 有效的(soundly based, acceptable)
【例】A student passport is valid in accordance with the length of their programmes.
effectual[i'fektjuəl]adj. 奏效的,有效的
【例】The government has taken effectual action against unemployment.
void[vɔid]adj. 无效的,无用的
【例】It is a void contract and thus has no legal force on the parties to the so-called contract.
account[ə'kaunt]n. 原因 v. 解释,说明
【例】The rain should account for the accident, partly.
attribute[ə'tribju(:)t]vt. 归因于(accredit, ascribe)
【例】The discovery of electricity is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. / To what do you attribute your success?
cause[kɔ:z]vt. 导致n. 原因(reason)
【例】The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.
impute[im'pju:t]vt. 归咎于(ascribe, attribute)
【例】The boss impute his failure to lack of support.
reason['ri:zn]n. 原因 v. 推论(deduce)
contribute[kən'tribju:t]v. 捐助,捐献,贡献
【例】Exercise contributes to better health.
consequence['kɔnsikwəns]n. 结果
【例】As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
result[ri'zʌlt]n. 结果;成效 vi. 起因,由于
【例】Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy.
effect[i'fekt]n. 结果;效果,作用 vt. 招致;实现,达到
【例】The government's action had no effect on the trade imbalance.
corollary[kə'rɔləri]n. 自然的结果;系定理;推论
【例】Corollary refers to a proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven.
credit['kredit]vt. 归因于(accredit, ascribe)
【例】He credited his success to his wife’s help.
ascribe[əs'kraib]vt. 归因于,归咎于
【例】The farmer ascribed the poor harvest to drought.
accredit[ə'kredit]vt. 归结于,归因于(ascribe)
【例】We accredit the invention of the electric light to Edison.
aspect['æspekt]n. 方面(facet)
【例】I asked my lawyer to explain the legal aspects of the problem.
component[kəm'pəunənt]n. 组成部分(constituent, ingredient)
【例】IELTS test has four components : speaking, reading, listening and writing.
facet['fæsit]n. 方面(aspect)
【例】The teacher carefully explained each facet of the chemical reaction.
fraction['frækʃən]n. 片断(part, bit)
integral['intigrəl]adj. 组成的;整的(complete, full)
integrate['intigreit]vt. 使结合,使并入(combine, join)
【例】Quality academic training was integrated into regular course instruction throughout the year.
integrity[in'tegrəti]n. 完整性(congruity)
overall['əuvərɔ:l]adj. 全部的,全面的(general)
partial['pa:ʃəl]adj. 部分的(fractional)
partially['pa:ʃəli]adv. 部分地
portion['pɔ:ʃən]n. 一部分(part, fraction)
【例】He divided his property and gave a portion to each of his children.
respect[ris'pekt]n. 着眼点,方面(aspect)
【例】With respect to the quality of education, China has been improving rapidly.
segment['segmənt]n. 部分,片段(part, section, portion, sector)
【例】The Glorious Revolution in fact affected every segment of the nation.
system['sistəm]n. 系统,体系
systematic[ˌsisti'mætik]adj. 系统的,体系的
【例】The athelete's success was attributed to systematic training.
fragment['frægmənt]n. 碎片;片段(component, segment)
【例】She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments .
constituent[kən'stitjuənt]adj. 形成的;组成的
【例】Please analyse the whole situation in its constituent parts and then synthesize all the parts to see if you could find a solution.
section['sekʃən]n. 部分,部件(part, segment)
【例】One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.
holistic[həu'listik]adj. 整体的,全盘的(integral, systematic)
【例】The core of traditional Chinese medicine is to adopt a holistic approach to illness of human body.
integrant['intigrənt]adj. 部分的,构成整体的n. 要素(element, factor, ingredient)
【例】Diligence is an important integrant to his success.
drift[drift]n. / v. 漂流(move aimlessly)
【例】The piece of wood was drifting down the river.
exude[ig'zju:d]vt. 渗出,流出(discharge)
【例】Sweat exudes through the pores.
flow[fləu]n. 流程;流动(circulation)v. 流动(travel)
fluctuate['flʌktjueit]v. 波动(waver, alternate, move up and down)
【例】The stock prices fluctuated wildly.
gush[gʌʃ]vi. 涌出(effuse)
influx['inflʌks]n. 流入;灌输
meander[mi'ændə]v. 蜿蜒而流(wind, zigzag)
【例】The river meanders through the mountain to the east.
overflow[ˌəuvə'fləu]vi. 泛滥 vt. 从…中溢出(surplus, excess)
【例】The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash.
permeate['pə:mieit]vt. 渗透,透过(penetrate, pervade)
【例】Water has permeated the soil.
splash[splæʃ]v. 溅,泼(sprinkle)
【例】The children love splashing water over each other.
spout[spaut]v. 喷出,涌出(gush, spurt)
spray[sprei]n. 喷雾,飞沫
float[fləut]vi. 浮,漂
【例】The logs float down the river.
leak[li:k]n. 漏洞;漏出;漏出物 vi. 漏,泄漏 vt. 使渗漏
【例】The roof leaks ; it lets the rain come in.
submerge[səb'mə:dʒ]v. 浸没,淹没
【例】The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.
saturate['sætʃəreit]vt. 浸透(soak, imbue)
【例】His shoes were saturated after the rain. / We lay on the beach, saturated in the sunshine.
immerge[i'mə:dʒ]vi. 浸入,浸没(submerge)
soakage['səukidʒ]n. 浸润,浸透,浸渍
inundate['inəndeit]vt. 淹没(drench, flood)
【例】The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation.
permeance['pə:miəns]n. 浸透,透过
arrogance['ærəgəns]n. 傲慢
【例】We didn't tip the waiter because of his arrogance toward us.
arrogant['ærəgənt]adj. 傲慢的(haughty, disdainful)
【例】The tennis player's arrogant reaction offended the fans.
contemptuous[kən'temptjuəs]adj. 藐视的;傲慢的(arrogant, haughty)
【例】The contemptuous crowd heckled the speaker at the political rally.
domineering[ˌdɔmi'niəriŋ]adj. 盛气凌人的
【例】The domineering father made every decision in his children's lives.
haughty['hɔ:ti]adj. 傲慢的(arrogant);轻蔑的(disdainful)
insolent['insələnt]adj. 傲慢的;无礼的(haughty, arrogant; impudent)
【例】His insolent words made his parents angry.
overbearing[ˌəuvə'bεəriŋ]adj. 傲慢的(arrogant, haughty)
partial['pa:ʃəl]adj. 偏袒的
presumptuous[pri'zʌmptjuəs]adj. 专横的(self-conceited)
【例】It is too presumptuous of him to do so.
egotism['i:gətiz(ə)m]n. 自我中心,自尊自大(conceit)
overconfidence[ˌəuvə'kɔnfidəns]n. 过分相信,自负
【例】His overconfidence ruined his career.
self-importance[ˌselfim'pɔ:təns]n. 自尊;自负,自大
conceited[kən'si:tid]adj. 骄傲的,自高自大的(proud, boastful)
impudent['impjudənt]adj. 鲁莽的;厚颜的(disrespectful, immodest)
audacious[ɔ:'deiʃəs]adj. 大胆的;蛮横无理的(arrogant, insolent)
deplore[di'plɔ:]vt. 悲痛(grieve, mourn);深悔
【例】They deplore the use of force as a solution to this problem.
distressed[di'strest]adj. 痛苦的
doleful['dəulful]adj. 悲哀的(mournful, sorrowful)
gloom[glu:m]n. 忧愁(sadness, depression)
grieve[gri:v]vi. 悲伤(sorrow)
【例】She grieved over her father's unexpected death.
grieved[gri:vd]adj. 伤心的
lament[lə'ment]n. 悲伤 vt. 痛惜(mourn, grieve over)
miserable['mizərəbl]adj. 痛苦的;可怜的
misery['mizəri]n. 痛苦,苦恼
pensive['pensiv]adj. 忧愁的,哀思的(thoughtful, contemplative)
sentimental[ˌsenti'mentl]adj. 感伤性的,感情脆弱的
torment['tɔ:ment]n. 痛苦(anguish, agony)[tɔ:'ment]v. 使受剧烈痛苦
【例】The murderer was tormented by guilt.
torturous['tɔ:tʃərəs]adj. 痛苦的(tormenting)
woeful['wəuful]adj. 悲伤的;悲惨的
【例】There were woeful errors in judgment.
bewail[bi'weil]vt. 为…痛哭,为…悲伤
【例】People will bewail the possible effects of double-digit unemployment.
bemoan[bi'məun]vt. 悲悼;惋惜;感叹
depressed[di'prest]adj. 沮丧的(dejected, dispirited, downcast, downhearted);降低的
【例】He was depressed because he failed in the college entrance exam.
despondent[dis'pɔndənt]adj. 绝望的,意气消沉的(despairing, hopeless)
【例】The young man was despondent about the failure of the enterprise.
dismal['dizməl]adj. 忧郁的(depressing, dreary);凄凉的
【例】She spoke in a dismal voice.
anguish['æŋgwiʃ]n. 极度痛苦 vt. 使极苦闷,使极痛苦
【例】Losing his son, the old woman was in anguish .
agony['ægəni]n. 极度的痛苦(anguish, suffering)
impetuous[im'petjuəs]adj. 冲动的(impulsive)
impulse['impʌls]n. 冲动;刺激
【例】On seeing the poor little girl, he has an impulse to adopt her.
impulsive[im'pʌlsiv]adj. 易冲动的
incentive[in'sentiv]n. 刺激;动机(motivation)
【例】People doubt about her incentive to marry that rich old fellow.
motivation[ˌməuti'veiʃən]n. 动机(motive, incentive)
【例】To be excellent is not his only motivation for studying hard.
urge[ə:dʒ]n. 冲动
【例】He has no urge to travel.
hotheaded[ˌhɔt'hedid]adj. 急性子的,鲁莽的,冲动的
cruel['kruəl]adj. 残忍的(ferocious, ruthless)
ferocious[fə'rəuʃəs]adj. 凶猛的(fierce, savage, bestial)
【例】The ferocious winter storm buried the roads with a foot of snow.
malevolent[mə'levələnt]adj. 恶意的(malicious, spiteful)
malice['mælis]n. 恶意(ill will, spite)
malicious[mə'liʃəs]adj. 心毒的,怀恶意的(vicious, spiteful)
【例】The malicious rumor damaged his candidancy for president.
sinister['sinistə]adj. 不祥的
malevolence[mə'levələns]n. 恶意,狠毒
【记】比较 benevolence(仁爱之心;善行)
malignity[mə'ligniti]n. 狠毒
vicious['viʃəs]adj. 邪恶的;道德败坏的;残酷的
【例】The construction process is in the vicious circle.
hostility[hɔs'tiliti]n. 敌对状态;敌对行动(enmity)
【记】比较 amity(友好,亲善关系)
vindictive[vin'diktiv]adj. 报复性的(avenging, revengeful)
【例】He seemed to take a vindictive pleasure in punishing the least shortcomings.
callous['kæləs]adj. 无情的,冷酷的(insensitive, heartless)
boredom['bɔ:dəm]n. 烦恼(vexation, annoyance);无聊
【例】The exciting novel chased away Jane's boredom .
boring['bɔ:riŋ]adj. 令人厌烦的
【例】Since it rained, the children spent a boring afternoon cleaning the basement.
bothersome['bɔðəsəm]adj. 令人厌烦的,令人烦恼的(irritating, annoying)
chafe[tʃeif]vt. 烦扰(irritate)
derange[di'reindʒ]vt. 扰乱
disarrange[ˌdisə'reindʒ]vt. 扰乱(disturb)
【例】Her sudden departure has disarranged my plan.
harass['hærəs]vt. 侵扰(bother)
【例】Don't harass me; I am working.
impatient[im'peiʃənt]adj. 不耐烦的
【例】Susan is impatient and refuses to wait in line for anything.
intrude[in'tru:d]v. 侵扰(encroach, infringe)
【例】I don't mean to intrude, but you have a telephone call.
sicken['sikn]vt. 使厌倦;使作呕
tedious['ti:diəs]adj. 冗长乏味的,沉闷的(tiresome, boring)
【例】His work is trivial and tedious .
vex[veks]vt. 使烦恼(annoy, irritate)
【例】He was greatly vexed by the new and unexpected development.
fret[fret]vt. / vi. 折磨;烦躁(fuss)
【例】Don't fret ; everything will be all right.
annoyance[ə'nɔiəns]n. 烦恼,可厌之事
nettlesome['netlsəm]adj. 恼人的(vexatious)
enrage[in'reidʒ]vt. 激怒(infuriate, aggravate)
【例】John's insolence enraged his supervisor.
exasperate[ig'zæspəreit]vt. 激怒(annoy, irritate)
【例】The traffic jam exasperated the motorists who were caught in it.
furious['fjuəriəs]adj. 狂怒的,狂暴的(frenzied, enraged)
fury['fjuəri]n. 勃然大怒(rage, wrath)
grouchy['grautʃi]adj. 不悦的,愠怒的(bad-tempered, petulant)
incense[in'sens]vt. 激怒
【例】The decision to reduce the pay levels incensed the work-force.
indignant[in'dignənt]adj. 愤慨的,义愤的(outraged)
outrage['autreidʒ]vt. 激怒(anger);侵犯(offend)
【例】The king's cruel remarks outraged the citizens.
passionate['pæʃənit]adj. 易怒的
【例】Mary is very passionate about gardening.
provoke[prə'vəuk]vt. 激怒;煽动(incite, stir up, cause, elicit)
【例】The bear provoked the bees by disturbing their hive.
rage[reidʒ]n. 激怒,愤怒(fury, anger)
indignation[ˌindig'neiʃən]n. 愤慨,义愤
vehement['vi:əmənt]adj. 强烈的;激烈的(severe, furious)
furibund['fju:ribʌnd]adj. 愤怒的,狂怒的
wrath[rɔθ]n. 愤怒(anger, rage)
infuriate[in'fjuərieit]adj. 狂怒的(agitated, enraged)
beat[bi:t]adj. 疲倦的(exhausted, tired, worn out)
【例】I can't move a bit; I am beat .
daze[deiz]n. 昏晕 vt. 使发昏(dazzle, confusion)
【例】The driver recovered slowly from her daze after the accident.
downhearted[ˌdaun'ha:tid]adj. 无精打采的(depressed, downcast)
【例】We were all downhearted after a long march.
exhaust[ig'zɔ:st]vt. 使疲倦(use up, drain)
【例】The children thoroughly exhausted their mother's patience.
faint[feint]adj. 昏晕的
famish['fæmiʃ]vt. 使挨饿
gorge[gɔ:dʒ]vt. 塞饱
hunger['hʌŋgə]v. / n. 饥饿
indefatigable[ˌindi'fætigəbl]adj. 不疲倦的(tireless)
intuition[ˌintju(:)'iʃən]n. 直觉
listless['listlis]adj. 倦怠的,没精打采的(sluggish, lifeless)
ravenous['rævinəs]adj. 极饿的(famished, starving)
sensuous['sensjuəs]adj. 感觉的;美感的
【例】Advertisements use sensuous colors to appeal the audience.
starve[sta:v]v. (使)挨饿
【例】Come on, where is the food; I am starving .
curiosity[ˌkjuəri'ɔsiti]n. 好奇心
【例】Just out of curiosity , I wonder how much this apartment costs.
curious['kjuəriəs]adj. 好奇的(acquisitive)
【例】The family had a few curious traditions.
inquisitive[in'kwizitiv]adj. 好奇的(nosy, curious)
【例】I was mad at the inquisitive kid, who kept on asking me silly questions.
prying['praiiŋ]adj. 爱打听的
inquiring[in'kwaiəriŋ]adj. 好问的,爱打听的(inquisitive)
【例】The student is inquiring about everything that he does not know.
abashed[ə'bæʃt]adj. 羞愧的;局促不安的(uneasy)
concerned[kən'sə:nd]adj. 焦虑的
【例】Mary is concerned with finishing her work before 12: 00.
fluster['flʌstə]vt. 使慌乱(confuse, disconcert)
intense[in'tens]adj. 紧张的
【例】Under years of intense pressure, he finally gave up hope and committed suicide.
strain[strein]n. 紧张(stress, tension)
【例】Insurance costs are a big strain on our budget.
suspense[sə'spens]n. 焦虑(anticipation, uncertainty)
tense[tens]adj. 紧张的(nervous, strained)
【例】The bath relaxed Mary's tense muscles.
apprehension[ˌæpri'henʃən]n. 忧虑;担心
【例】The student looked around the examination room with apprehension .
anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti]n. 忧虑,焦急;渴望,热望
【例】For some people, air travel is a real anxiety .
disquiet[dis'kwaiət]n. 忧虑,不安 vt. 使不安,使忧虑
【记】比较 relieve(减轻)
astonished[əs'tɔniʃt]adj. 惊讶的
astonish[əs'tɔniʃ]vt. 使惊讶(amaze, astound, surprise)
【例】The magician astonished the children.
astound[əs'taund]vt. 使惊异(surprise, astonish)
【例】The daredevil astounded the audience with a dangerous feat.
breathtaking['breθˌteikiŋ]adj. 惊人的,惊险的(stunning, exiciting)
dismay[dis'mei]vt. 使惊愕(disconcert, alarm);使沮丧
inconceivable[ˌinkən'si:vəbl]adj. 不可思议的(unimaginable, unthinkable)
incredible[in'kredəbl]adj. 难以置信的(unbelievable)
marvelous['ma:vələs]adj. 不可思议的;了不起的
petrify['petriˌ'fai]vt. 使发呆(stupefy, terrify)
【例】The passers-by were totally petrified when they saw the accident.
scare[skεə]vt. 惊吓,使受惊(terrify)
【例】The dogs scared the thief away.
startle['sta:tl]vt. 使大吃一惊(amaze, surprise)
【例】The official hinted at startling new developments that would soon be made public.
striking['straikiŋ]adj. 显著的(prominent, outstanding, impressive);惊人的
stun[stʌn]vt. 使昏晕;使目瞪口呆(astonish, daze, amaze)
【例】He was stunned when he knew he failed the exam, which he had prepared for months.
dumbfound[dʌm'faund]vt. 使惊愕,使惊呆,使目瞪口呆(petrify)
overwhelm[ˌəuvə'welm]vt. 压倒,压服,击败
【例】The small craft was overwhelmed by the enormous waves.
fabulous['fæbjuləs]adj. 难以置信的(unbelievable);惊人的(marvelous)
【例】A fabulous amout of money was taken out of the bank account.
spectacular[spek'tækjulə]adj. 壮观的,引人入胜的
【例】The celebration of Hong Kong’s coming back to the mainland was spectacular .
cheerless['tʃiəlis]adj. 不愉快的;阴郁的
dampen['dæmpən]vt. 使沮丧(dismay, depress)
【例】I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but take it easy!
dejected[di'jektid]adj. 失望的,沮丧的(depressed, dispirited)
depress[di'pres]vt. 使沮丧(deject, dispirit)
【例】He was depressed because he had not passed his examinations.
depression[di'preʃən]n. 沮丧
dismal['dizməl]adj. 沮丧的(gloomy, somber)
【例】Mary cried during the dismal movie.
downcast['daunka:st]adj. 沮丧的(depressed, dejected)
【例】The downcast student couldn't believe that he had failed the test.
languid['læŋgwid]adj. 精神不振的(sluggish, listless)
prostrate['prɔstreit]vt. 使衰弱,使疲惫
【例】He was prostrated by illness.
gloomy['glu:mi]adj. 令人沮丧的;阴郁的(depressing)
somber['sɔmbə(r)]adj. 忧郁的,郁闷的(melancholy, dismal)
dispirit[di'spirit]vt. 使气馁,使沮丧
【例】The teacher dispirited the complacent student.
demoralize[di'mɔrəlaiz]vt. 使沮丧,使意志消沉
【例】Defeat demoralized the army.
cower['kauə]vi. 畏缩(recoil)
【例】The children cowered each time they heard the thunder.
dread[dred]n. 畏惧;恐怖 v. 畏惧(fear)
【例】John dreads calculating his taxes.
formidable['fɔ:midəbl]adj. 可畏惧的,可怕的(dreadful, frightening)
【例】He is kind, but unfortunately with a formidable face.
fright[frait]n. 惊吓,恐怖
horror['hɔrə]n. 恐惧
intimidate[in'timideit]vt. 恐吓(frighten, threaten)
【例】I don't want to intimidate you, but very few people pass this exam.
menace['menəs]vt. 威吓(threaten, intimidate);胁迫
【例】The people are being menaced by the threat of war.
panic['pænik]n. 恐慌(fear, scare)
【例】The rumor that we are having an earthquake arouses a panic .
terrify['terifai]vt. 使恐惧,使惊吓
【例】The animals were terrified by the storm.
terror['terə]n. 恐怖
funk[fʌŋk]n. 恐惧,恐怖
trepidation[ˌtrepi'deiʃən]n. 惊恐;惶恐;战栗
xenophobic[ˌzenəu'fəubik]adj. 恐惧(或憎恨)外国人的,恐外的
terrorize['terəraiz]vt. 威胁,恐吓
【例】He was terrorized and could not speak anything.
threaten['θretn]vt. 恐吓,威胁
【例】Despite the fact that the enemy threatened him, he braved all the atrocities.
crazy['kreizi]adj. 狂热的
【例】The crazy defendant was declared unfit to stand trial.
fanatic[fə'nætik]adj. 狂热的(frantic, fervent)n. 狂热者
fanaticism[fə'nætisizəm]n. 狂热,盲从
frenzy['frenzi]n. 狂热(great excitement)
insane[in'sein]adj. 发狂的,精神错乱的(crazy)
【例】The murderer was judged to be insane and was then released.
mania['meiniə]n. 癫狂,狂热
radical['rædikəl]adj. 激进的(severe, extreme)
【例】The American Revolution is not a radical one, but a gradual evolution.
furor['fjurɔ:]n. 激怒(frenzy);狂热
frenetic[frə'netik]adj. 发狂的,狂热的
zealotry['zelətri]n. 狂热,入迷
content[kən'tent]adj. 满足的(satisfied, complacent)
【例】After a good meal and good conversation, we were all content .
gratify['grætifai]vt. 使满意(satisfy)
【例】Anne was gratified by the manager's efforts to help her.
relieved[ri'li:vd]adj. 放心的
satiate['seiʃieit]vt. 使饱享,使满足
【例】Some cold lemonade satiated my thirst.
satisfactory[ˌsætis'fæktəri]adj. 令人满意的
aspiration[ˌæspə'reiʃən]n. 热望,渴望(avidity)
【例】Children often have big aspirations .
aspire[ə'spaiə]vi. 热望(crave, yearn)
【例】I aspire to being the president of a bank.
court[kɔ:t]v. 追求(pursue)
crave[kreiv]vt. 渴求(desire, yearn)
【例】The young man craved for success.
desirable[di'zaiərəbl]adj. 理想的,如意的
desire[di'zaiə]vt. 想要n. 欲望
【例】His excellence at work leaves nothing to be desired .
desirous[di'zaiərəs]adj. 渴望的
hunger['hʌŋgə]v. / n. 渴望
long[lɔŋ]vi. 渴望(crave, yearn)
【例】People in the war longed for peace day and night.
solicitous[sə'lisitəs]adj. 渴望的(avid);焦虑的(concerned)
【例】The parents are solicitous about their son's health.
ambition[æm'biʃən]n. 野心,雄心
【例】Her ambition is the presidency of the World Bank.
reverie['revəri]n. 白日梦,幻想(daydream)
affection[ə'fekʃən]adj. 挚爱的;亲切的(kind, genial)
affectionate[ə'fekʃənit]adj. 挚爱的;亲切的(kind, genial)
【例】Jane gave her mother an affectionate hug.
cherish['tʃeriʃ]vt. 珍爱(care for)
【例】Mary cherished the idea of touring the castles of Europe.
emotional[i'məuʃənl]adj. 情绪的,情感的
emotive[i'məutiv]adj. 使感动的;感情的;动感情的
impassive[im'pæsiv]adj. 无感情的(apathetic, indifferent)
【例】The nurse's impassive attitude annoyed me.
lovelorn['lʌvlɔ:n]adj. 失恋的
nostalgia[nɔs'tældʒiə]n. 思乡,怀旧
【例】The old man remembered his college days with nostalgia .
passionate['pæʃənit]adj. 多情的;热情的(impassioned, fervent)
sentimental[ˌsenti'mentl]adj. 伤感的,多愁善感的(emotional)
【例】Mary felt sentimental about life.
touching['tʌtʃiŋ]adj. 动人的,令人感伤的(moving, impressive)
apathy['æpəθi]n. 冷淡,漠不关心(indifference, unconcern)
indifferent[in'difərənt]adj. 漠不关心的;不注意的
【例】It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.
enthusiastic[inˌθju:zi'æstik]adj. 热心的,满腔热情的
【例】The retired worker is very enthusiastic about neighborhood affairs.
zeal[zi:l]n. 热心,热情,热忱(zest, enthusiasm)
zealous['zeləs]adj. 热心的(enthusiastic, fervent)
【例】The zealous soldier hoped to be sent to the front to fight for the country.
zest[zest]n. 浓烈的兴趣(interest);热心(enthusiasm)
ardent['a:dənt]adj. 极热心的,热情的(passionate, enthusiastic, fervent, zealous)
【例】Jane's ardent admirer sent her flowers every day.
ardor['a:də]n. 热心(enthusiasm)
【例】The teacher was impressed by Bill's ardor for learning.
devoted[di'vəutid]adj. 热心的(enthusiastic)
【例】Mary is a devoted member of her church.
enthusiasm[in'θju:ziæzəm]n. 热情(passion)
【例】Jane's enthusiasm for gardening is reflected by all of these beautiful flowers.
hail[heil]vt. 欢呼,欢迎(acclaim, applaud)
【例】Birds are singing, hailing the coming of the spring.
hospitable['hɔspitəbl]adj. 好客的(sociable, companionable)
impassioned[im'pæʃ(ə)nd]adj. 热烈的(emotional, ardent)
passionate['pæʃənit]adj. 多情的;热情的
fervor['fə:və]n. 激情;热情(zest)
fervent['fə:vənt]adj. 强烈的;热烈的
【例】He's a fervent believer in free speech.
dedication[ˌdedi'keiʃən]n. 献身,奉献(devotion)
【例】His dedication to work has inspired everyone at present.
cordial['kɔ:diəl]adj. 热忱的,诚恳的(gracious);兴奋的
【例】Leaders from the two sides had a cordial meeting.
begrudge[bi'grʌdʒ]vt. 羡慕,嫉妒(grudge, stint, envy, admire)
【例】She begrudged the little girl's youth.
contrite['kɔntrait]adj. 悔悟的(repentant, remorseful)
【例】The driver who caused the car accident was very contrite over it.
desperate['despərit]adj. 不顾一切的;严重的(extremely serious)
【例】Mary was desperate for a raise because her bills were mounting.
flatter['flætə]vt. 奉承,阿谀,谄媚
【例】He was good at flattering others.
forlorn[fə'lɔ:n]adj. 绝望的;被遗弃的(wretched, lonely)
indifferent[in'difərənt]adj. 冷漠的,不积极的(uninterested, nonchalant)
【例】People were annoyed at the boss's indifferent attitude toward those who died in the accident.
jealous['dʒeləs]adj. 妒忌的(envious);猜疑的
profane[prə'fein]vt. / adj. 亵渎(的)(humiliate, disrespectful)
【例】Please don't profane things that are sacred to other people.
demur[di'mə:]vi. 踌躇
【例】Anne demurred at the statement that she assigned too much homework.
scruple['skru:pl]n. / v. 踌躇,犹豫
flounder['flaundə]vi. 踌躇
hesitate['heziteit]vi. 犹豫,踌躇
【例】He hesitated before he answered because he didn't know what to say.
indecision[ˌindi'siʒən]n. 优柔寡断
【例】His indecision caused him to lose the chance of a new challenging job.
vacillate['væsileit]vi. 犹豫不定,踌躇不决
【例】He vacillated between going and not going.
waver['weivə]vi. 犹豫不决
【例】His resolve began to waver .
irresolute[i'rezəlu:t]adj. 无决断的, 犹豫不决的(hesitating, indecisive)
faltering['fɔ:ltəriŋ]adj. 犹豫的,支吾的,蹒跚的
fishy['fiʃi]adj. 值得怀疑的(suspicious, dubious)
doubt[daut]vt. /n. 怀疑(suspect)
【例】After he lost the game, Bill had doubts about his athletic ability.
dubious['dju:bjəs]adj. 怀疑的(doubtful)
【例】The dubious employees shook their heads as they carried out the order.
incredulity[ˌinkri'dju:liti]n. 怀疑(suspicion, disbelief)
poise[pɔiz]n. 犹疑
skeptical['skeptikəl]adj. 怀疑的(dubious, incredulous)
【例】The skeptical student refused to accept the theory of evolution.
suspect[səs'pekt]vt. 怀疑
【例】I suspect his motives.
suspicion[səs'piʃən]n. 怀疑(doubt, distrust)
distrust[dis'trʌst]n. / v. 怀疑,不信
【例】The old man distrusts banks so he keeps his money at home.
disbelief[ˌdisbi'li:f]n. 不信,怀疑
【例】He showed his disbelief against the theory.
blessed['blest]adj. 愉快的(amused, blithe)
【例】We are surely blessed because we escaped the fire.
bliss[blis]n. 狂喜(ecstasy)
【例】Jane was in a state of bliss after getting her degree.
brighten['braitn]vt. 使快活,使高兴
【例】A little gift will brighten the little child up.
ecstasy['ekstəsi]n. 恍惚;狂喜
【例】Mary was in ecstasy when she won the piano competition.
elation[i'leiʃ(ə)n]n. 得意洋洋
【例】John's elation is apparent from the huge smile on his face.
enrapture[in'ræptʃə]vt. 使狂喜(delight, exult)
【例】Her smile enraptured him so he would not move his eyes.
exalted[ig'zɔ:ltid]adj. 兴奋的(exited)
【例】The exalted prince entered the hall and everyone stood up.
excitement[ik'saitmənt]n. 激动,兴奋;刺激
【例】Excitement flowed through the crowd when the famous athlete entered the room.
exultant[ig'zʌltənt]adj. 欢腾的,狂欢的(happy, jubilant)
gleeful['gli:ful]adj. 极高兴的,兴奋的(delightful, exultant)
hilarious[hi'lεəriəs]adj. 高兴的(delightful)
joyous['dʒɔiəs]adj. 快乐的,高兴的
pleasing['pli:ziŋ]adj. 愉快的(blithe, amusing)
rapture['ræptʃə]n. 狂喜(ecstasy, delight)
ravish['ræviʃ]vt. 使陶醉,使狂喜;抢走
【例】He was ravished by her beauty, and forgot that she was ravishing his fortune.
delight[di'lait]n. 快乐,高兴,喜悦 v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜
【例】Tom was delighted to be invited to her party.
exhilaration[igˌzilə'reiʃən]n. 高兴,兴奋
beaming['bi:miŋ]adj. 喜气洋洋的,愉快的
blithesome['blaiðsəm]adj. 欢乐的,愉快的
abhor[əb'hɔ:]vt. 憎恶(detest, despise, loathe)
【例】People from all the world abhor terrorism.
abhorrent[əb'hɔrənt]adj. 可恶的,可恨的(detestable)
aversion[ə'və:ʃən]n. 厌恶(dislike, distaste)
【例】Her aversion to buses makes it necessary for her to own a car.
detest[di'test]vt. 憎恶(abhor, hate, loathe)
【例】My children detest onions.
disgust[dis'gʌst]vt. 厌恶
【例】The raw fish disgusted me, so I left the table.
grudge[grʌdʒ]vt. 怨恨;妒忌;勉强给予
【例】He grudges her earning more than he does.
hatred['heitrid]n. 憎恶,憎恨(abomination)
hideous['hidiəs]adj. 骇人听闻的;丑恶的(ugly, ill-looking)
【例】Despite its low price, no one would buy the hideous tie.
loathe[ləuð]v. 厌恶
【例】I loathe washing dishes.
resent[ri'zent]vt. 憎恨(loathe, hate, detest)
【例】I bitterly resent your critism.
abomination[əˌbɔmi'neiʃən]n. 憎恨,厌恶;可憎的事物
enmity['enmiti]n. 敌意,仇恨(hostility, antagonism, animosity)
【例】The wartime enmity of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came.
abominate[ə'bɔmineit]vt. 憎恶,厌恶,痛恨
【例】People abominate corruption.
adopt[ə'dɔpt]vt. 收养
【例】Because the Johnsons couldn't have children, they adopted an orphan.
assist[ə'sist]vt. 辅助(aid, help)
【例】A nurse assisted the surgeon during the operation.
beneficial[beni'fiʃəl]adj. 有益的(profitable, lucrative)
【例】Mary's college classes were beneficial to her career path.
benefit['benifit]vt. 对…有益处
【例】Volunteer work benefits society.
benevolent[bi'nevələnt]adj. 慈善的(charitable)
【例】Some benevolent soul donated clothes to the orphanage.
bestow[bi'stəu]vt. 赠予
champion['tʃæmpjən]vt. 支持(support)
【例】Bill championed the party's nominee for president.
charitable['tʃæritəbl]adj. 慷慨的(generous);慈善的(benevolent)
【例】Because it was Susan's first offense, the judge was charitable and gave her probation.
charity['tʃæriti]n. 施舍(benevolence, altruism);慈善事业
【例】The charity's goal is to help people help themselves.
donate[dəu'neit]vt. 捐赠(contribute, present)
【例】Steve donated the old couch to charity.
extricate['ekstrikeit]vt. 救出,使解脱(release, liberate)
【例】Jane extricated herself from an unhappy relationship with her boyfriend.
gainful['geinful]adj. 有利的,有报酬的(profitable, lucrative)
【例】He kept on teaching in a small college, though he knows this job is not gainful .
instrumental[ˌinstru'mentl]adj. 有帮助的(significant, useful)
obliging[ə'blaidʒiŋ]adj. 施恩的;愿帮忙的(helpful)
【例】He was so thankful for the obliging hostess who took care of him when he was ill.
prop[prɔp]n. / vt. 支持(support, mainstay)
【例】Her daughter was the only prop to the old lady during her illness.
redress[ri'dres]n. 救济
rescue['reskju:]vt. 拯救(save)
【例】The firefighter rescued six people from the burning building.
salvage['sælvidʒ]vt. (海上)救护,抢救(recover, rescue)
【例】I was able to salvage some data from the ruined computer file.
save[seiv]v. 拯救(rescue)
【例】The doctors managed to save his life.
convoy['kɔnvɔi]vt. 护送(accompany, escort)
【例】The army convoyed the supply trucks to the center of the battle.
defend[di'fend]vt. 防护
escort[i'skɔ:t]vt. 护送(accompany)
【例】A bodyguard escorted the celebrity around town.
preserve[pri'zə:v]vt. 保存(keep, save, maintain)
【例】Max eats only good things, hoping to preserve his health.
retain[ri'tein]vt. 保留(hold, reserve, withhold, keep)
【例】We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.
safeguard['seifˌga:d]vt. 维护,保卫(protect)
【记】联想 “舒肤佳”香皂
【例】We have found a way of safeguarding our money.
shield[ʃi:ld]vt. 庇护,保护(protect)
【例】He shielded me by claiming that he broke the window.
shelter['ʃeltə]n. 避难所;庇护物,遮蔽物 v. 庇护,保护;遮挡
【例】We took shelter from the storm in a barn.
protection[prə'tekʃən]n. 保护
【例】Her coat gave her protection from the rain.
abandon[ə'bændən]vt. 抛弃,放弃(discard, give up)
【例】He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.
adopt[ə'dɔpt]vt. 采用(foster)
【例】Susan adopted a strict diet when she learned she was sick.
arrange[ə'reindʒ]vt. 排列(put together, plan)
【例】The florist arranged the roses in the vase.
bestow[bi'stəu]vt. 利用
cancel['kænsəl]vt. 取消(call off, nullify)
【例】The boss canceled the meeting.
contrive[kən'traiv]vt. 设计;发明(invent)
【例】A group of scientists contrived a new synthetic plastic.
deal[di:l]vi. 处理
【例】You need to learn how to deal with problems like this.
delete[di'li:t]vt. 删除(erase, remove from)
despatch[dis'pætʃ]vt. 迅速处理(dispose)
【例】The chairman despatched the meeting in 20 minutes.
discard[dis'ka:d]vt. 丢弃(reject)
【例】I tried to discard the old toys, but the children found them and put them back in the toy box.
displace[dis'pleis]vt. 转移
dispose[dis'pəuz]vi. 处理(deal with);丢掉(get rid of)
【例】Man proposes, God disposes .
dissipate['disipeit]v. 驱散,消散(disappear)
【例】The fog is dissipating .
efface[i'feis]vt. 消除(erase)
【例】Weathering has effaced the inscription on the tombstone so that people cannot read it.
effectuate[i'fektjueit]vt. 使实现
【例】The scientists effectuated a shockwave.
eradicate[i'rædikeit]vt. 根除(eliminate, get rid of, remove)
【例】One of the major goals of the government is to eradicate poverty in poor areas of China.
erase[i'reiz]vt. 消除(eliminate)
【例】Bill erased his mistake before turning in his assignment.
exert[ig'zə:t]vt. 施加
【例】He exerted more influence on the committee than anyone else.
forsake[fə'seik]vt. 遗弃,抛弃(abandon, desert);摒绝
【记】for (god’s) sake看在上帝的份儿上,不要抛弃我。
【例】I had to forsake my smoking habit because I was having trouble breathing.
glean[gli:n]vt. 收集(collect, gather)
【例】The scientists were delighted at these information gleaned from the investigation.
harness['ha:nis]vt. 利用(utilize)
【例】Before steam engine was harnessed in large machinery, the efficiency was very low.
implement['implimənt]vt. 实现(carry out, fulfil, execute)
【例】Once we made a plan, the remaining task would be to implement it.
jettison['dʒetisn]vt. 抛弃,丢弃(discard)
【例】The manager jettisoned the whole marketing plan.
process[prə'ses]vt. 处理(treat)
【例】These materials are to be processed before they can be used.
purge[pə:dʒ]vt. 消除(clear, purify)
【例】The old tycoon did a lot of good deeds to purge away his sins.
reject[ri'dʒekt]vt. 抛弃
【例】He rejected their invitation point-blank.
scrap[skræp]vt. 废弃
shift[ʃift]n. / v. 转移;替换(change, alteration)
【例】Workers in this factory work on three shifts .
tackle['tækl]vt. 处理(deal, handle)
【例】Susan tackled the problem and solved it easily.
transact[træn'zækt]vt. 处理(deal, manage)
【例】These two companies often transact business over the phone.
undo[ˌʌn'du:]vt. 取消(cancel, annul)
【例】What is done cannot be undone .
utilize['ju:tilaiz]vt. 利用(use, make use of)
【例】Efficient workers utilize time wisely.
arouse[ə'rauz]vt. 唤起(awake, evoke)
【例】A book with a very colorful cover aroused Bill's interest.
elicit[i'lisit]vt. 得出;引出(provoke)
【例】After much questioning among the people concerned, the headmaster at last elicited the truth about the incident.
encourage[in'kʌridʒ]vt. 鼓励(urge)
【例】The coach encouraged Jimmy to practise more often.
evoke[i'vəuk]vt. 唤起(arouse, produce)
【例】Bill's soft voice evoked a feeling of peace and calmness.
foment[fəu'ment]vt. 引发(incite, stir up)
【例】The event fomented widespread public opinion.
fortify['fɔ:tifai]vt. 加强(strengthen, reinforce)
【例】We fortified the bridge with extra supports.
further['fə:ðə]vt. 促进,增进(advance, promote)
【例】He wants to further his education in China.
hasten['heisn]v. 催促;赶紧(hurry; quicken)
【例】She hastened her to go to work.
impulsive[im'pʌlsiv]adj. 推动的(propelling, driving)
incite[in'sait]vt. 引起,煽动(arouse, provoke, stir)
【例】Troublemakers who incite riots are under arrest.
inspire[in'spaiə]vt. 鼓舞,激发(fire the imagination, encourage)
【例】I was inspired to work harder than ever before.
instigate['instigeit]vt. 鼓动(prompt)
【例】He instigated the ending of a free working lunch in the company.
intensify[in'tensifai]vt. 加强(enhance, strengthen)
【例】The general intensified the defense of the northern border by sending more troops there.
kindle['kindl]vt. 激起
【例】Her cruelty kindled hatred in my heart.
prod[prɔd]vt. 刺激(poke, spur)
promote[prə'məut]vt. 促进
prompt[prɔmpt]vt. 鼓动(stimulate, motivate)
【例】The man confessed that poverty prompted him to steal.
propel[prə'pel]vt. 推进,促进(drive, push forward)
spur[spə:]vt. 刺激,鞭策(stimulate, provoke, urge)
【例】Spurred by his encouraging students, the teacher started to talk about his first love.
stimulate['stimjuleit]vt. 刺激,激励,激发(motivate, encourage, incite, actuate)
【例】The mass was stimulated by his words and burned Caesar's house.
urge[ə:dʒ]v. 推进;催促(advocate, encourage, impel, press)
【例】The teacher urged on the necessity of sufficient practice to achieve a high score.
attainment[ə'teinmənt]n. 成就(accomplishment, achievement)
【例】Attainment of the Olympic gold medal thrilled the athlete.
obtain[əb'tein]vt. 得到(acquire, attain, gain)
【例】His intelligent work has obtained him great fame.
gain[gein]v. 得到,赚到(acquire, benefit, earn, profit, win)
【例】The Smiths gained a small fortune in real estate.
redeem[ri'di:m]vt. 取回,赎回(rescue, save)
【例】I redeemed the watch that I had pawned at the pawn shop.
reclaim[ri'kleim]vt. 收回(take back)
【例】China's sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macau was reclaimed .
resumption[ri'zʌmpʃən]n. 取回;恢复
【例】Resumption of negotiations heralds a good beginning.
procure[prə'kjuə]vt. 获得,取得(acquire, obtain)
【例】He swears he will procure a solution to this difficult problem.
acquire[ə'kwaiə]vt. 获得,取得(gain, earn, obtain)
【例】She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study.
accomplishment[ə'kɔmpliʃmənt]n. 完成;达到
repossess[ˌri:pə'zes]vt. 收回;复得
【例】Repossessing the old house that was confiscated during the upheaval delighted the whole family.
secure[si'kjuə]vt. 赢得;获得,取得(acquire)
【例】Can you secure me two good tickets for the concert?
avoid[ə'vɔid]vt. 避免,回避,躲开(shun, escape)
【例】I drove carefully to avoid an accident.
dodge[dɔdʒ]vt. 躲开,逃避(avoid, evade)
【例】The politician dodged many controversial issues in her speech.
elude[i'lu:d]vt. 躲避(escape, evade)
【例】The gangster eluded the police.
elusive[i'lu:siv]adj. 躲避的
【例】We got a glimpse of the elusive movie star as he entered his private car.
escape[is'keip]v. 避免;逃避
【例】Many birds escaped when I accidentally left their cage open.
eschew[i'stʃu;εs'tʃu]vt. 避开(avoid, shun);远离
【例】Jane eschews both alcohol and tobacco.
evade[i'veid]vt. 逃避,回避(dodge, avoid)
【例】Jane evaded doing her chores at home by pretending to be sick.
evasion[i'veiʒən]n. 逃避
【例】John's evasion of questions about where he was last night alarmed his parents.
evasive[i'veisiv]adj. 逃避的,推诿的(elusive, equivocating)
【例】Anne's evasive manner caused me to doubt everything she said.
shun[ʃʌn]vt. 避开(avoid, eschew)
【例】John shuns businesses that don't employ union labor.
sly[slai]adj. 躲躲闪闪的(secret, furtive)
【例】The sly spy managed to trap those loyal people.
shirk[ʃə:k]vi. 逃避,推卸
【例】He shirked from doing the hard work.
defiant[di'faiənt]adj. 大胆反抗的(hostile, rebellious)
【例】The defiant teenager frequently skipped school.
defy[di'fai]vt. 蔑视;反抗
【例】If you defy the law, you'll be sent to prison.
demur[di'mə:]vi. 抗议(protest, object)
【例】Anne demurred at the statement that she assigned too much homework.
insubordinate[ˌinsə'bɔ:dinət]adj. 不服从的(disobedient, rebellious)
opposed[ə'pəuzd]adj. 反对的
rebellion[ri'beljən]n. 反抗(revolt, opposition)
resist[ri'zist]v. 抵抗(oppose)
【例】He could resist no longer.
traverse['trævə(:)s]vt. 反对
revolt[ri'vəult]vt. 造反,反叛(rise up, rebel)
【例】The people revolted against their king.
recalcitrant[ri'kælsitrənt]adj. 反抗的,反对的,顽抗的(opposing)
countermeasure['kauntəˌmeʒə]n. 对策 v. 应付
【例】Government countermeasures against rising prices.
disobedient[ˌdisə'bi:diənt]adj. 不服从的,抗拒的
【例】The mischievous student has been disobedient to his mother since he was a child.
confront[kən'frʌnt]vt. 面对,面临;遭遇(encounter)
【例】Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money.
mutinous['mju:tinəs]adj. 叛变的,哗变的
【例】The mutinous children refused to obey their teacher.
decline[di'klain]v. 拒绝(refuse)
deny[di'nai]vt. 否认
【例】They denied the fact by making a fake story.
disclaim[dis'kleim]vt. 拒绝承认,否认(refuse)
【例】Each employee disclaimed responsibility for the mistake.
exclusion[iks'klu:ʒən]n. 拒绝(rejection)
【例】The contract covers everything with no exclusions stated.
gainsay[gein'sei]vt. 否认(deny)
【例】He is a good man; there is no gainsaying his innocence.
reject[ri'dʒekt]vt. 拒收(refuse, turn down)
【例】He rejected their invitation.
relinquish[ri'liŋkwiʃ]vt. 放弃(abandon, give up, quit)
【例】The soldiers had to relinquish some unwieldy equipment to their enemies during their retreat.
renounce[ri'nauns]vt. 放弃(abandon, reject);否认
【例】She renounced the position when she got pregnant.
denial[di'naiəl]n. 否认;否定
disavowal[ˌdisə'vauəl]n. 不承认,否认;拒绝
negate[ni'geit]vt. 否定;否认
overrule[ˌəuvə'ru:l]vt. 批驳;否决;宣布无效
【例】The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge.
veto['vi:təu]n. / v. 否决;禁止
【例】The President of the US has the power to veto decisions made by the Congress.
renounce[ri'nauns]vt. 正式放弃(abandon, relinquish, disclaim)
【例】He renounced his claim to the property.
defer[di'fə:]vi. 服从,屈从(yield)
【例】Mike deferred his judgment until he heard more explanation.
enthrall[in'θrɔ:l]vt. 使服从
【例】He is enthralled by the woman's beauty.
obedience[ə'bi:diəns]n. 服从,顺从(deference, submission)
【例】I was pleased by my dog's obedience to my commands.
subjection[səb'dʒekʃən]n. 服从;征服(subjugation, subduing)
submission[səb'miʃən]n. 屈服;服从
submissive[səb'misiv]adj. 顺从的(obedient, meek)
submit[səb'mit]vt. 服从(give in, yield)
【例】Christians submit themselves to God's will.
succumb[sə'kʌm]vi. 屈服(submit, yield)
【例】The country succumbed after only a short siege.
compliance[kəm'plaiəns]n. 服从;遵守(obedience)
【例】Compliance with the law is expected in the state.
deference['defərəns]n. 尊重;顺从
acquiescence[ˌækwi'esns]n. 默许
abuse[ə'bju:z]vt. 滥用
【例】Rulers who abuse their power should be removed from office.
coddle['kɔd(ə)l]vt. 娇养,溺爱
【例】You coddle your children too much. They are getting spoiled.
distort[dis'tɔ:t]vt. 歪曲(misrepresent, twist)
【例】An electrical disturbance distorted the picture on the television set.
entail[in'teil]vt. 惹起;使负担
【例】The task entailed strict attention to procedure.
inflict[in'flikt]vt. 使遭受(损伤、苦痛等)(incur, impose)
【例】The economic depression has inflicted hundreds of millions of loss in Asia.
lash[læʃ]v. 鞭打(whip, flog)
【例】The horse was lashed because it lagged.
pervert[pə(:)'və:t]vt. 导入邪途;曲解(deviate, distort)
【例】The analysis perverts the meaning of the poem.
maltreatment[mæl'tri:tmənt]n. 虐待,粗暴对待
exploitation[ˌeksplɔi'teiʃən]n. 开发,开采;剥削
【例】It is, to some extent, exploitation of unwary consumers.
indulge[in'dʌldʒ]vt. 放任(coddle, pamper);沉溺
【例】He even indulged his children.
disfigure[dis'figə]vt. 损坏…外貌,破坏…的外形(deface, deform)
【例】The museum was disfigured in the war time.
adjust[ə'dʒʌst]vt. 调节,使适于(adapt)
【例】Mary adjusted the TV to get a clearer picture.
coax[kəuks]vt. 耐心调理
【例】Jane coaxed her little baby to sleep.
correct[kə'rekt]adj. 正确的 vt. 纠正(ratify)
【例】The correct answers are given at the back of the workbook.
embellish[im'beliʃ]vt. 装饰,修饰(decorate, adorn)
【例】Anne embellished the shirt collar with lace.
embroider[im'brɔidə]vt. 装饰
【例】Susan embroidered the edges of all her pillowcases.
garnish['ga:niʃ]vt. 加装饰(adorn, decorate)
【例】The cool drink was garnished with a slice of lemon.
gild[gild]vt. 虚饰(embellish)
innovation[ˌinə'veiʃən]n. 改革,革新(reformation)
【例】Susan's design innovations saved the company a great deal of money.
mend[mend]vt. 改正,修正(revise, correct);改进
【例】We must do something to mend his reputation.
modification[ˌmɔdifi'keiʃən]n. 更改,修改(change)
modify['mɔdifai]vt. 修改(change, adapt)
【例】I modified my travel plans by staying an extra night in Rome.
modulate['mɔdjuleit]vt. 调整(change, modify)
【例】The opera singer modulated her voice skillfully.
ornament['ɔ:nəmənt]n. 装饰物;装修(decoration, embellishment)
refine[ri'fain]vt. 精炼,精制;使文雅高尚
【例】He needs to refine his style of writing.
reinforce[ˌri:in'fɔ:s]vt. 加强,加固(increase, strengthen)
【例】The Congress passed a bill on reinforcing information technology in the coming decade.
renovate['renəveit]vt. 革新(renew, restore)
balk[bɔ:lk]vt. 妨碍(block, hinder, stall)
【例】His plan was balked .
barricade[ˌbæri'keid]n. 障碍物(barrier, impediment)
【例】The students erected a barricade on campus as a protest.
barrier['bæriə]n. 栅栏;屏障,障碍(obstacle, block, barricade)
【例】The barrier between the desks gave both workers some privacy.
block[blɔk]n. / vt. 阻碍(hinder, obstruct)
【例】The boy has a mental block about spelling.
clog[klɔg]vt. 阻碍(block, jam)
【例】The accident clogged the highway and caused a traffic jam.
conciliatory[kən'siliətəri]adj. 善于调解的(reconciling)
【例】One of the diplomats made a few conciliatory suggestions that helped bring about a truce.
encumber[in'kʌmbə]vt. 阻碍,妨碍(burden, hamper)
【例】There is a hiker who is encumbered with a heavy pack.
foil[fɔil]vt. 阻止(frustrate)
【例】What ultimately foiled his victory was his flawed character.
forestall[fɔ:'stɔ:l]v. 预先阻止(prevent)
【例】Bill forestalled a major crisis by taking care of small problems before they became worse.
hamper['hæmpə]vt. 妨碍(hinder, impede, handicap)
【例】The fierce storm hampered our efforts to get to town by sunset.
handicap['hændikæp]vt. 妨碍(hamper, impede, obstruct);使不利
【例】A sore throat handicapped the singer.
hinder['hində]vt. 妨碍(hamper, impede, retard)
【例】The tall fence hindered the children from going to the lake.
hurdle['hə:dl]n. 障碍(barrier, obstacle)
incapacitate[ˌinkə'pæsiteit]vt. 使不能(disable, handicap)
【例】Poor health incapacitated him for work all his life.
intercede[ˌintə(:)'si:d]vi. 调停(intervene, mediate);求情
【例】Whenever I argued with my brother, my parents would intercede .
intercept[ˌintə'sept]vt. 中途拦截;阻止(hold back, stop)
【例】John threw the football to Susan, but Bob intercepted it.
interfere[ˌintə'fiə]vi. 干涉,干预(intervene, meddle);妨碍
【例】Please stop interfering . This is none of your business.
intervene[ˌintə'vi:n]vi. 干涉(interfere, influence)
【例】The brothers wouldn't stop arguing until their mother intervened .
meddle['medl]vi. 干预(interfere, intervene)
【例】Few people like someone who meddles in the affairs of others.
mediate['mi:dieit]vt. 调停(intercede, intervene)
【例】The UN is reponsible for mediating between two countries which are at war.
obstacle['ɔbstəkl]n. 障碍(barrier, impediment)
obstruct[əb'strʌkt]vt. 阻碍,妨碍(hinder, impede)
【例】Some paper got in the sink and obstructed the drain.
prevent[pri'vent]vt. 阻碍(block, cumber, hinder, obstruct)
【例】His laziness prevented his career.
snag[snæg]n. 障碍(disadvantage, obstacle)
【例】The ship struck a snag near the bank of the river.
stunt[stʌnt]vt. 阻碍(hinder, impede)
【例】The barren environment stunts the tree from developing into a big one.
tamper['tæmpə]vi. 干预(interfere, intervene)
【例】The secretary tampered with the prime minister's schedule.
entrap[in'træp]vt. 以网或陷阱捕捉(trick, entice)
【例】The hounds entrapped the fox.
stalk[stɔ:k]vt. 跟踪(猎物)(trace)
【例】The hunter carefully stalked the deer.
trace[treis]n. 痕迹(remnant, residue)
【例】The cunning fox leaves no traces for the hunters.
vestige['vestidʒ]n. 痕迹,遗迹(remnant, trace)
scout[skaut]n. 侦察,搜索 vt. 侦察,跟踪(hunt, search out)
【例】They scouted a place for a meal.
track[træk]n. / v. 追踪
【例】The hunter followed the animal's tracks .
brace[breis]vt. 支持(strengthen, support);使固定n. 支撑物
【例】The rope acted as a brace to hold the tree upright.
fixed[fikst]adj. 固定的(stationary)
【例】Since this is a new company, there are no fixed rules.
fix[fiks]v. 固定(set, determine)
【例】He fixed a picture to the wall.
immobile[i'məubail]adj. 固定的(fixed, stationary)
install[in'stɔ:l]vt. 安装,设置(set up, equip)
【例】In order to make the computer operate better, they need to install the new software.
set[set]vt. 放置(situate)
【例】The movie was set in the platform of the railway station.
stationary['steiʃ(ə)nəri]adj. 固定的(fixed, immobile, static)
【例】I think your arm is broken. Try to keep it stationary until we get to the hospital.
sustain[səs'tein]vt. 支撑,维持(stand, keep, prolong)
【例】Mary sustained her plants with plenty of water and sunshine.
detect[di'tekt]vt. 探测(explore);发觉(discover)
【例】I detected Bob's lie because he wouldn't look at me directly.
detectable[di'tektəbl]adj. 可发觉的,可看穿的(apparent, measurable)
discernible[di'sə:nəbl]adj. 可觉察的
identify[ai'dentifai]vt. 认出(recognize)
【例】The doctor identified the disease that made me sick.
insight['insait]n. 洞察力,见识(understanding)
investigate[in'vestigeit]v. 调查,研究(research, survey)
【例】The police would investigate this accident.
locate[ləu'keit]vt. 找出(find)
【例】Police are still trying to locate the suspect.
observation[ˌɔbzə'veiʃən]n. 观察
observe[əb'zə:v]vt. 看(watch);观察
【例】He observes keenly but says little.
perceive[pə'si:v]vt. 察觉到,看见(discern, see)
【例】The world we perceived is only a small part of the real world.
perceptive[pə'septiv]adj. 感觉敏锐的,观察入微的(discerning, penetrating)
【例】A perceptive scholar questioned the professor's theory.
perspective[pə'spektiv]n. 远景(view, outlook)
pierce[piəs]vt. 洞察
【例】She couldn't pierce his thoughts.
scrutinize['skrutinaiz]vt. 细察(examine, inspect)
【例】The lawyer had scrutinized all the documents related to this case.
fortitude['fɔ:titju:d]n. 坚忍,刚毅(endurance, courage)
【例】The soldiers were given a medal for their fortitude during the battle.
indomitable[in'dɔmitəbl]adj. 不屈不挠的(invincible, relentless)
inflexible[in'fleksəbl]adj. 坚定的(rigid, unbending)
insist[in'sist]vt. 主张(claim);坚持说(adhere)
【例】She insisted that she never wanted to play hero in the battle.
irreconcilable[i'rekənˌsailəbl]adj. 不能妥协的(unconformable, incompatible)
maintain[mein'tein]vt. 坚持(认为)(keep, sustain, persist, insist)
【例】No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he maintained his wrong idea.
perseverance[ˌpə:si'viərəns]n. 坚定不移(persistance, endurance)
persevere[ˌpə:si'viə]vi. 坚持,不屈不挠
【例】You will need to persevere if you want the business to succeed.
persistent[pə'sistənt]adj. 坚持不懈的(dogged)
【例】I told the persistent salesman to leave me alone.
resist[ri'zist]v. 坚持(withstand)
resolute['rezəlu:t]adj. 坚决的(firm, determined, steadfast)
steadfast['stedfa: / æst]adj. 坚决,坚定,不变的(firm, unchanging)
stoically['stəuikəli]adv. 坚韧地
sturdy['stə:di]adj. 不屈的,顽强的(strong, stout)
【例】The sturdy bridge withstood the shaking of the earthquake.
tenacious[ti'neiʃəs] adj. 抓住不放的,顽强的(stubborn, resolute)
【例】The tenacious applicant soon got the job.
unshaken[ˌʌn'ʃeikən]adj. 坚决的,不动摇的
bigoted['bigətid]adj. 固执己见的(narrow-minded, intolerant)
【例】The bigoted manager refused to hire minority workers.
stubborn['stʌbən]adj. 顽固的
obstinate['ɔbstinit]adj. 固执的(stubborn)
hardheaded[ˌha:d'hedid]adj. 顽固的(stubborn, obstinate)
headstrong['hedstrɔŋ]adj. 顽固的(obstinate, stubborn)
mulish['mju:liʃ]adj. 顽固的(obstinate, tenacious)
opinionated[ə'pinjəneitid]adj. 固执己见的,武断的
pigheaded[ˌpig'hedid]adj. 顽固的,愚顽的(stubborn)
bare[bεə]vt. 露出(expose)
【例】The dog bared its teeth and growled.
betray[bi'trei]vt. 泄漏(expose)
【例】His accent betrayed him a southerner.
denote[di'nəut]vt. 指示;表示(indicate, show)
divulge[dai'vʌldʒ]vt. 泄露(disclose, reveal)
【例】The president asked the managers not to divulge the news of the merger.
exhibit[ig'zibit]vt. 显示(show)
【例】Jane exhibited her sculptures at the art museum.
expose[ik'spəuz]vt. 使暴露,揭露(uncover)
【例】The ocean bottom is exposed to a pressure hundreds of times bigger than that of the surface of the earth.
exposure[ik'spəuʒə]n. 曝光(disclosure, uncovering)
【例】Because of the reporter's exposure of fraud, the bank president was sentenced to prison.
implicit[im'plisit]adj. 暗示的(inferred, implied)
indicate['indikeit]vt. 指示;表示(show, suggest, hint)
【例】The smile on the old man's face indicates that he appreciated my help very much.
leak[li:k]vt. 泄漏(seep, escape)
【例】A spy is expected never to leak anything to the opponent, while at the same time get as much information as possible.
profess[prə'fes]vt. 表示(allege, claim, state)
【例】Don't ask me; I didn't profess I was an expert.
reflection[ri'flekʃən]n. 反映(indication, revelation)
【例】Your tone of voice is a reflection of your attitude.
reveal[ri'vi:l]vt. 展现(exhibit);揭露(expose, disclose)
【例】The doctor didn't reveal the truth to him.
revelation[ˌrevi'leiʃən]n. 显示,揭露(disclosure)
show[ʃəu]v. 展示(demonstrate)
【例】The jeweler showed the necklace to the customer.
signify['signifai]vt. 表示,意味着(indicate, mean)
【例】Dark clouds signify that it will rain soon.
transpire[træns'paiə]vt. 泄露
【例】It was transpired that the king was already dead.
unveil[ʌn'veil]v. 揭露(disclose, reveal)
【例】Anne unveiled her painting at the opening of the art exhibit.
conscious['kɔnʃəs]adj. 有意识的
【例】I fainted briefly but was conscious again in a few seconds.
consider[kən'sidə]vt. 考虑
【例】Mary considered each option before making a decision.
considerate[kən'sidərit]adj. 考虑周到的(thoughtful)
【例】Jane is so considerate . She's always doing favors for people.
contemplate['kɔntempleit]vt. 凝视;沉思(muse, ponder)
【例】Philosophers contemplate the existence of humankind.
elevate['eliveit]vt. 提高(思想)
【例】The marchers elevated the flag as they passed the president.
embalm[im'ba:m]vt. 铭记
【例】Ancient Egyptians used oils and natural substances to embalm the dead.
haunt[hɔ:nt]vt. 萦绕于心
【例】The memory in later times returned to haunt him.
meditative['meditətiv]adj. 深思的(thoughtful)
【例】Once again Newton sat under the apple tree with a meditative appearance.
ponder['pɔndə]vt. 考虑 vi. 沉思(meditate)
【例】He and the council had already pondered the list of members who would return to the parliament.
recall[ri'kɔ:l]vt. 忆起,记起(recollect, remember)
【例】The victim was asked to recall what happened to him the day when he was robbed.
recollection[ˌrekə'lekʃən]n. 记起,回想(remembrance, memory)
ruminate['ru:mineit]v. 沉思(meditate)
【例】I ruminated a while before answering the question.
speculate['spekjuˌleit]v. 推测(hypothesize, conjecture);沉思
【例】He speculated that there would be a comet visiting the earth this May, but failed.
tender['tendə]adj. 考虑周到的;细心的
handle['hændl]vt. 操纵
【例】I'm under so much pressure that I can't handle it anymore.
irrepressible[ˌiri'presəbl]adj. 不可压制的,难以征服的(insuppressible, uncontrolled)
operate['ɔpəreit]vt. 操纵(manipulate, navigate, steer)
【例】He who doesn't know how to operate a computer will be left behind the information age.
unruly[ʌn'ru:li]adj. 难控制的(uncontrollable)
dominate['dɔmineit]vt. 统治;支配(command);控制(control)
【例】A great man can dominate others by force of character.
predominate[pri'dɔmineit]vi. 统治;占优势
【例】Good predominates over evil in many works of literature.
rein[rein]n. 缰绳;控制
【例】The rider pulled on the reins, and the horse stopped.
administrate[əd'ministreit]vt. 管理;支配
【例】He administrated the president inauguration ceremony.
comprehend[ˌkɔmpri'hend]vt. 理解(understand)
【例】I could not comprehend the instructions for operating the computer.
comprehensive[ˌkɔmpri'hensiv]adj. 综合的;有理解力的
【例】A comprehensive survey was used to determine public opinion.
elusive[i'lu:siv]adj. 难懂的(elusory, intangible)
【例】We got a glimpse of the elusive movie star as he entered his private car.
evident['evidənt]adj. 明白的(obvious, manifest)
explicit[ik'splisit]adj. 明确的,清楚的(straightforward)
【例】The new tax law is explicit ; that type of certificate is tax exempt.
grasp[gra:sp]n. / v. 领会(understanding, comprehension)
【例】It is said that you do not need to have a grasp of the English language to test well.
ignorance['ignərəns]n. 无知
ignorant['ignərənt]adj. 无知的,不了解的(unaware)
【例】He who is ignorant of the situation can't really understand me.
intelligible[in'telidʒəbl]adj. 可理解的(apprehensible)
mysterious[mis'tiəriəs]adj. 神秘的(cryptic);难以理解的(undecipherable)
apprehend[ˌæpri'hend]v. 领会,理解(grasp, understand)
【例】We should not pretend to understand the world only by intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling.
implicit[im'plisit]adj. 暗含的;含蓄的
ambiguous[ˌæm'bigjuəs]adj. 有多种意思的;意思含糊的(equivocal, obscure, recondite)
bereave[bi'ri:v]vt. 剥夺(deprive, be devoid of)
【例】He was bereaved of his wife last year.
harry['hæri]vt. 掠夺;折磨(harass, pester)
【例】We have to harry him for money.
loot[lu:t]vt. 掠夺(plunder, seize)
rapacious[rə'peiʃəs]adj. 强夺的
ravage['rævidʒ]vt. 掠夺
【例】A tornado ravaged the countryside.
strip[strip]vt. 剥,夺去(deprive, take off)
【例】He stripped the paper off the wall.
plunder['plʌndə]v. 抢劫n. 抢劫;战利品
depredate['deprideit]v. 掠夺;毁坏
【例】The invaders depredated enormously from the people in the countries that they invaded and China was a good illustration.
spoliate['spəulieit]vt. 强夺,掠夺(plunder)
conceal[kən'si:l]vt. 把…隐藏起来(hide)
【例】The criminal concealed the knife in his boot.
cryptic['kriptik]adj. 神秘的,隐藏的(mysterious)
【例】I do not understand your cryptic remarks.
dissemble[di'sembl]v. 隐藏;伪装(disguise, dissimulate)
【例】The criminal suspect was dissembling when he said he was asleep in bed at the time of the crime.
feign[fein]vt. 假装(simulate, sham)
【例】The hunter had to feign death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him.
hide[haid]v. 隐藏(conceal)
【例】The gangsters hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city.
lurk[lə:k]vi. 潜伏,埋伏(prowl, slink)
【例】The villagers reported that the lion from the zoo was still lurking close.
obscure[əb'skjuə]vt. 掩盖(hide, cloud)
【例】The darkness of the night obscured the burglar's figure.
pretend[pri'tend]vt. 伪装(camouflage, disguise)
【例】He pretended not to know the facts.
screen[skri:n]vt. 遮蔽(veil, conceal)
【例】The moon was screened by clouds.
secluded[si'klu:did]adj. 偏僻的;隐退的(remote, isolated)
【例】To find the true self, one is suggested to live a secluded life for a while.
seclusion[si'klu:ʒən]n. 归隐;隔离(solitude, isolation)
【例】Emily Dickinson's seclusion made her life a mystery to the public.
simulate['simjuleit]vt. 伪装,扮演(feign, fake)
【例】The computer program simulated the effects of aging.
camouflage['kæməfla:ʒ]v. /n. 伪装(disguise)
【例】Many animals have a natural camouflage which hides them from their enemies.
mask[ma:sk]n. 面具,掩饰 vt. 戴面具,掩饰(disguise)
【例】We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were.
disguise[dis'gaiz]v. /n. 假装,伪装,掩饰(camouflage, cloak, dissemble, dissimulate)
【例】She disguised her interest with nonchalance. / The soldiers disguised themselves by wearing white garments in the snow.
veil[veil]n. 面纱,面罩
【例】In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils .
brittle['britl]adj. 易碎的(fragile)
【例】Steel is not as brittle as cast iron; it doesn't break easily.
delicate['delikit]adj. 脆弱的
【例】The excellent vase is delicate .
emaciate[i'meiʃieit]vt. 使瘦弱
【例】A long illness had emaciated my father.
emaciated[i'meiʃieitid]adj. 瘦弱的(skinny);憔悴的(haggard)
【例】A bus transported the emaciated refugees to the camp.
fragile['frædʒail]adj. 脆的(breakable, brittle)
【例】You must cushion fragile objects carefully when you pack them.
fragmentary['frægməntəri]adj. 碎片的;不连续的(discontinous)
frail[freil]adj. 虚弱的,脆弱的(fragile, flimsy)
【例】My grandmother is frail , but she's still very alert.
impotence['impətəns]n. 无力,虚弱(powerlessness)
feeble['fi:bl]adj. 虚弱的,衰弱的,无力的(weak)
【例】Grandmother has been getting feebler lately.
meagre['mi:gə(r)]adj. 瘦的;贫弱的
absorb[əb'sɔ:b]vt. 吸收;吸引(attract, allure)
【例】I used a sponge to absorb the spilled milk.
absorbing[əb'sɔ:biŋ]adj. 引人入胜的(enchanting, fascinating)
addict[ə'dikt]vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾
【例】She was addicted to rock music.
addicted[ə'diktid]adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的
【例】Max smokes but he is not addicted .
attractive[ə'træktiv]adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的(pretty, appealing)
bait[beit]n. 饵,引诱物(lure)
【例】Cheese is good bait for catfish.
catching['kætʃiŋ]adj. 迷人的(charming)
【例】Mary is quite catching on campus.
charisma[kə'rizmə]n. 魅力,感召力
【例】The performer's charisma kept our attention and caused us to listen to everything she said.
draw[drɔ:]v. 吸引(attact);拉
【例】The great parade of overseas Chinese on the main street of Paris drew a crowd of twenty thousand.
engross[in'grəus]vt. 使全神贯注于;吸引(absorb, preoccupy)
【例】The football game engrossed Tom completely.
engrossed[in'grəust]adj. 全神贯注的(absorbed)
enrapture[in'ræptʃə]vt. 使出神
【例】Her smile enraptured him, so he would not move his eyes.
entice[in'tais]vt. 诱惑(lure, tempt)
【例】I enticed Mary to dinner by offering to pay for her meal.
glamour['glæmə]n. 魅力(attraction, charm)
glamorous['glæmərəs]adj. 富有魅力的(fascinating, charming)
【例】The young president ceased to be glamorous when he announced a higher tax rate.
induce[in'dju:s]vt. 导致,诱使(cause, produce)
【例】The careless worker induced the fire with a cigarette butt.
intoxicate[in'tɔksikeit]vt. 使陶醉
【例】He was intoxicated by many awards he received and ceased his step toward the peak of his career.
inviting[in'vaitiŋ]adj. 诱人的(attractive);引人注目的
【例】The restaurant appeared to be cozy and inviting, so we ate there.
lure[ljuə]vt. 诱惑(entice, tempt)
【例】Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.
tempt[tempt]vt. 诱使(lure, entice)
【例】We refused the offer even though it tempted us.
allure[ə'ljuə]vt. 引诱,诱惑(attract, captivate)
【例】Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.
magnetize['mægnitaiz]vt. 使磁化;吸引
【例】He was magnetized by her beauty.
fascinating['fæsineitiŋ]adj. 迷人的,醉人的(attractive)
【例】The small town is so fascinating that many foreigners decided to settle down after their first visit to the town.
overcome[ˌəuvə'kʌm]v. 战胜(defeat, surmount)
【例】He overcame a strong temptation to run away.
precede[pri(:)'si:d]vt. 先于 vi. 领先(come before)
【例】An informal meeting will precede the conference.
subjection[səb'dʒekʃən]n. 征服
surmount[sə:'maunt]vt. 克服(conquer, overcome);登上;越过(exceed, surpass)
【例】Mary surmounted the problems caused by her handicap and finished college.
surpass[sə:'pa:s]vt. 超过,超越,胜过(exceed, surmount)
【例】The excellent runner surpassed all previous records.
transcend[træn'send]vt. 超越(surpass, go beyond)
【例】The genius of Shakespeare transcended that of all other English poets.
unquenchable[ʌn'kwentʃəbl]adj. 不可熄灭的;不能遏制的(insatiable)
vanquish['væŋkwiʃ]vt. 征服,克服(conquer, overcome)
【例】They successfully vanquished the enemy.
conquer['kɔŋkə]vt. 占领,攻取,攻克(overtake, triumph)
【例】Modern medical science has conquered many diseases.
defeat[di'fi:t]n. / vt. 打败,战胜(overcome, conquer)
【例】They were defeated in the football match.
triumph['traiəmf]n. 胜利;成功 v. 获得胜利
【例】It was a great triumph when our team won the race.
subjugate['sʌbdʒugeit]vt. 征服;压服
annihilate[ə'naiəleit]vt. 消灭(abolish)
【例】The naval force was annihilated during the attack.
rout[raut]n. 溃败,溃逃 vt. 打垮,击溃(conquer, defeat)
ascend[ə'send]vt. 攀登,登高(climb)
【例】As Jane ascended the mountain, Bill took pictures.
budge[bʌdʒ]v. 移动(move)
locomote[ˌləukə'məut]vi. 移动,行动(move)
motion['məuʃən]n. 运动,动作 v. 运动
roam[rəum]n. / v. 漫步(wander)
【例】Visitors roamed around the town.
rumble['rʌmbl]v. 隆隆行驶(grumble, roar)
【例】A cart rumbled down the street.
scale[skeil]v. 攀登(climb, raise)
stalk[stɔ:k]v. 阔步
stray[strei]adj. 走失的
【例】The stray dog was picked up by the dogcatcher because he had no collar.
stroll[strəul]vi. 漫步(walk, ramble)
【例】We strolled through the park.
traverse['trævə(:)s]vt. 走过(span, stretch across)
【例】The road traverses a wild and mountainous region.
bequest[bi'kwest]n. 遗产;遗传(legacy, heritage)
【例】The bequest was subject to heavy taxes.
heredity[hi'rediti]n. 遗传(legacy, bequest)
【例】Both a person's heredity and environment help to shape his character.
legacy['legəsi]n. 遗产,遗物(bequest, heritage)
【例】My farm is a legacy from my grandfather.
relic['relik]n. 遗物;遗迹;废墟;纪念物
remains[ri'meins]n. 残余;遗迹;遗体
academic[ˌækə'demik]adj. 学院的;理论的(collegiate)
【例】John was invited to give an academic address at a conference.
commence[kə'mens]vi. 获得学位
【例】He commenced doctor in the second term.
cram[kræm]vt. 仓促用功
【例】I crammed before the exam.
credit['kredit]n. 学分
【例】This college course is worth three credits .
discipline['disiplin]n. 学科(field of study);纪律
【例】He prefers science disciplines to liberal arts ones.
discourse[dis'kɔ:s]n. 论文;演讲(lecture, disquisition)
【例】The professor presented a lucid discourse on the art of translation.
ken[ken]n. 视野;知识(knowledge)
literate['litərit]adj. 有文化的,能读写的
margin['ma:dʒin]n. 页边的空白(edge, rim)
pamphlet['pæmflit]n. 小册子
stationery['steiʃ(ə)nəri]n. 文具
thesis['θi:sis]n. 学位论文
transcript['trænskript]n. 成绩单
essay['esei]n. 随笔;文章
dissertation[ˌdisə(:)'teiʃən]n. 高等学位论文
action['ækʃən]n. 行动(activity)
【例】The continuous action of the sewing machine shook the table.
behave[bi'heiv]v. 举止端正;表现
【例】“Behave yourself”, the mother warned her child.
behaviour[bi'heivjə]n. 行为(conduct, deed)
conduct['kɔndʌkt]n. 行为(behavior)
【例】His conduct at school was disgraceful.
deportment[di'pɔ:tmənt]n. 行为,举止(behavior)
manner['mænə]n. 态度;举止
demeanour[di'mi:nə]n. 行为,举止
posture['pɔstʃə]n. 姿态;态度(attitude, carriage)
carriage['kæridʒ]n. 举止;身体的姿态,仪态(posture)
bondage['bɔndidʒ]n. 束缚
【例】Lincoln emancipated the slaves from their bondage .
bound[baund]adj. 负有义务的
【例】The employees are not bound to keep working at the factory after work.
check[tʃek]vt. 抑制(restrain, stop)
【例】Raising interest rate is commonly used as a tool to check inflation.
circumscribe['sə:kəmskraib]vt. 划界限;限制(encompass, encircle)
【例】The moves you can make in a chess game are circumscribed by the rules of the game.
confine[kən'fain]vt. 限制
【例】Bill confined his dog to the house all day.
curb[kə:b]vt. 抑制(check, control)
【例】In the 1970s, many governments' efforts to curb inflation were unsuccessful.
deterrent[di'tə:rənt]n. 制止物,威慑物
【例】Thoughts of his parents' anger served as a strong deterrent when Mike considered misbehaving.
fetter['fetə]vt. 束缚,羁绊(restrict, inhibit)
【例】I hate to be fettered by rules and regulations.
leash[li:ʃ]v. 束缚
【例】I managed to hold my anger in leash .
quell[kwel]vt. 压制(quash, suppress)
【例】The army quelled the rebellion.
restrain[ris'trein]vt. 限制(restrict, limit)
【例】The alcoholic tried his best to restrain himself from alcohol.
restrict[ris'trikt]vt. 限制(restrain, limit)
【例】He restricted himself to two cigarettes a day.
shackle['ʃækl]vt. 加桎梏,束缚(chain, fetter)
【例】Women in the past were shackled by outdated attitudes.
temperance['tempərəns]n. 节制,自制(self-control, moderation);戒酒
【例】His temperance couldn't be counted on, otherwise he would not have become addicted.
trammel['træməl]n. 束缚;障碍物 vt. 束缚;阻碍,妨碍(hamper, impede)
imprison[im'prizn]vt. 监禁,坐牢(confine)
【例】He was imprisoned for two years.
limitative['limiteitiv]adj. 限制的,限定的
constrain[kən'strein]vt. 强使,强逼(compel, force)
【例】Failing to control the growth of international debt will also constrain living standard.
accustomed[ə'kʌstəmd]adj. 习惯的(habitual, conventional)
【例】The recent immigrants have not yet become accustomed to American food.
aptitude['æptitju:d]n. 自然倾向;天资
【例】I have no musical aptitude and I can't even sing a simple tune.
bent[bent]n. 倾向(propensity, trend)
【例】Jimmy showed a bent for music, so his parents let him take piano lessons.
habitually[hə'bitjuəli]adv. 习惯地
inclined[in'klaind]adj. 倾向…的(liable)
【例】The weak girl is inclined to get tired easily.
inure[i'njuə]vt. 使习惯(accustom)
【例】The doctors were inured to such injuries.
penchant['pentʃənt]n. 倾向(inclination);爱好(preference)
prone[prəun]adj. 倾向于(liable)
【例】The lazy man is prone to idleness.
propensity[prə'pensiti]n. 倾向(inclination)
【例】Anne has a propensity for eating when she's nervous.
tend[tend]vi. 趋向,往往是(care for, prone)
【例】Female drivers tend to drive slower than male ones, which resulted in less accidents.
talent['tælənt]n. 天资,天赋(gift, aptitude);才能
inclination[ˌinkli'neiʃən]n. 倾向(tendency);爱好
predilection[ˌpri:di'lekʃən]n. 偏爱,偏好
【例】Bill has a predilection for rich food.
partiality[ˌpa:ʃi'æləti]n. 偏袒,偏心;偏见(predilection)
adjourn[ə'dʒə:n]vt. 延期(defer, delay)
【例】The meeting was adjourned until four o'clock.
defer[di'fə:]vt. 延期(delay, postpone)
【例】Mike deferred his judgment until he heard more explanation.
delay[di'lei]vt. 推迟,耽搁,延误(detain, postpone)
【例】Today I will delay this matter till I can decide what I should do.
detain[di'tein]vt. 使延迟(delay, retard)
postpone[pəust'pəun]vt. 延搁(delay, put off)
【例】The meeting was postponed by one day because my boss was sick.
prolong[prə'lɔŋ]vt. 拖长,延长(extend, lengthen)
【例】His journey to China was prolonged because there is too much to see.
protract[prə'trækt;prəu'trækt]vt. 延长(lengthen, prolong)
【例】Let's not protract the debate any longer.
retard[ri'ta:d]vt. 延迟(detain)
tardy['ta:di]adj. 延迟的(late, slow)
【例】The tardy student tried to sneak into class.
procrastination[prəuˌkræsti'neitʃən]n. 耽搁,拖延
【例】Procrastination is the thief of time.
suspend[səs'pend]vt. 暂停,暂缓
【例】We suspended the building work during the rain.
explore[ik'splɔ:]vt. 探险;探索(search)
【例】The adventurer explored a dangerous underground cave.
ferret['ferit]vt. 搜索(search)
【例】The detective finally ferreted out the criminal.
grope[grəup]vi. 摸索(fumble, search)
【例】Tom groped around in the dark until he found the light switch.
probe[prəub]v. 探查(investigate, inspect)
【例】The detective probed into the circumstances of the murder.
risk[risk]n. / vt. 冒险
【例】You should not have risked the confrontation with the government.
seek[si:k]v. 寻找,探求(endeavor, try, campaign for, search for)
【例】We sought an answer to the question, but couldn't find one.
venture['ventʃə]n. / vi. 冒险; 冒昧(risk)
【例】May I venture to ask you a question, sir?
expedition[ˌekspi'diʃən]n. 远征(journey, pilgrimage)
rummage['rʌmidʒ]v. 翻查,翻寻(ransack, search)
fumble['fʌmbl]v. 摸索,搜寻
【例】She fumbled about in her handbag for her passport.
investigate[in'vestigeit]vt. 调查(inspect, probe);研究
【例】The police are investigating the robbery.
abortive[ə'bɔ:tiv]adj. 失败的(unsuccessful)
absurd[əb'sə:d]adj. 荒谬的(ridiculous)
【例】Wearing a swimming suit during a snowstorm is absurd .
blunder['blʌndə]v. 犯大错(make foolish mistakes, bungle)
【例】I really blundered when I forgot to introduce my friends.
credulous['kredjuləs]adj. 轻信的
defective[di'fektiv]adj. 有缺陷的
【例】His defective hearing has affected his pronunciation.
defect[di'fekt]n. 缺陷(fault, shortcomings, imperfection)
【例】The manufacturer didn't sell the car due to a defect in the engine.
drawback['drɔ:ˌbæk]n. 弊端(disadvantage, defect, demerit)
【例】The drawback to working the morning shift is having to get up early.
err[ə:(r)]vi. 犯错(mistake)
【例】Bill erred when he said Detroit is the capital of Michigan.
erroneous[i'rəuniəs]adj. 错误的(incorrect, mistaken)
【例】The so called facts you gave me were totally erroneous .
fallible['fæləbl]adj. 易错的
【例】He knows every rule in the factory, but still fallible .
flaw[flɔ:]n. 缺点,瑕疵(fault, defect)
【例】The flaw in your theory is that you didn't account for gravity.
futile['fju:tail]adj. 无益的(useless);徒劳的(vain)
【例】It would be futile for you to explain it again.
heedless['hi:dlis]adj. 不留心的
ignore[ig'nɔ:]vt. 忽视(disregard, neglect)
【例】Ignoring something will not make it go away.
innocent['inəsnt]adj. 幼稚的
【例】I’m not quite so innocent to believe that.
neglect[ni'glekt]vt. 疏忽(ignore, overlook);忘记
【例】If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.
negligence['neglidʒəns]n. 过失,疏忽
negligent['neglidʒənt]adj. 忽略的
oblivion[ə'bliviən]n. 忘却,遗忘
【例】The once popular writer's works were consigned to oblivion after he died.
offhand['ɔ:fhænd]adj. 无准备的(unprepared, impromptu)
omit[əu'mit]vt. 省略,省去;遗漏(exclude, leave out)
overlook[ˌəuvə'luk]vt. 忽略,疏忽(ignore, neglect)
【记】来自 look over(忽视)
【例】You have overlooked several mistakes in this work.
regardless[ri'ga:dlis]adj. 不管,不顾(despite, whatever, notwithstanding)
ridiculous[ri'dikjuləs]adj. 荒谬的
【例】It is ridiculous to become angry about such an insignificant matter.
slovenly['slʌvənli]adj. 马虎的
useless['ju:slis]adj. 无效的(invalid, futile)
acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ]vt. 承认(admit, accept)
【例】Bill acknowledged his failure to complete the job.
admit[əd'mit]vt. 承认(acknowledge, accept)
【例】The club was sued for refusing to admit minorities.
affirm[ə'fə:m]vt. 断言,肯定;证实;批准
【例】The man's testimony affirmed the innocence of the suspect.
approve[ə'pru:v]v. 赞成,称许;批准(agree, assent)
【例】My parents approved of my date.
avow[ə'vau]vt. 公开承认(acknowledge, declare, admit)
【例】He avowed that he would never cooperate with them again.
comply[kəm'plai]vi. 顺从,应允(obey)
【例】A good citizen complies with the laws of the country.
concede[kən'si:d]vi. 让步;承认(admit, accept)
【例】I conceded and admitted that I was wrong.
concession[kən'seʃən]n. 让步,迁就(compromise, bargain)
【例】The governor would make no concessions on the issue of crime.
concur[kən'kə:]vi. 同意(consent)
【例】After hearing my point, Bill concurred with me.
confess[kən'fes]v. 忏悔,坦白(confide, disclose)
【例】John confessed that he broke the window.
connivance[kə'naivəns]n. 默许
connive[kə'naiv]vi. 纵容;默许
corroborate[kə'rɔbəreit]vt. 确证(confirm, substantiate)
【例】These data corroborate the hypothesis of the experiment.
endorse[in'dɔ:s]vt. 确认;赞同,支持(support, ratify, certify)
【例】The labor union endorsed the democratic candidate for president.
grant[gra:nt]vt. /n. 准予(award, give)
【例】The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.
guarantee[ˌgærən'ti:]vt. 确保(secure, assure)
【例】No one can guarantee that you will pass the exam if you don't work hard.
pardon['pa:dn]vt. 原谅,宽恕
permissible[pə(:)'misəbl]adj. 可容许的
permissive[pə(:)'misiv]adj. 许可的(allowable)
【例】His permissive answer cheered the students up.
permit[pə(:)'mit] vt. 允许(allow, consent)
【例】Do you permit your children to smoke?
ratify['rætifai]vt. 批准(approve, endorse)
【例】The government ratified the treaty.
reception[ri'sepʃən]n. 接受(acceptance, admission)
recognition[ˌrekəg'niʃən]n. 认识(realization);承认
recognize['rekəgnaiz]vt. 认识;认出;承认(acknowledge)
【例】I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
tacit['tæsit]adj. 心照不宣的,默许的(unspoken, implicit)
【例】What is tacit in her obscure refusal is that you still have hope.
abide[ə'baid]vi. 忍受
endure[in'djuə]vt. 忍受,容忍(bear, tolerate)
【例】I hope your house will endure the coming hurricane.
insufferable[in'sʌfərəbl]adj. 难以忍受的(unbearable)
stand[stænd]vt. 忍受(bear, tolerate)
【例】Birds with feathers could easily stand the cold winter here, but still migrate in winter.
tolerable['tɔlərəbl]adj. 可容忍的(bearable, endurable)
tolerate['tɔləreit]vt. 忍受,容忍(bear, put up with);宽恕
【例】I could not tolerate my neighbor's loud stereo any longer.
undergo[ˌʌndə'gəu]vt. 经历(experience);忍受
【例】The family underwent the great hardship in the past 10 years.
stomach['stʌmək]vt. 忍受,容忍
【例】How can you stomach their affronts?
assiduous[ə'sidjuəs]adj. 勤勉的(diligent, industrious)
【例】The assiduous student worked hard to earn her degree.
attempt[ə'tempt]n. 努力(effort, endeavor);尝试 vt. 尝试(try)
diligent['dilidʒənt]adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的(industrious, assidous)
【例】The diligent workers finished the project on time.
endeavour[in'devə]vi. 努力(strive, struggle, try)
【例】Tom endeavored to get better grades in college.
industrious[in'dʌstriəs]adj. 勤勉的(assiduous, diligent, sedulous)
laborious[lə'bɔ:riəs]adj. 勤劳的
【例】 Anne received a raise for her laborious efforts.
studious['stju:djəs]adj. 好学的,用功的(laborious)
painstaking['peinsteikiŋ]adj. 小心的;用心的;辛勤的(diligent)
accelerate[æk'seləreit]vi. 促使;使加快
【例】Too much sunshine accelerates the aging process of your skin.
compel[kəm'pel]vt. 强迫(coerce, force)
【例】The boss compelled us to work over the weekend.
compulsive[kəm'pʌlsiv]adj. 强迫的(irresistible, obsessive)
【例】Bill is compulsive about saving everything. He can't throw anything away.
constrain[kən'strein]vt. 强迫(compel)
【例】Hunger constrained the orphans to beg for food.
pressure['preʃə(r)]n. 压力(tension)
tease[ti:z]vt. 强求
【例】The girl was teasing her mother for more candy.
coerce[kəu'ə:s]vt. 强迫,威迫(compel)
obtrude[əb'tru:d]v. 强加;迫使
coercive[kəu'ə:siv]adj. 强制的,强迫的(forceful)
impel[im'pel]vt. 推进,驱使(compel, propel)
【例】Tom said he had been impelled to commit a crime by poverty.
breach[bri:tʃ]n. 破裂(opening, break)
【例】The flood was caused by a small breach in the dam.
breakdown['breikdaun]n. 崩溃,倒塌;失败
【例】After his father's death, Tom was on the verge of a breakdown .
collapse[kə'læps]n. 倒塌,崩溃(crash)
【例】The collapse of the stock market in 1929 signaled the beginning of the Depression.
crash[kræʃ]v. 撞碎(crumble, shatter)
【例】The vase crashed when it fell off the bookcase.
crumple['krʌmpl]v. 粉碎,崩溃(collapse, crash)
【例】The brisks slowly crumpled in the long frost. / His last hope crumpled to nothing.
crush[krʌʃ]vt. 榨,挤,压碎(crunch)
【例】The huge machine crushed the rocks into small stones.
demolish[di'mɔliʃ]vt. 破坏(destroy, raze)
【例】The car was demolished in the accident.
devastate['devəsteit]vt. 使荒废;破坏(destroy, demolish)
【例】Hurricanes often devastate the coffee crop.
devastation[ˌdevəs'teiʃən]n. 毁坏
devour[di'vauə]vt. 吞食,吞没(eat up, consume);毁灭
【例】Flames devoured the structure in minutes.
disfigure[dis'figə]vt. 破坏(destroy, wreck)
【例】The forest fire disfigured the landscape.
disintegration[disˌinti'greiʃən]n. 瓦解
disrupt[dis'rʌpt]vt. 使中断,使分裂(disturb)
【例】An emergency announcement disrupted the TV show.
engulf[in'gʌlf]vt. 吞没,吞食(devour, swallow)
【例】The small boat was engulfed in the waves.
fracture['fræktʃə]n. / v. 断裂(break)
fragment['frægmənt]n. 碎片,破片(piece, scrap)
frustrate[frʌs'treit]vt. 破坏,挫败(baffle, thwart)
【例】The failure in the first battle frustrated the soldiers.
mangle['mæŋgl]vt. 撕裂,毁坏(mutilate)
【例】The symphony was dreadfully mangled .
ravage['rævidʒ]vt. 破坏(devastate, ruin)
【例】A tornado ravaged the countryside.
raze[reiz]vt. 摧毁(damage, bulldoze, demolish)
【例】The old school was razed to the ground and a new one was built.
rupture['rʌptʃə(r)]n. / v. 破裂,决裂(burst, breach)
【例】Water streamed from the rupture in the pipe.
scrap[skræp]n. 碎片;废料
shatter['ʃætə]n. 碎片(fragment)
smash[smæʃ]vt. 破碎(shatter, destroy)
【例】I accidentally smashed the window with a baseball.
spoil[spɔil]vt. 损坏,糟蹋(decay, ruin, rot, go bad);宠坏
【例】Mary spoiled her children with expensive toys.
squash[skwɔʃ]v. 压碎(flatten, squeeze)
【例】The ripe tomato squashed when it fell to the floor.
betray[bi'trei]vt. 背叛
【例】His accent betrayed him a southerner.
defection[di'fekʃən]n. 背叛;缺陷
overturn[ˌəuvə'tə:n]v. 推翻,颠倒
plot[plɔt]vt. 密谋,策划(plan, map out, outline)
【例】They are plotting to rob a bank.
rebel[ri'bel]vi. 谋反
【例】The students rebelled against their government.
rebellion[ri'beljən]n. 造反,叛乱
riot['raiət]n. 暴乱,骚动(disturbance, disorder, chaos)
subvert[səb'və:t]vt. 颠覆,推翻(undermine)
【例】Writing that subvert christianity is forbidden.
treason['tri:zn]n. 通敌,叛国罪(treachery)
turbulent['tə:bjulənt]adj. 骚动的,骚乱的(violent)
turmoil['tə:mɔil]n. 骚动,混乱(disorder, chaos)
【例】The turmoil of exams made the students very irritable.
uprising['ʌpˌraiziŋ]n. 叛乱
【记】来自rise up(起义)
uproar['ʌprɔ:]n. 骚动
overthrow[ˌəuvə'θrəu]vt. 推翻,颠覆(dethrone, overturn);挫败
traitor['treitə]n. 叛徒,卖国贼(betrayer)
insurgence[in'sə:dʒəns]n. 起义,叛乱(rebellion)
revolt[ri'vəult]v. 造反,反叛
【例】The people revolted against their king.
upheaval[ʌp'hi:vəl]n. 动乱;剧变
treachery['tretʃəri]n. 背叛;诡计(trick)
havoc['hævək]n. 大破坏(damage, destruction);浩劫;混乱
affirm[ə'fə:m]vt. 断言
【例】The man's testimony affirmed the innocence of the suspect.
assert[ə'sə:t]vt. 断言,宣称(declare)
【例】The lawyer asserted that his client was innocent.
conclude[kən'klu:d]vt. 推断出,断定
【例】The scientist examined the data and concluded that the theory was invalid.
deem[di:m]v. 认为(think, consider)
【例】He deems highly of this plan.
determine[di'tə:min]vt. 判定
【例】Anne has determined that she will win the election.
discern[di'sə:n]vt. 辨明(detect, distinguish)
【例】I can't discern the difference between the twins.
discretion[dis'kreʃən]n. 判断力
【例】The decorator showed no discretion in her purchases for our new house, everything costing too much money.
dogmatic[dɔg'mætik]adj. 武断的(opinionated, arbitrary);教条的
【例】You cannot be dogmatic with truth.
illegible[i'ledʒəbl]adj. 难辨认的(unreadable)
【例】Parts of the document are faded and illegible .
pending['pendiŋ]adj. 未决的(suspending)
【例】The date of our next meeting is still pending .
resolve[ri'zɔlv]vt. 决定(determine)
【例】He resolved on going out.
bewilder[bi'wildə]vt. 迷惑,把…弄糊涂(befuddle, confuse)
blur[blə:]vt. 使模糊(become indistinct)
【例】His eyes were blurred with tears.
captivate['kæptiveit]vt. 迷惑(attract, fascinate, enamour)
【例】The entertaining game captivated the children.
confound[kən'faund]v. 使糊涂,迷惑(confuse, puzzle)
【例】My computer confounds and annoys me daily.
dazzle['dæzl]vt. 使目眩;使迷惑(blind, bewilder)
【例】The excellent performance dazzled the audience.
elude[i'lju:d]vt. 困惑
【例】The gangster eluded the police.
enigma[i'nigmə]n. 谜(mystery)
【例】The enigma surrounding the murder perplexed the detective.
enigmatic[ˌenig'mætik]adj. 像谜般的,神秘的(mysterious, secretive)
【例】The Egyptian pyramids seem quite enigmatic to the people of modern times.
entangle[in'tæŋgl]vt. 使纠缠(embroil, involve);使迷惑
【例】The fishing line became entangled in the weeds.
enthrall[in'θrɔ:l]vt. 迷惑(captivate)
【例】The magician enthralled us with fascinating tricks.
equivocal[i'kwivəkəl]adj. 模棱两可的,意义不清的(ambiguous)
fascinate['fæsineit]vt. 使迷惑(enchant, enthrall, intrigue)
【例】He's fascinated with Buddhist ceremonies.
labyrinth['læbərinθ]n. 迷宫;错综复杂的事件
maze[meiz]n. 迷宫
perplex[pə'pleks]vt. 迷惑,困惑,难住(puzzle, confuse)
【例】The question perplexed me.
riddle['ridl]n. 谜(puzzle, mystery)
tangle['tæŋgl]vt. 使缠结,使纠缠(knot, snarl)
【例】Her hair got all tangled up in the fence.
glamour['glæmə]v. 迷惑
delude[di'lu:d]vt. 迷惑,哄骗(beguile, deceive)
bewitch[bi'witʃ]vt. 施魔法于,蛊惑(enchant, hex)
baffle['bæfl]vt. 使困惑;难倒
【例】The examination question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.
hypnotize['hipnətaiz]vt. 施催眠术(mesmerize);使着迷
ascertain[ˌæsə'tein]vt. 确定(determine, make sure);探知
【例】Did the doctor ascertain the cause of your opinion?
affirm[ə'fə:m]v. 断言;确认,肯定(assert, confirm)
【例】He affirmed his love for her.
definite['definit]adj. 明确的(specific, straightforward);肯定的
【例】She made him no definite answer.
confirm[kən'fə:m]vt. 进一步证实;确定(assure);支持
【例】Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.
unambiguous[ˌʌnæm'bigjuəs]adj. 不含糊的,明确的
pronounce[prə'nauns]v. 发音;宣告(enunciate, articulate);断言
【例】The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.
infallible[in'fæləbl]adj. 没有错误的;确实可靠的
【例】The intelligence is from an infallible source of information.
undoubtedly[ʌn'dautidli]adv. 确实地,无疑地;必定
【例】There will undoubtedly be trouble with the unions if the union leader is dismissed.
active['æktiv]adj. 活动的;活跃的
【例】Susan's personal life is very active .
coil[kɔil]n. 盘绕 v. 卷(curl, wind)
【例】The snake coiled itself around its prey.
concave[kɔn'keiv]adj. 凹的,凹入的n. 凹,凹面
convex[kɔn'veks]adj. 凸起的
dangle['dæŋgl]v. 悬荡(suspend, hang)
【例】The monkey loved to dangle from the branch and eat bananas.
encompass[in'kʌmpəs]vt. 包围,环绕(encircle, cover)
【例】This book encompasses all the important events of the city.
hump[hʌmp]vi. 隆起
【例】The land here humped into a hummock.
pitch[pitʃ]n. 程度;斜度
project[prə'dʒekt]v. 突出(protrude);投射
【例】His eyebrows project noticeably.
protrude[prə'tru:d]v. (使)突出(project, stick out)
【例】John's teeth protrude from his gums at an odd angle.
regularly['regjuləli]adv. 有规律地,整齐地(routinely)
【例】Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
roll[rəul]v. 滚动(scroll)
rotate[rəu'teit]v. (使)旋转(turn, alternate)
【例】The coach rotates her players frequently near the end of the game.
slant[sla:nt]n. 斜面 vt. 使倾斜(tilt, slope)
【例】The roof was built at a slant so rain would run off it.
slope[sləup]n. 倾斜;斜面 v. 倾斜(slant, tilt, incline)
spin[spin]v. 旋转
【例】The wheels of the car were spinning .
stuffy['stʌfi]adj. 闷热的,不通风的(airless)
tilted['tiltid]adj. 倾斜的(slanted)
tower['tauə]vi. 屹立,高耸
【例】The skyscraper towered among the city.
abate[ə'beit]v. 减少(lessen, diminish, dwindle, subside)
【例】It is reported that flu has been abating due to a warm winter.
accumulate[ə'kju:mjuleit]vt. 积聚(aggregate, amass, accrue)
【例】The television screen accumulates dust.
amplification[ˌæmplifi'keiʃən]n. 扩大
amplify['æmplifai]vt. 放大,增强
【例】We need to amplify the electric current.
ascent[ə'sent]n. 上升
【例】The rock climbers made their ascent slowly.
deform[di:'fɔ:m]vt. 使变形(disfigure, distort)
【例】A constant wind deformed the tree.
descent[di'sent]n. 下降
elevate['eliveit]vt. 抬高
【例】The marchers elevated the flag as they passed the president.
enhance[in'ha:ns]vt. 增加(raise, improve, heighten)
【例】You can enhance your appearance with makeup.
extend[iks'tend]v. 扩充,延伸(stretch)
【例】He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.
extension[iks'tenʃən]n. 延伸
【例】The handle isn't long enough, so I need an extension .
hike[haik]v. 上升
【例】My coat had hiked up in the back.
hoist[hɔist]v. 升起(raise)
【例】He was hoisted up to the top of the building by a hoist.
sharpen['ʃa:pən]vt. 削尖
【例】You need to sharpen your eyes in doing experiments.
stretch[stretʃ]v. 伸展,伸长(pull taut, expand)
【例】She stretched herself out on the couch and fell asleep.
transform[træns'fɔ:m]vt. 使变形
【例】A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.
poise[pɔiz]n. 平衡(balance);稳定
stable['steibl]adj. 稳定的
steadily['stedili]adv. 稳定地;有规则地(consistently)
steady['stedi]adj. 稳固的 vt. 使稳定
stability[stə'biliti]n. 固定;牢固;稳定
【例】Social stability is key to economic growth.
tranquilize['træŋkwilaiz]v. 使安静,使平静
constrict[kən'strikt]v. (使)收紧;压缩(reduce, compress)
【例】The snake constricted its body around its prey and killed it.
contract['kɔntrækt]vi. 收缩(shrink, reduce)
【例】Plastic bags contract when being heated.
curtail[kə:'teil]vt. 缩减(cut back, reduce)
【例】The discussions were curtailed when the fire alarm went off.
detract[di'trækt]vi. 去掉;减损(lessen, derogate)
【例】Their argument detracted from the otherwise pleasant conversation.
diminish[di'miniʃ]vt. 减少(decrease);缩小(dwindle)
【例】Unexpected expenses diminished the size of my bank account.
dwindle['dwindl]vi. 减少(diminish, decrease)
【例】The stream will continue to dwindle if it doesn't rain.
indent[in'dent]vt. 缩排,缩进
【例】Remember to indent the first line of every paragraph.
reduce[ri'dju:s]vt. 减少;简化(simplify)
【例】Statistics helps to reduce unwieldy data to comprehensible form.
subtraction[səb'trækʃən]n. 减少
narrow['nærəu]vt. 使变狭窄,使缩小 vi. 变窄
【例】The passage to the temple narrows as it approaches to the destination.
restrict[ris'trikt]vt. 限制,限定
【例】He restricted himself to allocate one hour for sports per day.
shrink[ʃriŋk]vi. 缩小,变小
【例】The dress shrank when I washed it.
decrease[di'kri:s]n. / v. 减少,降低
【例】Because of inflation, people's real salary decreased this year compared to that of last year.
decline[di'klain]n. / vi. 下降(decrease, drop);下滑;下倾
【例】The sales volume declined dramatically this month.
deduct[di'dʌkt]vt. 扣除,减除(discount, subtract)
【例】Please deduct unrelated costs from the project.
accidental[ˌæksi'dentl]adj. 偶然的(occasional)
【例】I made an accidental error on my exam.
casual['kæʒjuəl]adj. 非正式的,随便的(informal)
【例】The picnic was casual , so we all wore shirts.
contingent[kən'tindʒənt]adj. 可能发生的(accidental, unforeseen)
【例】Mary's offer to buy the house was contingent upon her getting a mortgage.
dispensable[dis'pensəbl]adj. 可有可无的(unnecessary, unimportant)
【例】This magazine is dispensable , so let's discontinue our subscription.
fortuitous[fɔ:'tju(:)itəs]adj. 偶然的,意外的(accidental, coincidental)
【例】He is not a good swimmer; he just won the game fortuitously .
haphazard[ˌhæp'hæzəd]adj. 偶然的;随便的(casual, random)
【例】I didn't mean to meet my old friend at the airport; it was just a haphazard meeting.
lottery['lɔtəri]n. 碰巧之事
【例】“Marriage is just a lottery ; don't believe in love. ”said the old man.
occasional[ə'keiʒənəl]adj. 偶然的(accidental, haphazard)
【例】The silence was broken by an occasional scream.
random['rændəm]adj. 任意的,随意的(patternless, unplanned)
incidentally[insi'dentəli]adv. 偶发性地(作为附带的或非主要的事)
【例】My father was by profession a businessman and incidentally a musician.
incidental[ˌinsi'dentl]adj. 偶发的(accidental);临时的
decadence['dekədəns]n. 衰落,颓废
【例】The mayor criticized the teenagers for their decadence .
decline[di'klain]v. 衰落(go down, drop)
【例】As the dog grew older, its health declined .
degenerate[di'dʒenərət]adj. 堕落的 [di'dʒenəreit]vi. 退步(degrade, deterio-rate)
【例】I was shocked by the lack of morals in the degenerate book.
degrade[di'greid]vt. 使降级(lower);使堕落(degenerate)
【例】I felt degraded by having to ask for money.
deplete[di'pli:t]vt. 耗尽,使衰竭(exhaust)
【例】I always replenish my food supply before it is depleted .
ebb[eb]vi. 衰退(decay)
【例】The water washed up on the shore, then slowly ebbed away.
enervate['enə:veit]vt. 使衰弱(enfeeble, weaken)
【例】The dullness of the lecture as well as the heat of the day enervated the students, who were all too tired.
languish['læŋgwiʃ]vi. 变衰弱(wither, fade)
【例】The prisoners have been languishing for years in the dungeon.
debility[di'biliti]n. 虚弱,衰弱
【例】After operation, it seems that the old man was still in debility and had not recovered yet.
feeble['fi:bl]adj. 虚弱的,衰弱的(weak, frail)
【例】I felt feeble when I was ill.
decay[di'kei]n. / vi. 腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退
【例】Dentists advise their patients to brush and floss regularly to prevent their teeth from decaying .
wither['wiðə(r)]vt. (使)枯萎,凋谢(deteriorate)
【例】The flowers withered in the cold.
recessionary[ri'seʃənəri]adj. (经济)衰退的,衰退期的
wane[wein]n. / v. (月)缺;衰落(abate, diminish, lessen)
【例】The tide was near the turn and already the day was on the wane .
devoid[di'vɔid]adj. 缺乏的(lacking)
【例】The hot air was devoid of even the slightest amount of moisture.
forfeit['fɔ:fit]vt. 丧失 adj. 丧失了的(lost)
【例】His lands were forfeit .
insufficient[ˌinsə'fiʃənt]adj. 不足的,不够的(inadaquate)
meager['mi:gə(r)]adj. 贫乏的,不足的(scanty)
needy['ni:di]adj. 贫穷的(poor)
【例】Those needy children had to work for their keep.
scanty['skænti]adj. 贫乏的(sparse, meager)
【例】The scanty resources defines this area as barren.
scarce[skεəs]adj. 缺乏的,不足的(sparse)
stingy['stindʒi]adj. 缺乏的
destitute['destitju:t]adj. 贫困的,赤贫的(penniless, bankrupt)
【例】In the face of destitute period in his lifetime, he tried his best to support the family.
lacking['lækiŋ]adj. 缺少的,缺乏的,不足的(in short of)
【例】Help was lacking at sea during the storm.
impoverish[im'pɔvəriʃ]vt. 使贫困;使枯竭(deplete)
【例】The fertile grassland was impoverished because of over grazing.
deficient[di'fiʃənt]adj. 缺乏的,不足的(inadequate, lacking)
【例】Food was deficient at time of famine.
deprived[di'praivd]adj. 缺乏足够教育的;缺少食物的
【例】Pre-school education is designed to give children from educationally deprived households an early boost.
ceaseless['si:slis]adj. 不停的(incessant, endless)
【例】The ceaseless noise of the dripping faucet drove us crazy.
constant['kɔnstənt]adj. 不变的,持续的(invariable, continuous)
【例】The constant noise from the road crew gave Bill a headache.
fitful['fitful]adj. 一阵阵的,断续的
【例】Your fitful pacing is bothering me.
frequency['fri:kwənsi]n. 频率,周率,发生次数
haunt[hɔ:nt]vt. 常到(frequent)
【例】Do ghosts really haunt that old house?
incessant[in'sesnt]adj. 不断的(ceaseless, continual)
speedy['spi:di]adj. 快的,迅速的
successive[sək'sesiv]adj. 连续的(consecutive)
【例】The baseball player hit four successive home runs.
swift[swift]adj. 快速的(quick)
continual[kən'tinjuəl]adj. 不停的,连续的(continuous, perpetual, eternal, perennial, interminable)
【例】He was used to continual rain during the rainy season in the Yangtze Delta region.
regular['regjulə]adj. 有规则的,有规律的(routine);常见的,频繁的(customary)
【例】Regular inspection on work safety has contributed to the decrease of fire accidents this year in small factories.
persistent[pə'sistənt]adj. 固执的,坚持的;持续的(continuous)
【例】Tom was so persistent that he finally succeeded in his experiment, which led to a major discovery in thermodynamics.
adhere[əd'hiə]vi. 黏着(stick, cling);坚持(hold)
【例】There is a piece of lettuce adhering to the side of your plate.
adherent[əd'hiərənt]adj. 依附的(adhesive, sticky)
attachment[ə'tætʃmənt]n. 连接物;附件
【例】The vacuum cleaner has six different attachments .
cling[kliŋ]vi. 黏附(adhere, stick)
【例】The child clung to his mother, begging her not to leave.
cohere[kəu'hiə]vi. 附着(connect, fit)
【记】co(共同)+here(粘)→共同粘→ 附着
sticky['stiki]adj. 粘连的(adhesive)
stick[stik]v. 粘住,粘贴(cling, attach)
【例】The stamp is not sticky enough to stick on the envelope.
slabby['slæbi]adj. 粘的,胶粘的
conglutinate[kɔn'glu:tineit]v. (使)粘附,(使)黏合
agglutinate[ə'glu:tineit]v. 使胶合,使黏合
augment[ɔ:g'ment]vt. 增大,增加(enlarge, increase)
【记】aug(提高 )+ment→提高→增大
【例】The addition to the house greatly augmented its value.
broaden['brɔ:dn]v. 放宽,变阔
【例】The city broadened the road at the dangerous turn.
dilate[dai'leit]vt. 使膨胀,使扩大(expand, widen)
expand[iks'pænd]vi. 扩张(outspread)
【例】The balloon expanded slowly.
sprawl[sprɔ:l]n. 扩展 v. 蔓延(spread)
【例】Suburban sprawl caused really bad traffic jams.
swell[swel]v. 膨胀(expand, inflate)
【例】My ankle began to swell when I injured it.
enlarge[in'la:dʒ]v. 增大,扩大(increase)
【例】We're enlarging the production scale to produce more and better computers.
extend[iks'tend]v. 延长(expand);继续
【例】Metal extends when heated.
magnify['mægnifai]v. 放大,扩大
【记】比较diminish, minify(缩小)
【例】This microscope magnifies an object 100,000 times.
outstretch[aut'stretʃ]v. 伸出,伸展
boost[bu:st]n. / v. 增加;提高(hoist)
【例】Investment boosted the economy.
amplify['æmplifai]vt. 放大;增强;详述
【例】He amplified an electronical signal.
assemble[ə'sembl]vt. 聚集(gather, congregate)
【例】After assembling the things he needed, Bob baked a beautiful cake.
assembly[ə'sembli]n. 集会
【例】An assembly was called so that everyone could vote on the issue.
congregate['kɔŋgrigeit]vt. 聚集(assemble, gather)
【例】Each morning people at work congregate around the coffee pot.
convene[kən'vi:n]vt. 集合(assemble, gather)
【例】Party congresses at all levels are convened by Party committees at their respective levels.
gather['gæðə]v. 聚集,集合(compile, collect)
【例】Children, gather round, and Miss Alice will tell you a fable.
accumulate[ə'kju:mjuleit]v. 积累,积存(amass, assemble)
【例】As the evidence began to accumulate , experts from the company felt obliged to investigate.
amass[ə'mæs]vt. 积蓄;积聚(accumulate, compile)
【例】During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
flock[flɔk]vi. 聚集成群n. 禽群;畜群;人群(crowd)
【例】It rarely happened that people in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.
accompany[ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴
【例】The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the meeting room.
befuddle[bi'fʌdl]vt. 使混乱(confuse)
【例】The befuddled deer could not move out of the path of the car.
complex['kɔmpleks]adj. 复杂的(complicated, tangled)
【例】The student thought the algebraic formula was complex .
complicate['kɔmplikeit]vt. 使复杂
【例】Getting angry with each other will only complicate the matter.
confuse[kən'fju:z]vt. 使混淆
disarray[ˌdisə'rei]n. 杂乱 v. 混乱
【例】I couldn't find the papers in all the disarray on my desk.
intricate['intrikit]adj. 错综复杂的(complicated, entangled);难懂的
jumble['dʒʌmbl]vt. 混杂(muddle, mix)
【例】The papers in the office were all jumbled up.
muddle['mʌdl]vt. 使混乱(confuse, make into a mess)
【例】The lesson was not clear and it has muddled me.
shuffle['ʃʌfl]vt. 搅乱,混合(mix, blend)
【例】He shuffled the cards before each new round.
chaos['keiɔs]n. 混乱,无秩序,混沌状态(disorder)
【例】The room was a chaos of boxes.
babelism[`beibəlizəm]n. 混乱
disorder[dis'ɔ:də]n. 杂乱,混乱,无秩序状态 v. 扰乱
【例】The bandits fled in disorder when they heard that a regiment of soldiers were marching to their den.
turmoil['tə:mɔil]n. 混乱,骚乱,动乱(commotion, disturbance)
clutter['klʌtə]n. 杂乱,喧闹 vt. 乱糟糟地堆满
【例】The room was cluttered up with old furniture.
tangle['tæŋgl]n. 混乱状态 v. 处于混乱状态
【例】The string was in a tangle .
bedlam['bedləm]n. 喧闹的地方;骚乱
pandemonium[ˌpændi'məunjəm]n. 喧嚣,大混乱
【例】The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium .
energize['enədʒaiz]vt. 供给能量;使活跃
【例】I energized the motor when I turned on the electric switch.
rally['ræli]n. / v. 恢复;重整(溃散的队伍等)
【例】We rallied together to save our leader from prison.
recover[ri'kʌvə]vt. 恢复(resume)
【例】The patient did not recover himself since he was knocked down in a car accident.
refresh[ri'freʃ]vt. 使清新 vi. 恢复精神(renew, revive)
【例】She felt refreshed after her sleep.
rehabilitate[ˌri:(h)ə'biliteit]vt. 恢复(restore)
【例】After World War II,many factories were rehabilitated rather than bulldozed.
restore[ris'tɔ:]vt. 恢复(recover, bring back)
【例】She restored after her holiday.
retrieve[ri'tri:v]v. 重新找回(recover)
【例】Jane retrieved the lost document from the garbage can.
revive[ri'vaiv]v. 复兴,复苏(revitalize)
【例】The fresh air soon revived him.
revoke[ri'vəuk]vt. 取消(cancel);撤回(repeal)
【例】The drunk driver had his driving licence revoked .
resume[ri'zju:m]vt. 重新取得;重新开始
【例】They resumed their normal work after a short rest.
recuperate[ri'kju:pəreit]v. 恢复,复原(recover)
【例】The old man finally recuperated after a critical operation.
rejuvenate[ri'dʒu:vineit]vt. 使年轻,使复原 vi. 返老还童,复原
【例】Right policy rejuvenated the sound development of the economy.
convalesce[ˌkɔnvə'les]vi. 恢复健康,渐愈,复原(rally, recuperate)
renovate['renəuveit]vt. 革新;刷新;修复
【例】We renovated the house before we moved in.
assuage[ə'sweidʒ]vt. 缓和(alleviate, mitigate, soothe)
【例】I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement.
console[kən'səul]vt. 安慰(conciliate, comfort)
【例】The physician consoled the parents of the accident victim.
cushion['kuʃən]n. 垫层 vt. 缓解
mitigate['mitigeit]vt. 缓和;减轻(alleviate, relieve)
【例】Nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which she had treated him.
mollify['mɔlifai]vt. 缓和(appease, assuage)
【例】He tries to find ways of mollifying her.
pacify['pæsifai]vt. 镇定;抚慰(appease, placate)
【例】Even a written apology failed to pacify the indignant hostess.
placate[plə'keit]vt. 安抚(appease, pacify)
【例】To placate an infant, a mom has to offer vocal reassurance.
relax[ri'læks]v. (使)松弛,放松(ease)
slacken['slækən]vt. 使松弛(loosen, slow down)
【例】I slackened the line to let the fish swim.
soothe[su:ð]v. 缓和,减轻(appease, relieve)
abate[ə'beit]vi. 减弱,减轻,减低(decrease, curtail)
【例】The government abated the tax to spur investment.
demulcent[di'mʌlsənt]adj. 缓和的;镇痛的
lenitive['lenitiv]adj. 润泽的;缓和的n. 润泽药,缓和剂
alleviate[ə'li:vieit]vt. 减轻,缓和(痛苦等)
【例】No arguments shall be wanted on my part that can alleviate so severe a misfortune.
relieve[ri'li:v]vt. 减少;减轻(alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate, palliate)
【例】This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.
detach[di'tætʃ]vt. 分开,分离(remove, separate)
【例】Sally detached the spray nozzle from the hose.
detached[di'tætʃt]adj. 分离的(separated, disconnected)
【例】The house has a detached garage rather than an adjoining one.
disunite[ˌdisju:'nait]vt. 使分离
【例】He managed to disunite the links of a chain.
rend[rend]vt. 分离(apart, seperate)
【例】The cruel enemies rent the child away from his mother.
scatter['skætə]vt. 使分散(disperse, spread)
【例】The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens.
segregate['segrigeit]vt. 隔离,分离(alienate, separate)
【例】Solid and liquid are segregated and then mixed again in the experiment.
sever['sevə]vt. 分开(separate);断绝
【例】The road was severed at several places.
solitude['sɔlitju:d]n. 与外界隔绝(isolation, loneliness)
apart[ə'pa:t]adv. 分开,离开
【例】All the children like music apart from Bobby.
disengage[ˌdisin'geidʒ]vi. 解开;使解脱;分离
【例】Disengage the gears when you park the car.
dissolve[di'zɔlv]vi. 溶解(melt);液化(liquefy)
【例】Heat dissolved the candle into a pool of wax in a few minutes.
separate['seprit]adj. 区别的,不同的 ['sepəreit]v. 分开(divide);离开,脱离(part, sever)
【例】The two children separated at the end of the road.
accomplished[ə'kɔmpliʃt]adj. 完成的
【例】Bill is the most accomplished musician I have ever known.
achieve[ə'tʃi:v]vt. 完成,实现(accomplish, fulfil)
【例】Bill could not achieve his schooling because he is too lazy.
advance[əd'va:ns]vt. 使前进(proceed)
beget[bi'get]vt. 引起,产生(arise, bring)
【例】Hunger begets crime.
climax['klaimæks]v. (使)达到高潮n. 高峰,顶点(peak, culmination)
【例】The movie climaxed with Tom's revealing that he was really the child's father.
commence[kə'mens]vi. 开始(begin)
【例】The second term commences in March.
conclude[kən'klu:d]vi. 结束
【例】The movie concludes at ten o'clock.
conclusive[kən'klu:siv]adj. 决定性的(decisive, definitive);最后的(final)
【例】The committee didn't reach any conclusive decision.
condition[kən'diʃən]n. 条件;状况
【例】My shoes are in bad condition and need to be replaced.
culmination[kʌlmi'neiʃ(ə)n]n. 顶点(climax, summit)
【例】At the culmination of her career, Mary gave a final concert.
develop[di'veləp]v. 发展;产生;成长
【例】I will develop a headache if it gets too hot.
emerge[i'mə:dʒ]vi. 出现(appear, come into prominence)
【例】The divers emerged from the water.
engender[in'dʒendə]vt. 产生(generate, produce)
【例】John's kind acts engendered my friendship.
eventual[i'ventjuəl]adj. 最后的(final, ultimate)
【例】Owning a restaurant is Bill's eventual goal, but now he is just an assistant chef.
exit['eksit]v. 退出
final['fainəl]adj. 最后的(ultimate)
【例】After the final contest has completed, the judges will decide.
foremost['fɔ:məust]adj. 最初的(prime)
【例】He is one of the foremost atom scientists in China.
generate['dʒenəˌreit]vt. 造成(produce, give rise to)
【例】His improper behavior generates a good deal of suspicion.
halt[hɔ:lt]v. 踌躇;停止,停止行进
【例】The police ordered the thief to halt .
headway['hedwei]n. 进展(progress)
incipient[in'sipiənt]adj. 初期的
initial[i'niʃəl]adj. 初始的(original, beginning, early, oldest)
【例】His initial step to start a small business is to do a market research.
initiate[i'niʃieit]vt. 开始,创始(start, begin, commence)
launch[lɔ:ntʃ]vt. 发动(start, begin)
【例】My company launched a new insurance plan.
onset['ɔnset]n. 开始(baginning)
【记】来自set on(攻击)
【例】The onset of arthritis stopped the old lady from doing needlework.
original[ə'ridʒənəl]adj. 最初的(earliest, initial)
【例】His idea is not original ; many pioneers had the same thought.
originally[ə'ridʒənəli]adv. 本来;最初地
peak[pi:k]n. 高峰(mountain top);尖端(summit, top)
【例】At the peak of their labor, they could lay five miles of rails a day.
phase[feiz]n. 阶段(stage, period)
【例】The three phases of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
primary['praiməri]adj. 最初的(foremost, initial)
proceed[prə'si:d]vi. 进行(carry on, go on)
【例】Business proceeded as usual.
process['prəuses]n. 过程(procedure)
progress[prə'gres]v. 前进,发展
【例】The year is progressing ; it will soon be winter again.
result[ri'zʌlt]n. 结果(outcome)
resume[ri'zju:m]v. 继续(continue)
【例】We resumed our work after a rest.
status['steitəs]n. 状况
【例】The status of colonial women had been well studied.
successful[sək'sesful]adj. 成功的(fruitful)
terminate['tə:mineit]vt. 终止(end, finish, conclude, stop)
【例】The author terminated his contract with the publisher.
triumph['traiəmf]n. 成功(victory)
【例】In our moment of triumph , let's not forget those who made it all possible.
ultimate['ʌltimit]adj. 最后的(final, eventual)
【例】Ultimate success can be only achieved by those who hang on.
vanish['væniʃ]vi. 消失(disappear, fade)
【例】The magician made the flowers vanish with a wave of his wand.
impale[im'peil]vt. 刺穿,刺住(pierce, penetrate)
【例】She had the butterflies impaled on small pins.
penetrate['penitreit]vt. 刺穿,进入(pierce)
【例】The knife penetrated her finger and made it bleed.
pierce[piəs]vt. 穿透,戳穿(penetrate, puncture)
【例】I pierced the paper with my pencil.
punch[pʌntʃ]vt. 打孔
【例】Workers have to punch holes in the mountain to get the road through.
sheathe[ʃi:ð]vt. (将刀剑)入鞘(encase)
【例】He sheathes his sword.
stab[stæb]v. /n. 刺,戳(jab, injure)
【例】He stabbed the woman with a knife and she died.
transfix[træns'fiks]vt. 刺穿(pierce, impale)
【例】The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon.
bayonet['beiənit]vt. 用刺刀刺n. 刺刀
infiltrate[in'filtreit]vi. 渗透
【例】A team of Japanese soldiers had infiltrated China and the war was on the edge.
puncture['pʌŋktʃə]n. 刺孔,穿孔,刺痕 vi. 刺穿,刺破
【例】The tire punctured a mile from home.
admonish[əd'mɔniʃ]vt. 警告(warn)
【例】Mary admonished the children not to talk to strangers.
adverse['ædvə:s]adj. 敌对的(hostile);不利的(unfavorable, negative)
【例】The adverse weather conditions made travel difficult. / Penicillin can have an adverse effect on a person who is allergic to it.
assail[ə'seil]vt. 猛击(attack, assault);决然面对
【例】A police officer assailed the crook with a baton.
baste[beist]vt. 殴打(lash, beat);公开责骂
【例】The man was basted for his crime.
belligerent[bi'lidʒərənt]adj. 好战的(hostile, aggressive);交战的
【例】It is unwise to take a belligerent attitude.
compete[kəm'pi:t]vi. 竞争
【例】Children sometimes compete for their parents' attention.
contend[kən'tend]v. 争斗(compete, rival)
diverge[dai'və:dʒ]vt. 分歧,差异(differ, deviate)
【例】I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.
divergent[dai'və:dʒənt]adj. 分叉的;分歧的(different)
【例】Thousands of divergent tree branches made a thick canopy overhead.
emulate['emjuleit]vt. 与…竞争;仿效(imitate, copy)
【例】I tried to emulate Mary's skill at playing the piano.
feud[fju:d]n. 世仇 vi. 不合
【例】The feud between our families has lasted for generations.
frown[fraun]vi. 皱眉;反对
【例】My father frowned when I came home late last night.
fulminate['fʌlmineit]vt. 猛烈爆发(explode)
【例】The government has determined to fulminate against the crime wave.
hostile['hɔstail]adj. 敌对的,不友好的(antagonistic, unfriendly)
【例】The hostile cat hissed whenever I came near.
impact['impækt]v. 冲击(affect, influence)
【例】The Cultural Revolution greatly impacted many Chinese families.
offensive[ə'fensiv]adj. 无礼的;攻击性的(aggressive)
【例】I would take it as an offensive action if you don't stop making those terrible noises.
parallel['pærəlel]vt. 匹敌(match, rival)
【例】His paintings parallels that of Qi Baishi.
punch[pʌntʃ]vt. 重击(blow, hit)
【例】Plain Indians punched their hand-held drums while dancing.
repel[ri'pel]vt. 排斥(resist, reject);击退
【例】The soldiers repelled the enemy.
repulse[ri'pʌls]vt. 排斥;击退
【例】Tom repulsed the attacker by punching him in the stomach.
repulsive[ri'pʌlsiv]adj. 排斥的(revolting, disgusting)
rival['raivəl]vt. 竞争,匹敌(compete, match)
【例】Edison is a genius who can't be rivaled by ordinary mortals though advancedly educated.
strife[straif]n. 冲突,竞争(squabble, conflict)
strike[straik]v. 打击(hit)
【例】In France, going on strike is frequently being utilised by the union in fighting for the workers' interest, which strikes the nation's economy heavily.
struggle['strʌgl]n. / vi. 竞争,奋斗(fight)
【例】The human being struggles with his environment.
tantalize['tæntəlaiz]vt. 逗惹,使…着急(provoke, tease)
【例】Every time I reached for the bird, it disppeared. I withdrew, it reappeared. It posed a tantalizing question for me.
thump[θʌmp]vt. 重击(strike, pound)
【例】The salesman thumped the door knocker.
convert[kən'və:t]vt. 转换(change, transform)
【例】I converted the spare bedroom into a reading room.
copious['kəupjəs]adj. 丰富的(plentiful)
diverse[dai'və:s]adj. 不同的(different, various)
diversify[dai'və:sifai]vt. 使多样化(vary)
【例】That factory has diversified its products.
enrich[in'ritʃ]vt. 丰富(make rich, enhance)
【例】I enriched my coffee with cream and sugar.
fickle['fikl]adj. 多变的(changeable, capricious)
【例】The weather in this area is fickle ; you can never foretell.
lavish['læviʃ]adj. 丰富的(liberal)
【例】My neighbors spoiled their children with lavish gifts.
manifold['mænifəuld]adj. 多样的(various, many);多方面的
【例】The newlywed couple received the manifold blessings of their friends and relatives.
mutation[mju(:)'teiʃən]n. 变化(transformation)
【例】A little frog was transformed into a monster due to a mutation aroused by nuclear emission.
profuse[prə'fju:s]adj. 极其丰富的(abundant, exuberant)
transform[træns'fɔ:m]vt. 变换(change, transmute)
【例】A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.
transition[træn'ziʃən]n. 转变,变迁(change, shift);过渡
【例】Spring is a transition from winter into summer.
variant['vεəriənt]adj. 不同的(different)
variation[ˌvεəri'eiʃən]n. 变化(alteration, change)
【例】The global warming trend has made considerable variation of temperature.
various['vεəriəs]adj. 各种的(diversified)
vary['vεəri]vt. 改变(differ, deviate from, range)
【例】He varies his writing style according to his readers.
bicker['bikə]vi. 争吵(brawl, quarrel)
【例】The couple bickered over little things.
brawl[brɔ:l]vi. 争吵(bicker, quarrel)
【例】The disagreement soon erupted into a brawl .
contradict[kɔntrə'dikt]vt. 反驳;抵触(counteract, oppose)
【例】I hate to contradict your statement, but there are many snakes in Australia.
contradictory[ˌkɔntrə'diktəri]adj. 矛盾的;反驳的(opposing)
contravene[ˌkɔntrə'vi:n]vt. 反对(contradict, oppose);违反
【例】Don't do whatever may contravene the law of the country.
controversial[ˌkɔntrə'və:ʃəl]adj. 引起争论的
【例】Mike wrote a very controversial book about the weakness of our political leaders.
controversy['kɔntrəvə:si]n. 争论
【例】I am really tired of public controversy concerning the morals of the president.
controvert['kɔntrəvə:t]vt. 反驳(deny, contradict);辩论
【例】What he said is a fact that can't be controverted .
debatable[di'beitəbl]adj. 争论中的,未决定的(controversial, unsettled)
【例】It is debatable as to which football team is the best.
debate[di'beit]n. / v. 争论,辩论(discussion, argument)
disprove[dis'pru:v]vt. 反驳,证明…有误
【例】The research disproved information I had taken for granted.
dispute[dis'pju:t]v. 争论,辩论
【例】The strikers began to dispute hotly with members of management.
eloquence['eləkwəns]n. 雄辩
【例】Because of her eloquence , Anne made an excellent lobbyist.
eloquent['eləkwənt]adj. 雄辩的,有口才的(persuasive, fluent)
【例】The eloquent lecture was interesting to listen to.
gainsay[gein'sei]vt. 反驳(oppose)
haggle['hægl]vi. 争论(argue, bargain)
【例】The housewife haggled about the price with the vendor for half an hour.
refute[ri'fju:t]vt. 驳斥,反驳(disprove, rebut)
【例】I refuted him easily.
retort[ri'tɔ:t]v. 反驳(refute, reply)
squabble['skwɔbl]n. 口角,争论(quarrel, argument)
wrangle['ræŋgl]vi. 争论,争执(argue, bicker)
dissentious[di'senʃəs]adj. 好争论的,争吵的
quarrel['kwɔrəl]n. / v. 争论,争辩;口角
【例】Those children are always quarrelling over little things.
oppose[ə'pəuz]vt. 反对;反抗,对抗(contradict, counteract)
challenge['tʃælindʒ]vt. 表示异议,质疑(question)
contentious[kən'tenʃəs]adj. 引起争论的;好争吵的,好争论的
rebut[ri'bʌt]vt. 反驳;驳回
counter['kauntə]vt. 反对(oppose);驳回
rejoinder[ri'dʒɔində]n. 反驳
tiff[tif]n. 小争吵,小争执,吵嘴(quarrel)
consult[kən'sʌlt]v. 商量;请教
【例】I consulted the weather report before planning the picnic.
convention[kən'venʃən]n. 会议(conference)
【例】The medical association annually holds a large convention in a major city.
negotiate[ni'gəuʃieit]v. 谈判,交涉
【例】The two parties are negotiating about the contract.
pact[pækt]n. 协定(treaty, agreement)
placate[plə'keit]vt. 和解
reconcile['rekənsail]vt. 和解(conform, harmonize)
【例】Anne reconciled her disagreement with Mary.
reconciliation[ˌrekənsili'eiʃən]n. 和解(compromise, pacification)
【例】The two parties make reconciliations to meet each other in the middle.
accost[ə'kɔst]vt. 向人搭话(address, speak to)
【例】She was often accosted by complete strangers.
coax[kəuks]vt. 哄
【例】Jane coaxed her little baby to sleep.
colloquial[kə'ləukwiəl]adj. 会话的,口语的(oral)
【例】Bob deletes colloquial expressions from his formal writing.
compliment['kɔmplimənt]n. 问候
confide[kən'faid]v. 倾诉(confess, disclose)
【例】Mary confided in John that she had lost her job.
declaim[di'kleim]v. 朗诵;演讲
【例】A preacher stood declaiming in the town center.
dialogue['daiəlɔg]n. 对话(conversation)
【例】The entire play consisted of dialogue and no movement.
dumb[dʌm]adj. 哑的,无言的
【例】Mike keeps dumb when he doesn't know the answer.
effuse[i'fju:z]vt. 流出;散布
【例】I can't believe that kind of words effuse from her mouth.
equivocate[i'kwivəkeit]vi. 说模棱两可的话,支吾
【例】If you equivocate on the witness stand, you might be charged with perjury.
excuse[iks'kju:z]n. 借口(reason)
gabble['gæbl]v. 急促而不清楚地说出
【例】“Articulate your words; don't gabble . ”said the mother.
gossip['gɔsip]n. 闲话
grumble['grʌmbl]vi. 喃喃诉苦(complain, grunt)
【例】That student is discourteous; he grumbles no matter how one tries to please him.
hearsay['hiəsei]n. 谣传,风闻(rumor, gossip)
【例】It's just hearsay , but it's rumored that John is going to quit.
hoarse[hɔ:s]adj. (声音)嘶哑的(husky, rough)
【例】Bob's hoarse voice sounded as if his throat really hurt.
hubbub['hʌbʌb]n. 嘈杂(uproar)
interrupt[ˌintə'rʌpt]v. 打断(halt),插嘴(intermit)
【例】It's impolite to interrupt while others are talking.
nonsense['nɔnsns]n. 胡说,废话
oration[ə'reiʃən]n. 演说(speech, address)
outwit[ˌaut'wit]vt. 哄骗
【例】The fox outwitted the farmer and stole a chicken.
refer[ri'fə:]v. 言及,提到(mention)
【例】The president referred several times to the Paris Treaty during his address at the summit meeting.
rumble['rʌmbl]v. 低沉地说
【例】He rumbled a command to the soldiers.
solicit[sə'lisit]v. 恳求(request, demand)
accentuate[æk'sentjueit]vt. 重读;强调(emphasize, underline, highlight, underscore)
【例】Her style of dress accentuates extreme slenderness.
account[ə'kaunt]n. 描述
cite[sait]vt. 引用,举例(mention, quote, refer to)
【例】When writing research papers, writers must cite the sources they use.
clarify['klærifai]vt. 澄清,阐明
【例】The explanation clarified the details of the plan.
construe[kən'stru:]vt. 解释(expound);翻译(translate, interpret)
【例】The offended customer had construed my words to mean something I didn't mean at all!
convey[kən'vei]vt. 表达(communicate)
cover['kʌvə]vt. 报道
【例】I covered the trial for our paper.
delineate[di'linieit]vt. 刻画;记述(depict, portray)
【例】He delineated his plan in this notebook.
depict[di'pikt]vt. 描写,叙述(delineate, describe, portray)
【例】The poet tried to depict the splendor of the setting sun in his poem.
divulge[dai'vʌldʒ]vt. 宣布(reveal)
【例】The president asked the managers not to divulge the news of the merger.
elaborate[i'læbərət]vt. 详细阐述(explain, embellish)
【例】We ask Mary to elaborate her trip to Tibet.
elucidate[i'lju:sideit]vt. 阐明,说明(clarify, explain)
【例】Lisa cannot simply elucidate her ideas well enough to carry on a reasonable conversation.
emphasize['emfəsaiz]vt. 强调,着重(underscore, underline, highlight, stress, accentuate)
【例】The speaker will emphasize team work and patience in her speech.
enunciate[i'nʌnsieit]v. 阐明;清晰发音(articulate)
【例】You must enunciate your lines, or the audience will never understand you.
exemplify[ig'zemplifai]vt. 例证,例示(illustrate)
【例】Your diligence exemplifies the characteristics of a good employee.
exposition[ˌekspə'ziʃən]n. 展览(exhibition);说明,阐明(description)
expound[iks'paund]vt. 解释(explain, interpret)
【例】The priest expounded his religion.
highlight['hailait]vt. 突出显示,强调(underline, underscore, stress)
【例】A beam of light was cast onto the dancer, highlighting her vivid imitating action of a peacock.
illuminate[i'lju:mineit]vt. 说明(clarify)
illustrate['iləstreit]vt. 说明(exemplify, explain)
【例】I illustrated my point about politics with examples from a book.
insinuate[in'sinjueit]vt. 暗示(allude, hint, imply)
【例】Are you insinuating that I am responsible for the accident?
narrate[nə'reit]v. 叙述(describe, recount)
【例】The story is narrated by its hero.
proclaim[prə'kleim]vt. 宣布,声明(announce, declare)
【例】The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.
reiterate[ri:'itəreit]vt. 重述(restate)
【例】The spokeman reiterated the policy of the government.
render['rendə]vt. 表达(deliver, perform, express)
【例】She rendered the song beautifully.
specify['spesifai]vt. 详述
【例】The student specified several reasons for his being late.
berate[bi'reit]vt. 痛骂(scold, reproach)
【例】Don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either.
blame[bleim]vt. /n. 谴责
【例】Who took the blame for the failure of the project?
castigate['kæstigeit]vt. 谴责(condemn, denounce)
【例】It is not good to castigate children too harshly.
censure['senʃə]n. / vt. 责难(disapproval)
【例】Bill received a censure from his boss for the failure of the project.
chide[tʃaid]vt. 斥责(blame, rebuke)
【例】My mother chided me for eating junk food.
condemn[kən'dem]vt. 谴责
【例】The newspaper editorial condemned the court's decision.
critical['kritikəl]adj. 评论的;批评的
【例】The movie review was critical of the director's casting choices.
culpable['kʌlpəbl]adj. 该受谴责的(guilty, blameworthy)
decry[di'krai]vt. 非难,谴责(condemn, denounce)
【例】As a staunch materialist, he decries economy.
denounce[di'nauns]vt. 谴责,声讨(censure, condemn)
【例】Jane loudly denounces anyone who litters.
deprecate['deprikeit]vt. 抗议,抨击(fustigate, attack)
【例】Lovers of peace deprecate war.
rap[ræp]vt. 责难
rebuke[ri'bju:k]vt. /n. 斥责(censure, reprove)
【例】My efforts were met with rebukes and insults!
reproach[ri'prəutʃ]v. 责备
【例】Do not reproach yourself ; it was not your fault.
repudiate[ri'pju:dieit]vt. 批判(renounce)
【例】The scientist repudiated the results of the shoddy experiment.
upbraid[ʌp'breid]vt. 责备,谴责(criticize, reproach)
reprimand['reprima:nd]vt. 申斥,谴责(reproach, admonish)
revile[ri'vail]v. 辱骂;漫骂
reprove[ri'pru:v]vt. 责骂,申斥,谴责(rebuke, reprimand)
【例】The principal reproved the students for always staying away from school.
accredit[ə'kredit]v. 委任,任命
【例】The president will accredit you as his assistant.
assign[ə'sain]vt. 分配,指派(allot, distribute)
【例】The manager assigned Bill to the project.
bidding['bidiŋ]n. 命令,要求
【例】The servant grumbled but did his employer's bidding .
designate['dezigneit]vt. 指定,指派(assign, nominate, specify)
【例】The team designated Sally as captain.
dispatch[dis'pætʃ]vt. 分配(allocate, allot)
expedite['ekspidait]vt. 派出
【例】The person I talked to on the phone promised to expedite the shipment of the book I ordered.
imperative[im'perətiv]adj. 命令的
instruct[in'strʌkt]vt. 命令(direct, inculcate)
nominate['nɔmineit]vt. 任命(appoint, name)
【例】I nominate Mary for the office of treasurer.
prescription[pri'skripʃən]n. 指示(instruction, direction)
【例】The general demand that his men act strictly to his prescription .
command[kə'ma:nd]vt. 命令;指挥
【例】The general commands his soliders to attack the enemy troop from the left and rear.
mandatory['mændətəri]adj. 命令的,强迫的(compulsory, obligatory)
decree[di'kri:]n. 法令;政令;判决(order)v. 发布命令,下令(dictate)
【例】The Ministry of Commerce promulgated a decree to curb over investment.
appoint[ə'pɔint]vt. 任命,委派(designate, assign)
【例】Bill was appointed Governor of Massachusetts.
boastful['bəustful]adj. 自夸的(bragging, conceited)
【例】When telling of her success, Mary tried not to be boastful .
boast[bəust]vi. 自夸vt. 吹嘘(brag, self-praise)
【例】He boasted about the big fish he had caught.
bombastic[bɔm'bæstik]adj. 夸大的(boastful)
brag[bræg]vt. 夸张(boast, talk big)
【例】Sue bragged that she could eat an entire pie in two minutes.
exaggerate[ig'zædʒəreit]v. 夸大,夸张(overstate, overemphasize)
【例】Bill exaggerates every story he tells his friends.
pretentious[pri'tenʃəs]adj. 装腔作势的(showy, ostentatious)
overstate[ˌəuvə'steit]vt. 把…说得过分,夸大(exaggerate)
magniloquent[mæg'niləkwənt]adj. 夸大的,言过其实的
communicate[kə'mju:nikeit]vt. 传达 vi. 通信;交流
【例】Mary communicated the news as tactfully as she could.
consort['kɔnsɔ:t]vt. 结交(associate, connect)
【例】Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people.
correspondence[ˌkɔris'pɔndəns]n. 通信
【例】Jane saved all of her grandmother's correspondence .
disseminate[di'semineit]vt. 散布,传播(disperse, distribute, spread, impart)
【例】The public relations department disseminates information.
impart[im'pa:t]vt. 给予;传递(disseminate);告诉(inform)
【例】A teacher's job is mainly imparting knowledge to students.
liaison[li(:)'eiza:n]n. 联络(contact, connection)
propagate['prɔpəgeit]vt. 宣传
【例】Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
reciprocal[ri'siprəkəl]adj. 相互的(mutual);交往的(exchanged)
【例】The treaty should be signed on the basis of reciprocal benefits.
remit[ri'mit]vt. 汇寄
【例】Please kindly remit us the rest of the money withour delay.
advice[əd'vais]n. 建议,忠告(suggestion)
【例】In times of trouble, people ask friends for advice .
advise[əd'vaiz]vt. 告知;劝告(suggest)
【例】The weather report advised carrying an umbrella today.
counsel['kaunsəl]n. 商议;忠告 v. 劝告(advise)
【例】Mary counseled her daughter about good study habits.
mention['menʃən]vt. 主张;提及
【例】I hope you didn't mention my name to her.
offer['ɔfə]n. 提议(proposal)vt. 提出,提议(suggest, propose)
proposal[prə'pəuzəl]n. 提案;建议(advice)
propose[prə'pəuz]v. 提出,提议(advance, suggest)
【例】Man proposes ; God disposes.
recommend[rekə'mend]vt. 劝告;推荐(suggest)
【例】She recommended the book to her students.
submit[səb'mit]vt. 提交(propose)
【例】Christians submit themselves to God's will.
advocate['ædvəkit]vt. 拥护;提倡;主张
【例】The governor advocates building more schools.
acclaim[ə'kleim]v. 喝彩,欢呼(applaud);称赞(approve, praise)
【例】The ballerina was acclaimed for her wonderful performances.
clamour['klæmə]n. 叫嚣(uproar, hubbub)
【例】The clamour from the backyard drew us out of the house.
exclaim[iks'kleim]v. 呼喊(shout);惊叫(ejaculate)
exhale[eks'heil]vt. 呼出(breathe out, respire);发出;散发
【例】Bill inhaled the cigarette smoke and then exhaled deeply.
howl[haul]vt. 咆哮(wail, bawl)
【例】The wolf howled in the moonless night.
bellow['beləu]vi. 怒吼,咆哮(roar, yell, shout)
bawl[bɔ:l]v. 大喊,大叫(howl, shout)
holler['hɔlə]v. 呼叫,叫喊(yell)
cynical['sinikəl]adj. 讥讽的,冷嘲热讽的(contemptuous, sarcastic)
【例】His cynical remarks simply show how uninformed he is.
deride[di'raid]vt. 嘲笑,愚弄(ridicule, mock, gibe)
【例】The politician derided his opponents at every opportunity.
flout[flaut]vt. 嘲弄(scoff, despise)
【例】He flouted his mother's advice.
gibe[dʒaib]vt. /n. 讥笑(deride, ridicule, mock, make fun of)
【例】Don't make gibes about her behavior.
jeer[dʒiə]vi. 揶揄,嘲笑(deride, gibe)
【例】Don't jeer at the person who came last in the race — it's very unkind.
mock[mɔk]n. 嘲弄 vt. 嘲弄,挖苦(mimic, ridicule)
sarcasm['sa:kæzəm]n. 讽刺,挖苦(irony, scorn)
sarcastic[sa:'kæstik]adj. 讽刺的,挖苦的
【例】I was being sarcastic when I said this movie was thrilling.
sardonic[sa:'dɔnik]adj. 讽刺的,嘲笑的(sarcastic, derisive)
【例】Bill's sardonic sense of humor is often misunderstood.
satirical[sə'tirik(ə)l]adj. 讽刺的(acid, sardonic)
sneer[sniə]vt. 嘲笑(scoff, scorn)
【例】James sneered at my old bicycle. He has a new one.
taunt[tɔ:nt]n. / vt. 嘲笑(tease, insult)
【例】They taunted Tom into losing his temper.
lampoon[læm'pu:n]vt. 攻击;讥讽n. 讥讽文章(caricature)
ironical[aiə'rɔnikəl]adj. 讽刺的(sarcastic)
derisive[di'raisiv]adj. 嘲笑的
ridicule['ridikju:l]n. / v. 嘲笑,愚弄(taunt, jeer)
【例】My father discouraged me by ridiculing my performances.
tease[ti:z]vt. 取笑,嘲弄(make fun of)
【例】If you always tease others like that, you'll forfeit the good opinion of your friends.
scoff[skɔf]n. / v. 嘲笑,嘲弄(deride, jeer);藐视
asperse[əs'pə:s]vt. 诽谤(slander)
【例】I strongly resent the conduct of aspersing other’s reputation.
aspersion[əs'pə:ʃən]n. 诽谤
【例】I resent your casting aspersions on my brother and his ability.
defame[di'feim]vt. 诽谤,损毁名誉(slander, malign)
【例】The politician defamed his opponent in his speech.
disparage[dis'pæridʒ]vt. 轻视(depreciate);毁谤(denigrate)
【例】Before you disparage this idea, give us a better one.
humiliate[hju(:)'milieit]vt. 使屈辱,贬抑(shame, humble, insult)
【例】Dave's cruel jokes humiliated me.
indignity[in'digniti]n. 侮辱
injurious[in'dʒuəriəs]adj. 侮辱的,诽谤的;有害的(harmful, deleterious)
insult['insʌlt]vt. /n. 侮辱,凌辱
【例】He insulted her by calling her a stupid fool.
malign[mə'lain]vt. 诋毁,诽谤(defame, slander)
【例】Haven’t I taken your part when you were maligned ?
slander['sla:ndə]vt. 造谣,诽谤(defame, malign)
【例】To utter or spread slander is against the law.
calumniate[kə'lʌmnieit]vt. 中伤,诽谤(malign)
libel['laibəl]n. / v. 诽谤,中伤(slander, insult)
infamatory[in'fæmətəri]adj. 诽谤的,中伤的